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FW: Endangered humpback whales to be killed in the name of 'science'

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Robbie Marsland, IFAW [robbie]

07 November 2007 18:13

Michael Benis

Endangered humpback whales to be killed in the name of 'science'



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International Fund for Animal Welfare | November 7, 2007 A Better

World for Animals and People


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Endangered humpback whales to be killed in the name of 'science'




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Song of the Whale at work.

Please let your MP know

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there's no need to kill whales in order to study them.





Dear Michael,


Japan's whaling fleet is due to leave for the Southern Ocean Sanctuary in

the next week and plans to kill 50 endangered humpback whales, as well as

around 1,000 other whales, in the name of 'science'. Please email your MP

today and ask that he or she

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UIcORKlI6H> writes to Foreign Secretary David Miliband to help stop this

needless killing.


Whaling is cruel and unnecessary


Whaling is cruel - it can take over half an hour for a whale to die - and

whales are worth more alive than dead. Whale-watching provides a valuable

income to coastal communities in over 87 countries around the world.


There is no need to kill whales to study them. IFAW's whale research boat,

Song of the Whale, carries out non-invasive research on marine mammals

around the world; proof that you don't have to kill whales to study them.

Scientists have condemned so-called 'scientific whaling' because new

research methods make it easier than ever before to study whales without

harming them.


Please take action today


Despite recent success at the last International Whaling Commission meeting

this year, there are still many whales being needlessly killed.


The UK Government needs to raise the whaling issue with pro-whaling

countries and encourage them to support whale conservation. Many whale

species have still not recovered from previous intensive whaling. It is

critical that the UK Government takes the lead

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UIcORKlI6H> in this grave animal welfare and conservation issue, and it is

vital that we tell them so.






Robbie Marsland, IFAW UK


P.S. Please forward this message to your friends and

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UIcORKlI6H> family and ask them to help put a stop to whaling.




IFAW 2007 | This message was sent to: michaelbenis


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