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quiet revolution and smugness

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Hi all,

haven't written anything in ages...but Mr Big your

comment :anyone feeling smug? about the Foot and Mouth

outbreak...I do, I find it horrible that we are

killing so many animals and it appears like another

holocaust, but it is funny to see all my family and

friends worry about their lack of meat...selfish


They talk about vaccinations and how it will affect

british meat, wonder how many people are gonna go

vegetarian/vegan because of this???

This what BSE did to the amount of vegetarians....I

wonder what this will do!




p.s I just wanna quick outrage you all by informing

you about the Royal Bank of Scotland, we all know they

had a HUGE loan with HLS and because of our pressure

they dropped it. The RBS are going around college

giving talks to students about their services so I am

doing the same...I am INFORMING all the students about

this Horrible loan they were involved with, the people

from the RBS aren't too happy with me...wonder

why???guilty feelings eh!!! :-)





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Hello my gorgeous extended vegan family! Below is the email I have just sent

to the BBC at


They were doing some big programme on BBC1 tonight about the whole situation,

so I have submitted this modest entry for their rumination. :o) I encourage

others to send their views to this email address also.



I'm feeling smug, being a vegan, and sorry for the animals and the farmers.

It is a shame that they are all being slaughtered and I am sorry for the

farmers and their families. However, maybe some of them will switch to crop

farming instead of reverting to livestock again. What does piss me off is the

picture you keep seeing on television of farmers and families getting all

upset about their poor animals! I mean, for goodness sake! The farmers are

the ones using the livestock for milk, meat and other products. A few weeks

ago there was a farmer's wife feeling sorry for her children who had just

given names to some of the animals! For God's sake, did she not also lie to

them about the end fate of such animals? " Oh that's alright , my darling

daughter, call that sheep Betty....don't worry about the fact that we are

selling her unnecessarily next market day. Don't think about her being

eviscerated and used for a whole range of hellish processes. " IT IS SO

HYPOCRITICAL! A case of preventing the left hand from knowing what the right

hand is doing. It is so irresponsible but proof that people will put their

minds to sleep if it means they can stop themselves feeling guilty. The same

goes for the organic farmers, who I am sure would call me a raving fool, but

they are still using the animals for an industry which creates milk, a

foodstuff meant for calves only and I am sure they don't build a granny flat

for the older cows and take them for a fortnightly wash and

rinse....hypocrites! I would not eat any meat nor dairy foodstuffs, nor any

of their associated products. The prevalence of variant CJD, BSE,

foot-and-mouth and I'm sure, a whole host of other diseases kept from the

public's ears, make me glad that I no longer eat meat nor dairy. My past

might catch up with me with the animal products I consumed in the past but I

hope that my healthier vegan diet will counter any of the bad effects

originating therefrom. I hope that the farmers switch to crop farming for

humans, not just producing cereal for livestock. You can make 9lbs of cereal

for every 1lb of meat - you do the arithmetic - we could feed the entire

world comfortably if we phased out livestock farming and we would save huge

areas of rainforest, the lungs of the planet, into the bargain. This is our

wake-up call, so WAKE UP!!!

We could turn this tragedy into a blessing as long as we see that crop

farming would save the livelihood of the farmers. The government is putting

so much money for compensation into the farming industry that it should be

relatively easy to convert the farms to crop farming. We would create a

healthier environment and avoid having a tragedy like this again in the

future. Come on everybody! This is the start of something much better!

Mark McLauchlan

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Nice one..I hope the gits cry....



>p.s I just wanna quick outrage you all by informing

>you about the Royal Bank of Scotland, we all know they

>had a HUGE loan with HLS and because of our pressure

>they dropped it. The RBS are going around college

>giving talks to students about their services so I am

>doing the same...I am INFORMING all the students about

>this Horrible loan they were involved with, the people

>from the RBS aren't too happy with me...wonder

>why???guilty feelings eh!!! :-)





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Hi everyone,

AS far as I can see the whole country is in denile about the whole f & m

crisis. Living in rural northumberland, where restrictions are fluctuating

daily, the subject often comes up at school. However as meat manufacturers

have so cleverly disguised the fact that meat comes from living, feeling

animals, people cannot or (more likely) refuse to acossiate the animal with

the product sitting on their plate. In discussions on the crisis people from

school are throwing blame left, right and centre however they were all

unable to make the connection between their desire for cheap, artery

clogging food. All of those in positions of teaching need to help people to

see what is beneath their noses, if the rural community cannot place the

animal in the field with what is on their plate, how the hell can people who

live surronded by concrete buildings be expected to?


In reference to the RBS loans to HLS I am wondering who you all bank with? I

have been unable to find a bank with any ethical consious, I thought that

the co-op would, but their insurance division also suppored HLS.


Incidently I think that cadbury's bournville chocolate has gone vegan! (or

at least there are no animal ingreients listed). The font on the packaging

has changed slightly too.


Bye, bye




>continous thoughts <the_reality_of_fate



>Re: quiet revolution and smugness

>Thu, 22 Mar 2001 07:19:13 -0800 (PST)


>Hi all,

>haven't written anything in ages...but Mr Big your

>comment :anyone feeling smug? about the Foot and Mouth

>outbreak...I do, I find it horrible that we are

>killing so many animals and it appears like another

>holocaust, but it is funny to see all my family and

>friends worry about their lack of meat...selfish


>They talk about vaccinations and how it will affect

>british meat, wonder how many people are gonna go

>vegetarian/vegan because of this???

>This what BSE did to the amount of vegetarians....I

>wonder what this will do!




>p.s I just wanna quick outrage you all by informing

>you about the Royal Bank of Scotland, we all know they

>had a HUGE loan with HLS and because of our pressure

>they dropped it. The RBS are going around college

>giving talks to students about their services so I am

>doing the same...I am INFORMING all the students about

>this Horrible loan they were involved with, the people

>from the RBS aren't too happy with me...wonder

>why???guilty feelings eh!!! :-)





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Thanks Paul!

I only watched a bit of the programme...couldn't stand all of the lamenting when

the solution was staring them in the face. That 'The Good Life' followed is

brilliant - very funny! Although Richard Briers and Felicity Kendal did have

animals for food!



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If the programme Mark mentions is the programme I think it was ( " Foot

and Mouth: A Silent Spring " ) then there was a little piece of irony

involved: the programme that made way for it was " The Good Life " .


I don't think it was shown in Scotland. The whole programme is

currently available online (you'll need RealPlayer) at:




Paul Philbrow




>Thu, 22 Mar 2001 16:06:29 EST



>They were doing some big programme on BBC1 tonight about the whole situation,

>so I have submitted this modest entry for their rumination. :o) I encourage

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Indeed...the complete absense of lateral thinking

never ceases to amaze me.


>I only watched a bit of the programme...couldn't stand all of the lamenting

>when the solution was staring them in the face.


Mr Bin~Bag


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>Fri, 23 Mar 2001 08:11:51 EST


>I only watched a bit of the programme...couldn't stand all of the

>lamenting when the solution was staring them in the face. That 'The

>Good Life' followed is brilliant - very funny! Although Richard Briers

>and Felicity Kendal did have animals for food!


(I'm not sure either what can be concluded from the juxtaposition with

the programme that preceded it: a story about suburban people slaying

creatures that feed on blood.)


A couple of things struck me about it (the Foot & Mouth programme, not

the Good Life, nor Buffy the Vampire Slayer).


In comparison with the level of killing that ordinarily happens (MAFF

statistics show 350000 sheep are killed for meat in an _ordinary_ week

in the UK, 240000 pigs, 46000 cattle), the drama and sombreness of the

opening title sequence and music was fascinating.


Then there was the contrast between the opening words and the

conclusion drawn right at the end. The journalist, having set the

scene with present events, continued,


" And when the disease ends, there's the prospect of farming

re-inventing itself. A feeling that things can't stay unchanged. "


Is a revolution indeed upon us? Apparently not quite, as the

programme concludes the consequences will be: fewer cheap meat

imports, and stopping feeding swill to pigs.


Paul Philbrow


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hey Anne!

I hope you are right about the Bourneville chocolate from Cadbury's! Last

time I looked, couple of weeks ago, there was butterfat listed in the

ingredients but I will have another look today.

Have read the last few comments about the 'quiet revolution' and so on

and am very glad to ab able to swap views with such an ace group of people

like yourselves. We should be proud of ourselves.



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>Incidently I think that cadbury's bournville chocolate has gone vegan! (or

>at least there are no animal ingreients listed). The font on the packaging

>has changed slightly too.


Mmh, that`s rather strange..my Mum posted me up a bar of that very same

chocolate only the other day..thinking it was Vegan...but looking at the

ingredients it had butter fat in it..I hope you hav`nt scoffed a bar only to

find in a day or two`s time that it still has butter fat in it.


I just chucked mine...oh yeah, went to Cambridge the other day,just for a

look around...mmh very strange place...anyway got a few bits n bobs at the

health food shop there and on my way home discovered that the woman who

packed my bag put a tin of " powdered sheeps milk " in my bag...yuk!!

...I dunno, I`d bought a couple of Vegan spring rolls there too..it`d be so

nice to find an actual Vegan working in a health food shop for a change...

As grimm as it was..we had to laugh..the day had been pretty mad.









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I was under the impression that the Co-op. insurance soc. had now pulled out

of H.L,S.. Angie [ Before they did they were plagued with phone calls Do we

need to start again???]


" Anne Grainger " <annejrgrainger

<vegan-network >

Thursday, March 22, 2001 10:59 PM

quiet revolution and smugness



> Hi everyone,

> AS far as I can see the whole country is in denile about the whole f & m

> crisis. Living in rural northumberland, where restrictions are fluctuating

> daily, the subject often comes up at school. However as meat manufacturers

> have so cleverly disguised the fact that meat comes from living, feeling

> animals, people cannot or (more likely) refuse to acossiate the animal


> the product sitting on their plate. In discussions on the crisis people


> school are throwing blame left, right and centre however they were all

> unable to make the connection between their desire for cheap, artery

> clogging food. All of those in positions of teaching need to help people


> see what is beneath their noses, if the rural community cannot place the

> animal in the field with what is on their plate, how the hell can people


> live surronded by concrete buildings be expected to?


> In reference to the RBS loans to HLS I am wondering who you all bank with?


> have been unable to find a bank with any ethical consious, I thought that

> the co-op would, but their insurance division also suppored HLS.


> Incidently I think that cadbury's bournville chocolate has gone vegan! (or

> at least there are no animal ingreients listed). The font on the packaging

> has changed slightly too.


> Bye, bye

> Anne



> >continous thoughts <the_reality_of_fate

> >vegan-network

> >vegan-network

> >Re: quiet revolution and smugness

> >Thu, 22 Mar 2001 07:19:13 -0800 (PST)

> >

> >Hi all,

> >haven't written anything in ages...but Mr Big your

> >comment :anyone feeling smug? about the Foot and Mouth

> >outbreak...I do, I find it horrible that we are

> >killing so many animals and it appears like another

> >holocaust, but it is funny to see all my family and

> >friends worry about their lack of meat...selfish

> >bastards!!

> >They talk about vaccinations and how it will affect

> >british meat, wonder how many people are gonna go

> >vegetarian/vegan because of this???

> >This what BSE did to the amount of vegetarians....I

> >wonder what this will do!

> >Sincerely

> >Anj

> >

> >p.s I just wanna quick outrage you all by informing

> >you about the Royal Bank of Scotland, we all know they

> >had a HUGE loan with HLS and because of our pressure

> >they dropped it. The RBS are going around college

> >giving talks to students about their services so I am

> >doing the same...I am INFORMING all the students about

> >this Horrible loan they were involved with, the people

> >from the RBS aren't too happy with me...wonder

> >why???guilty feelings eh!!! :-)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >Get email at your own domain with Mail.

> >http://personal.mail./


> _______________________

> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.





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I'm proud of all vegans .We're the BEST!!!Angie



<vegan-network >

Sunday, March 25, 2001 1:28 PM

Re: quiet revolution and smugness



> hey Anne!

> I hope you are right about the Bourneville chocolate from Cadbury's! Last

> time I looked, couple of weeks ago, there was butterfat listed in the

> ingredients but I will have another look today.

> Have read the last few comments about the 'quiet revolution' and so on

> and am very glad to ab able to swap views with such an ace group of people

> like yourselves. We should be proud of ourselves.

> Mark

> x




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