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Edith the unborn Christian [ot]

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i'm siding here with edith ... i guess they've never been raped... and never

had to think about how they feel towards the rapist ... who has seeded your

body ... and the associations of nasty man / nasty sperm that go round one's

head... (not that i've ever been raped... i have been out with two raped

women tho... so i empathise with this...)


the feeling of having been dirtied... the feeling of disgust... the body

naturally thinks clean... i must get this thing out of me...


to then have someone tell you that if you even try that ... then you will be

locked up for 12 years ... (because that feeling of uncleanliness is like

unGodliness... and therefore you are not fit to be in society )...


what utter crap!


it's kind of the 'my dog's been hit by a car and i can't do anything... i

can't kill him because i cannot take a life... so i shall let him die slowly

in pain ...' mentality...




> slg edith [slgedith]

> Thursday, March 28, 2002 2:46 PM


> Re: Edith the unborn Christian [ot]



> Spare me the religion shit and try to stop writing gibberish.


> Do you agree with Leslie and the anti-woman Government of

> Ireland that EVEN

> a woman who has been raped should be FORCED to term?


> Just who is the " extremist " around here, people?



> > " vegicate1 " <simonpjones

> >

> >

> > Edith the unborn Christian [ot]

> >Thu, 28 Mar 2002 14:24:36 -0000

> >

> >---The way you carry on one would think that women only get pregnant

> >through rape!or that pregnancies somehow come about by accident or

> >surprise,your agruments for denying people the right to live their

> >lives from beginning to end is so distored and futile because they

> >are based on extreme exceptions, May I ask if you were abused by a

> >man as a child which has made you so turn against human birth from a

> >women, how would you like people to be born?

> >SP,

> >



> _______________

> Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com




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---As I said before no women would be sent to prison for being raped

in Ireland,if you haven't noticed the catholic church worships mary

not Jesus,and if you listen to some older irishs women that say " holy

mary mother of God "

I hate to say this but as a women loses the egg every month anyway,

if a women ever did get raped, taking the morning after pill after

the rape must be better than allowing a persons life start, then to

end it soon after,in what some call abortion!

It seems you are taking the view an abortionist/scientist would take,

I assume then you must also agree with vivisectors/scientist,

obviously they know best in your view!






In , " slg edith " <slgedith@h...> wrote:

> Spare me the religion shit and try to stop writing gibberish.


> Do you agree with Leslie and the anti-woman Government of Ireland

that EVEN

> a woman who has been raped should be FORCED to term?


> Just who is the " extremist " around here, people?



> > " vegicate1 " <simonpjones@o...>

> >

> >

> > Edith the unborn Christian [ot]

> >Thu, 28 Mar 2002 14:24:36 -0000

> >

> >---The way you carry on one would think that women only get


> >through rape!or that pregnancies somehow come about by accident or

> >surprise,your agruments for denying people the right to live their

> >lives from beginning to end is so distored and futile because they

> >are based on extreme exceptions, May I ask if you were abused by a

> >man as a child which has made you so turn against human birth from


> >women, how would you like people to be born?

> >SP,

> >



> _______________

> Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:


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Seeing as the abortion debate is never going to go away from this

list, let me tell you about a true story where abortion DIDN'T

happen. I'd be interested to hear the opinions of pro and against

abortionists on this, because as real life is, it has so many sides

and facets to it that I don't see how any extremist can work their

way around it constitently.


A woman I know had her first child at the age of 17. She was still

living at home (with her parents and immediate family). This was in

the early 1960s. The family were very poor, the woman in question

was one of 5 brothers and sisters (3 brothers, 2 sisters). Her

parents hadn't been educated about contraception, and neither had

any of the kids.

They weren't (as far as I know) very good parents, they would go to

the pub togethor every evening and spend most of their crap wages on

beer and would sing songs with all of their work mates, and the

woman (I'll call her WomanA, like the case on TV) and her older

brothers would have to wait outside the pub and play marbles until

their parents came out.

So womanA had a boyfriend at the age of 17, and accidentally got

pregnant. With next to no education (she had left school at the age

of 14 to earn money for the family), no-one had explained to her

that sexual intercourse is what makes people pregnant. Sex was taboo

at the time, well it was among the working class in the place that

she lived, from what I gather from what she has told me. Her parents

had told her some lie that the doctor brings babies to families in

his suitcase.

She hid her pregnancy from everyone, I think right up until the last

few weeks. Her boyfriend left her when he found out, and vanished.

When her parents found out, they threatened to throw her out of the

home (they were very poor, I think it was partly for money reasons).

She was understandably depressed and confused, the social services

came round, and told her she had to give the baby away to a foster

home. This went through. She wasn't allowed to see the baby, I

think, and I think she tried to commit suicide by eating lots of

pills, which didn't work.

Anyway womanA managed to get on with her life, finding different

jobs etc. The rock n roll revolution came about with the mods and

rockers etc. I think she was 21, when she met a new boyfriend. She

was now aware of what makes babies I think, and you could call it

naïve form the perspective of hindsight, but really she'd had no

love during her upbringing and so she fell in love with this second


But this second guy was young and crazy, and again neither of them

were educated about or even knew about contraception, she got

pregnant again, and he, like the first one, didn't want the

responsibility of being a father.

So he left her, and the almighty wannabe good doers who call

themselves the social services (I am trying hard to keep my personal

opinion out of this, its difficult) proclaimed that she was too

poor, and being single not suitable to bring up a child. They gave

her second child to a foster family, and told her that she could

have her daughter back when she was deemed acceptable by them to

bring up a child.

So she worked more and more, she did night-time teacher training in

her spare time. She would often visit her daughter, who was too

young to understand anything at the time. But, so womanA tells me,

the foster woman was very protective of the girl. The foster woman

would make up all sorts of trash to try and put her daughter off her

biological mother, saying that the woman who came round to visit was

an evil witch, who wanted to steal her from home.

WomanA in the meantime had managed to find a stable relationship,

and was now using contraception, I think. She applied to the social

services to get her daughter back and they refused, saying that the

daughter had been too long in the new family. She went round to the

foster parents' house, I'm not sure what happened, except that she

didn't manage to get her child back.

She didn't know what to do, she didn't know anything about court

cases and red tape, (and was influenced by fear of the authorities?)

and I think she felt she had no choice but to carry on and forget.

More than a decade passed, and although she would send her daughter

Christmas and birthday cards + presents, she never saw her, and

carried a huge burden of guilt and sorrow with her. She didn't tell

anyone about her first child, because she was scared about what

people would think, and would tell very few people about her second


She got into another relationship, and had a third child, this time

her man stayed with her and they formed a relatively stable family.

When daughter who had been fostered was sixteen, and had asked

enough questions and found enough courage to think and find out for

herself who her real mother was, she left the foster home, and went

to live with womanA.

This might have been one of the happiest times of womanA's life. She

had spent most of her adult life deprived of fulfilling her maternal

instincts, now she had a son, and her daughter had come back to her.

But you might be able to imagine the situation: womanA had very

little experience of bringing up children (her third child was only

3), and her daughter was in the prime of her teens, had just

discovered that the woman she thought was her mother had been lying

to her all her life (and her partner, who she still has, although

faithful, is very lazy, and unauthoritarian).

Basically womanA smothered her daughter with too much love, in a

very inexperienced way, like treating her like a child, expecting

her to look smart, well I won't go into it. And her daughter, being

sixteen, wanted to go and have fun. Plus it was the mid-eighties and

the punk movement was `flourishing' (if that's the way to put it),

and scores of disillusioned youths with similar broken backgrounds

would hit the streets and be chaotic and disorderly 24 hours a day.

After just one and a half years, arguments in the home occurred, and

the daughter left home, and broke contact with womanA.

WomanA's partner and father of her child then inherited some money,

and they moved away.

Six years later womanA managed to find her daughter through the Good

Samaritans, and the daughter decided to come back into contact with

the family. (she didn't tell womanA, but it was only to see her

brother again, who she had really loved when she'd been living with

womanA's family).

Now her daughter in six years had decided who and what she really

wanted to be. She came back with pink hair, a tattoo, several ear

piercings and lots of finger rings, vegan, talking feminism and

anarchisms and rolling fags.

She got on really well with her younger half-brother, they talked a

lot, rediscovered the past, she bitched about her mother and the

system a lot, he acted as a go-between. Things are slowly sorting

themselves out. They got in contact with their older half-brother

and went for a drink with him a couple of times. He's married, and

has children, but doesn't want to meet his biological mother, his

foster family are a really decent bunch of folk, as far as families

go. His body is covered in tattoos.


Here's the bit related to abortion and whatever all you ponses think

about it:


The sister, who doesn't mind about speaking her opinion as well,

last time I spoke to her about it was totally against any laws on

abortion (ie she says if anyone wants to have an abortion they can).

She might have changed that opinion since I last spoke to her about

it. If so, so what. She also said in an intimate meeting with womanA

her biological mother, that she is glad that womanA didn't abort her

(ie she enjoys life).

The sister is a very decent person in that she is willing to accept

her own hypocrisy on abortion, and other matters of which she is

opinionated as well (eg she is anti-pollution and yet will still

travel on planes, which cause a lot of damage to the atmosphere). No-

one can avoid hypocrisy totally.


The older brother, who I haven't spoken to about abortion with,

would probably have been aborted if he were born under the same

circumstances today. But I do know that now he has kids and he

enjoys life.


The mother, womanA, has never gotten over the whole thing, and never

will. She's got an eating disorder, she's still got the guilt of the

feeling of having let her children down, she still wishes she could

change the past, and change her children into who she wants them to

be, to have had some effect on their lives (she hates their

tattoos). But she's still alive, and she is a very lonely person,

her husband, although extremely kind and caring, is a solitary

person, unsociable.


The younger brother has severe problems coping with all of this, and

although has tried to comfort his mother has to find some other way

of dealing with it, he has not got a magic wand. He's devoted a lot

of time to consoling her, and tries to be what his mother wants him

to be, but fails.

He won't seek help from social services because he really doesn't

trust them, he won't seek help by paying for a counsellor because he

doesn't think money is going to solve anything. He's also got

problems of his own.


One is his decision to become vegan. He is unusual as a vegan,

because he is vegan for ethical reasons, but knows deep inside him

that if his sister hadn't come back into his life, he wouldn't have

become one.

He knows this because he's got used to observing other people, and

notices that everything possible is done to stop people thinking

about things, and unless something out of the ordinary happens in

their life, it is very unlikely that they will set their own " vegan

snowball " rolling:

He thinks he was the victim of a snowball effect, in that his sister

set his " vegan snowball " rolling that would cause him to find out

more and more of what he didn't know about the meat and dairy

industry, ethics, religion, hypocrisy and health.


Ok, I'm him, I'm the third child, and I'm using the anynomity of the

internet to expose my problems to indulge in some self analysis, and

to try to steal some help and counselling from you, I'm guilty. I

don't care if its cheesy. I'd call it scheese.


And I really don't have a problem with you arguing about abortion.

If anything has come of it, it has been a reminder of things from my

past that have been buried that will probably cause me to again try

bringing it all up with my mother again, or maybe get her to see

someone about it. It might cause some arguments, some pain and

anguish, some more turmoil. It might have some beneficial effects.

It won't solve everything, it'll probably make it less complicated.

I don't know. Because I don't know, I'm telling you the whole thing,

serves you damn well right. (of course there is the matter of

exposing my family, but I trust you all as people who have dedicated

a lot of their lives to being compassionate; and would rather post

this than pay someone to analyse and listen to me, short of finding

it sick, I don't think it would help, frankly)


But if you are really opinionated on abortion, and were doing as

much as you could to carry out those beliefs by taking actions,

would you still be arguing over one case in Ireland to people whose

views you know you are not going to change? Or are you of the belief

that taking too much action in real life about things you believe in

is wrong?


, " vegicate1 " <simonpjones@o...> wrote:

> ---As I said before no women would be sent to prison for being


> in Ireland,if you haven't noticed the catholic church worships


> not Jesus,and if you listen to some older irishs women that

say " holy

> mary mother of God "

> I hate to say this but as a women loses the egg every month


> if a women ever did get raped, taking the morning after pill after

> the rape must be better than allowing a persons life start, then


> end it soon after,in what some call abortion!

> It seems you are taking the view an abortionist/scientist would


> I assume then you must also agree with vivisectors/scientist,

> obviously they know best in your view!

> SP,





> In , " slg edith " <slgedith@h...> wrote:

> > Spare me the religion shit and try to stop writing gibberish.

> >

> > Do you agree with Leslie and the anti-woman Government of


> that EVEN

> > a woman who has been raped should be FORCED to term?

> >

> > Just who is the " extremist " around here, people?

> >

> >

> > > " vegicate1 " <simonpjones@o...>

> > >

> > >

> > > Edith the unborn Christian [ot]

> > >Thu, 28 Mar 2002 14:24:36 -0000

> > >

> > >---The way you carry on one would think that women only get

> pregnant

> > >through rape!or that pregnancies somehow come about by accident


> > >surprise,your agruments for denying people the right to live


> > >lives from beginning to end is so distored and futile because


> > >are based on extreme exceptions, May I ask if you were abused

by a

> > >man as a child which has made you so turn against human birth


> a

> > >women, how would you like people to be born?

> > >SP,

> > >

> >

> >

> > _______________

> > Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

> http://messenger.msn.com

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Uh, hello Mr Christian but to the Church and Leslie the morning after pill

IS ABORTION and not an option for a woman, even if she been raped and

abortion in Ireland IS ILLEGAL, EVEN IF A WOMAN BEEN RAPED and she can sent

to prison for up to twelve years if she attempts an illegal abortion. The

only lawful abortion in Ireland is where the life of the woman is

threatened, including by mental illness. The Government proposed excluding

mental ill health so a woman who was suicidaly depressed after being raped

would still have been forced to term with no lawful way out!!! You are

ignorant of the facts, Mr Christian. Extremely ignorant. Please do not

bother me with any more of your gibberish as I find it rather tiresome.


Edith French


" vegicate1 " <simonpjones



> Re: Edith the unborn Christian [ot]

>Fri, 29 Mar 2002 12:30:16 -0000


>---As I said before no women would be sent to prison for being raped

>in Ireland,if you haven't noticed the catholic church worships mary

>not Jesus,and if you listen to some older irishs women that say " holy

>mary mother of God "

>I hate to say this but as a women loses the egg every month anyway,

>if a women ever did get raped, taking the morning after pill after

>the rape must be better than allowing a persons life start, then to

>end it soon after,in what some call abortion!

>It seems you are taking the view an abortionist/scientist would take,

>I assume then you must also agree with vivisectors/scientist,

>obviously they know best in your view!






>In , " slg edith " <slgedith@h...> wrote:

> > Spare me the religion shit and try to stop writing gibberish.

> >

> > Do you agree with Leslie and the anti-woman Government of Ireland

>that EVEN

> > a woman who has been raped should be FORCED to term?

> >

> > Just who is the " extremist " around here, people?

> >

> >

> > > " vegicate1 " <simonpjones@o...>

> > >

> > >

> > > Edith the unborn Christian [ot]

> > >Thu, 28 Mar 2002 14:24:36 -0000

> > >

> > >---The way you carry on one would think that women only get


> > >through rape!or that pregnancies somehow come about by accident or

> > >surprise,your agruments for denying people the right to live their

> > >lives from beginning to end is so distored and futile because they

> > >are based on extreme exceptions, May I ask if you were abused by a

> > >man as a child which has made you so turn against human birth from


> > >women, how would you like people to be born?

> > >SP,

> > >

> >

> >

> > _______________

> > Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:








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In , " slg edith " <slgedith@h...> wrote:

> Uh, hello Mr Christian but to the Church and Leslie the morning

after pill

> IS ABORTION and not an option for a woman, even if she been raped


> abortion in Ireland IS ILLEGAL, EVEN IF A WOMAN BEEN RAPED and she

can sent

> to prison for up to twelve years if she attempts an illegal

abortion. The

> only lawful abortion in Ireland is where the life of the woman is

> threatened, including by mental illness. The Government proposed


> mental ill health so a woman who was suicidaly depressed after

being raped

> would still have been forced to term with no lawful way out!!! You


> ignorant of the facts, Mr Christian. Extremely ignorant. Please do


> bother me with any more of your gibberish as I find it rather



> Edith French


> " vegicate1 " <simonpjones@o...>

> >

> >

> > Re: Edith the unborn Christian [ot]

> >Fri, 29 Mar 2002 12:30:16 -0000

> >

> >---As I said before no women would be sent to prison for being


> >in Ireland,if you haven't noticed the catholic church worships mary

> >not Jesus,and if you listen to some older irishs women that

say " holy

> >mary mother of God "

> >I hate to say this but as a women loses the egg every month anyway,

> >if a women ever did get raped, taking the morning after pill after

> >the rape must be better than allowing a persons life start, then to

> >end it soon after,in what some call abortion!

> >It seems you are taking the view an abortionist/scientist would


> >I assume then you must also agree with vivisectors/scientist,

> >obviously they know best in your view!

> >SP,

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >In , " slg edith " <slgedith@h...> wrote:

> > > Spare me the religion shit and try to stop writing gibberish.

> > >

> > > Do you agree with Leslie and the anti-woman Government of


> >that EVEN

> > > a woman who has been raped should be FORCED to term?

> > >

> > > Just who is the " extremist " around here, people?

> > >

> > >

> > > > " vegicate1 " <simonpjones@o...>

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Edith the unborn Christian [ot]

> > > >Thu, 28 Mar 2002 14:24:36 -0000

> > > >

> > > >---The way you carry on one would think that women only get

> >pregnant

> > > >through rape!or that pregnancies somehow come about by

accident or

> > > >surprise,your agruments for denying people the right to live


> > > >lives from beginning to end is so distored and futile because


> > > >are based on extreme exceptions, May I ask if you were abused

by a

> > > >man as a child which has made you so turn against human birth


> >a

> > > >women, how would you like people to be born?

> > > >SP,

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >


> > > Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

> >http://messenger.msn.com

> >





> _______________

> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at


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