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B12 research (free tests) and oils etc

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Everything in moderation....as long as it's vegan I try not to worry about it

too much....shopping as a vegan is hard enough, without sorting out palm and

coconut oil...as long as you don't eat buckets of the stuff you'll be

alright...you need some saturated fat in your diet for health. Of course, we

are all on the road to a better diet, but you have to enjoy the scenery on

the way...(yuk, that sounds so twee, dunnit? lol)



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well i've got the eyesight of an eagle and the sex drive of a rabbit....

must be all the vitamin rich vegetables and pulses i eat, hehe

no animal fat in me clogging up those all important arteries and blood

vessels, haha



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didn't miss it, but it's too far for me to travel and I have to save my

holidays...only been vegan for 3 months, although was almost vegan for about

4 months before that....I'm probably not a good vegan specimen just

yet...better for the research to take place on blokes who have been vegan for

a lot longer....would give more reliable results


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I agree with that. I'll be writing, that's for sure. I have an issue with

vegetable fats too. I avoid any man made fats (hydrogenated) and palm and

coconut oil (solid at room temp). These are heavy on the saturated fats.

It annoys me how there is no labelling requirement to say what type of oil

is being used. Push come to shove, I'd rather eat palm oil than hydro-oil.

Anyone know if the sat. fats in veggie oil are really that bad? Have I been




There is currently some very worth while research going on in London at the

moment into vit B12 levels in men and cardiovascular health. If you want

highly worthwhile and expensive tests done, and you are a vegan man, this is

your chance. All travel is paid etc. For more info

zoue.lloyd-wright. She's the person carrying out the

research (vegan). I went last weekend and I am waiting to see if I'm

accepted into the study. She's a very friendly person.




mr big [pervyempire]

26 March 2001 10:54


cadburys chocolate..not friendly



>On the other hand we want vegan chocolate to be popular and available so

>others will buy it simply cos they like it. I often bought Fry's as a

>child{carnivore] but then it ceased to exist .We dont want to lose it do



This is definately an important point Angie, just as the shopping at Tesco

and Sainsburys is. I (in my mild dementia) remember boycotting a health food


shop in Newport(S.Wales) that started selling Battery Eggs, yet I still went


to Tesco etc who sold any shit under the sun.


The Point was that the Health Food shop should have known better, and the

move into " battery eggs " was a greedy and sinister move. The issue with big

stores however is (as you say,) that if we buy vegan products then they

remain available and accessable to " normal " people. It also makes the big

stores see " vegan " products as ones that can be profitable. I think they

should be congratulated (in writing) and coaxed into making more. How much

more profitable could dark chocolate digestives be if they were " vegan " . It

certainly isn`t difficult, and I doubt it would make anyone who already buys


them go " oh no, theres no milk in these " . These are considerations that

manufacturers should start bearing in mind. O.k., so they don`t give a shit

about the animals, but they do about money, and if they can sell more by

iradicating an unimportant ingrediant then great!!


I wrote to McVities about 4 years ago complaining about the unnessecary use

of animal fat in hob-nobs. They sent me a pathetic reply saying it was " the

traditional housewifes recipe " and that I shouldn`t worry as it wasn`t " lard


or beef fat " ?????....anyway, about 6 months later I noticed the animal fat

was removed from the recipe.


I wonder how many people had complained?? or if vegetable fat just became



p.s. What ever did happen to Fry`s 5 centres???





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>are all on the road to a better diet, but you have to enjoy the scenery on

>the way...(yuk, that sounds so twee, dunnit? lol)



yes it does:)


anyway, with regards to the better diet, do a serach on the bbc website for

" vegan " and have a right laugh....apparently vegans go blind and lose their

sex drive....now theres a turn up for the books!!...I`m off to McDonalds!!




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You're funny mr big. Those who walk through the golden arches soon walk

through the pearly gates. It's one of my favourite quotes. People missed

my second point!

There is currently some very worth while research going on in London at the

moment into vit B12 levels in men and cardiovascular health. If you want

highly worthwhile and expensive tests done, and you are a vegan man, this is

your chance. All travel is paid etc. For more info

zoue.lloyd-wright. She's the person carrying out the

research (vegan). I went last weekend and I am waiting to see if I'm

accepted into the study. She's a very friendly person.




mr big [pervyempire]

26 March 2001 12:41


Re: B12 research (free tests) and oils etc




>are all on the road to a better diet, but you have to enjoy the scenery on

>the way...(yuk, that sounds so twee, dunnit? lol)



yes it does:)


anyway, with regards to the better diet, do a serach on the bbc website for

" vegan " and have a right laugh....apparently vegans go blind and lose their

sex drive....now theres a turn up for the books!!...I`m off to McDonalds!!



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It involves wee and..... needles, big fat sucky ones that'll leave a huge

hole in your arm forever (spurt, spurt). And it's done in a room full of

snakes, spiders and all sorts of phoebes!

No, 25ml, which isn't much compared to NHS blood donations. Painless

relative to the information I'll gain about my health. How else can one

measure B12? I'd rather that to say, cutting my calf off to analyse the b12

in the muscle! Ahhhhh give me my calf back.





mr big [pervyempire]

26 March 2001 14:28


RE: B12 research (free tests) and oils etc



Does the B12 research involve needles or wee???


MrBiG doesn`t like needles, but he can often be found weeing!


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>No, 25ml, which isn't much compared to NHS blood donations. Painless

>relative to the information I'll gain about my health. How else can one

>measure B12? I'd rather that to say, cutting my calf off to analyse the


>in the muscle! Ahhhhh give me my calf back.


urgggghh....I almost passed out once in hospital after a thumb prick to take

a tiny sample of my blood...I puked up instead...(the nurse didn`t believe

me but got the bucket just in time anyway)


and what are you doing with calfs anyway, I thought you were vegan???


what are you????.... the great huntington frankenmancow experiment????



NO to GMO!!! even if they are vegan cross breeds!!





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No I said calf's as in the muscle in you lower leg, not calves! If they're

not vegan, I better give them to an meatie to eat! I wonder how many people

have seen Hannibal and seen the similarities between eating flesh.

Oops that should have been phobias!




mr big [pervyempire]

26 March 2001 14:48


RE: B12 research (free tests) and oils etc




>No, 25ml, which isn't much compared to NHS blood donations. Painless

>relative to the information I'll gain about my health. How else can one

>measure B12? I'd rather that to say, cutting my calf off to analyse the


>in the muscle! Ahhhhh give me my calf back.


urgggghh....I almost passed out once in hospital after a thumb prick to take


a tiny sample of my blood...I puked up instead...(the nurse didn`t believe

me but got the bucket just in time anyway)


and what are you doing with calfs anyway, I thought you were vegan???


what are you????.... the great huntington frankenmancow experiment????



NO to GMO!!! even if they are vegan cross breeds!!





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Oh nooooooo, I've gone to far. Never can expect people to understand Aussie

humour! You'll have to learn,

b!tch! j/k ;)






mr big [pervyempire]

26 March 2001 15:04


RE: B12 research (free tests) and oils etc





I knoooooooow....jeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzz




>No I said calf's as in the muscle in you lower leg, not calves!






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