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AGM, The meaning of life and Socials.

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Drown me if I'm wrong but I thought the whole point of everything

was to encourage more meat eaters to eat an ever increasing

percentage of delicious vegan food to the point where they

discover a more compassionate vegan lifestyle is so easy they

just can't say no.


I thought THAT was the reason why we work long hours for low

wages that result in us nearly always being under-staffed -

because we believe we can make a difference.


Organising a face to face local get together or cooking

demonstration and giving " Local People " the chance to see that

it's tasty and fun is a productive and a more effective use of time

(especially if you then tell the local papers and radio stations)


There is a list of contacts for supermarkets, local papers, Radio

Stations and MEP's and MP's in the Forum (under ideas) at

www.worldveganday.org - just simply asking them what they are

doing for World Vegan Day would be a start.


We don't need any lessons on how it's easier to sit and criticize

than to get up and do it and inspire people.


Huge thanks to all the people on this board who have made

logical and positive comments!




Especially from me ( See www.worldveganday.org for latest)



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But Tony, you were not even able to persuade one of your own kids to remain veggie, let alone vegan! You told me that yourself on the phone, and I was quite frankly shocked. It seems that if some of us cannot even get the message across to our own kids why they should be proud young vegans (probably because we are not as a community including and welcoming them properly into the vegan scene) we have little hope of getting the message across elsewhere. I'm not judging you personally that your son decided to be a meat-eater, I am however judging the general state of the vegan scene as regards families, and the case of you and your son is a sad example of the way we as a movement for massive social change are so many of us failing to even do the obvious basic minimum and keep the commitment of our kids in following these beliefs in compassion and respect for life. They are more likely to stick with us on this if they are welcomed as part of the vegan community surely? I fear whether my kids will rebel too, this is why I have always tried so hard to find them other positive vegan adults to be like aunties and uncles and role models in their lives, so we are trying not to be insular as a vegan family, only to find the attitude of most other adult vegans is not friendly to kids at all, so we are in serious isolation and desperation!


Or do you have some other theory on why veggie or vegan raised kids turn away from it and do something they have been raised to believe is murder?


I'm doing my little bit for WVD, ensuring there are vegan burgers at a local scout group bonfire night do on Saturday and having a little lunch gathering tomorrow, probably only me and one other vegan mum with our babies, but others were invited.


I also appreciate that the VS staff work hard and are underpaid. I'm keen to whatever I can towards organising something for the next AGM social to be more all-inclusive, so it is not all down to the staff.





The Vegan Society 31 October 2002 10:51 Subject: Re: AGM, The meaning of life and Socials.Drown me if I'm wrong but I thought the whole point of everything was to encourage more meat eaters to eat an ever increasing percentage of delicious vegan food to the point where they discover a more compassionate vegan lifestyle is so easy they just can't say no.I thought THAT was the reason why we work long hours for low wages that result in us nearly always being under-staffed - because we believe we can make a difference.Organising a face to face local get together or cooking demonstration and giving "Local People" the chance to see that it's tasty and fun is a productive and a more effective use of time (especially if you then tell the local papers and radio stations)There is a list of contacts for supermarkets, local papers, Radio Stations and MEP's and MP's in the Forum (under ideas) at www.worldveganday.org - just simply asking them what they are doing for World Vegan Day would be a start.We don't need any lessons on how it's easier to sit and criticize than to get up and do it and inspire people.Huge thanks to all the people on this board who have made logical and positive comments!HAPPY WORLD VEGAN DAY LOVE TO YOU ALL FROM US ALL!Especially from me ( See www.worldveganday.org for latest)Tony~~ info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please remember that the above is only the opinion of the author, there may be another side to the story you have not heard.---------------------------Was this message Off Topic? Did you know? Was it snipped?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guidelines: visit <site temporarily offline>Un: send a blank message to -

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, " Lesley Dove " <Lesley@v...> wrote:


> But Tony, you were not even able to persuade one of your own kids

to remain

> veggie, let alone vegan! You told me that yourself on the phone,

and I was

> quite frankly shocked.



Did Tony also give you permission to broadcast details of this

conversation? This could have gone off-list, Lesley. It is none of

our business.


For interest, Robert Cohen the Notmilk Man is the only vegan in his

family. His response to my surprise was, " I teach, they learn. I do

not teach with a hammer. "



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Listen mister, if we wanted to be happy we would have sealed Leslie in

concrete and not published her vast unedited opinion about everything so

long as it got her and her ten kids in the middle of it and that includes

your stupid AGM, ok?


Peace & Misery








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nicely put Cathy



cathyjupp [cj] 31 October 2002 12:42 Subject: Re: AGM, The meaning of life and Socials., "Lesley Dove" <Lesley@v...> wrote:> > But Tony, you were not even able to persuade one of your own kids to remain> veggie, let alone vegan! You told me that yourself on the phone, and I was> quite frankly shocked. Did Tony also give you permission to broadcast details of this conversation? This could have gone off-list, Lesley. It is none of our business.For interest, Robert Cohen the Notmilk Man is the only vegan in his family. His response to my surprise was, "I teach, they learn. I do not teach with a hammer."Cathy~~ info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please remember that the above is only the opinion of the author, there may be another side to the story you have not heard.---------------------------Was this message Off Topic? Did you know? Was it snipped?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guidelines: visit <site temporarily offline>Un: send a blank message to -

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Adding helpful points to the debate as usual eh Edith?






slg edith [slgedith]

31 October 2002 12:54


Re: Re: AGM, The meaning of life and Socials.






Listen mister, if we wanted to be happy we would have sealed Leslie in

concrete and not published her vast unedited opinion about everything so

long as it got her and her ten kids in the middle of it and that includes

your stupid AGM, ok?


Peace & Misery








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~~ info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Please remember that the above is only the opinion of the author,

there may be another side to the story you have not heard.


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Robert Cohen was not vegan or even veggie when he had kids, his veganism came later. I thought Tony's kids were most likely raised veggie from birth or at least from very young, so it is possibly a different situation. If the veg*nism is part of the early upbringing, it should remain surely?


I'm not judging Tony, just the child-unfriendly state of the vegan social scene which does not help parents such as Tony, and myself and my husband to keep our kids happy and proud vegans.


And why should not individuals like Tony be willing to discuss their experience, both bad and good for the benefit of others? His experience as a parent whose child has lapsed could help others, he might be able to share what mistakes he thinks he might have made to help other veg parents not to do the same. I would be interested in what it was that alienated his son from veg*nism, no judging, just learning from experiences.


I take it Robert Cohen is not in favour of raising kids vegan then, if he compares it to a hammer, I'm shocked, and for me that above all else has destroyed his credibility. I know his credibility has been questioned a lot by Stephen Walsh already, who has done a lot of studying of the nutritional side of veganism and helped many vegan parents to ensure their kids get all their nutrients being raised as vegans. Lots of kids feel the opposite to Cohen, that they resent their parents forcing them to eat animals, once they know what meat is. That is much more oppressive, making them into accessories to murder before they are old enough to choose.

I don't look to Robert Cohen as much of an example if he thinks I am hammering my kids, I find that very offensive, I'd rather look up to someone like Angie! One would have expected Cohen's family to have made the full transition by now, most definitely. What more do they need to know? Animals suffer terribly for their dietary preferences, that should be enough for them to know, to have changed them in however many years he has been a vegan. The transition need not take this long, if they truly support him in his vegan mission.





cathyjupp [cj]31 October 2002 12:42 Subject: Re: AGM, The meaning of life and Socials., "Lesley Dove" <Lesley@v...> wrote:> > But Tony, you were not even able to persuade one of your own kids to remain> veggie, let alone vegan! You told me that yourself on the phone, and I was> quite frankly shocked. Did Tony also give you permission to broadcast details of this conversation? This could have gone off-list, Lesley. It is none of our business.For interest, Robert Cohen the Notmilk Man is the only vegan in his family. His response to my surprise was, "I teach, they learn. I do not teach with a hammer."Cathy~~ info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please remember that the above is only the opinion of the author, there may be another side to the story you have not heard.---------------------------Was this message Off Topic? Did you know? Was it snipped?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guidelines: visit <site temporarily offline>Un: send a blank message to -

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My eldest 2 sons will remain vegan because the idea of eating animals is abhorrent to then and they don't like soya "pretend " meats and cheeses or yoghurts. So I can't see them attempting the real stuff


However I wprry that they will never be active in AR in any way . They have both been put of by the wierdos ( their expression )

They want to mix with normal people and sadly do not find AR young people to be normal


My son at uni answered an ad from a vegan to start an AR uni group . He met the person but her hair was all over the place and she was in the weird catagory !!


He asked me "Why are AR vegans weird ? Can anyone answer ?

I couldn't



Lesley Dove [Lesley] 31 October 2002 11:27 Subject: RE: Re: AGM, The meaning of life and Socials.


But Tony, you were not even able to persuade one of your own kids to remain veggie, let alone vegan! You told me that yourself on the phone, and I was quite frankly shocked. It seems that if some of us cannot even get the message across Subject: Re: AGM, The meaning of life and Socials.





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, " Lesley Dove " <Lesley@v...> wrote:


> Robert Cohen was not vegan or even veggie when he had kids, his


> came later. I thought Tony's kids were most likely raised veggie

from birth

> or at least from very young, so it is possibly a different

situation. If the

> veg*nism is part of the early upbringing, it should remain surely?


Not a given, by any stretch. My parents voted Liberal, I never have.

I was raised as an omnivore, I am now a vegan. We all make our own

choices and whilst parents may have an influence, that influence will

often not last into adulthood.



> I'm not judging Tony, just the child-unfriendly state of the vegan


> scene which does not help parents such as Tony, and myself and my

husband to

> keep our kids happy and proud vegans.


> And why should not individuals like Tony be willing to discuss their

> experience, both bad and good for the benefit of others?


Maybe he is, my point was that this was not your decision to make.


His experience as a

> parent whose child has lapsed could help others, he might be able

to share

> what mistakes he thinks he might have made to help other veg

parents not to

> do the same. I would be interested in what it was that alienated

his son

> from veg*nism, no judging, just learning from experiences.



Then ask him - I repeat, it is not our business unless he chooses for

it to be. I don't believe that you gave him that choice.


> I take it Robert Cohen is not in favour of raising kids vegan then,


He is very much in favour of raising them vegan.


if he

> compares it to a hammer, I'm shocked, and for me that above all

else has

> destroyed his credibility.


I'm sure he'll be devastated. In case the subtleties were lost on

you, the message was, " I teach by example but I do not force my

family to do as *I* want them to " , not " anybody raising children

vegan is abusing them " .


I know his credibility has been questioned a lot

> by Stephen Walsh already, who has done a lot of studying of the


> side of veganism and helped many vegan parents to ensure their kids

get all

> their nutrients being raised as vegans. Lots of kids feel the

opposite to

> Cohen, that they resent their parents forcing them to eat animals,

once they

> know what meat is. That is much more oppressive, making them into

> accessories to murder before they are old enough to choose.


I know nothing about Stephen Walsh so cannot comment. I personally

think Robert Cohen an excellent vegan advocate.


> I don't look to Robert Cohen as much of an example if he thinks I am

> hammering my kids, I find that very offensive,


Belive it or not Lesley, this really is not about you. I don't know

whether Robert Cohen even knows you exist. He was talking about

himself and his own family. Do try not to take offence so easily.


I'd rather look up to someone

> like Angie!


Who wouldn't - she is a brilliant advertisement for veganism.


One would have expected Cohen's family to have made the full

> transition by now, most definitely. What more do they need to know?


> suffer terribly for their dietary preferences, that should be

enough for

> them to know, to have changed them in however many years he has

been a

> vegan.


Your expectations are rarely fulfilled though, are they? Like it or

not, people make their own choices. Would you prefer Cohen to lock

his daughters in their rooms and only allow them out to eat vegan

meals of his choosing?


The transition need not take this long, if they truly support him in

> his vegan mission.


Who says that they do? They have their own lives and live them their

own way. For his sake and the animals, I would be happy to learn

that they had chosen to go vegan, but how much respect would anyone

have for a man who so tyrannised his family that they felt they could

not choose their own food?



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We all do what we have to do . Luckily for me I was vegan a long time before I had kids I was healthy so saw no problems for the kids . I was happy to force the kids (they never saw it that way ) since I had been put under pressure to eat animals during childhood ,after I saw the light. It will be difficult if ones partner lacks confidence in the diet (maybe the care with R. Cohen ?). It is hard to give up items of food if others in the house still eat it



Lesley Dove [Lesley] 31 October 2002 13:27 Subject: RE: Re: AGM, The meaning of life and Socials.



I take it Robert Cohen is not in favour of raising kids vegan then, if he compares it to a hammer, I'm shocked, and for me that above all else has destroyed his credibility. Lots of kids feel the opposite to Cohen, that they resent their parents forcing them to eat animals, once they know what meat is. That is much more oppressive, making them into accessories to murder before they are old enough to choose.

I don't look to Robert Cohen as much of an example if he thinks I am hammering my kids, I find that very offensive, I'd rather look up to someone like Angie! One would have expected Cohen's family to have made the full transition by now, most definitely. What more do they need to know? Animals suffer terribly for their dietary preferences, that should be enough for them to know, to have changed them in however many years he has been a vegan. The transition need not take this long, if they truly support him in his vegan mission.








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When do I get my Knighthood ?



cathyjupp [cj] 31 October 2002 13:41 Subject: Re: AGM, The meaning of life and Socials.I'd rather look up to someone> like Angie! Who wouldn't - she is a brilliant advertisement for veganism.Cathy~~ info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please remember that the above is only the opinion of the author, there may be another side to the story you have not heard.---------------------------Was this message Off Topic? Did you know? Was it snipped?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guidelines: visit <site temporarily offline>Un: send a blank message to -

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, " Angie Wright " <angiewright@n...> wrote:

> When do I get my Knighthood ?


> Angie



Never - you're one of those Animals Rights terrorists, aren't you?


Did you ever get your computer back, btw?



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I didn't for 30 years as I wanted to prove it was not necessary BUT I deliberately use poor hygiene in order to get it from soil /dirt etc Hence I don't wash veg or fruit I kmnow there is a problem with fertilisers/spreys etc but I'm trying to get B12 naturally . I never took marmite type stuff either


However I have a weak back and 6 months ago jarred it trapping a nerve. My leg and 2 toes went numb . The feeling in my leg has returned but not in my toes totally so just in case I have started eating marmite every other day whan I remember ant I got some tablets which I try to remember to take daily . it may be nothing to do with B12 . If the feeling returns to my toes I shall stop taking the tablets and marmite . Some of my kids like marmite some don't . They don't have supplements unless it is in soya milk and cereal ? The chiropractor said it would take a long time but that didn't help . How long is a long time?



cathyjupp [cj] 31 October 2002 14:27 Subject: Re: AGM, The meaning of life and Socials., "Angie Wright" <angiewright@n...> wrote:> We all do what we have to do . Luckily for me I was vegan a long time> before I had kids I was healthy so saw no problems for the kids . Out of interest Angie, and sorry if this has been asked before here, but do you ever take a B12 supplement? Only you've been vegan for a l o n g time, so if you don't supplement then I'm inclined to think there's no need to.Cathy~~ info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please remember that the above is only the opinion of the author, there may be another side to the story you have not heard.---------------------------Was this message Off Topic? Did you know? Was it snipped?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guidelines: visit <site temporarily offline>Un: send a blank message to -

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, " Angie Wright " <angiewright@n...> wrote:

> I didn't for 30 years as I wanted to prove it was not necessary BUT


> deliberately use poor hygiene in order to get it from soil /dirt


> Hence I don't wash veg or fruit I kmnow there is a problem with

> fertilisers/spreys etc but I'm trying to get B12 naturally . I never

> took marmite type stuff either



I don't think I'll worry too much then. And as for poor hygiene,

well that comes naturally to me anyway!!! Although I do wash non-

organic produce, fearing posticides more than B12 deficiency.


Cheers Angie!



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But I'm not weird looking and I still would not judge someone on the state of their hair, I'd still want to know them if they were like-minded, so I don't think he would be right to judge her on that, just my opinion.





Angie Wright [angiewright]31 October 2002 13:35 Subject: RE: Re: AGM, The meaning of life and Socials.

My eldest 2 sons will remain vegan because the idea of eating animals is abhorrent to then and they don't like soya "pretend " meats and cheeses or yoghurts. So I can't see them attempting the real stuff


However I wprry that they will never be active in AR in any way . They have both been put of by the wierdos ( their expression )

They want to mix with normal people and sadly do not find AR young people to be normal


My son at uni answered an ad from a vegan to start an AR uni group . He met the person but her hair was all over the place and she was in the weird catagory !!


He asked me "Why are AR vegans weird ? Can anyone answer ?

I couldn't



Lesley Dove [Lesley] 31 October 2002 11:27 Subject: RE: Re: AGM, The meaning of life and Socials.


But Tony, you were not even able to persuade one of your own kids to remain veggie, let alone vegan! You told me that yourself on the phone, and I was quite frankly shocked. It seems that if some of us cannot even get the message across Subject: Re: AGM, The meaning of life and Socials.

~~ info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please remember that the above is only the opinion of the author, there may be another side to the story you have not heard.---------------------------Was this message Off Topic? Did you know? Was it snipped?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guidelines: visit <site temporarily offline>Un: send a blank message to -

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Excellent excellent top post of the day cleverthingies, forcing kids to eat

bowls of mushroom soup means they will probably grow up like hunts










> " cathyjupp " <cj



> Re: AGM, The meaning of life and Socials.

>Thu, 31 Oct 2002 13:41:21 -0000


>, " Lesley Dove " <Lesley@v...> wrote:

> >

> > Robert Cohen was not vegan or even veggie when he had kids, his


> > came later. I thought Tony's kids were most likely raised veggie

>from birth

> > or at least from very young, so it is possibly a different

>situation. If the

> > veg*nism is part of the early upbringing, it should remain surely?


>Not a given, by any stretch. My parents voted Liberal, I never have.

>I was raised as an omnivore, I am now a vegan. We all make our own

>choices and whilst parents may have an influence, that influence will

>often not last into adulthood.


> >

> > I'm not judging Tony, just the child-unfriendly state of the vegan


> > scene which does not help parents such as Tony, and myself and my

>husband to

> > keep our kids happy and proud vegans.

> >

> > And why should not individuals like Tony be willing to discuss their

> > experience, both bad and good for the benefit of others?


>Maybe he is, my point was that this was not your decision to make.


>His experience as a

> > parent whose child has lapsed could help others, he might be able

>to share

> > what mistakes he thinks he might have made to help other veg

>parents not to

> > do the same. I would be interested in what it was that alienated

>his son

> > from veg*nism, no judging, just learning from experiences.

> >


>Then ask him - I repeat, it is not our business unless he chooses for

>it to be. I don't believe that you gave him that choice.


> > I take it Robert Cohen is not in favour of raising kids vegan then,


>He is very much in favour of raising them vegan.


>if he

> > compares it to a hammer, I'm shocked, and for me that above all

>else has

> > destroyed his credibility.


>I'm sure he'll be devastated. In case the subtleties were lost on

>you, the message was, " I teach by example but I do not force my

>family to do as *I* want them to " , not " anybody raising children

>vegan is abusing them " .


>I know his credibility has been questioned a lot

> > by Stephen Walsh already, who has done a lot of studying of the


> > side of veganism and helped many vegan parents to ensure their kids

>get all

> > their nutrients being raised as vegans. Lots of kids feel the

>opposite to

> > Cohen, that they resent their parents forcing them to eat animals,

>once they

> > know what meat is. That is much more oppressive, making them into

> > accessories to murder before they are old enough to choose.


>I know nothing about Stephen Walsh so cannot comment. I personally

>think Robert Cohen an excellent vegan advocate.


> > I don't look to Robert Cohen as much of an example if he thinks I am

> > hammering my kids, I find that very offensive,


>Belive it or not Lesley, this really is not about you. I don't know

>whether Robert Cohen even knows you exist. He was talking about

>himself and his own family. Do try not to take offence so easily.


>I'd rather look up to someone

> > like Angie!


>Who wouldn't - she is a brilliant advertisement for veganism.


>One would have expected Cohen's family to have made the full

> > transition by now, most definitely. What more do they need to know?


> > suffer terribly for their dietary preferences, that should be

>enough for

> > them to know, to have changed them in however many years he has

>been a

> > vegan.


>Your expectations are rarely fulfilled though, are they? Like it or

>not, people make their own choices. Would you prefer Cohen to lock

>his daughters in their rooms and only allow them out to eat vegan

>meals of his choosing?


>The transition need not take this long, if they truly support him in

> > his vegan mission.


>Who says that they do? They have their own lives and live them their

>own way. For his sake and the animals, I would be happy to learn

>that they had chosen to go vegan, but how much respect would anyone

>have for a man who so tyrannised his family that they felt they could

>not choose their own food?








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, " Angie Wright " <angiewright@n...> wrote:



> He asked me " Why are AR vegans weird ? Can anyone answer ?

> I couldn't


> Angie


Some are pretty normal, some look weird but are basically mentally

sound, some look normal and are totally bizarre. I believe that if

you are the sort of person who thinks outside of society's norms,

then you're more likely to be open to " radical " ideas such as not

eating corpses. Then there are the ego-warriors who are only in AR

for the attention it gets them - they tend to dress strangely for the

same purpose. But I still think that most vegan AR people who dress

in an unorthodox manner do so because they are free-thinkers and

that's how they like to look.


" Normal " people are usually a boring bunch IMHO anyway!



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, " cathyjupp " <cj@r...> wrote:

> Not a given, by any stretch. My parents voted Liberal, I never


> I was raised as an omnivore, I am now a vegan. We all make our own

> choices and whilst parents may have an influence, that influence


> often not last into adulthood.


Explain religion then?!



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, " spacevegan " <rob@z...> wrote:



> Explain religion then?!


> Rob



Bloody hell - if I was clever enough to do that I'd not be wasting my

time here with you lot! ;o)


However - My mother is a total believer, I was open-minded but not

convinced, I am now an atheist. As my life has progessed my opinions

have changed. As for why religion continues, my own opinion is that

it's because people are afraid of dying and are therefore eager to

clutch at a belief system which allays that fear.


I only said that parental influence was not guaranteed - not that it

never happened at all.




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, " cathyjupp " <cj@r...> wrote:

> , " spacevegan " <rob@z...> wrote:

> .

> >

> > Explain religion then?!

> >

> > Rob



> Bloody hell - if I was clever enough to do that I'd not be wasting


> time here with you lot! ;o)




> However - My mother is a total believer, I was open-minded but not

> convinced, I am now an atheist. As my life has progessed my


> have changed. As for why religion continues, my own opinion is


> it's because people are afraid of dying and are therefore eager to

> clutch at a belief system which allays that fear.


Hey - snap! Ish. I think that was why it started and is factor in it

staying around, but I also think it continues because humans are

tribal in nature.


> I only said that parental influence was not guaranteed - not that


> never happened at all.


I was being deliberately facetious ;-)



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You can't force your children to become vegan, but hopefully steer them in the right direction. At the end of the day its up to them what they decide to do in life - not just from a dietary point of view, but also they will discover their own hobbies and decide their own type of employment. I don't think you can criticise Tony for how his children decide to eat! Not that that was what his mail to was about anyway! He was offering a constructive reason for the cookery demonstration at the AGM.






Robert Cohen was not vegan or even veggie when he had kids, his veganism came later. I thought Tony's kids were most likely raised veggie from birth or at least from very young, so it is possibly a different situation. If the veg*nism is part of the early upbringing, it should remain surely?


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Not a given, by any stretch. My parents voted Liberal, I never have. I was raised as an omnivore, I am now a vegan. We all make our own choices and whilst parents may have an influence, that influence will often not last into adulthood.


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>He asked me " Why are AR vegans weird ? Can anyone answer ?

>I couldn't



>>Some are pretty normal, some look weird but are basically mentally

>>sound, some look normal and are totally bizarre.




Actually, *weird* may be counter-conformist but it's still conformist and

not very thoughtful...if you really want to subvert society then you got to

be IN it (but not OF it)! You look *normal* but...



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Moi ? Yes , eventually !!!!.. They decided not to prosecute also . just as well as I wasn't involved anyway .


It seems to me if they can't get the guilty people , they'll get anyone they can pin it on . Frightening really . Perhaps it is a deliberate tactic to scare us off . Maybe there never was a crime committed !!!



cathyjupp [cj] 31 October 2002 14:28 Subject: Re: AGM, The meaning of life and Socials.Did you ever get your computer back, btw?Cathy~~ info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please remember that the above is only the opinion of the author, there may be another side to the story you have not heard.---------------------------Was this message Off Topic? Did you know? Was it snipped?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guidelines: visit <site temporarily offline>Un: send a blank message to -

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, " Angie Wright " <angiewright@n...> wrote:

> Moi ? Yes , eventually !!!!.. They decided not to prosecute

also .

> just as well as I wasn't involved anyway .


> It seems to me if they can't get the guilty people , they'll get


> they can pin it on . Frightening really . Perhaps it is a


> tactic to scare us off . Maybe there never was a crime

committed !!!


> Angie



> cathyjupp [cj@r...]

> 31 October 2002 14:28


> Re: AGM, The meaning of life and Socials.




> Did you ever get your computer back, btw?


> Cathy





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