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Grand Plants For A Future Spring Clean

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> 1. The Grand Plants For A Future Spring Clean

> Richard Morris <webmaster



> ______________________

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> Message: 1

> Fri, 07 Mar 2003 18:57:19 +0000

> Richard Morris <webmaster

> The Grand Plants For A Future Spring Clean


> The Grand Plants For A Future Spring Clean


> Spring is here and more planning fun is just round the corner, so its

> time to give the Devon site a through spring clean and tidy. To help

> this process along we've organized a number of spring clean weeks in the

> coming months:


> Tues 1st April - Mon 6th April

> Fri 25th April - Wed 2nd May

> Fri 9th May - Mon 19th May


> Those who have visited the site will know that there are a large number

> of old caravans, piles of hard-core and various tat on site. The weeks

> will centre around dismantling these and general cleaning and tidy of

> the site. Other activities will include constructing screening, building

> a new section of hedge and maintaining the beds. Addressing health and

> safety issues will also be a central part of the clean up. We also hope

> to have all the piles of concrete crushed and levelled to make our car

> park and driveway before the start of the first weekend.


> By the end of the period we hope to have the Blagdon site looking really

> tidy so that visitors will be able to concentrate on the demonstration

> gardens, woodlands and wildlife areas and better communicate the message

> of Plants For A Future.


> The nature of the work will be pretty physical and we hope to attract

> people who can get on with the job with little supervision. Communal

> vegan food will be prepared and there is plenty of space for camping and

> a little covered accommodation. If anyone has a good onsite vehicle or

> is skilled in driving JCB's they will be especially welcome. There will

> be ample time to learn about the work of Plants For A Future; explore

> the 84 acres of grassland and woodland; and relax and chat in the

> evenings.


> If you are interested in attending any of these weeks then please ring

> 01208 872 963 or 07813 067 250, email webmaster or write to the

> above address.


> Working Weekends At The Field


> A number of weekends are planed at Plants For A Future's original site

> " The Field " in Cornwall. This is in a much more developed site and is

> well on its way to becoming a forest garden with good tree cover. The

> weekends will be on the 24-26th May, 7-8 June and 28-29 June. The

> weekend will feature many plant based activities, and give you a rare

> opportunity to see the site and enjoy the local countryside and tidal

> creek. There is camping accommodation, and very basic cooking

> facilities. For more information on these weekends please ring Addy on

> 01208 873 554.


> Plant Orders


> We have now established links with a couple of groups who can supply

> several of PFAF style plants. These are:


> Wildwood Nurseries

> Lower Manor Cottage

> Thornbury

> Holsworthy, Devon

> EX22 7DD

> Tel/Fax: 01409 261324 - Email: lorna

> Plants Available:


> Abutilon vitifolium - Indian mallow; Agrostemma githago - corncockle;

> Ajuga reptans - bugle; Alchemilla mollis - lady's mantle; Allium

> neopolitanum - daffodil garlic; Allium sativum - serpent garlic; Allium

> schoenoprasum - chives; Allium tuberosum - garlic chives; Allium ursinum

> - wild garlic, ransoms; Alnus glutinosa - alder; Amelanchier canadensis

> - Juneberry; Aquilegia vulgaris - granny's bonnet, columbine; Arctium

> lappa - burdock; Arum maculatum/italicum - lords and ladies, cuckoo

> pint*; Arundaria japonica (Bambusa metake) - bamboo ; Buddleia davidii -

> butterfly bush; Caltha palustris - marsh marigold; Campanula

> rotundifolia - harebell; Cardamine pratensis - lady's smock; Carex

> pendula - pendulous sedge*; Centaurea scabiosa - greater knapweed;

> Chamaemelum nobile - chamomile; Chrysanthemum parthenium - feverfew;

> Convallaria majalis - lily of the valley; Cornus sanguinea - dogwood;

> Crocosmia crocosmiiflora - monbretia; Digitalis purpurea - foxglove;

> Dipsacus fullonum - teasel; Dryopteris felix-mas - male fern ; Echium

> vulgare - viper's bugloss; Euphorbia amygloides - wood spurge; Fagopyrum

> dibotrys - perennial buckwheat; Fagus sylvatica - common beech; Fraxinus

> excelsior - common ash; Filipendula ulmaria - meadowsweet; Galium

> odoratum - woodruff; Geum rivale - water avens; Hebe scrophulariaceae -

> hebe midsummer beauty ; Hedera helix spec. - ivy (golden, common);

> Helleborus argutifolius - Corsican hellebore; Helleborus orientalis -

> Hellebore 'Snowden'; Hemerocallis fulva - day lily; Horseradish; Humulus

> lupulus - golden hop; Hyacinthoides non-scriptus - bluebells*; Hyoericum

> spec. - St John's Wort*; Hyoericum androsaenum - tutsan*; Ilex

> aquifoliaceae - common holly; Iris pseudacorus - yellow flag iris*;

> Leycesteria - Himalayan honeysuckle, pheasant's berry; Lonicera

> periclymenum - honeysuckle; Lunaria biennis - honesty; Lysimachia

> vulgaris - yellow loosestrife; Lythrum salicaria - purple loosestrife;

> Malvus sylvestris - marsh mallow; Melissa officinalis - lemon balm;

> Mentha citrata - eau de Cologne mint ; Mentha spec. - Ginger mint ;

> Monarda labiatae - bergamot; Nigella damascena - love in a mist;

> Onethera biennis - evening primrose; Oreganum vulgare - oregano;

> Peltaria alliacea - garlic cress; Phylitis scolopendrium - hart's tongue

> fern; Polemonium caeruleum - Jacob's ladder; Polygonum bistorta -

> bistort; Polygonatum multiflorum - Solomon's seal; Prunella vulgaris -

> self-heal; Rosa pimpinellifolia - Burnet rose, wild rose; Rosa rugosa -

> Ramanas rose; Rosmarinunus officinalis - rosemary; Rumex acetosa -

> French sorrel ; Salix daphnoides - violet willow; Salix 'Bowles Hybrid'

> - biomass willow; Salix satsika - twisted willow; Salix viminalis -

> osier; Sambucus niger spec. - Black elder; Sanguisorba minor - salad

> burnet; Saponaria officinalis - soapwort; Scrophularia nodosa -

> figwort*; Silene dioica - red campion; Symphytum officinale - comfrey;

> Ulex europaeus - gorse; Vinca minor - periwinkle; Viola odorata - sweet

> violet.


> And

> Forever Trees Nursery

> Denbury Road

> Ipplepen

> TQ12 5TR

> Tel: 01803 814098

> Plants Available:

> Hazel Standard and Giant Nuts, English Walnut, Beach, Holm Oak, Pinus

> Cemdra, Carella Pine.


> If you would like to help supply Plants For A Future style plants then

> please get in touch.


> East London Herbal Medicine Garden


> We've been working with The Agroforestry Research trust to supply plants

> for an important new project the East London Herbal Medicine Garden.

> Beacontree Organic Growers and several local groups are working to

> re-established an internationally important collection of over 2,000

> medicinal herbs from Bucksteep Manor, East Sussex in a new site. The

> collection was built up over the past 25 years by Hein and Annette

> Zeylstra, with their students at the College of Phytotherapy, the UK's

> leading educational institution for herbal medicine. Plants for a Future

> are to contribute part of their collection of 1,000 species of edible

> plants for the Forest Garden plot. The project will be launched on 20

> March 2003 at Hanault Forest Country Park, Romford Road, Chigwell IG7

> 4QN. For more info please contact barry, Becontree

> Organic Growers, Three Trees, 44 Gale Street, Becontree, Dagenham,

> Essex, RM9 4NH Tel: 020 8592 8941.


> Well that's all for now. As ever we still need people (no one is now

> working full time at Blagdon and there are only 1.5 at the Field), money

> (joining as a friend would be a great way to help) and lots of help in

> all manner of things.


> ttfn

> Rich

> --

> Plants for a Future: 7000 useful plants

> Web: http://www.pfaf.org/ same as http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/pfaf/

> Post: 1 Lerryn View, Lerryn, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0QJ

> Tel: 01208 872 963 / 0845 458 4719

> Email: webmaster

> PFAF electronic mailing list pfaf



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