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Eric asked about Craving Sugar

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Hey Eric thanks for asking about sugar craving. This

has been my experience for the past couple of years on

the whole sugar thing. Maybe you can relate to this.

My issue was I craved sugar and sometimes almost

uncontrollably. I think a lot of it had to do with

emotional issues, a little chocolate ice cream at

night makes the loneliness go away. And I fully own

that I have some self dicipline areas on the emotional

level that need to be confronted, embraced, loved and

released. Yoga is helping a lot.


But on the physical level, I always felt like I was

feeding something else, physically feeding something

else. If you have ever done serious gardening, have

pets, or have had a few sexual partners. Chances are

you may have parasites of one form or the other. There

are parasitic microbes all the way up to tapeworm. I

think there was a study done that like 90% percent of

the world has a parasite of some kind or another. My

big clue was sugar cravings, bloating, flatulence and

bowel movement that was always loose and 4 times a

day. After trying several herbal products I just went

to the doctor and got pills (meta?? Something). My

bowel movement is back to normal and the flatulence is

almost gone, compared to before. I still fart after

French fries (I only have them once a week).


The craving I get now for Ice Cream is more emotional

than anything else. I can deal with that. Also I

firmly believe that sugar is addictive. Potato chips

turn straight to sugar in the saliva, and try just

eating one. God forbid anyone that takes the bag away

from me, they may loose a hand. Might as well be

snorting coke. The other thing is I switched from

coffee to green tea or Mate in the mornings. I always

put sugar in my coffee to start the day, then through

out the day I would crave bake goods (white floor),

cookies or ice cream. If I didn’t start the day with

sugary coffee my cravings were almost none later in

the day.


The enzyme I like to use are called probiotic 8 and

you can get it at any health food store. You probably

need to take enzymes if you are getting colonics, have

flatulence, and or skin disruptions (acne). Also many

times I would crave a sugary something and or a coffee

to get energy, even though I was getting plenty of

vitamins, minerals, and protein. That’s when I

discovered flax seed oil. If it wasn’t for finding out

about Flax seed oil I would either now be a carnivore

or dead. Within hours of taking the Flax Seed oil I

felt better. All of a sudden the vitamins could get to

where they needed to go. Wheeee!


Here is my winter frozen protein drink recipe. The

cinnamon will help the pancreas regulate insulin

better and besides cinnamon is yummy.


Some chopped frozen apple cubes (I make my own, just

chop an apple and freeze for later)

Soy Milk Vanilla or unflavored unsweetened

Protein Powder non-flavored plain with natural enzymes

Sprinkle with Cinnamon

1 tbl spoon of flax seed oil per 100 pounds of body



Blend on high until yummy then drink I also take my

vitamins during this drink.




TriGuard Plus, I have friends who swear by this to

cleans microbes and other parasites from the body.

Although in the literature there is nothing written

about clearing parasites. I eventual just went to a



This site will explain cinnamon and how it helps the

fat cells properly use insulin.



PS there is a guy out in the west I believe named

Ogden or Ugdon or something like that, he puts out a

really good oil mixture for vegetarians and has great

literature on why it's important and what exactly it

does. I can’t remember how to spell his name or find

him on the net.


Thanks for asking me to write this, this is the first

morning in about 3 weeks that I have had coffee. I

think I am going to throw the sugar out and maybe the

coffee. :)





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Thank you so much for these references. I am definitely looking into them.

This is the great thing about this list.


One thing you said concerns me a little. You mentioned gassiness after

oily, fatty foods. A very common cause of that is the gall bladder. This

is a problem I've had for a long time. Problem may be an exageration. The

strangest thing is as I swallow something starchy or fatty, I feel a pain in

my lower abdomen, about the level of my belly button and above the hip.

That is lower than the liver and gall bladder, but I am assured it is the

problem. An ultrasound showed evidence of stones and I am scheduled for

further testing and probable removal. I am a little skeptical that this is

necessary because it is more a long-term annoyance than a problem, but I

keep getting told that I would much rather have this taken care of now

rather than to start passing stones. Being quite the wimp re: pain and

blood and guts stuff, I guess I'll go ahead and make a surgeon's boat

payment, rather than risking a severe flare-up.


Anyway, your particular symptom just sounded so familiar.


Your issues surrounding why you indulge in starches and sugar ring familiar

here, too. You know I'm not really craving sugar when I sit thinking, " What

would I like to have... I know I want something, but what. " Obviously, I

am wanting and not needing. I also wonder about the fact that this all

started after I quit drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes and going

stricly vegan. Maybe it is my mind saying I've given up so much, I'm

entitled to a reward. I could ask me about that, but I don't know that I

want to hear the answer. But still, this vice is probably better for me

than the alcohol and tobacco and is definitely better for animals. Hum, so

eating candy and doughnuts is how I fight battles for animals. I'm so good!


Again, thank you for the ideas and guidance toward more information.



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Eric, I didn't see your original post where you asked about cravings but I

have always craved chocolate like a baby craves its first breath of air. If

I had the cash I would buy something chocolate every single day, I just

couldn't get enough of it.


Since changing my diet drastically I find I don't crave it at all. Infact I

bought a bunch of my favorite chocolates the other day because they were on

sale, they've sat untouched (by me) on my desk for 4 days. Even my boyfriend

who doesn't eat much chocolate has had some and I haven't.


For me I think it is because I am now eating a LOT of fresh fruit as part of

my daily diet. I have no cravings for sugar of any kind and I think it is

due to an increase in the natural sugars of the fruit. I'm a little

disappointed that I have no desire to eat chocolate as I really do love the

flavor but quite honestly when I do try to eat it I'm like " well this is

nice, I guess, but one bite is enough for today " . lol Who would have

thought! I've been a chocoholic since I was about 5 or 6, I used to buy a

5cent chocolate afterschool every day.


For women of course chocolate sometimes becomes a craving due to hormone

imbalance during their cycle and I have had a bit of that since changing my

diet but it was never out of control. Before though, I wanted chocolate

every day and when I craved it, I felt like I was in pain.


I found the first reply really interesting but wanted to throw in my own

experiences as well. I think sometimes your body craves things because it is

lacking something and sometimes you can satisfy the craving through an

alternative route, even if it isn't instant satisfication (like my chocolate

and sugar cravings going away now that I am eating better and getting more

fruit and veggies in my diet).


-Abbey =)



> " HotMail " <sseric57



>Re: Eric asked about Craving Sugar

>Wed, 4 Feb 2004 14:53:36 -0500


>Thank you so much for these references. I am definitely looking into them.

>This is the great thing about this list.


>One thing you said concerns me a little. You mentioned gassiness after

>oily, fatty foods. A very common cause of that is the gall bladder. This

>is a problem I've had for a long time. Problem may be an exageration. The

>strangest thing is as I swallow something starchy or fatty, I feel a pain


>my lower abdomen, about the level of my belly button and above the hip.

>That is lower than the liver and gall bladder, but I am assured it is the

>problem. An ultrasound showed evidence of stones and I am scheduled for

>further testing and probable removal. I am a little skeptical that this is

>necessary because it is more a long-term annoyance than a problem, but I

>keep getting told that I would much rather have this taken care of now

>rather than to start passing stones. Being quite the wimp re: pain and

>blood and guts stuff, I guess I'll go ahead and make a surgeon's boat

>payment, rather than risking a severe flare-up.


>Anyway, your particular symptom just sounded so familiar.


>Your issues surrounding why you indulge in starches and sugar ring familiar

>here, too. You know I'm not really craving sugar when I sit thinking,

> " What

>would I like to have... I know I want something, but what. " Obviously, I

>am wanting and not needing. I also wonder about the fact that this all

>started after I quit drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes and going

>stricly vegan. Maybe it is my mind saying I've given up so much, I'm

>entitled to a reward. I could ask me about that, but I don't know that I

>want to hear the answer. But still, this vice is probably better for me

>than the alcohol and tobacco and is definitely better for animals. Hum, so

>eating candy and doughnuts is how I fight battles for animals. I'm so



>Again, thank you for the ideas and guidance toward more information.









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