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RE: nazis (what is this crap?)

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" Anyone who wants to save the foxes should be allowed to go sabbing, even if

they are Nazis....just because someone has inconsistent views is no reason

to cut them off from sabbing, it's about saving animals' lives not demanding

absolute agreement on other issues! "



I have the right to demand " absolute agreement " that the fascists' intended

victims have the right not to be turned into dog-meat and glue!!! You make

it sound like Hitler's problem was he wasn't a " consistent " vegetarian or

something!!! In case you missed it, the Nazi programme of GENOCIDE is 100%

antithetical to vegan ideals even if " green issues " are part of their

*nature-worship* mumbo-jumbo!!! Let me make it easy for you! The group of

sabs that knowingly tolerate this crap share responsibility for the

fascists' crimes and drag all decent sabs into the filth: they should be

exposed and driven out -- tolerated never!!! If a Halal butcher is attacked

by these scum I would defend the Halal meat trader and not allow the

fascists to scapegoat the Muslim minority for all the crimes of the

meat-murder industry!!!


Edith French




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I understand perfectly well what these people are about Edith, quit busting

a blood vessel will ya?

You are preaching at the wrong person here! Preach at young people who don't

know, not at me, I'm old enough to know my own views.

If Nazis are treated like anyone else and welcomed to hunt sabbing, as I see

it they are being turned away from doing bad things, so it's better that

they do that than harm people.

I never believed Hitler was a vegetarian either! I heard he just cut down on

meat and toyed with vegetarian diets on his doctor's orders, I doubt he was

ever ethical about it.

You have made your point you hate Nazis more than you respect animals. That

is your choice, but I respect life more than I hate anyone as I would work

with animal-eaters or Nazis or pro-choicers if it was for some good to come

of it either for people or animals. I just don't see Nazis as any more evil

than anyone else who promotes killing as a solution to what they see as a


To me it is all the same, whether it is animals, minority groups of human

beings or the unborn, try to understand that.

If animal-eaters are welcomed hunt-sabbing, does that mean that the vegans

welcoming them share responsibilty for their animal-eating, obviously not,

so why is working with these people any different? I would find it hard to

be around fascists, wouldn't feel I could actually be friends with them, I

admit that would not be possible for me and as you know I take that attitude

to animal-eaters.

I have thought this out for myself and my viewpoint seems consistent to me,

so I don't think you will change me Edith, but I would not try to change you

on this as I know you have your views and I have mine. It does not make me a

Nazi sympathiser just because we would have different approaches.






slg edith [slgedith]

01 May 2002 10:57


RE: nazis (what is this crap?)



" Anyone who wants to save the foxes should be allowed to go sabbing, even if

they are Nazis....just because someone has inconsistent views is no reason

to cut them off from sabbing, it's about saving animals' lives not demanding

absolute agreement on other issues! "



I have the right to demand " absolute agreement " that the fascists' intended

victims have the right not to be turned into dog-meat and glue!!! You make

it sound like Hitler's problem was he wasn't a " consistent " vegetarian or

something!!! In case you missed it, the Nazi programme of GENOCIDE is 100%

antithetical to vegan ideals even if " green issues " are part of their

*nature-worship* mumbo-jumbo!!! Let me make it easy for you! The group of

sabs that knowingly tolerate this crap share responsibility for the

fascists' crimes and drag all decent sabs into the filth: they should be

exposed and driven out -- tolerated never!!! If a Halal butcher is attacked

by these scum I would defend the Halal meat trader and not allow the

fascists to scapegoat the Muslim minority for all the crimes of the

meat-murder industry!!!


Edith French




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Leslie wants Nazis to be " treated like anyone else and welcomed to hunt

sabbing " !


Why don't she just put up a sign " Whites Only " !


Because, funny enough, where race-hate terrorists are " welcomed " their

intended victims are not!


Or does she seriously expect me to treat fascists who would turn me into dog

food just " like anyone else " ?


Is AR so fuc*ed up we have to " welcome " scum to help us out????


Edith French




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Any trouble from them and of course they should be kicked out but if they

are prepared to go hunt sabbing and leave their prejudices outside, and not

cause trouble within the group, I stand by what I said.

I don't think many of them would be joining anyway, not enough to be a real

threat. AR should welcome anyone who is interested.






slg edith [slgedith]

01 May 2002 12:31


RE: nazis (what is this crap?)



Leslie wants Nazis to be " treated like anyone else and welcomed to hunt

sabbing " !


Why don't she just put up a sign " Whites Only " !


Because, funny enough, where race-hate terrorists are " welcomed " their

intended victims are not!


Or does she seriously expect me to treat fascists who would turn me into dog

food just " like anyone else " ?


Is AR so fuc*ed up we have to " welcome " scum to help us out????


Edith French




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Is it the heat or am I about to agree with Edith. Ooh dear.


>...go hunt sabbing and leave their prejudices outside...


Erm, you can't really leave your prejudices aside, that's what makes them




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Rubbish! Lots of us have to leave our feelings about people aside, eg how we

feel about animal-eaters, just to get through life in this world! We have to

be nice to people we'd probably sooner kick in the eye for instance for

their everyday part in the murder of animals, but being polite is good

practice for dealing reasonably with fascists I suppose and it makes us

better people, learning to control this anger.


Yep, Michael, it must be the heat, with you normally being so good at

critical thinking and all that.





Mavreela [nec.lists]

01 May 2002 13:21


RE: nazis (what is this crap?)



Is it the heat or am I about to agree with Edith. Ooh dear.


>...go hunt sabbing and leave their prejudices outside...


Erm, you can't really leave your prejudices aside, that's what makes them







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Leslie actually says that Nazis should be " welcomed " by AR groups so long as

they don't " cause trouble within the group " !


For AR, that would be the kiss of death, giving " green " cred to Nazi killers

and letting them do their dirty work outside the group!


Leslie refuses to understand what all the fuss is about when I say that

fascists would turn me into dog food!


Yeah, what were the horrors of the Nazi death camps compared with Leslie's

allergy to smokers (which is where Leslie's " tolerance " ends)?


Edith French





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Dull minutiae time, a prejudice is a preconceived idea, it is not something

you can choose to have and therefore you can never put it aside. A

prejudice is not necessarily a bad thing but it has taken on this

connotation because of rationalists who think to achieve some sort of

perfection we should clear our minds of everything that is not a

empirically proven fact.


>Rubbish! Lots of us have to leave our feelings about people aside, eg how we

>feel about animal-eaters, just to get through life in this world!


A feeling is not the same as a prejudice. Besides which someone with

prejudices towards another believes they are something (which they may or

may not be) without rational cause. Would you say that your feeling

towards meat eaters is rational? If so it isn't the same as a

prejudice. And aside from all that, not all vegetarians or vegans have the

same negative feelings towards meat eaters, or at least not to the same



>We have to

>be nice to people we'd probably sooner kick in the eye for instance for

>their everyday part in the murder of animals...


You are assuming the prejudiced person sees the murder of animals has being

more important that whatever they are prejudiced against, which to be true

would mean they are not prejudiced but have made a rational decision. And

if that is the case they will not tolerate standing with those who they are

'prejudiced' against, it would contradict everything they believed in,

regardless of the, possibly greater, cause.


>But being polite is good

>practice for dealing reasonably with fascists I suppose and it makes us

>better people, learning to control this anger.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should condemn all fascists etc., I

stood up for them being welcome on this list so long as they are not doing

so just to push their views, but that's because the anonymity of the

internet provides certain protections, because I think pushing them

underground makes the problem worse, because they can be exposed for what

they are, because rational debate takes away a lot of their power, and only

lastly because their being vegan is something which should be supported as

a very minimum. Certainly not as the primary consideration.


I certainly would not feel safe standing side by side with a fascist who

was prejudiced against my sexuality, how could I be? Do you really think I

could trust someone just because at that particular time we are united in a

common goal? And it must be much worse for someone of an ethnic minority

where their difference was much more palpable (be it accent, or more

obvious still, skin colour).


And to put it all about face - could you stand side by side with a

vivisectionist, or huntsman, protesting against fascists? If you say yes

you undermine your whole argument as you are saying that the fascists and

vivisectionist are equal. If you say no then you are guilty of implicitly

supporting the fascist, making the suffering of non human animals more

important than that of humans (which is not to say that the converse is

true, only that they should be considered equally, unless good reason can

be given in that particular instance), and alienating yourself from the

victims of fascists who you choose not to support.


The lesson in all this? Don't challenge my critical thinking 8-)



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I'm not allergic to smokers, just smoke. I have no problem if they don't

smoke near me.


Likewise no problem with people of varying political views within AR, so

long as they don't push their other views on anything to the extent that it

detracts from why the group is there.

I was almost forced out of an animal rights group once for my pro-life

views, and that would have been unfair if they had kicked me out, but as I

was never mean to anyone who I knew in the group who had had an abortion.

There was at least one woman who had and she was one of the people who was

least mean to me about my pro-life stance, showing more respect for me than

many others in the group, and I proved it did not cause any problems in the

group except in the eyes of one or two intolerant people. Of course I was

not thrown out, but I was angry that it was even considered in the first

place as I had done nothing wrong!


No-one will get the chance to turn you into dog food. I really cannot see

that happening, but if you disallow fascists who is next?






slg edith [slgedith]

01 May 2002 14:08


RE: nazis (what is this crap?)



Leslie actually says that Nazis should be " welcomed " by AR groups so long as

they don't " cause trouble within the group " !


For AR, that would be the kiss of death, giving " green " cred to Nazi killers

and letting them do their dirty work outside the group!


Leslie refuses to understand what all the fuss is about when I say that

fascists would turn me into dog food!


Yeah, what were the horrors of the Nazi death camps compared with Leslie's

allergy to smokers (which is where Leslie's " tolerance " ends)?


Edith French





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