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*December 2003 issue of Dr. Greger's Newsletter*

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" Michael Greger, M.D. "


*December 2003 issue of Dr. Greger's Newsletter*







December 2003 issue of Dr. Michael Greger's Monthly






I. Latest Updates in Human Nutrition

A. Fish Consumption and Breast


B. Enlarged Prostate and Tomato


C. Sore throat? Try Gargling with

Green Tea

D. Prostate Cancer and Cranberries


II. Top Mad Cow Disease Story of the Month


III. Gift Idea -- My DVD!


IV. FTAA Meeting -- Another Victory for the Animals


V. Personal Update


VI. MAILBAG: " 'Milk Negates Chocolate's Health

Benefits.' What benefits? "








A. Fish Consumption and Breast Cancer


In general, grisly experiments on nonhuman animals has shown a

protective effect of fish consumption on breast cancer risk, which is

one of the reasons some authorities recommend that women eat fish.

Yet there have never been any large forward-looking HUMAN studies.

Never, that is, until now.


The results of the Diet Cancer and Health Study were finally

published last month in the Journal of Nutrition. Over 20,000 women

were grilled about their fish consumption with a detailed

questionnaire and then followed for 5 years. And those eating the most

fish had a 50% greater risk of developing breast cancer. The

researchers estimate that women may raise their breast cancer risk 13%

for every 25 grams of fish they eat every day (which is but a quarter

of a serving). And the increased breast cancer risk from fish

consumption held strong even after controlling for other risk factors

such as alcohol and obesity and hormone use, etc.


It didn't matter whether it was fatty fish or lean fish. It

didn't matter if the fish was fried, boiled or pickled or smoked or

whatever, the more fish these women ate in any form, the more at risk

they were for getting breast cancer. Researchers guess it may be

the organochlorine pesticides like DDT contaminating the worlds oceans

that make fish flesh so carcinogenic.[1]




B. Enlarged Prostate and Tomato Sauce


Last year, a Harvard study of 47,000 men found that those who ate

ten servings a week of tomato products cut their risk of developing

aggressive prostate cancer in half. Researchers suspect this may be

due to the pigment that makes tomatoes red, lycopene. We now know that

lycopene is the most powerful carotene discovered so far, with fully

ten times more antioxidant power than beta carotene.


We've known that in the lab even just purified lycopene slows the

growth of human prostate cancer cells, but what researchers didn't

know is whether lycopene had any effect on noncancerous prostate

cells. In an article published last month, California

researchers set out to answer just that question, and indeed lycopene

inhibited the growth of normal human prostate cells as much as



This is good news for those trying to prevent or treat an

enlargement of the prostate (also called BPH, or Benign Prostatic

Hypertrophy), a condition that affects the majority of elderly men in

this country. This research shows for the first time that not only may

tomato sauce prevent prostate cells from turning cancerous, it may

prevent prostate gland enlargement as well.


Lycopene is one of those phytonutrients which is actually

absorbed better from cooked foods, so you get more from tomato sauce

than raw tomatoes. And eating tomato products with a bit of oil may

also increase the absorption of this fat soluble molecule. Why not

just go out and buy lycopene pills? That's actually the latest

marketing scam from Centrum. Their latest multivitamin

formulation boasts " Now with lycopene! " If you look on

the label, though, indeed you'll see if has 300 mcg of lycopene.

Yeah, but a single tomato has more like 5000! Pass the vegan pizza





C. Sore throat? Try Gargling with Green Tea


During my monthly treasure hunt for articles, I ran across a

title I couldn't resist: " Antibacterial Activity of

Vegetables... " And the experiment it described is indeed as cool

as it sounded.


California researchers were evidently sitting around some day and

thought, " Hmm, I wonder if rutabagas have any antibiotic

quality? " So theygot funding to take a few dozen organic

fruits and veggies, put them each through a juicer and dripped some

juice into bacterial broths and saw if the veggies kicked any

bacterial tush.[4]


None of the green veggies affected the bacteria, but

interestingly the red fruits and veggies--beets, red onion, red

cabbage, cherries, cranberries, and raspberries had a mild inhibitory

effect on pathogenic bacteria, with pomegranates coming out on top.

That is, until they tested green tea and garlic, which had some

serious bacterial butt kicking abilities.


To test just how powerful our plant-based champs were, they put

garlic and green tea up against three of the scariest bacteria

known to humankind, the bacterial strains resistant to almost every

known antibiotic (thanks in part to modern agribusiness saturating

animal feed with antibiotics). And our little plant-based defenders

prevailed, killing the unkillable bugs. The researchers proposed that

maybe hospital staff ought to start washing their hands in green tea

or dripping some into antibiotic resistant infections.


So, gargling with warm green tea may help those with infected

sore throats. (But, if your sore throat is accompanied by swollen

glands and fever, you should get tested for strep throat. This study

didn't test efficacy against the strep bug, and untreated strep can

lead to long-term heart complications.) We don't yet know if green tea

or garlic will help with internal infections, but many of the garlic

compounds are exhaled through the lungs after ingestion and could

conceivably help fight off respiratory tract infections.


Note that they also tried commercial garlic tablets, which were

found to be useless. And cooked garlic didn't work either, so to help

fight off infections you'd have to eat the garlic raw (like maybe in

hummous, salsa, guacamole, etc). And all that raw garlic may even

prevent disease transmission as no one will want to come kiss you





D. Prostate Cancer and Cranberries


I hope everyone had some cranberry sauce on their tofu turkey! :)

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among men

in North America. The current hormonal treatments we have for this

disease have a number of toxic side-effects and only seem to be able

to control cancer growth for a few years before the cancer mutates and

becomes resistant to the treatment. Researchers desperately needed to

come up with a treatment that was effective against even advanced

disease, but whose side effects were tolerable. Researchers at the

University of Western Ontario came up with cranberries.[3]


Cranberry extracts have been found to have antitumor effects

against a number of other hormonally regulated human tumors like

breast cancer, so they tried dripping a few millionths of a gram of

ground up cranberries on a number of human prostate cancer cell lines

in petri dishes. They found that the growth of even the chemotherapy

resistant cancer cells was successfully inhibited.


Of course you can't patent cranberries and make monstrous profits

off them, so researchers tried to identify the compound that was

responsible for the anti-tumor effects. They ran through all the

well known phytonutrient compounds in cranberries and came up dry.

They concluded that the anti-cancer compound in cranberries remains a

mystery. While they continue to try to isolate " the "

active compound so they can put it in a pill and bankrupt some poor

seniors who don't have prescription coverage, how about we just eat

some darn cranberries!


But how to eat them, though, without all the corn syrup and sugar

in processed cranberry products? I'm sure there are lots of good

suggestions out there, but what I do is just put a spoonful of

cranberries in my morning flax smoothie. :)






In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine last

month, researchers discovered that prions infect the muscles of people

who die from Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.[5] This is the first

time these infectious prions have been found outside of nerve tissue.

This raises concerns about the cross contamination of surgical

instruments (since standard sterilization methods cannot guarantee the

inactivation of prions) and of course continues to challenge the

National Cattlemen's Beef Association's continued insistence that

prions are only found in the central nervous system.


Across the Atlantic, Great Britain is launching a national tonsil

archive this month to estimate how many Britons have already been

infected with mad cow disease and are currently incubating the fatal

disease. By collecting and testing tonsil samples from people

undergoing tonsillectomies, the UK government is hoping to estimate

how many beef-eaters might die in the coming years from the human form

of mad cow disease. The infectious prions seem to build up first in

lymphoid tissues such as tonsils and appendixes years before the

person starts showing symptoms and spirals towards death.


For more on the mad cow disease crisis, please see my paper " U.S. Violates WHO Guidelines for Mad Cow

Disease " on the Organic Consumer Association's mad cow disease







Funnyman Vance Lehmkuhl. author of the cartoon collection, The Joy of Soy,

was sweet enough to review my DVD in the latest issue of America's

Favorite Vegetarian Newsmagazine, Veg



My DVD evidently " delivers the nutritional case for veganism

with memorable charm... So you may want to get a copy for yourself,

plus a fun gift for someone who may be leaning toward plant-based

nutrition (all proceeds from the DVD sales go to animal

charities). "


I couldn't have said it better myself :)




IV.FTAA MEETING -- Another Victory for the Animals


Armed checkpoints, embedded reporters in

flak jackets, brutal suppression of peaceful demonstrators. Baghdad?

No, Miami. See Naomi Klein's excellent piece in The Guardian about the protests of the FTAA

meetings in Miami last month.


While yours truly was being shot at by rubber bullets, plastic

bullets, tasers, pepper spray rounds and tear gas canisters, the FTAA

talks inside the Intercontinental Hotel collapsed. Like the World

Trade Organization negotiations two months before, the proposed Free

Trade Area of the Americas, which could cripple animal, environmental

and human rights legislation throughout the hemisphere, seems on the

rocks as more enlightened populations than ours in South America have

forced their leaders to proceed with caution. The grassroots

resistance movement against corporate power continues, but this

certainly seems a victory for global justice.


To learn more about this important issue, listen on-line to my

talk " Corporate

Globalization: Trading Away Our Right to Protect Animals " on

my website (I can also send you

a CD of it if

that's easier) or visit Compassion in World Farming's spectacular

website, http://www.WorldTradeCruelty.com






I got a car! Yeah! I want to sincerely thank everyone who helped

me out with this. It was a noble effort and now I'm back in business!

Now that I'm ready to venture out on the road again, though, the book

project I'm currently working on (an update to Dr. Klaper's Vegan

Nutrition: Pure and Simple) is taking longer than expected, despite me

trying to clock almost 100 hours a week on it. I'm just blown away by

the amount of new research that's come out over the last few years and

am still wading through the research phase. But hopefully I'll be done

in a few months and able to resume my speaking tour this Spring.


One thing people can do to help is ask around to see if anyone

they know has a scanner they'd be willing to donate or lend to me.

Every month I need to jump on a bus to Boston to make my

time-to-make-the-newsletter pilgrimage to Harvard's medical library.

The libraries in new York City where I'm living now are good, but just

cam't compare. Other medical libraries, for example, have a section

devoted to journals they received that year, but Harvard's library has

a whole wall dedicated to the journals they received that DAY! The

problem is that I'm like a kid in a (vegan) candy store up there and

typically xerox about 1400 pages of articles every month, which is

getting pricey.


Veg movement computer guru Eric Zamost came up with a brilliant

suggestion: Why don't I just scan articles into my computer?

Then, not only will I save the expense of copying and the back strain

from lugging around boxes of articles, I can make all the articles

available to everyone. Then, if there's ever an article anyone

is interested in reading themselves, I can just email it to them.

I'd love to be able to provide this service to the movement, but...

I'd need a scanner.


Anyone have one they're not using? I checked a few models

out and it turns out most of the really affordable ones are too slow

for my purposes--it would take me days to input that many articles

every month. According to Consumer Reports, though, the two

fastest models are the Epson Perfection 2400 photo and the HQ Scanjet

4570c. I tried them both, and the Epson wins--I can get a

readable page in less than 25 seconds! Epson is selling refurbished

models with free shipping for $99, but if anyone out there just

happens to have one like it lying around, I'd definitely put it to

good use.


Though I don't miss the traveling, I definitely miss seeing all

of you. Happy Holidays everyone!




VI. MAILBAG: " 'Milk Negates Chocolate's Health

Benefits.' What benefits? "


This has been a good year for chocolate lovers. Three months ago,

research letters published in the Journal of the American Medical

Association showed that people with hypertension fed a daily bar of

dark chocolate significantly improved their high blood pressure within

10 days. The controls who ate bars of white chocolate, which lacks the

cocoa bean solids, experienced no benefit.[6]


Another letter in the same issue showed that cocoa might actually

help arteries become more flexible, improving blood flow.[7] Other

human studies show that chocolate also reduces the clumping of blood,

which might lower heart attack risk as well.[8] Cacao beans are, after

all, a plant food and contain a healthy dose of certain minerals and

antioxidant phytonutrients called flavonoids similar to those found in

green tea and red wine.


But it does have to be dark chocolate. A study two months

ago published in one of the most prestigious journals in the world

showed that the milk in milk chocolate actually cancels out the

antioxidant power of chocolate.[9] So, chocolate lovers, come over to

the dark side :)


Within an hour of eating a bar of dark chocolate,the antioxidant

levels in your blood shoot up almost 20%. But if you eat a bar

of milk chocolate, nothing happens. We always used to think that this

was because there were just less flavonoids in milk chocolate--which

is true, but why were people getting literally zero benefit from milk



Researchers wondered if it was something about the cows' milk

itself that interfered with the absorption of the antioxidants in

chocolate. So they gave people a bar of dark chocolate and then

had them wash it down with a glass of cows' milk. Lo and behold they

were right--the milk somehow blocked the expected rise in antioxidant

levels. Because researchers suspect the cows' milk proteins are the

culprit, we would not expect nondairy milks to have a detrimental



The primary ingredient in chocolate though, is not the

antioxidant anti-aging, anti-tumor, heart healthy flavonoids; it's

cocoa butter, one of the few plant fats that's highly saturated.

The primary concern with saturated fats is that they tend to raise

your cholesterol, but strangely, even in studies in which volunteers

had to eat a half a pound of chocolate a day (sign me up! :), it

didn't seem to affect cholesterol levels, at least in the

short-term.[10] Unfortunately saturated fats may have other

deleterious effects such as increasing one's risk of blood clots,

perhaps making non-alkali processed cocoa powder (which is very low in

fat) a better chocolate choice. Unfortunately, there have been no

population studies looking at chocolate consumption and cardiac risk,

so we don't have all the answers.


Bottom line? Dark chocolate is probably actually healthy

for you, BUT there are indeed healthiER choices--fruit and vegetable

sources of similar antioxidants that contain more nutrients, more

fiber and less calories. But even anti-fat man himself, Dr. Dean

Ornish, indulges in a little bit of dark chocolate every day. So,

don't be afraid of the dark :)






[1] Journal of Nutrition 133(2003):3664.

[2] Journal of Nutrition 133(2003):3356.

[3] Journal of Nutrition 133(2003):3846S.

[4] Nutrition 19(2003):994.

[5] New England Journal of Medicine 349(2003):1812.

[6] Journal of the American Medical Association 290(2003):1029.

[7] Journal of the American Medical Association 290(2003):1030.

[8] Journal of the American Dietetics Association 103(2003):215.

[9] Nature 424(2003):1013.

[10] Harvard Heart Letter. November 2003:8.



If anyone missed previous months, check out my newsletter archive.


Until next month,





(206) 312-8640




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HEART FAILURE: Diary of a Third Year Medical Student (Full text now

available free):


The thinker that most changed my life: Noam Chomsky


The single article that most changed my life:


Please everyone donate money to Tribe of Heart





(206) 312-8640




Check out my new Maximize Nutrition DVD at :


Four of my most popular talks are now online (free) at:


To to my free monthly email newsletter send a blank email



HEART FAILURE: Diary of a Third Year Medical Student (Full text now

available free):


The thinker that most changed my life: Noam Chomsky


The single article that most changed my life:


Please everyone donate money to Tribe of Heart


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