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Can dairy make you anxious?

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Hi there


Do you think there is a chance that the non-vegan blips i've been having over

the past few weeks is adding to my bad anxiety?

I suffer with depression and anxiety anyway, but this past 10 days have been

considerably worse.....and i have been eating allsorts of chocolate and really

not enjoying it very much....which i realise is an emotional issue.....but could

it be making my anxiety worse do you think?


Just joined by the way...been vegan for nearly 2years and vegi before then.

Living in Hertfordshire with my neurotic cat Oscar!


Have a great day.


Jo :o)

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I don't know if the dairy could do that as I'm a new vegan myself...

I'll leave that one to the more experienced people to answer.

But my first thought is that bingeing on chocolate means that you are

eating a lot of processed sugar and that can easily give you empty

energy sugar rushes, followed by a crash afterwards which can leave you

feeling pretty low. I suffer from depression sometimes and I have

definitely found that it's much worse if I binge on unhealthy, sugary

foods. It puts me into a vicious circle where the more junk I eat, the

more I crave it, because my body is trying to avoid the crash by filling

up on more quick fix sugar before the crash comes, IYKWIM? When I'm

sugared up I feel anxious and jittery, not to mention that chocolate has

caffeine in it too. And if you've been vegan for 2 years you're probably

not used to the non vegan chocolate overload so the effects might be

even worse on you than for me?

It's only when I force myself to avoid the junk completely, and instead

start eating slow burning carbs like pasta and muesli, that I start to

feel better and the cravings gradually go away.

Hope you feel better and work out what the problem is soon!






On Behalf

Of purple33jo

15 September 2009 12:50


Can dairy make you anxious?





Hi there


Do you think there is a chance that the non-vegan blips i've been having

over the past few weeks is adding to my bad anxiety?

I suffer with depression and anxiety anyway, but this past 10 days have

been considerably worse.....and i have been eating allsorts of chocolate

and really not enjoying it very much....which i realise is an emotional

issue.....but could it be making my anxiety worse do you think?


Just joined by the way...been vegan for nearly 2years and vegi before

then. Living in Hertfordshire with my neurotic cat Oscar!


Have a great day.


Jo :o)









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Hiya thanks for your reply




What you say makes total sense, and if I'd thought about it some more I'm

sure I'd have come to that conclusion too. I have in fact had several sugar

lows this week.like real emergency ones where you think you're just gonna

faint or barf.


The chocolate attacks in the evening must be why I've had such bad anx in

the mornings...it's kinda like a hangover I guess.




I love being vegan, I just wish I could follow a healthy eating plan for

more than 2 minutes.




Really, my question should've been " Can non-vegan chocolate make you

anxious? And the answer to that (in my case)is a massive caffeine fuelled





Thanks again






On Behalf Of

Underwood-Fowler Cindy

15 September 2009 14:20


RE: Can dairy make you anxious?






I don't know if the dairy could do that as I'm a new vegan myself...

I'll leave that one to the more experienced people to answer.

But my first thought is that bingeing on chocolate means that you are

eating a lot of processed sugar and that can easily give you empty

energy sugar rushes, followed by a crash afterwards which can leave you

feeling pretty low. I suffer from depression sometimes and I have

definitely found that it's much worse if I binge on unhealthy, sugary

foods. It puts me into a vicious circle where the more junk I eat, the

more I crave it, because my body is trying to avoid the crash by filling

up on more quick fix sugar before the crash comes, IYKWIM? When I'm

sugared up I feel anxious and jittery, not to mention that chocolate has

caffeine in it too. And if you've been vegan for 2 years you're probably

not used to the non vegan chocolate overload so the effects might be

even worse on you than for me?

It's only when I force myself to avoid the junk completely, and instead

start eating slow burning carbs like pasta and muesli, that I start to

feel better and the cravings gradually go away.

Hope you feel better and work out what the problem is soon!







[ <%40> ] On


Of purple33jo

15 September 2009 12:50


Can dairy make you anxious?


Hi there


Do you think there is a chance that the non-vegan blips i've been having

over the past few weeks is adding to my bad anxiety?

I suffer with depression and anxiety anyway, but this past 10 days have

been considerably worse.....and i have been eating allsorts of chocolate

and really not enjoying it very much....which i realise is an emotional

issue.....but could it be making my anxiety worse do you think?


Just joined by the way...been vegan for nearly 2years and vegi before

then. Living in Hertfordshire with my neurotic cat Oscar!


Have a great day.


Jo :o)







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I haven't actually looked yet myself, as I'm trying to avoid buying

" special " vegan items from health shops in order to save money, but...

surely there must be some sort of vegan friendly, low sugar chocolate or

chocolate substitute (carob??) out there... maybe you can have your cake

(or choc!) AND eat it... have a healthy eating plan, but with some vegan

low sugar chocolate on the side?

Also, someone once told me that if you crave chocolate, eat some dried

dates. They are apparently very good at satisfying the chocolate craving

but are much healthier and vegan too. Or would chocolate soya milk do?


If you're worst in the morning then perhaps you should try eating plenty

of carbohydrates in the evening, so that your blood sugar won't have

dropped so low by morning? Also, have some vegan muesli or porridge as

soon as you get up, throw in raisins and a glass of fruit juice on the

side for natural sugar just to keep you going until the oats kick in.

The oats will give you lots of slow burning energy which should start to

work before the little bit of sugar from the raisins and juice wear

off... so you won't get the crash. Also, I think I read something once

that said oats are good to eat when you're depressed... I guess they

have something in them that helps your mood?


Opalline (who is only starting to learn about nutrition really so feel

free to correct any of this if I'm wrong, experienced vegans!)






On Behalf

Of Jo Kay

15 September 2009 20:14


RE: Can dairy make you anxious?





Hiya thanks for your reply


What you say makes total sense, and if I'd thought about it some more


sure I'd have come to that conclusion too. I have in fact had several


lows this week.like real emergency ones where you think you're just


faint or barf.


The chocolate attacks in the evening must be why I've had such bad anx


the mornings...it's kinda like a hangover I guess.


I love being vegan, I just wish I could follow a healthy eating plan for

more than 2 minutes.


Really, my question should've been " Can non-vegan chocolate make you

anxious? And the answer to that (in my case)is a massive caffeine




Thanks again











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Yes Low GI is definitely the best way to manage low sugar. There's plenty

of delicious vegan chocolate out there, Green & Blacks do a lovely mint bar

and a raisin/hazelnut bar and they are sooooooo much nicer than non-vegan

chocolate..i guess my mood has just been dictating my diet lately.


I do think that eating non-vegan chocolate makes you want more of it, the

same with sugars, so I'm best keeping away from them anyway.




I go through phases of having proper breakfasts and I know it really is the

most important meal of the day and I have to maybe think of it as medicine.



Not heard about oats helping with depression, so that's good to know.




The problem really is having no self-discipline! I know enough about

nutrition to know what's best for me but when I see cake, the child in me

takes over!!


Sometimes I'm just compelled to eat rubbish! And I don't think about the

consequences, it's like a drug! But one that makes me feel ill.




Well I'm going to have my breakfast now (at 11.45am.tut tut!).porridge oats,

quinoa pops, dried apricots, dates, chopped banana, nuts and ground linseed

and hempseed..got a little carton of rice milk to try too, as soy is

apparently not good for an underactive thyroid of which I have.




Have a good day, good to chat.








On Behalf Of

Underwood-Fowler Cindy

16 September 2009 11:28


RE: Can dairy make you anxious?






I haven't actually looked yet myself, as I'm trying to avoid buying

" special " vegan items from health shops in order to save money, but...

surely there must be some sort of vegan friendly, low sugar chocolate or

chocolate substitute (carob??) out there... maybe you can have your cake

(or choc!) AND eat it... have a healthy eating plan, but with some vegan

low sugar chocolate on the side?

Also, someone once told me that if you crave chocolate, eat some dried

dates. They are apparently very good at satisfying the chocolate craving

but are much healthier and vegan too. Or would chocolate soya milk do?


If you're worst in the morning then perhaps you should try eating plenty

of carbohydrates in the evening, so that your blood sugar won't have

dropped so low by morning? Also, have some vegan muesli or porridge as

soon as you get up, throw in raisins and a glass of fruit juice on the

side for natural sugar just to keep you going until the oats kick in.

The oats will give you lots of slow burning energy which should start to

work before the little bit of sugar from the raisins and juice wear

off... so you won't get the crash. Also, I think I read something once

that said oats are good to eat when you're depressed... I guess they

have something in them that helps your mood?


Opalline (who is only starting to learn about nutrition really so feel

free to correct any of this if I'm wrong, experienced vegans!)







[ <%40> ] On


Of Jo Kay

15 September 2009 20:14


RE: Can dairy make you anxious?


Hiya thanks for your reply


What you say makes total sense, and if I'd thought about it some more


sure I'd have come to that conclusion too. I have in fact had several


lows this week.like real emergency ones where you think you're just


faint or barf.


The chocolate attacks in the evening must be why I've had such bad anx


the mornings...it's kinda like a hangover I guess.


I love being vegan, I just wish I could follow a healthy eating plan for

more than 2 minutes.


Really, my question should've been " Can non-vegan chocolate make you

anxious? And the answer to that (in my case)is a massive caffeine




Thanks again









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I have the same cravings to eat junk, too.. I think it's like a

withdrawal symptom, the same as if you give up smoking! I have noticed

that the more often I give in, the more often I have the cravings...

when I lived on take away food and cheese, I craved them all the time.

I'd have pizza leftovers for breakfast, then by tea time I'd be

thinking, I could murder another pizza! That's one of the reasons I

decided to give up dairy... I figured since I was craving it so

irrationally all the time, it was probably bad for me.

But it's two weeks since I had any junk food now and I'm doing great. My

self discipline is usually terrible - but this time, I've planned around

the things I know will be hardest (like making sure I have a big

breakfast so I won't get the mid morning munchies, and making sure I

prepare a healthy snack in advance for me to eat as soon as I get home

from work, so I won't be tempted to binge on cheese before dinner time.

And it's really helped! I don't really crave the junk like I used to,

and it's taken much less time than I thought it would (last time I went

vegan it took months to get this far, I guess the difference is the more

sensible way I'm approaching it this time). I know it's only been two

weeks so it may yet go wrong - but so far, so good.

Oh and one other thing I've found is really helping me, is this. I make

sure that for dinner each day, I cook something really yummy (but

healthy). I decide what it's going to be the night before, picking

something that I really fancy, then I look forward to it all day long.

Since I've planned it in advance I can make sure it's something that

won't cost much but is still tasty. I use the nicest plates I can find,

arrange the food nicely on the plate, add a garnish to make it look

inviting, like a pinch of dried herbs, sesame seeds etc, so that it

looks as delicious as possible and is a treat to eat. I even take a

photo and put it on my food blog, so it feels like what I'm eating is

really special even if it's just baked potato and beans! Looking forward

to that one meal seems to take the focus off what I'm eating for the

rest of the day, and I get my daily dose of indulgence so I don't feel

like I'm missing out on anything. Like last night... I had wholemeal

penne pasta with alfredo sauce, made from silken tofu, soya milk,

tahini, garlic, nutmeg, miso and a little chilli powder. It was soooo

creamy and delicious, but also it was healthy and it cost next to

nothing since I had most of the stuff in the cupboard anyway. And during

the day, if I felt like eating some junk, I just told myself that I was

getting a really nice dinner later so I shouldn't spoil it by eating

rubbish now!


How was the rice milk? I've tried a couple of brands now and I like them

both :)







On Behalf

Of Jo Kay

16 September 2009 11:48


RE: Can dairy make you anxious?






The problem really is having no self-discipline! I know enough about

nutrition to know what's best for me but when I see cake, the child in


takes over!!


Sometimes I'm just compelled to eat rubbish! And I don't think about the

consequences, it's like a drug! But one that makes me feel ill.











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Vegan chocolate? Oooh, where to start! The most basic is a bar of dark chocolate

from the supermarket, which is usually relatively cheap and, because it's not

diluted by milk, goes a long way. Thus, because you need to eat less of it to

satisfy the cocoa craving, you end up eating less sugar too.


Plamil do a range of vegan sugarfree chocolate (as well as normal chocolate),

sweetened with xylitol (which is as sweet as sugar, but doesn't affect the body

in the same way and so no sugar high/crash). Website is www.plamilfoods.co.uk to

give you an idea; obviously they're a bit expensive to eat all the time but

great as an occasional treat. I've found I can make a bar last a few days, and

they're also good if you're fed up with dark chocolate - they do a " milk "

version, as well as things like mint and orange.


As for oats, they contain B vitamins which support the nervous system, and

magnesium which helps you relax. That's why they're quite good for stress and

depression. Bananas are also beneficial, and they're high in potassium. Then

again, eating badly can make almost any condition worse just as eating healthily

can improve things, so the more unprocessed food and fruit etc you eat, the





, " Underwood-Fowler Cindy " <CDUFOWLER wrote:


> I haven't actually looked yet myself, as I'm trying to avoid buying

> " special " vegan items from health shops in order to save money, but...

> surely there must be some sort of vegan friendly, low sugar chocolate or

> chocolate substitute (carob??) out there...


.... Also, I think I read something once

> that said oats are good to eat when you're depressed... I guess they

> have something in them that helps your mood?

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Sounds delicious... might have to stock up on a few of those next time

I'm at the health store, just for emergency chocolate cravings! I'm not

keen on dark chocolate so it's nice knowing there is a milk type version







On Behalf

Of gothcatz

17 September 2009 20:15


Re: Can dairy make you anxious?







Plamil do a range of vegan sugarfree chocolate (as well as normal

chocolate), sweetened with xylitol (which is as sweet as sugar, but

doesn't affect the body in the same way and so no sugar high/crash).

Website is www.plamilfoods.co.uk to give you an idea; obviously they're

a bit expensive to eat all the time but great as an occasional treat.

I've found I can make a bar last a few days, and they're also good if

you're fed up with dark chocolate - they do a " milk " version, as well as

things like mint and orange.









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I don’t like dark chocolate either unless it has nuts or fruit in. Green &

Blacks do a nice raisin and hazelnut bar but I only seem to be able to buy

it in London for some reason.


The best dark chocolate I have found, that is wonderfully vegan, is

horrendously overpriced but incredibly delicious to the max.


It is made by La Maison Du Chocolat and they have a shop/café (but don’t

have soy milk!) just near Piccadilly.


I bought 150g of their dark bar for a friend and it cost me £10.50!!!


Shocking I know, but for the occasional treat it really is a must.


It has nuts and fruit in it and just has the most amazing taste. I’m sure

they’ll let you have a little taster if you smile sweetly.








On Behalf Of

Underwood-Fowler Cindy

21 September 2009 15:41


RE: Re: Can dairy make you anxious?






Sounds delicious... might have to stock up on a few of those next time

I'm at the health store, just for emergency chocolate cravings! I'm not

keen on dark chocolate so it's nice knowing there is a milk type version








[ <%40> ] On


Of gothcatz

17 September 2009 20:15


Re: Can dairy make you anxious?


Plamil do a range of vegan sugarfree chocolate (as well as normal

chocolate), sweetened with xylitol (which is as sweet as sugar, but

doesn't affect the body in the same way and so no sugar high/crash).

Website is www.plamilfoods.co.uk to give you an idea; obviously they're

a bit expensive to eat all the time but great as an occasional treat.

I've found I can make a bar last a few days, and they're also good if

you're fed up with dark chocolate - they do a " milk " version, as well as

things like mint and orange.







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£10.50 for a bar of chocolate??? It must have gold in it or something!!

LOL I bet it tastes amazing. A great idea for a super luxury treat ;-)






On Behalf Of Jo


23 September 2009 00:49


RE: Re: Can dairy make you anxious?





I don't like dark chocolate either unless it has nuts or fruit in. Green &

Blacks do a nice raisin and hazelnut bar but I only seem to be able to buy

it in London for some reason.


The best dark chocolate I have found, that is wonderfully vegan, is

horrendously overpriced but incredibly delicious to the max.


It is made by La Maison Du Chocolat and they have a shop/café (but don't

have soy milk!) just near Piccadilly.


I bought 150g of their dark bar for a friend and it cost me £10.50!!!


Shocking I know, but for the occasional treat it really is a must.


It has nuts and fruit in it and just has the most amazing taste. I'm sure

they'll let you have a little taster if you smile sweetly.











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