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Need Sugar Free Cookie Recipe

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I think sugar (not refined just any form of sugar that is vegan) is the culprit to my daughters agressivness. To prove this i want to find some sugar free recipes and first thing I want a sugar free chocolate chip cookies. I have found grain sweetened chocolate chips I just need to know what to use in place of the sugar. Thanks in advance!

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In a message dated 8/8/2002 12:37:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time, pyrite writes:



I'm not being argumentative, but why is white sugar NOT vegan?




It is processed through animal bone char

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In a message dated 8/8/2002 1:12:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time, sseric57 writes:



Have you looked into Stevia? I am probably not spelling that right. It is some sort of South American root, I believe. I've not used it myself.



We really have started to consider Stevia. Because I cannot stand the taste of maple syrup or molasses in cookies. So I think we may buy some Stevia soon. Thanks. =)


Oh and white sugar is not vegan because it is processed through animla bone char

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In a message dated Thu, 8 Aug 2002 6:20:09 AM Eastern Standard Time,

ldragonfly writes:


> Not to burst your bubble, but this idea that sugar and

> aggressiveness go

> hand in hand has been refuted.


Then how come my child is calm and sweet and then she eats sugar she starts

hitting and smacking and punching people?


I read up on it a lot last night and it CAN cause agressiveness in people. I

knew a child who was a mean child when he consumed sugar and was a good, sweet

and calm child when not on sugar.

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In a message dated Thu, 8 Aug 2002 6:20:09 AM Eastern Standard Time,

ldragonfly writes:


> White refined sugar is a bad thing for anyone. Ever eat a

> Snicker's bar on

> an empty stomach?


I thought I plainly stated I was not referring to plain white sugar?? Besides,

white sugar is NOT vegan.

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I'm not being argumentative, but why is white sugar NOT vegan?


Also, sugar can certainly be the problem with a child's behavior. But my

husband, who does this for a living (and I'm not advertising here) had a

similar child client who reacted to the fluoride mouthwash he was given on a

Monday. He was wild by the time he got home Monday, then got better and

better until the weekend. The conclusion was he didn't like school.


My husband used Contact Reflex Analysis (kinesiology, basically) and found

it was the mouthwash. The mouthwash was stopped. The child went back to



Sugar is just one possibility. If it's absence doesn't change the behavior,

there are other culprits in your environment to look at.



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This is probably too obvious, but at least it lets you know someone is here. SMILE


Have you looked into Stevia? I am probably not spelling that right. It is some sort of South American root, I believe. I've not used it myself.






Thursday, August 08, 2002 12:24 PM

Re: Need Sugar Free Cookie Recipe

In a message dated Thu, 8 Aug 2002 6:20:09 AM Eastern Standard Time, ldragonfly writes:> White refined sugar is a bad thing for anyone. Ever eat a > Snicker's bar on> an empty stomach?I thought I plainly stated I was not referring to plain white sugar?? Besides, white sugar is NOT vegan.

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Oh, thought of this after sending the previous. Why isn't white sugar vegan? Not challenging that it is or is not, just curious.








Thursday, August 08, 2002 12:24 PM

Re: Need Sugar Free Cookie Recipe

In a message dated Thu, 8 Aug 2002 6:20:09 AM Eastern Standard Time, ldragonfly writes:> White refined sugar is a bad thing for anyone. Ever eat a > Snicker's bar on> an empty stomach?I thought I plainly stated I was not referring to plain white sugar?? Besides, white sugar is NOT vegan.

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In a message dated 8/8/2002 4:23:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time, ldragonfly writes:



Succinat!!! I love that stuff.



succanat is still sugar it's just suppose to be the less processed version of sugar I think. I think we're going to try stevia.

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L Dragonfly wrote:


Not to burst your bubble, but this idea that sugar and aggressiveness gohand in hand has been refuted.


Hm. I have almost never responded to anything here (the queen of lurkers, I am), but having had intimate experience with mental illness in close friends and family, I wonder if your data is indeed accurate. After very much research buttressed by personal experience, I am certain that in fact sugar (whether organic honey, naturally found in fruits, or processed white) very much affects behaviour. It is a drug to us.

Proof One: Diabetes. Enough said.

Proof Two: Allergies. My sister is desperately allergic to most fruits (organic or no), and goes into severe shock, which affects her cognition, hence, her behaviour, whenever she accidentally digests something that contains the offending ingredients. She is certainly not the only person who has severe allergic reactions.

Proof Three: chemical reactions to overdose amounts of sugars in one's brain can and will trigger brain responses that cash out as behaviour. There is no reason to doubt that in some cases the behaviour will assuredly manifest itself as aggression. In fact, this is a classic manifestation in (to name extreme cases) manic-depressive illnesses or (to be less extreme) other compulsive-obsessive disorders. The preferred way to handle such illnesses is (I would think a vegan list would already presume this) dietary modification. The most common modifications are the removal of white flours, processed sugars, and alcohol; however, in some cases, natural sugars are also often severely reduced because of the complicating allergic reactions (see proof two).

I am emphatically not saying that therefore we must conclude that 'sugar and agressiveness go hand in hand'; rather, I am saying that it is not an either-or scenario. That is, sugar can cause behavioural responses, which include hyperactivity and aggressiveness, and that like any overdose in one's system can severly hinder healthy functioning. Food can be a drug; it seems easily to follow that logically sugar can be as well (and did we ever doubt this?).

Conclusion: sugar, whether refined or not, can and does cause behaviour modification. If we don't have enough in our systems, we will act accordingly; if we have too much, we will likewise act accordingly. There is no reason why the resultant behaviour would not at some times, in some individuals, manifest itself as aggression.



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Thanks for informing me of the non-vegan-ness of white sugar. Thankfully, I don't use it, but there's no telling that I wouldn't use it by mistake.


Thanks again,



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Its different from country to country or brand to brand.. in sweden the

white sugar are vegan..



> On Thu, 8 Aug 2002 13:09:27 -0400

> " Eric " <sseric57 wrote:


> Oh, thought of this after sending the previous. Why isn't white sugar vegan?

Not challenging that it is or is not, just curious.


> Thanks!



> -

> GeekGoddessMama


> Thursday, August 08, 2002 12:24 PM

> Re: Need Sugar Free Cookie Recipe



> In a message dated Thu, 8 Aug 2002 6:20:09 AM Eastern Standard Time,

ldragonfly writes:


> > White refined sugar is a bad thing for anyone. Ever eat a

> > Snicker's bar on

> > an empty stomach?


> I thought I plainly stated I was not referring to plain white sugar??

Besides, white sugar is NOT vegan.



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Succinat!!! I love that stuff.


I have learned to back all vegan. I use whole wheat flours, silken tofu for

the eggs, succinat for the sugar and well, I get the best banana, pumpkin,

vegan chocolate chip, cranberry, blueberry, lemon poppy breads in town.


The Lady Dragonfly


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What would be the equivalency of silken tofu to eggs for baking?







L Dragonfly

Thursday, August 08, 2002 4:27 PM

Re: Need Sugar Free Cookie Recipe

Succinat!!! I love that stuff.I have learned to back all vegan. I use whole wheat flours, silken tofu forthe eggs, succinat for the sugar and well, I get the best banana, pumpkin,vegan chocolate chip, cranberry, blueberry, lemon poppy breads in town.The Lady Dragonflywww.theladydragonfly.com

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Rose -I use Turbinado sugar as a substitute for processed white sugar ;it is vegan as it is NEVER filtered through animal char. you can also use beet sugar or Sucanat




Free Cookie Recipe


Thanks for informing me of the non-vegan-ness of white sugar. Thankfully, I don't use it, but there's no telling that I wouldn't use it by mistake.


Thanks again,



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Mmmm I use a 12 oz box for four eggs, but I know it is a bit of over kill.

A heaping 1/4 cup is enough. I think the bigger amount I use makes for

moist and light baking, even in the face of whole wheat. I also use a hair

more baking powder, the aluminum free kind, to make it come up better.


The Lady Dragonfly


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lol me too :) though I'm still learning - I've been vegan less than a year - I make a mean tofu brownie VBG




: Succinat!!! I love that stuff.I have learned to back all vegan. I use whole wheat flours, silken tofu forthe eggs, succinat for the sugar and well, I get the best banana, pumpkin,vegan chocolate chip, cranberry, blueberry, lemon poppy breads in town.The Lady Dragonflywww.theladydragonfly.com

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In a message dated 8/9/2002 5:06:12 AM Eastern Daylight Time, ldragonfly writes:



I just don't like to see people focus on diet to solve problems when there

can be, I said CAN BE other issues that are being ignored.



Yes but a 3 year old hasn't been around lomg for there to bee a lot of emotional stuff to effect her...yet. She has a happy home life and is very loved. We have a gentle home yet she is VIOLENT. She's alsways with me even when we socialize so I don't fear anyone has hurt her in anyway and she is very open about things. I have monitored her when sugar is in her and when it's not so it's for me to say diet or not but you'd be surprised at what a lot of foods CAN do to peoples behaviors. It's been linked to mental "illnesses" as well. And I am saying this as a person who has bi polar.

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Use the 15-minute rule...


Allergic reactions usually occur within 15 minutes of exposure. Exposure is from eating, drinking, inhaling, touching.


So, when a behavior manifests or any symptom manifests or worsens, backtrack over the last 15 minutes and ask what the child ate, drank, inhaled, or touched.


If you have any questions as to what the possible candidates could be, list the items the child was exposed to and write my husband, Fred, at pyrite and he could walk you through what the possible culprits could be. Ruling out an allergic reaction is usually the best bet.


Hope that helps.



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My children have always been with me at all times so I find it would be hard for her to be sexually abuse without me knowing unless someone was doing it in front of my face. Even when we go to relatives homes my kids are always with me. I know the signs of sexual abuse and physical abuse so I'm not some nieve Mom who thinks it's "just diet". This is the main reason I thought diet was the cause because my kids have me around them 24/7 and I am a GOOD mom. I get breaks occasionally but they are always in my Mother's care (and I trust my Mom, hell, she raised me just fine and she lives with me). I think I would know if it was something more serious than diet. I get bad vibes when something just isn't right with my kids. Like with sicknesses or anything else. I can sense it. I am very in tune with my kids.


I do happen to think a lot of it is her father. My kids real bio dad was in and out of their life but no longer isn't around and so I think most of it was anger/confusion. The main reasin I was pin pointing the sugar is because I grew up with a child who did the SAME things my kid does when sugar is consumed. The sugar was a TEST to see if that was the problem. Once I found out it wasn't I was going to look at other things. Because sugar has been consumed a lot lately (but not recently as of this week).


And when you say kids are agressive because they are testing limits that is so true but hon, you have NOT seen what my child is capeable of at the age of 3... it isn't just your typical hitting, pinching, pushing and slapping of your average 2/3 year old (I've baby sat kids of this age a lot and know what "typical" behavior of this age is). If it was, I surely wouldnt have blamed sugar. But I guess that is for me to figure out.


I just sense a defnse in you when someone wants to blame something on a food substance that you seem to like a lot. But the sad truth is...sugar is bad and can mess up peoples attitudes.

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In a message dated 8/9/2002 5:14:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, ldragonfly writes:



You just never know. Behavior in a child is indicative of something, and

yes, diet can be that something. I guess I was trying to say be careful you

are not barking up the wrong tree for an answer. I also have had six 3

y/o's of my very own. They can be aggressive because they are children. I

have found that children are constantly testing limits. It is up to an

adult to set those limits for behavior.


Call me radical, call me arrogant, call me anything you want. Despite the

fact of what my kids have been through, they are remarkably well. Must the

fact that they have a constant, consistent parent who is always there for




I just hate the way you are going at this like you seem to know what kind of parent I am and assuming I am not doing my job because my child is agressive. How do you know if I am there for my child at all times or not? How do you know if I am "radical" or not? I am the most "radical" Mom I know in my city. How do you know if I set limits or not? How do you know how bad my childs agression is? I didn't say what level of agression she has. It's not just "hitting" or "slapping" or "pinching" my child is violent and a lot of times AFTER consuming SUGAR.


You just do NOT know me or my kids or the situation at all. =)

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  • 5 weeks later...

When it comes to sugar effecting people, I am not the one to ask. I have

" real " sugar a couple of times a month, if that. I bake my bread free of

sugars and make a lot dessert breads for my kids to snack on because we

don't buy cookies ever and we don't bake them that often. (I am a wonderful

cook, proficient baker, but cookies...forget it!) The kids have soda rarely

because the phosphorus has been linked to osteoporosis in young girls, 15,

16 years old.


We used to think that my oldest had sugar problems and the doctor said

forget that tactic. So did my homeopath! It turns out, he is just fine.

His problem was that he was abused by his dad and was not dealing with it

well. He would not open up in therapy either. He lived with his dad for

two years, recently and is now 18 (I had no choice in this arrangement). He

was very abused and neglected and attempted suicide three times. He is back

home with me and doing extremely well. My take on this: He needed to grow

up and be bigger than his dad and to be in charge of his life. He is never

anything, but even tempered.


I just don't like to see people focus on diet to solve problems when there

can be, I said CAN BE other issues that are being ignored. It is too much

and entirely too personal to go into here, but let us say that I have had

extensive personal experience with behavior and children, their diets, their

lives and interpersonal problems. I am not an expert, I don't pretend to

be, I have just been through the wringer.


The Lady Dragonfly


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I had an aggressive 3 y/o at one point. She would not behave, not stay dry,

not use the bathroom, throw her food, bite others, hit her siblings. She

was a mess.


Turns out, she was being sexually abused.


You just never know. Behavior in a child is indicative of something, and

yes, diet can be that something. I guess I was trying to say be careful you

are not barking up the wrong tree for an answer. I also have had six 3

y/o's of my very own. They can be aggressive because they are children. I

have found that children are constantly testing limits. It is up to an

adult to set those limits for behavior.


Call me radical, call me arrogant, call me anything you want. Despite the

fact of what my kids have been through, they are remarkably well. Must the

fact that they have a constant, consistent parent who is always there for



The Lady Dragonfly


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No, I don't.


I can tell, you are probably just like me. Very caring, very concerned,

very involved. You are always watching and watching out for her. Of course

you are!


So did I and that I didn't see what my ex husband was doing to his own

child, right under my nose....I will never forgive myself.


I am sorry she is violent. I have a neighbor who has a little boy who is

like this and his diet is awfully poor. Still, I suggested she take him to

see our therapist who only works with kids. It did seem to help him out.


I just don't want you to miss the forest for the trees. Perhaps it is sugar

and perhaps the sugar puts her in touch with her anger. Lack of sleep puts

my kids in touch with their anger, so does low blood sugar, or being too



I know, I am not doing a very good job of explaining this and I sure as hell

am not going about it in a gentle way, perhaps I lack tact or there isn't a

good way. I just have a bent that violence comes from anger. Forgive me, I

know what it is to be an abused child and an abused wife and to watch my

children be abused. I know the dimensions of anger so very well, in fact, I

know more about anger than anything else in life. I was only trying to say,

perhaps she has a reason to feel angry and she is too young to express it

and it could be over absolutely anything, even terribly innocent and

probably meaningless to an adult. Maybe feeling " high " makes her lose her

ability to control how she expresses her feelings. She would not be the

first person, old or young, to be this way. I know all about that too,



Forgive me for not being as sensitive as I could have been, should have

been. I was not accusing you of anything and I am sorry you felt that I



The Lady Dragonfly


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