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Spot on Mertle !.So we need to speak kindly to each other even when arguing

..We can't afford to upset and lose people and people should try not to take

offence too quickly either.

{I am not referring to anyone, just making a statement



" mertle blu " <mertleblu

<vegan-network >

Saturday, March 17, 2001 9:27 PM

Re: Re: smoking






> Even though all of us here are Vegan we are also individuals, we will not


> able to agree on all subjects and I think that it is healthy that we have

> thease debates.

> Just remember that we have one main thing in common...our DIETS are

> Vegan,some Vegans wear wool, smoke, take drugs have abortions get married,

> commit suiside some even make bombs and beat up " the enimy " (as Angie



> I considder myself to be a rather strict Vegan, somethings I may do would

> proberbly cause others to differ but Vegan or not we all do what we feel


> nessesary to help the cause.


> mertle





> _______________________

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Some people might like " bitchy " {whats that] free for alls.It beats having

nothing to say


" Angie Wright " <angiewright

<vegan-network >

Saturday, March 17, 2001 10:13 PM

Re: Re: smoking



> I love reading the messages but then I'm a positive soul and not easily


> off..Maybe you're the wrong side of the Penines{is that spelt

> correctly?].What interesting thing have you got to say?If you don't like


> topic ,don't criticise ,start a new one.Any dishy blokes your way or shall


> stay in Nottm? AngieI

> -

> <earthkid26

> <vegan-network >

> Saturday, March 17, 2001 8:03 PM

> Re: Re: smoking



> > Oh God...this group is turning into one long bitchy freeforall. I am

> starting

> > to dread reading the new messages cos they're all people having a go at

> each

> > other! Anyone got anything interesting to say? Anyone in Lancashire up


> a

> > laugh?

> > Mark

> > x

> >

> >

> >

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You'll have to explain " knit " .Can it be done on demos ?too busy for much




<vegan-network >

Sunday, March 18, 2001 1:14 AM

Re: Re: smoking



> I rest my case - come on lads, the girls are getting too self-righteous!


> Could one of you knit me a jumper from man-made fibre please? make the


> long cos my knuckles drag on the floor...hehehe

> Mark

> x




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what do I have to do, throw a bucket of cold water over you all? chill out

people! if you are going to get nasty with someone, please do it to their

personal email and not to the group...i'm getting ocular indigestion from all

this verbal acid! LOL! (quite good that, wasn't it? hehehe)

Got myself a new banger yesterday..Citroen BX, diesel, 12 years old. Cost me

£275. Hope the bugger keeps going for a while. Just been to Southport and

back for a walk on the beach. It was that windy, I've gone deaf from the wind

whistling between my ears! Was like going for a natural sandblasting! I used

to have a tan but the wind blew it off! Quickly turned tail on the walk and

got back in the car...:o)

SPRING is almost upon us! What does that mean?....SPRING Cleaning with stuff

from Ecover or some other wonderful eco-company...or whatever if ya can't

afford the dearer stuff. Vinegar and newspaper are good for cleaning

windows...see the magazine CHAT for further tips, LOL!



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> " Angie Wright " <angiewright


><vegan-network >

>Re: Re: smoking

>Sat, 17 Mar 2001 12:24:01 -0000




>I think it is disrespectful to spell a name incorrectly


sorry anjee





p.s. so I`m dyslexic....shoot me


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yikes Mr Big...didn't know that some Ecover products have milk in them! I

have checked the washing powder and the fabric conditioner and they seem to

be okay, but will bear your advice in mind when purcasing more of their


Thanks very much mate!



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Unless people are celibate there is no guarantee that they can remain

childless .Its only when you get to the stage of giving birth that you

discover that there may be a problem.As an only child I would not recommend

people limit themselves to only one if circumstances are O.K You may have

missed Mr Big's comments earlier!!If you dont feel angry with your parents

thats fine but you cant blame people who do especially if their health has

been adversely affected.I'm annoyed with my mother for lying to me when I

was 7 and telling me i'd die without meat.She must have Known it was't

true{she lived thro' the war }SO by the time I was 18 and feeling very

Guilty I dercided to give up all animal products and die .I knew no one who

was veggie and didn't know there were vegans.If she hadn't lied I wouldn't

have been frightened for the first few Months.I dont expect people to agree

or disagree.This was how I felt Lesley feels the way she does and I can

under stand her anger






" mertle blu " <mertleblu

<vegan-network >

Friday, March 16, 2001 11:09 PM

Re: Re: smoking




> Your attitude to others is clearly arrogant, not only with me but also


> Mr Big you have proved to be aggressive.

> I was not rude or viciouse in my email to you I was just stating my views


> you did yours.


> >Mertle blu, tell me this, would you condemn a victim of a paedophile

> >for hating paedophiles and being angry?

> >I'll bet not.

> >I was the victim of another form of child abuse, my health was harmed

> >by a chain-smoker, so effectively my feelings against smokers are

> something to do with that, and I feel as justified as any other

> >abused child for my anger and outrage.


> My mum and Dad smoked all through my childhood also but I dont hate them


> this, I asked them to stop but they did not and still I did`nt feel malice

> towards them..they are my parent and they brought me up the best they knew


> how. Does this make me a better person than you?

> I do`nt actually hate anyone..no not even paediophiles, I think that some

> people are in need of help and have to be cared for and shown the right


> but I dont believe that shouting at people and attacking them with abuse

> will solve anything,thease people will not listen they will loath.



> You say in your other email that:

> " No-one is 100% vegan, but some un-vegan things are clearly totally

> unnecessary and more easily avoidable than others "


> Avoidable and unnecessary...As you said, you have unfortunately been


> to have completely natural births well pregnancy IS avoidable and it is`nt

> necessary for everyone to have children to keep the human race going so


> not avoid it?...just think you would`nt have to go through the pain of

> knowing that you have just had to rely on something that has been tested


> or uses any animal derived substance.


> mertle





> _______________________

> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.





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BEWARE....some ECOVER products have milk...nice eh?



>SPRING is almost upon us! What does that mean?....SPRING Cleaning with


>from Ecover or some other wonderful eco-company...or whatever if ya can't

>afford the dearer stuff. Vinegar and newspaper are good for cleaning

>windows...see the magazine CHAT for further tips, LOL!





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Thanks for the support and understanding Angie. I certainly had no

idea there would be a problem with the birth until my son was born

and wouldn't be born without help. I don't think I should be judged

for not being able to do it naturally, you seem to understand that,

even though you had natural home births. The things I needed were the

ventouse to help get the baby out, and a local anaesthetic injection

for the episiotomy, and stitches. We were clear I wanted no catgut,

only synthetic stitches. So, I know some of these things had been

animal-tested (what isn't), but I certainly did my utmost to avoid

animal products.


I was an only child too, and I was very lonely, I always begged my

parents to have another baby, and this is the main reason I didn't

want my son to be an only child. I wouldn't recommend having just one

either, although I never planned on three.


Some vegans don't like anyone having kids because they believe humans

are simply destroying the Earth and we should let ourselves die out.

I think that's quite extreme, but I have found there are quite a lot

of people who think this way. These people are usually human-haters

more than they are animal-lovers. They are also frequently quite

intolerant towards vegans with children. I met a few in London

Vegans, got on OK with most of the childfrees until I committed

the " terrible crime " of reproducing, but I have enough faith in

vegans to say I think that for vegans it's fine to have children.

It's better us bringing them up than leaving all the next generation

to the meat-eaters to raise.

I find it quite sad there are so many childfree by choice vegans and

not enough childfree by choice meat-eaters.


Another reason lots of vegans should have children is to help prove

to the anti-vegans that we can be healthy in pregnancy and raise

healthy children as vegans, because many people still disbelieve this.

We need to build strong vegan communities and that does rely on many

of us having children and raising them vegan.






> Unless people are celibate there is no guarantee that they can


> childless .Its only when you get to the stage of giving birth that


> discover that there may be a problem.As an only child I would not


> people limit themselves to only one if circumstances are O.K You

may have

> missed Mr Big's comments earlier!!If you dont feel angry with your


> thats fine but you cant blame people who do especially if their

health has

> been adversely affected.I'm annoyed with my mother for lying to me

when I

> was 7 and telling me i'd die without meat.She must have Known it


> true{she lived thro' the war }SO by the time I was 18 and feeling


> Guilty I dercided to give up all animal products and die .I knew

no one who

> was veggie and didn't know there were vegans.If she hadn't lied I


> have been frightened for the first few Months.I dont expect people

to agree

> or disagree.This was how I felt Lesley feels the way she does and I


> under stand her anger

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>what do I have to do, throw a bucket of cold water over you all? chill out

>people! if you are going to get nasty with someone, please do it to their

>personal email and not to the group...i'm getting ocular indigestion from


>this verbal acid! LOL! (quite good that, wasn't it? hehehe)


Yeah..sorry `bout that, that message was delayed so I wrote it on mental one

a few days ago..I have calmed since.




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I always wanted to increase the numbers of vegans by converting as many as I

could.Not sure how many stayed that way tho'.Its easier with children!!I

always desperately wanted a girl, so after 2 boys decided to try again {no

cousins on my side,for them to have as friends] and my husbands only brother

did not want children{no cousins there either]Robert I didnt count as he

wont have children so that meant there might not be many grand children or

cousins for these grand children{my boys have been instructed against having

one!].So we tried again always hoping for that elusive girl---It was not to

be--But I've enjoyed them all and they relate welltogether and spread the

vegan word!!Now that my husband has cleared off I'm looking for a new

model!!one guarenteed to produce girls would be nice!!!!! Angie











" Lesley Dove " <100706.3632

<vegan-network >

Sunday, March 18, 2001 8:39 PM

Re: smoking




> Thanks for the support and understanding Angie. I certainly had no

> idea there would be a problem with the birth until my son was born

> and wouldn't be born without help. I don't think I should be judged

> for not being able to do it naturally, you seem to understand that,

> even though you had natural home births. The things I needed were the

> ventouse to help get the baby out, and a local anaesthetic injection

> for the episiotomy, and stitches. We were clear I wanted no catgut,

> only synthetic stitches. So, I know some of these things had been

> animal-tested (what isn't), but I certainly did my utmost to avoid

> animal products.


> I was an only child too, and I was very lonely, I always begged my

> parents to have another baby, and this is the main reason I didn't

> want my son to be an only child. I wouldn't recommend having just one

> either, although I never planned on three.


> Some vegans don't like anyone having kids because they believe humans

> are simply destroying the Earth and we should let ourselves die out.

> I think that's quite extreme, but I have found there are quite a lot

> of people who think this way. These people are usually human-haters

> more than they are animal-lovers. They are also frequently quite

> intolerant towards vegans with children. I met a few in London

> Vegans, got on OK with most of the childfrees until I committed

> the " terrible crime " of reproducing, but I have enough faith in

> vegans to say I think that for vegans it's fine to have children.

> It's better us bringing them up than leaving all the next generation

> to the meat-eaters to raise.

> I find it quite sad there are so many childfree by choice vegans and

> not enough childfree by choice meat-eaters.


> Another reason lots of vegans should have children is to help prove

> to the anti-vegans that we can be healthy in pregnancy and raise

> healthy children as vegans, because many people still disbelieve this.

> We need to build strong vegan communities and that does rely on many

> of us having children and raising them vegan.


> Lesley




> > Unless people are celibate there is no guarantee that they can

> remain

> > childless .Its only when you get to the stage of giving birth that

> you

> > discover that there may be a problem.As an only child I would not

> recommend

> > people limit themselves to only one if circumstances are O.K You

> may have

> > missed Mr Big's comments earlier!!If you dont feel angry with your

> parents

> > thats fine but you cant blame people who do especially if their

> health has

> > been adversely affected.I'm annoyed with my mother for lying to me

> when I

> > was 7 and telling me i'd die without meat.She must have Known it

> was't

> > true{she lived thro' the war }SO by the time I was 18 and feeling

> very

> > Guilty I dercided to give up all animal products and die .I knew

> no one who

> > was veggie and didn't know there were vegans.If she hadn't lied I

> wouldn't

> > have been frightened for the first few Months.I dont expect people

> to agree

> > or disagree.This was how I felt Lesley feels the way she does and I

> can

> > under stand her anger






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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

You are on the toughest of all the givitups.


I have been through the lot as in starting from heavy the lot.


I still drink but very little.


So take it day by day. You have a big meal on your plate; going

raw and quitting the most addictive substance known to man...

.... or does raw food get that appellation?





carmarene [carmarene]

04 April 2002 09:32


[Raw Food] smoking



since february i have been a vegan and now this last week i am eating

mainly raw foods. i now want to give up smoking and would like to

hear from others advice,tips anythink that could help would be very

much apprieciated.





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According to David Wolfe, drugs/cigarretes/alcohol/coffee and other

similar addictive substances alkalize your body when it is overly

acidic from an SAD diet. For this reason, they give you a " high " and

you become addicted to this high that they give you when they

alkalize your system. This is, of course, in addition to the other

harmful addictive substances they contain. So, in order to rid

yourself of this addiction your diet should be very alkaline. What

you are eating now is most likely much more alkaline than your former

diet, but to alkalize really quickly, the fastest way is to eat a lot

of greens and green juices. Drink/eat as many greens as you can or as

you want to. Hope everything works out for you.


rawfood, " carmarene " <carmarene> wrote:

> since february i have been a vegan and now this last week i am


> mainly raw foods. i now want to give up smoking and would like to

> hear from others advice,tips anythink that could help would be very

> much apprieciated.

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  • 4 months later...

If I had to choose between the two, I would have to choose smoking

over animal-eating,simply because,no one has to necessarily die

earlier because of smoking,if they only inhaled on rare occassions.I

can't see animal-eater waiting until an animal has died, before

eating it.


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  • 2 years later...

Yes, I am sure that has happened before.


However...changing CD's is a risk. So is eating and drinking and talking on the phone while driving. I am sure these have caused more fender benders than someone looking for a smoke...why are you against these things, too? Why won't you outlaw these activities?


Should we outlaw all activities because of the possibility, in bad judgment, it will cause an accident? I guess my dog's leash can make me trip...maybe that should be outlawed.






In a message dated 2/10/05 12:30:47 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Message: 1 Wed, 9 Feb 2005 12:28:58 -0700 "Anna Blaine" <anna333RE: Re: I AGREEAs an ex-smoker who has careened through multiple lanes trying to get acigarrette lit, I have to agree.> [Original Message]> Sara <gagrip5> > 2/9/2005 12:05:30 PM> Re: I AGREE>>>> I don't agree that there is no such thing as a car accident due to > smoking. One of my friends has rear-ended someone for that very > reason -- they were distracted when their cig fell in their lap.>>>



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Hi Kristina


> However...changing CD's is a risk. So is eating and drinking and talking on the phone while driving. I am sure these have caused

> more fender benders than someone looking for a smoke...why are you against these things, too? Why won't you outlaw these

> activities?


I hate to burst your bubble - but these activities already ARE illegal while driving. Why is smoking while driving NOT illegal????




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Peter wrote:




I hate to burst your bubble - but these activities already ARE

illegal while driving. Why is smoking while driving NOT illegal????



They're not illegal where I live. If they become illegal, then so

should other distracting things, like having a radio in the car, or

traveling with children. Sometimes making a law against everything

that can hurt people seems absurd to me.



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In the UK a woman was stopped and fined for having an apple in her hand!





> They're not illegal where I live. If they become illegal, then so

> should other distracting things, like having a radio in the car, or

> traveling with children. Sometimes making a law against everything

> that can hurt people seems absurd to me.


> serene

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Yes, ban everything dangerous by all means. Protect everyone from

themselves. :) j/k

I was merely attempting to point out that everything is not so

totally black-and-white. i.e. Alcohol causes car accidents, smoking

does not. I will just shut my mouth (or whatever you shut on the

internet) now.


, lv2breathe@a... wrote:


> Yes, I am sure that has happened before.


> However...changing CD's is a risk. So is eating and drinking and

talking on

> the phone while driving. I am sure these have caused more fender


> than someone looking for a smoke...why are you against these

things, too? Why

> won't you outlaw these activities?


> Should we outlaw all activities because of the possibility, in

bad judgment,

> it will cause an accident? I guess my dog's leash can make me


> that should be outlawed.


> Kristina


> Kristina


> In a message dated 2/10/05 12:30:47 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,

> writes:


> Message: 1

> Wed, 9 Feb 2005 12:28:58 -0700

> " Anna Blaine " <anna333@e...>



> As an ex-smoker who has careened through multiple lanes trying to

get a

> cigarrette lit, I have to agree.



> > [Original Message]

> > Sara <gagrip5>

> >

> > 2/9/2005 12:05:30 PM

> > Re: I AGREE

> >

> >

> >

> > I don't agree that there is no such thing as a car accident due


> > smoking. One of my friends has rear-ended someone for that very

> > reason -- they were distracted when their cig fell in their


> >

> >

> >

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