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Vegan Question....

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In a message dated 12/15/2002 7:16:14 AM Pacific Standard Time,

vaberella writes:



> I was wondering if anyone would know the answer to my question.


> Can you have a healthy vegan diet without the major

> starch/carbohydrates? Like pasta, rice, potatoes and the such? I'm

> noticing that these carbohydrates make me extremely tired and

> lethargic, even though I'm following a healthy diet.





I'm not sure if there is a clear cut answer to your question. I think the

best thing you can do is to try different ways of eating, and see how it

affects you. I myself have been experimenting lately with cutting down on the

amount of grains and other starches that I eat, because I, too, have noticed

a decrease in my energy when I over-consume these types of foods. Besides

that, I have digestive problems when I eat too many grains, even if they are

GF. I have been keeping my grains and starches, such as potatoes, down to

about 2 servings a day. I have noticed a marked increase in energy, and

reduction of digestive woes. The downside is that I have lost some weight,

and it's a downside for me because I don't have the extra weight to spare!

So I am still experimenting and adjusting, trying to find the right balance

for my own body. I have also become interested in raw foods, and have been

eating quite a bit of raw fruits and vegetables. I feel great eating this

way, but like I said, have lost a bit too much weight. So the only thing I

can say is to repeat what I said at the beginning of my post: we all have to

find a way of eating that works for us, and that involves some

experimentation, and some research into " alternate " eating lifestyles. From

the research I have done, it seems that we can be very happy and healthy on a

diet of fresh veggies and fruit, and little to no grains and starch. But

this would really depend on the person, because everyone's body operates a

bit differently, and we all have our own particular needs.


Best of luck to you in your search, and please let us know what you find

works for you.








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Hey Guys,


I was wondering if anyone would know the answer to my question.


Can you have a healthy vegan diet without the major

starch/carbohydrates? Like pasta, rice, potatoes and the such? I'm

noticing that these carbohydrates make me extremely tired and

lethargic, even though I'm following a healthy diet.


Do you guys think that I might be seriously risking my health if I

were to do that? But I already feel like, I'm at risk, because I

feel these make me not have enough energy. Their easy substitutes

for a former meat eater, but I really want to stay clear..


Thanks for any advice, I'll be posting at another group. I need all

the advice I can get on this.





*Sorry for people who got doubles.

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I had the same problem until I read the book, "The Good Carbohydrate Revolution" by Terry Shintani, M.D, M.P.H. High carbohydrate diet is the best diet in my opinion but one must work to eat the more complex carbohydrates. When I did this, I gained energy rather than lost it. I avoid baking potatoes choosing new potatoes or any of the more waxy types. I generally will only eat brown rice. I try to eat lots of sweet potatoes, squashes and beans. I avoid white bread and processed pastas, choosing Whole wheat breads, especially whole wheat pita, and whole wheat pastas. Of course two or three servings of fresh fruit and lots of veggies and even more of the leafy green vegetables.


Avoiding carbohydrates, from what I remember in his books has lots of serious problems, especially brainwise.


It's a good book and he is very thorough, knowledgable and has lots of lists and comparisons to help plan a diet that will not only naturally help you lose weight, even tho you can eat as much of the recommended carbohydrates you want basically, but has the added benefit of increasing energy. At least it has done this for me, and I did suffer, and still do when I eat processed carbohydrates, that you speak of.


Basically, eating processed carbohydrates, and even white rice, the carbohydrates convert to sugar too rapidly and that is what causes the lethargy and accompanying problems. Again, I am stating this from memory. The complex carbo's take longer to digest, thus the body gets a healthy influx of energy through the conversion of the carbo's.


Another book that has also helped my energy and fatigue problems is, "The Three Season Diet" by John Douillard. Basically, besides typing a persons make up according to Ayurveda methods to determine which foods will keep you healthy mentally, emotionally and spiritually, it encourages one to eat their main meal at lunch time, or between 10 am and 3 pm I believe, when the bodys digestive processes are at their peak and which until the American workday came along, was the naturally time for humans to eat their primary meal. It does take getting use to, and negotiating for those who are on the 9-5 treadmill, but it has also made a huge difference in my energy levels.


I hope this helps and anyone feel free to correct me.






vaberella <vaberella

Sunday, December 15, 2002 9:16 AM

Vegan Question....

Hey Guys,I was wondering if anyone would know the answer to my question.Can you have a healthy vegan diet without the major starch/carbohydrates? Like pasta, rice, potatoes and the such? I'm noticing that these carbohydrates make me extremely tired and lethargic, even though I'm following a healthy diet.Do you guys think that I might be seriously risking my health if I were to do that? But I already feel like, I'm at risk, because I feel these make me not have enough energy. Their easy substitutes for a former meat eater, but I really want to stay clear..Thanks for any advice, I'll be posting at another group. I need all the advice I can get on this.Sin,V*Sorry for people who got doubles.

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Thanks alot Christine. I was actually looking for someone who tried

that format. and I know about the potential weightloss. But I

just went vegan, so I can spare some weight.


Yeah, I'll try it and let you guys here know how it goes after about

2 or 3 months.




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Oh my god, Thanks Jef.


That was so thorough. I was wondering can I post this at another

vegan group. Another girl was tellign me about how she just omitted

the carbo's and lost weight. Let me know if it's okay, or you can

do it. It's the Vegan_and_Gluten free group..... I thought it

might be unhealthy with the weight she lost, maybe this could be

beneficial. Her name is cateye something, she answered my post on

the same question.




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In a message dated 12/15/02 7:16:58 AM Pacific Standard Time, vaberella writes:



Like pasta, rice, potatoes and the such? I'm

noticing that these carbohydrates make me extremely tired


Any pasta made from white flour will often make you tired. That's my experience. I have been using spelt pasta and don't eat it very often. Also, according to the herbalist Dr. Christopher, you should always soak whole grains overnight before cooking them. They are easier to digest and your digestive system doing all that unnecessary work might be making you tired. Just some suggestions.



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At 03:15 PM 12/15/02 +0000, V wrote:


>Can you have a healthy vegan diet without the major




I truly think so. If you are getting enough nutrients then, you will do

fine. There is some concern about vitamin B-12 and I've read both sides of

it (those that think supplementation for vegans is necessary and those that

don't and I don't have a clear picture as to which is best), but I do know

people who do not eat grains and have even been one of those people for a

time. I would think that you would want to keep track of your food intake

for a time and also track the nutrients to ensure that you are getting what

you need. The USRDA is not always a good source for nutrient information,

but it might be a place to start.


>Like pasta, rice, potatoes and the such? I'm

>noticing that these carbohydrates make me extremely tired and

>lethargic, even though I'm following a healthy diet.



I find the same thing myself. I also find that refined sugar plays havoc

with me as well. However, I crave bread, even gf bread and/or potatoes.



>Do you guys think that I might be seriously risking my health if I

>were to do that? But I already feel like, I'm at risk, because I

>feel these make me not have enough energy. Their easy substitutes

>for a former meat eater, but I really want to stay clear..



Would you include beans in your diet if you were to not eat any

grains? Oh, I see that you said starches as well. Would you be willing to

eat bean sprouts? Garbanzos make a nice sprout.





momma to Sarah Rose (May 9, 1995), Emily (April 8, 1998) and Anna (March

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Sure, go ahead, I think I covered myself enough to say I was speaking from memory but because carbohydrates are brain food :-), and I eat lots of them, I have a decent memory. But one should get the books out of the library (or buy them) and read them for themselves.


One other thing, John Douillard says, when speaking about eating your large meal in the middle of the day, it is perfectly natural to lay down afterwards (siesta being a natural part of our bio rhythm) but that we really only need 10 or 15 minutes, and I have found this to be true for me. He says we should lay on our left side to aid the natural flow of digestion. I do this, I really don't always go to sleep, but simply rest and after 10 or 15 minutes I feel energetic, mentally alert and revitalized. When I do occasionally fall asleep, I always (and I shun using absolutes) naturally wake up after no more than 20 minutes. Again, of course in our American work days, this is also another aspect to planning out our day to readjust to our 'perfectly' natural eating and resting routine. But it can be done, and I found I eagerly arrange things to fit the schedule just because it makes me so much more productive and alive.


By the way, when I was researching on how to deal with my veganism and seeming intolerance of carbo's and or gluten I did find their are groups for vegan/vegetarian atkin type diets. Personally, again, I enjoy my brain power, so abstaining from carbo's in such a drastic manner wasn't an option.






vaberella <vaberella

Sunday, December 15, 2002 11:09 AM

Re: Vegan Question....

Oh my god, Thanks Jef.That was so thorough. I was wondering can I post this at another vegan group. Another girl was tellign me about how she just omitted the carbo's and lost weight. Let me know if it's okay, or you can do it. It's the Vegan_and_Gluten free group..... I thought it might be unhealthy with the weight she lost, maybe this could be beneficial. Her name is cateye something, she answered my post on the same question.Sin,v

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I agree with what has been posted on this question myself.


If you are trying to avoid to many starches/Carohydrates..because you

feel these are making you tired, I would be sure to eat plenty of

Protien.. soy, beans, nuts, avacados, flaxseed.. things with fat too.

Also if you are just coming of a meat diet I would make sure you are

supplementing with Vitamin b-12. When we first went Vegan.. we were

suffereing from lethargic feelings. When I start supplimenting B-12

that went away. I did a lot a first then slowly wheened us down.


When your eating rice make sure it is brown rice.. you can switch from

white potatoes to red, things like that also to make your starch/carbs a

better option. Also make sure you are giving your body time to digest

its food. Do not snack.. give your self 5 hours inbetween meals. YOu

may already do this.. it is hard to tell from your post excatly what you

are doing.. so if I am telling you things you are already doing.. sorry!

But really waiting to eat and not eating inbetween meals gives a lot

of energy to your body.


Drink lots and lots of water. I am not sure how long you have not been

eating meat.. but a lot of toxins are being sloffed off your body.

Drinking lots of water will help your body rid itself of these toxins

which will be making you tired and cranky..Plus your body really needs a

lot more water then we usually think it does.


Well I hope I have helped a little bit.



vaberella wrote:


> Hey Guys,


> I was wondering if anyone would know the answer to my question.


> Can you have a healthy vegan diet without the major

> starch/carbohydrates? Like pasta, rice, potatoes and the such? I'm

> noticing that these carbohydrates make me extremely tired and

> lethargic, even though I'm following a healthy diet.


> Do you guys think that I might be seriously risking my health if I

> were to do that? But I already feel like, I'm at risk, because I

> feel these make me not have enough energy. Their easy substitutes

> for a former meat eater, but I really want to stay clear..


> Thanks for any advice, I'll be posting at another group. I need all

> the advice I can get on this.


> Sin,

> V



> Check out these affiliated vegan lists ~


> http://www.Christian-Vegan-Cooking

> http://www.VintageVeganTea

> http://www.VeganMenus4HealthyLiving



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Dear V


I do believe you can, but you have to watch carefully that you are getting some

of the special nutrients. There are alternatives to gluten for protein.


Are you able to take legumes (beans) and pulses(grass type seeds like lentils)?

If you are, these can be used to replace grains for flour and so forth, as can

the nut flours.




What does Yhwh Elohim require of you?

To act justly

and to love mercy

and To walk humbly with your God.


hahcim (Micah) 6:8




vaberella <vaberella

Sunday, December 15, 2002 7:15 AM

Vegan Question....



Hey Guys,


I was wondering if anyone would know the answer to my question.


Can you have a healthy vegan diet without the major

starch/carbohydrates? Like pasta, rice, potatoes and the such? I'm

noticing that these carbohydrates make me extremely tired and

lethargic, even though I'm following a healthy diet.


Do you guys think that I might be seriously risking my health if I

were to do that? But I already feel like, I'm at risk, because I

feel these make me not have enough energy. Their easy substitutes

for a former meat eater, but I really want to stay clear..


Thanks for any advice, I'll be posting at another group. I need all

the advice I can get on this.






Check out these affiliated vegan lists ~






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i don't see how that could be bad for you...lots of

people do well on raw diets...so i don't see why

cutting carbs would be a big problem... i'd love to as

well.... i'm a huge carb addict...and they make me fat






--- " vaberella <vaberella "

<vaberella wrote:

> Hey Guys,


> I was wondering if anyone would know the answer to

> my question.


> Can you have a healthy vegan diet without the major

> starch/carbohydrates? Like pasta, rice, potatoes

> and the such? I'm

> noticing that these carbohydrates make me extremely

> tired and

> lethargic, even though I'm following a healthy diet.


> Do you guys think that I might be seriously risking

> my health if I

> were to do that? But I already feel like, I'm at

> risk, because I

> feel these make me not have enough energy. Their

> easy substitutes

> for a former meat eater, but I really want to stay

> clear..


> Thanks for any advice, I'll be posting at another

> group. I need all

> the advice I can get on this.


> Sin,

> V


> *Sorry for any triple posts...








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>Hey Guys,

>I was wondering if anyone would know the answer to my


>Can you have a healthy vegan diet without the major

>starch/carbohydrates? Like pasta, rice, potatoes and the

such? I'm

>noticing that these carbohydrates make me extremely tired


>lethargic, even though I'm following a healthy diet.

Sure. Lots of people eat 100% raw vegan diets, which is

basically fruit and salad vegetables with nuts and seeds on the

side. They don't eat any rice, potatoes or grains unless they

are sprouted.

Do you know if you are gluten-intolerant? It sounds to me

like you are, based on what you are saying about the lethargy.

That's a classic symptom of gluten-intolerance.


>Do you guys think that I might be seriously risking my

health if I

>were to do that? But I already feel like, I'm at risk,

because I

>feel these make me not have enough energy. Their easy


>for a former meat eater, but I really want to stay clear..

I ate 100% raw, just fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds for 2

1/2 years. I felt very healthy, had tons of energy. There's

websites for people wanting to eat this way. It is, after all,

the way all other animal species on the planet eat. Humans are

the only animal on the face of the earth that heat-treats all

it's food first.

When I wanted to start having cooked food again, I found that

I can enjoy gluten-free grains fine, though I did have MORE

energy when I ate 100% raw.


>Thanks for any advice, I'll be posting at another group. I

need all

>the advice I can get on this. Sin, V


Good luck!






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there are billions of kinds of fruits and veggies out there

nuthin sez you have to eat grains er a grain heavy diet..in fact, a lot of folks

are allergic and intollerant of grains and gluten....

try a stir fry with snap peas and brocolli and asst greens

have a portabello mushroom with broth

heck..go raw....





" vaberella <vaberella " <vaberella wrote:


>Hey Guys,


>I was wondering if anyone would know the answer to my question.


>Can you have a healthy vegan diet without the major

>starch/carbohydrates?  Like pasta, rice, potatoes and the such?  I'm

>noticing that these carbohydrates make me extremely tired and

>lethargic, even though I'm following a healthy diet.


>Do you guys think that I might be seriously risking my health if I

>were to do that?  But I already feel like, I'm at risk, because I

>feel these make me not have enough energy.  Their easy substitutes

>for a former meat eater, but I really want to stay clear..


>Thanks for any advice, I'll be posting at another group.  I need all

>the advice I can get on this.





>*Sorry for any triple posts...



>To send an email to -



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Thanks Susie. Yeah I actually hate beans, unless their green

peas. I'm not a fan of them. But I do like been sprouts. The

vegetable selection here in london is rather poor in my estimation.


Does anyone know the carbohydrate level of Plantain!!



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I never thought of beens as flour, do iyou have a recipe for that?


But normally I hate them. i can't stand legumes, as i'd

mentioned. But pretty much any other vegetable's are on my list.




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>Thanks Susie. Yeah I actually hate beans, unless their


>peas. I'm not a fan of them. But I do like been sprouts.


>vegetable selection here in london is rather poor in my


>Does anyone know the carbohydrate level of Plantain!!



Hi V;

In plantain, there are 26 gm of carbohydrate in 100 calories.





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