Guest guest Posted April 12, 2004 Report Share Posted April 12, 2004 ************************************** April 2004 issue of Dr. Michael Greger's Monthly Newsletter ******************************************************* CONTENTS (online at I. Latest Updates in Human Nutrition A. Milk and Multiple Sclerosis B. Macular Degeneration: Go Nuts for Your Eyes C. Cinnamon: Spice Up Your Life II. Mad Cow Disease: We have until midnight tonight III. Vegan " Iron Chef " Competition! IV. My Thoughts on Violence and Activism V. Personal Update - Back in business VI. MAILBAG: " Meateaters cooking up new AIDS epidemic? " ******************************************************* I. LATEST UPDATES IN HUMAN NUTRITION -------------------------- A. Milk and Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis is a devastating disease characterized by your immune system attacking the insulation of your own nerve cells, causing unpredictable short-circuiting within your nervous system, which commonly interferes with vision, speech and mobility. But why would your immune system do such a thing? We know that other diseases of so-called immune " autoaggression " may be caused by something called " molecular mimicry, " in which a foreign protein looks just like one of the body's own proteins. So then when the body makes antibodies against the foreign invader, it also unintentionally makes antibodies against some of the body's own proteins. For example, there is a protein in bovine milk that looks like a protein in the human pancreas, and so human babies exposed to the milk of cows may try to fend off the foreign bovine protein and, in doing so, destroy their pancreas's ability to produce insulin, leading to type I diabetes. Numerous population-based studies around the world have linked multiple sclerosis to dairy product consumption,[1-3] but cause and effect could never be proven. So a prestigious research team of German, Swedish, British and American scientists set out study bovine milk proteins and see if they could find any milk protein that cross-reacted with human nerve-sheath proteins. And now, for the first time ever, they found it.[4] If a milk protein is causing or contributing to multiple sclerosis, why don't more people come down with the disease? Like all diseases, susceptibility has both a genetic and an environmental component. We don't know why in some people the bovine milk protein is able to sneak through the blood-brain barrier into the central nervous system and potentially trigger an inflammatory response that ends with your own nerves as victims of collateral damage. This research is still in the preliminary stage, and blaming dairy for multiple sclerosis remains speculative, but evidence is mounting that this disabling disease may just be yet another problem inherent to humans eating the bodies and body fluids of fellow mammals. -------------------------- B. Macular Degeneration: Go Nuts for Your Eyes Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in the United States. As a physician, every disease is personal, but in this case particularly so as my 94 year-old grandfather suffers to this day with this debilitating condition. We've suspected that total fat consumption increases one's risk for the disease, but for the first time ever, Harvard researchers studied people in the early stages and tried to correlate all the different kinds of fat with progression of vision loss. They took a few hundred folks, found out what kind of fat they were eating and followed them for 5 years.[5] They found that overall, the more fat people ate, whether in meat, dairy products or processed baked goods, the faster the progression of the disease, with only one exception: nuts. Those that ate just one or more servings of nuts a week seemed to cut the rate of progression in half. The researchers weren't sure if it was the cholesterol-lowering fiber, the vitamin E, or the copper or magnesium, or whether it was the special anti-inflammatory anti-clot-forming antioxidant phytonutrients in nuts. The hope is that the 8 million Americans suffering macular degeneration may be driven less nuts by their vision loss if they can only be driven to more nuts. -------------------------- C. Cinnamon: Spice Up Your Life I'm hoping to finish up a new DVD based on my anti-cancer talk next month in which I delve into the Oxidant Stress Theory of disease and review some of the unique phytonutrient antioxidants in plant foods. Most of us remember the blueberry story that soaked the press 5 years ago describing the antioxidant power of the berry's blue pigment. The anti-cancer properties of blueberries literally... come out of the blue. Whether we were talking about the orange beta carotene in sweet potatoes, or the red lycopene in tomatoes, the colors themselves are the antioxidants. The blueberry study tested only 40 fruits and vegetables, though. Newer data shows that blueberries, the previous " number one " antioxidant food, got their little blue butts kicked down to number six. Just when we thought blueberries were the winners, someone tested walnuts, which then took the lead. And now, just when walnuts were getting cocky, someone looked at herbs and spices, which almost all blow walnuts out of the water. We now know that lots of the flavor compounds in herbs are powerful antioxidants as well. The flavors are the antioxidants. So there's these compounds called gingerols. Guess where they're found? Don't forget rosmarinic acid... So for maximum nutrition we should eat colorful and flavorful foods. On a per weight basis herbs and spices rule the plant kingdom, but how many grams of cloves can people eat? And just because herbs and spices are at the top of the antioxidant ladder doesn't necessarily translate into clinical benefit. While U.S. scientists continued to tinker our tax dollars away force-feeding rodents blueberry pulp, researchers in Pakistan had the novel idea of actually studying human beings. Researchers took 30 men and 30 women-all with type II diabetes-and gave half of them capsules containing cinnamon and half of them placebo capsules. After 40 days, those eating just 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon a day not only had significantly better blood sugar control, but their cholesterol dropped almost 30%-that's like what you see in cholesterol-lowering drugs! Why hasn't this study been plastered all over the front pages? It was certainly published in a prestigious American medical journal. Perhaps it's because, although the statin medications net drug companies billions in profit every year, a 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon costs me less than a penny a day in the bulk bin at my local co-op. And the research suggests that even just a pinch a day (less than 1/8 teaspoon) might have a similar effect.[6]. Are other spices as medicinal as cinnamon? I guess we'll just have to wait for the government of Pakistan to fund more studies. ******************************************************* II. MAD COW DISEASE: We Have Until Midnight Tonight The USDA is accepting public comments on their new mad cow regulations ( up until April 12, 2004. They have received over 2600 comments so far, and the meat industry is madder than the cows-they estimate doing things like excluding downer-cow brains from hamburgers will cost them $150 million a year. But that's a drop in the bucket for them. Please everyone email the USDA at FSIS.RegulationsComments by tonight and include the docket number " Docket 03-025IF " in the subject line. And tell your friends to write in too! One proposal is to exclude cattles' small intestines from human consumption in the U.S. In Europe, though, all of the intestines are excluded from human food, from the small intestine down to the rectum,[7] in part because there is concern that the colon may also be infectious.[8] Tell the USDA that they should follow Europe's example and exclude all cow and calf rectum, colon, and anus from the American food supply. I've even written a limerick to signify the event: We do not need meat to sustain us And what they do to the cow is just heinous But if you've got to be crass You should pass on the ass And surely not dine on the anus. Another proposal is to exclude skull, brain, eyes, vertebral column, and spinal cord from processing into meat products from cows over 30 months of age, even though infection has been found in the brains of cattle as young as 20 months.[9] In Europe, these risky tissues are excluded from any cow over only 12 months of age.[10] In the U.S. the brains, eyes, and spinal cords from cattle under 30 months " can be rendered to produce products identified as beef stock, beef extract, and beef flavoring without any identification of the source materials other than 'beef'... " [11] This presents an unacceptable risk to the American public. We should follow the EU's lead and exclude these tissues from cattle over 12 months of age-it's a no brainer! The most important proposal, though, is to exclude flesh from downer cattle from the human food supply. Critics of the downer exclusion will no doubt argue that many downed animals are unable to get up due to a traumatic injury and are therefore being excluded inappropriately. In Europe, though, where 1 out of every 4 cows is tested, hundreds of cases of Mad Cow disease are found in animals who appear perfectly healthy.[12] In fact, even the Washington State Holstein who had Mad Cow disease didn't appear sick. Luckily it seems she had a birthing injury which may have left her unable to stand, and she was thus flagged to be among the small percentage of downer cows tested.[13] The Canadian case similarly wasn't displaying CNS symptoms. Ask the USDA to make the downer ban permanent, exclude all downed animals-pigs, sheep, and other livestock-and require downed animals be humanely euthanized immediately wherever they become downed. ******************************************************* III. Vegan " Iron Chef " Competition! This year is the 30th annual Vegetarian Summerfest to be held July 21-25, and the festive folks at NAVS, the North American Vegetarian Society, have quite an extravaganza planned. The Summerfest has always been a fantastic family-friendly five-day feast of cutting-edge educational sessions (at last year's Summerfest I broke my speaking record-13 talks in 4 days!), entertainment, and good wholesome vegan food. But this year they are going to outdo themselves. First off, how about a vegan " Iron Chef " style cookoff? It's going to be me and Howard Lyman versus professional Chefs Ken Bergeron (winner of a mere 3 Gold Medals at the International Culinary Olympics) and restaurant owner Cathi DiCoco. Looks like the two mad cowboys are going to have to kick some Bergeron butt. And if that wasn't enough, I just got word that I can finally let the carrot out of the bag--the original vegan M.D., Dr. Michael Klaper, is returning to Summerfest for the first time in years to unveil the preliminary results of his ground-breaking Vegan Health Study. We're hoping to do some joint sessions-the two Dr. Michael's tag-teaming! It's going to be quite an event. And you heard it here first! Go to to register. ******************************************************* IV. My Thoughts on Violence and Activism Every year I facilitate discussions on violence at the national animal rights conference (July 8-12 this summer-check out As a neutral facilitator, I try to get people to arrive at their own conclusions on the matter, but for anyone interested in my thoughts, I was privileged enough to have an article published in the latest issue of the best animal rights publication currently out there, Satya. You can read the whole issue online at or, even better, at ******************************************************* V. PERSONAL UPDATE - Back in Business I am typing this on my new laptop (!) thanks to the incredible generosity of this movement. Eight people stepped forward with donations large and small to support my work after my emergency appeal last month as my computer fell ill. One organization came forward as well-the Boston Vegetarian Society-promising to chip in whatever extra I needed to make my new laptop a reality. The Boston Vegetarian Society is probably the most active vegetarian society in the United States. Soon to celebrate their 20th anniversary, in addition to all their monthly programs, they put on the Boston Vegetarian Food Festival, an all-volunteer endeavor which brings thousands of people from all over to learn about vegetarianism and veganism in a free fun friendly setting. Mark your calendars-it's October 23rd this year. For more info check out They are doing such good work in the world; I'm honored they considered me part of their mission. You never know how dependent you are on something until it's gone. My laptop is my life (how sad is that?), and I got my life back. Thank you everyone. I'm sorry this issue came out so late-I was busier than usual doing everything from debating the USDA in Alabama to speaking a half a dozen times at the swanky Conference on World Affairs. Now that I'm settling down to hopefully finish the vegan nutrition book this Summer I should be able to get the newsletter out closer to the first of the month. Snail-mailing me is always a frustrating experience since I don't really live anywhere, and it can take me months before I'm able to get back to my mail drop addresses. But, if you don't need me to get anything in a timely fashion, I always update my latest " mailing " address depending on what area of the country I'm in on my website at ******************************************************* VI. MAILBAG: " Meateaters cooking up new AIDS epidemic? " One astute reader caught a story[14] a few weeks ago about Simian Foamy Virus, another AIDS-like retrovirus infecting people eating monkey meat in the area of Africa where blood consumption originally caused HIV to jump species. It took 20 years for HIV to incubate in the human population before it's genetic material had a chance to mutate into AIDS. Is Simian Foamy Virus the next AIDS? We should know in a few decades. Providing economic alternatives to help people move away from hunting and eating gorillas, monkeys and chimps would not only help preserve these endangered species, but development efforts might also reduce the risk that ongoing cross-species transmission of retroviruses could spark future epidemics similar to AIDS. Meanwhile, bird flu continues to threaten. A few weeks ago the-General of the World Health Organization got on TV and warned that another influenza pandemic was inevitable.[15] Why? As a virologist at the University of Ottawa explained, " If you get a virus into a high-density poultry operation and give it a period of time, generally a year or so, then you turn that virus into a highly virulent virus. That's what always happens... You have to say that high intensity chicken rearing is a perfect environment for generating virulent avian flu virus. " [16] Quoting the WHO Director-General, " We know another [human] pandemic is inevitable, " he said. " It is coming. " [17] ******************************************************* REFERENCES: (Full text of specific articles available by emailing article-request) [1] Medical hypotheses 19(1986):169. [2] Neuroepidemiology 11(1992):304. [3] Annals of Neurology 49(1997):55. [4] Journal of Immunology 172(2004):661. [5] Archives of Ophthalmology 171:1728. [6] Diabetes Care 26(12):3215. [7] Official Journal of the European Communities. Commission Decision of 27 December 2000. [8] European Scientific Steering Committee. Listing of Specified Risk Materials. [9] [10] Official Journal of the European Communities. Commission Decision of 27 December 2000. [11] Federal Register. Docket No. 03-038IF. [12] European Commission. BSE Cases in Cattle. [13] December 2003. [14] The Times (London) March 19, 2004. [15] BBC News March 18, 2004. [16] Canadian Press April 07, 2004. [17] BBC News March 18, 2004. ******************************************************* If anyone missed previous months, check out my newsletter archive at Until next month, peace, love, and broccoli, Michael -- (206) 312-8640 mhg1 To to my free monthly email newsletter send a blank email to: drgregersnewsletter- Four of my most popular talks are now online (free) at: Check out my Vegetarian Nutrition DVD at: HEART FAILURE: Diary of a Third Year Medical Student (full text now available free): The thinker that most changed my life: Noam Chomsky The single article that most changed my life: Please everyone donate money to Compassion Over Killing Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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