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AGM Digest Number 220

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Just a comment on how another organisation does things-


The Permaculture Association integrate their AGM into their annual

convergence (usually held over 2 days and moved around the country- this

year it was in Bristol). The AGM is usually got out of the way quite quickly

with all the financial reports, election of council of management members,

any other business and what have you done quite painlessly, the rest of the

weekend is then taken up with workshops, talks, discussions, slide shows,

videos, visits to sites, etc, with a social/band/dancing etc on the Saturday

night, then a plenary session with feedback on the various sessions and

workshops with all attending is held after lunch on Sunday before everyone

goes home. There is usually a creche or special children oriented events

(last year- or was it the year before??- Ben Law ran some excelent woodland

walks with the kids which were both fun and educational at the same time),

apart from that kids seem to wander in and out of the sessions and events

pretty much as they please and no-one gets stressed about it, if they do

start to get disruptive usually their parents take them outside or somewhere

else for a bit, but it ain't a big deal.


What it does depend on tho is people taking responsibility, and if a job

needs doing somebody will get on and do it without expecting the

Permaculture Council of Management or the association's workers (1 full

timer, 2 volunteers/part timers) to do all the organising and running



Cheers Graham



> Nick Abbott [nabbott]

> 03 November 2002 00:33


> RE: AGM Social



> Hear hear!


> I too, don't want to be drawn into this and 'take sides' but personally

> I would like something 'extra' not just an AGM - I only live 30 miles

> away so would take only an hour to get there - but what about those who

> live further afield??!!! It is a chance to catch up with friends (as

> well as make new ones). That being said, the AGM should be the main

> focus, with an emphasis on 'breaking down barriers' and how to keep

> moving forward ( not just a 'pat on the back' and review of the previous

> year). As to whether the VS should lay on an elaborate social event...it

> is not really fair for them to spend lots of effort on arranging the

> actual AGM without having to arrange a social too however if enough

> members wish to organise a social themselves - as Lesley is willing to

> do - then that is great and encourages participation as well as taking

> some of the pressure off.

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Thanks for sharing this Graham, what an inspiration!

I'm working on it to make the Vegan Society post-AGM social more

family-friendly next year.


I had actually tried to set up something small this year and what I didn't

say before was that I was so very upset because it did not work out, the

volunteer I had who was supposed to be leading something for the children

(playing his guitar and getting them singing) did not turn up. Not his fault

I found out later, and he was so apologetic about it that I was not able to

be angry considering his circumstances - BUT since it is the second time he

has let me down, and the other time it was his fault for simply forgetting,

I will know not to rely on him for certain in future, and have to have other

things planned to fall back on. Also no kids were about this year after the

AGM except ours, even though I had phoned round (those without email) and of

course emailed lots of vegan families we knew, not only those in the London

area, to advertise that we were organising this. It was all done at at very

short notice though, about a couple of weeks before the AGM, I did this as

soon as we knew that the creche was going to happen, like a metaphorical

carrot to encourage more parents to get involved in the Vegan Society, but

maybe if I get on and arrange something next year a few months in advance it

will work better, because it can be publicised in the Annual Report and



Being upset about being let down by so many people, and on my birthday as

well, probably made me even more sensitive to criticism from Kathy Silk who

was running the cookery demonstration. I had been so looking forward to the

social because I had put in an effort to get something family-friendly

happening and to invite the other families. I'm suffering somewhat low

morale this year because after 7 very successful years of vegan families

gatherings, going to nearly all of them ourselves, the attendances at

picnics etc, have been right down just this year. I don't know why this is

as I am not getting enough feedback to help me and the other main organiser,

Cath Felcey, to find a way to turn this trend around, and besides it should

not always be down to me and Cath, as we have three children each, so I feel

that some of the others who have only one or two children ought to make some

effort to help - Cath works as well so has less time than most mums, and yet

she has stuck with it. It seems like all the others expect it all to be

arranged for them, just turn up sometimes, and it happens by magic, and if

it is not perfect, instead of offering some commitment to take a turn

arranging an event, they drop out. If you demoralise and do not appreciate

the main organisers, everyone loses out, so I am sorry I came across

critical of Vegan Society staff or council who work very hard. I know what

it is to work hard and not be appreciated (don't all organisers, and all



Would you and your family be interested in the social (even if not the AGM)

if there is something properly organised next year for families?

I would really love to meet them sometime and I do keep inviting you all to

the vegan families gatherings, which are independent of the Vegan Society.

Do you never come because you are too busy with permaculture stuff, etc? We

would love it if one time you could come along with some or all of your

family and your little book aimed at young green vegans.






Graham Burnett [grahamburnett]

03 November 2002 12:19


AGM Re: Digest Number 220



Just a comment on how another organisation does things-


The Permaculture Association integrate their AGM into their annual

convergence (usually held over 2 days and moved around the country- this

year it was in Bristol). The AGM is usually got out of the way quite quickly

with all the financial reports, election of council of management members,

any other business and what have you done quite painlessly, the rest of the

weekend is then taken up with workshops, talks, discussions, slide shows,

videos, visits to sites, etc, with a social/band/dancing etc on the Saturday

night, then a plenary session with feedback on the various sessions and

workshops with all attending is held after lunch on Sunday before everyone

goes home. There is usually a creche or special children oriented events

(last year- or was it the year before??- Ben Law ran some excelent woodland

walks with the kids which were both fun and educational at the same time),

apart from that kids seem to wander in and out of the sessions and events

pretty much as they please and no-one gets stressed about it, if they do

start to get disruptive usually their parents take them outside or somewhere

else for a bit, but it ain't a big deal.


What it does depend on tho is people taking responsibility, and if a job

needs doing somebody will get on and do it without expecting the

Permaculture Council of Management or the association's workers (1 full

timer, 2 volunteers/part timers) to do all the organising and running



Cheers Graham



> Nick Abbott [nabbott]

> 03 November 2002 00:33


> RE: AGM Social



> Hear hear!


> I too, don't want to be drawn into this and 'take sides' but personally

> I would like something 'extra' not just an AGM - I only live 30 miles

> away so would take only an hour to get there - but what about those who

> live further afield??!!! It is a chance to catch up with friends (as

> well as make new ones). That being said, the AGM should be the main

> focus, with an emphasis on 'breaking down barriers' and how to keep

> moving forward ( not just a 'pat on the back' and review of the previous

> year). As to whether the VS should lay on an elaborate social event...it

> is not really fair for them to spend lots of effort on arranging the

> actual AGM without having to arrange a social too however if enough

> members wish to organise a social themselves - as Lesley is willing to

> do - then that is great and encourages participation as well as taking

> some of the pressure off.





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