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Hypocrites, the selfish and vegetariens

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I'd just like to reiterate a point that often needs to be made when people

question veganism's health.


It is about the animals - all the other benefits associated with human health -

more food for other humans (not that I am awfully bothered about this, we have

enough of us)- and environmental extras are just that, benefits on top.


The reason people should go vegan is not a selfish step (I want lower blood

pressure etc) - it is an ethical one.


In the 'normal' exchange with meat eaters it goes,


" Ohyou are a vegan!

" Yes "

" What'sthat? "

" no animal foods, etc) "

" Ohwell! I couldn't do that...(often shake of head) "


" Itis not about you or me though is it - Are you really that selfish that the

first (and probably) only thing you think about is yourself???!!! "


Ok, so I have become argumentative quickly here, but the conversation must

include these words.


I speak having been vegan for almost 21 years.


Any person who understands the concept of 'rights' will be vegan - If they go

veggie, they are either selfish or too stupid to understand. The idea of

vegetarianism is a hypocritical notion, and records show that meat eaters argued

this in Greek times.


OK we don't want to drive people away from the notion of giving up the beloved

dead-animal-on-a-plate-three-times-a-day, but when you meet someone who is

against what you believe remember to tell them what I think of them.


Thanks for reading this.


Please discuss.


Andrew Barnes

07970 075905



talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at


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You have made an excellent point. One of the toughest things about becoming a vegan was dealing with the fact that everyone thought that I was going to get sick or wither away and die while "the cute little animals got stronger and stronger." For me it definitely was more about my planet then my body. Being an Environmental Science student I have had to study tons of animal rights issues, biological effects of antibiotics, factory farm waste. For me it eventually just became that being an ovo-lacto vegetarian becan to make me feel uneasy, I had to go all the way.

I really scares me that even with mad cow disease and foot and mouth that people still wish to consume these animal products. And who knows what all these genetically modified organisms are going to do to our health later on. Its makes me feel a lot better that I have found this group and people that share some of the ideas I do. It's hard to find anyone with a like mind in my area.

ErinGet your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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>thanks for your support.


Do you know of any places where one can get an 'ethical job'.


I have been searching as I graduate next month but you have to visit every

website of every company to check for vacancies. Many don't even tell you and so

mails get sent --more hassle.


I am considering setting up Ethical Recruitment where you can specify 'animal

rights, human rights, sustainability, poverty, children's rights etc and then

search for jobs on that basis rather than simply £££, place and sector.


Please help.


If nobody knows of one then ...

...............Does anyone want to be part of the 1st Ethical Recruitment






Andrew Barnes

07970 075905



talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at


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Gis a job Angie!!!



<vegan-network >

Wednesday, April 18, 2001 8:16 AM

Re: Hypocrites, the selfish and vegetariens



>thanks for your support.


Do you know of any places where one can get an 'ethical job'.


I have been searching as I graduate next month but you have to visit every

website of every company to check for vacancies. Many don't even tell you

and so mails get sent --more hassle.


I am considering setting up Ethical Recruitment where you can specify

'animal rights, human rights, sustainability, poverty, children's rights etc

and then search for jobs on that basis rather than simply £££, place and



Please help.


If nobody knows of one then ...

...............Does anyone want to be part of the 1st Ethical Recruitment






Andrew Barnes

07970 075905



talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at






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I just thought I'd make a brief point.Sorry if I'm ranting but I felt the need

to comment.

I've only been vegan for about three months. These past three months I've been

really ill and have had the shits and been nearly passing

out lots and laid awake with stomach ache most nights. The only physical change

that there has been in my life is that I've become

vegan. I cycle everywhere, I eat really healthily - lots of fresh stuff - but my

body is finding it really hard to adjust to the change in diet and

its making me sick.


I wouldn't want to make the change back to being veggie - which was a step for

me towards veganism - but I know a lot of people simply

couldn't hack what my body is going through at the moment, adjusting to my

ethics. For those who are veggie - at least it is causing less

harm than meat eating. At least they are making an effort - which is more than

most, and if you put people down, it puts them off, and

further entrenches people in the cruelty they are used to consuming. A positive

approach is inspiring: attacking people just gets their

backs up & makes them dismiss your arguments because they assume everything you

say is going to be unreasonable.


I know the human population is overcrowded - that's why I'm only having one

child, even though I wish I could have a second child as we

are really isolated here & Jade could do with a brother or sister- but ethically

I don't think its fair to create more humans. But for the

people who are alive today - why persecute them just for being human? Its

something we all have to live with and make the best of

until we change this system for the better and start making humanity something

that is positive rather than destructive. This system we

live in is bad for both humans and animals - so why let them make us hate each

other instead of standing together for the beliefs we do

have in common?






> I'd just like to reiterate a point that often needs to be made when people

question veganism's health.


> It is about the animals - all the other benefits associated with human health

- more food for other humans (not that I am awfully bothered

about this, we have enough of us)- and environmental extras are just that,

benefits on top.


> The reason people should go vegan is not a selfish step (I want lower blood

pressure etc) - it is an ethical one.


> In the 'normal' exchange with meat eaters it goes,


> " Ohyou are a vegan!

> " Yes "

> " What'sthat? "

> " no animal foods, etc) "

> " Ohwell! I couldn't do that...(often shake of head) "


> " Itis not about you or me though is it - Are you really that selfish that the

first (and probably) only thing you think about is yourself???!!! "


> Ok, so I have become argumentative quickly here, but the conversation must

include these words.


> I speak having been vegan for almost 21 years.


> Any person who understands the concept of 'rights' will be vegan - If they go

veggie, they are either selfish or too stupid to understand.

The idea of vegetarianism is a hypocritical notion, and records show that meat

eaters argued this in Greek times.


> OK we don't want to drive people away from the notion of giving up the beloved

dead-animal-on-a-plate-three-times-a-day, but when you

meet someone who is against what you believe remember to tell them what I think

of them.


> Thanks for reading this.


> Please discuss.


> Andrew Barnes

> 07970 075905


> --------------------

> talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at






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I totally agree with the " vegan for ethical reasons " , and whilst I

understand that vegetarianism can be duped as hypocritical, it is in many

cases a means to an end. (hopefully veganism)


But just to clear things up. How many people in this group can honestly say

that their grand realization (ie veganism is right), happened simultaniously

with their conversion to it? For me veganism was and is a process.


I drink " fairtrade " coffee and cocoa, and I eat " fairtrade chocolate " apart

from my sainsburys easter egg (see?...my ethics out the window there)


Do we all buy fairtrade here??? especially with coco, coffee, rugs ???


These are surely as important as avoiding supporting the wings being clipped

of the queen bee?


If a friend told me they were going veggie, or stopping buying Nestle, or

walking to the shop instead of driving, I would applaud them, . I wouldn`t

dive straight in with " you hypocrite...you must be vegan " ...


It didn`t work like that for me...I became veggie when I was 24, then vegan

when I was 28, I`m now closing in on 32 and I`m not yet macrobiotic or




Anyway, thats enough...keep trying everyone!!






>I speak having been vegan for almost 21 years.


>Any person who understands the concept of 'rights' will be vegan - If they

>go veggie, they are either selfish or too stupid to understand. The idea of

>vegetarianism is a hypocritical notion, and records show that meat eaters

>argued this in Greek times.


>OK we don't want to drive people away from the notion of giving up the

>beloved dead-animal-on-a-plate-three-times-a-day, but when you meet someone

>who is against what you believe remember to tell them what I think of them.


>Thanks for reading this.


>Please discuss.


>Andrew Barnes

>07970 075905



>talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at





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I think I`m gonna have too pop up to Cambridge hannah and give you a few

good wholesome meals. I can`t think of any reason why shifting from a veggie

diet to a vegan should have any bad effects....are you sure you are eating a

balanced diet???


wholemeal bread, lentils, beans, rice, bulgarwheat, lot`s of fruit juice,

lot`s of fruit, greens???...lot`s of mineral water...try buying organic root

veggies if you aint already...drink vitamin & calcium enriched soya, eat even

more greens, breath lot`s of fresh air.....use olive oil instead of veggie

oil...er....gotta get back to work now...


anyway...I agree with your point`s as I`ve already mailed...


well done



>I just thought I'd make a brief point.Sorry if I'm ranting but I felt the

>need to comment.

>I've only been vegan for about three months. These past three months I've

>been really ill and have had the shits and been nearly passing

>out lots and laid awake with stomach ache most nights. The only physical

>change that there has been in my life is that I've become

>vegan. I cycle everywhere, I eat really healthily - lots of fresh stuff -

>but my body is finding it really hard to adjust to the change in diet and

>its making me sick.


>I wouldn't want to make the change back to being veggie - which was a step

>for me towards veganism - but I know a lot of people simply

>couldn't hack what my body is going through at the moment, adjusting to my

>ethics. For those who are veggie - at least it is causing less

>harm than meat eating. At least they are making an effort - which is more

>than most, and if you put people down, it puts them off, and

>further entrenches people in the cruelty they are used to consuming. A

>positive approach is inspiring: attacking people just gets their

>backs up & makes them dismiss your arguments because they assume everything

>you say is going to be unreasonable.


>I know the human population is overcrowded - that's why I'm only having one

>child, even though I wish I could have a second child as we

>are really isolated here & Jade could do with a brother or sister- but

>ethically I don't think its fair to create more humans. But for the

>people who are alive today - why persecute them just for being human? Its

>something we all have to live with and make the best of

>until we change this system for the better and start making humanity

>something that is positive rather than destructive. This system we

>live in is bad for both humans and animals - so why let them make us hate

>each other instead of standing together for the beliefs we do

>have in common?





> >

> > I'd just like to reiterate a point that often needs to be made when

>people question veganism's health.

> >

> > It is about the animals - all the other benefits associated with human

>health - more food for other humans (not that I am awfully bothered

>about this, we have enough of us)- and environmental extras are just that,

>benefits on top.

> >

> > The reason people should go vegan is not a selfish step (I want lower

>blood pressure etc) - it is an ethical one.

> >

> > In the 'normal' exchange with meat eaters it goes,

> >

> > " Ohyou are a vegan!

> > " Yes "

> > " What'sthat? "

> > " no animal foods, etc) "

> > " Ohwell! I couldn't do that...(often shake of head) "


> > " Itis not about you or me though is it - Are you really that selfish

>that the first (and probably) only thing you think about is yourself???!!! "

> >

> > Ok, so I have become argumentative quickly here, but the conversation

>must include these words.

> >

> > I speak having been vegan for almost 21 years.

> >

> > Any person who understands the concept of 'rights' will be vegan - If

>they go veggie, they are either selfish or too stupid to understand.

>The idea of vegetarianism is a hypocritical notion, and records show that

>meat eaters argued this in Greek times.

> >

> > OK we don't want to drive people away from the notion of giving up the

>beloved dead-animal-on-a-plate-three-times-a-day, but when you

>meet someone who is against what you believe remember to tell them what I

>think of them.

> >

> > Thanks for reading this.

> >

> > Please discuss.

> >

> > Andrew Barnes

> > 07970 075905

> >

> > --------------------

> > talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at


> >

> >

> >

> >

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>If a friend told me they were going veggie, or stopping buying Nestle, or

>walking to the shop instead of driving, I would applaud them, . I wouldn`t

>dive straight in with " you hypocrite...you must be vegan " ...





Otherwise I wouldn't be able to hold a decent conversation with anybody I



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Guest guest

Or you could be eating too healthily - try a few meals of chips and beans, a

nice fry up with tomato, fried bread, sausages and mushrooms, big vegan

choccie cake - that'll sort you out :)



> " mr big " <pervyempire



>Re: Hypocrites, the selfish and vegetariens

>Wed, 18 Apr 2001 16:55:20 +0100


>I think I`m gonna have too pop up to Cambridge hannah and give you a few

>good wholesome meals. I can`t think of any reason why shifting from a


>diet to a vegan should have any bad effects....are you sure you are eating


>balanced diet???


>wholemeal bread, lentils, beans, rice, bulgarwheat, lot`s of fruit juice,

>lot`s of fruit, greens???...lot`s of mineral water...try buying organic


>veggies if you aint already...drink vitamin & calcium enriched soya, eat even

>more greens, breath lot`s of fresh air.....use olive oil instead of veggie

>oil...er....gotta get back to work now...


>anyway...I agree with your point`s as I`ve already mailed...


>well done


> >

> >I just thought I'd make a brief point.Sorry if I'm ranting but I felt the

> >need to comment.

> >I've only been vegan for about three months. These past three months I've

> >been really ill and have had the shits and been nearly passing

> >out lots and laid awake with stomach ache most nights. The only physical

> >change that there has been in my life is that I've become

> >vegan. I cycle everywhere, I eat really healthily - lots of fresh stuff -

> >but my body is finding it really hard to adjust to the change in diet and

> >its making me sick.

> >

> >I wouldn't want to make the change back to being veggie - which was a


> >for me towards veganism - but I know a lot of people simply

> >couldn't hack what my body is going through at the moment, adjusting to


> >ethics. For those who are veggie - at least it is causing less

> >harm than meat eating. At least they are making an effort - which is more

> >than most, and if you put people down, it puts them off, and

> >further entrenches people in the cruelty they are used to consuming. A

> >positive approach is inspiring: attacking people just gets their

> >backs up & makes them dismiss your arguments because they assume


> >you say is going to be unreasonable.

> >

> >I know the human population is overcrowded - that's why I'm only having


> >child, even though I wish I could have a second child as we

> >are really isolated here & Jade could do with a brother or sister- but

> >ethically I don't think its fair to create more humans. But for the

> >people who are alive today - why persecute them just for being human? Its

> >something we all have to live with and make the best of

> >until we change this system for the better and start making humanity

> >something that is positive rather than destructive. This system we

> >live in is bad for both humans and animals - so why let them make us hate

> >each other instead of standing together for the beliefs we do

> >have in common?

> >

> >Hannah.

> >

> >

> > >

> > > I'd just like to reiterate a point that often needs to be made when

> >people question veganism's health.

> > >

> > > It is about the animals - all the other benefits associated with human

> >health - more food for other humans (not that I am awfully bothered

> >about this, we have enough of us)- and environmental extras are just


> >benefits on top.

> > >

> > > The reason people should go vegan is not a selfish step (I want lower

> >blood pressure etc) - it is an ethical one.

> > >

> > > In the 'normal' exchange with meat eaters it goes,

> > >

> > > " Ohyou are a vegan!

> > > " Yes "

> > > " What'sthat? "

> > > " no animal foods, etc) "

> > > " Ohwell! I couldn't do that...(often shake of head) "

> > > -----REMEMBER THE RESPONSE------

> > > " Itis not about you or me though is it - Are you really that selfish

> >that the first (and probably) only thing you think about is

>yourself???!!! "

> > >

> > > Ok, so I have become argumentative quickly here, but the conversation

> >must include these words.

> > >

> > > I speak having been vegan for almost 21 years.

> > >

> > > Any person who understands the concept of 'rights' will be vegan - If

> >they go veggie, they are either selfish or too stupid to understand.

> >The idea of vegetarianism is a hypocritical notion, and records show that

> >meat eaters argued this in Greek times.

> > >

> > > OK we don't want to drive people away from the notion of giving up the

> >beloved dead-animal-on-a-plate-three-times-a-day, but when you

> >meet someone who is against what you believe remember to tell them what I

> >think of them.

> > >

> > > Thanks for reading this.

> > >

> > > Please discuss.

> > >

> > > Andrew Barnes

> > > 07970 075905

> > >

> > > --------------------

> > > talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at

> >http://www.talk21.com

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

Well that's breakfast sorted, but what about the rest of the day!?!


Rob (a fat vegan).

vegan-network, " Emily Howarth " <dropscone@h...> wrote:

> Or you could be eating too healthily - try a few meals of chips and

beans, a

> nice fry up with tomato, fried bread, sausages and mushrooms, big


> choccie cake - that'll sort you out :)


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Guest guest

Well that's breakfast sorted, but what about the rest of the day!?!


Rob (a fat vegan).

vegan-network, " Emily Howarth " <dropscone@h...> wrote:

> Or you could be eating too healthily - try a few meals of chips and

beans, a

> nice fry up with tomato, fried bread, sausages and mushrooms, big


> choccie cake - that'll sort you out :)


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Guest guest

WE have to remember that we will start to find ourselves coming across life

vegans .these people dont understand the concept of conversions [whether

fast or slow].they know no alternative way of living and dont have to break

old habits nor do they worry about whether their body can cope .they are

very lucky really Angie


" mr big " <pervyempire

<vegan-network >

Wednesday, April 18, 2001 1:41 PM

Re: Hypocrites, the selfish and vegetariens



> I totally agree with the " vegan for ethical reasons " , and whilst I

> understand that vegetarianism can be duped as hypocritical, it is in many

> cases a means to an end. (hopefully veganism)


> But just to clear things up. How many people in this group can honestly


> that their grand realization (ie veganism is right), happened


> with their conversion to it? For me veganism was and is a process.


> I drink " fairtrade " coffee and cocoa, and I eat " fairtrade chocolate "


> from my sainsburys easter egg (see?...my ethics out the window there)


> Do we all buy fairtrade here??? especially with coco, coffee, rugs ???


> These are surely as important as avoiding supporting the wings being


> of the queen bee?


> If a friend told me they were going veggie, or stopping buying Nestle, or

> walking to the shop instead of driving, I would applaud them, . I wouldn`t

> dive straight in with " you hypocrite...you must be vegan " ...


> It didn`t work like that for me...I became veggie when I was 24, then


> when I was 28, I`m now closing in on 32 and I`m not yet macrobiotic or

> fruitarian.



> Anyway, thats enough...keep trying everyone!!



> MrBeenWeenedOffHISVilehabits



> >I speak having been vegan for almost 21 years.

> >

> >Any person who understands the concept of 'rights' will be vegan - If


> >go veggie, they are either selfish or too stupid to understand. The idea


> >vegetarianism is a hypocritical notion, and records show that meat eaters

> >argued this in Greek times.

> >

> >OK we don't want to drive people away from the notion of giving up the

> >beloved dead-animal-on-a-plate-three-times-a-day, but when you meet


> >who is against what you believe remember to tell them what I think of


> >

> >Thanks for reading this.

> >

> >Please discuss.

> >

> >Andrew Barnes

> >07970 075905

> >

> >--------------------

> >talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at

> >http://www.talk21.com

> >


> _______________________

> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.





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Most vegans I believe do a poo twice a day .At uni a few years ago a

lecturer sid once a day or more was ok but most people are not regular

enough but dont know because they are too embarrassed to talk about it.I,m

not I go when I get up and about bed time.What about you!!!!! Angie





" mr big " <pervyempire

<vegan-network >

Wednesday, April 18, 2001 4:55 PM

Re: Hypocrites, the selfish and vegetariens



> I think I`m gonna have too pop up to Cambridge hannah and give you a few

> good wholesome meals. I can`t think of any reason why shifting from a


> diet to a vegan should have any bad effects....are you sure you are eating


> balanced diet???


> wholemeal bread, lentils, beans, rice, bulgarwheat, lot`s of fruit juice,

> lot`s of fruit, greens???...lot`s of mineral water...try buying organic


> veggies if you aint already...drink vitamin & calcium enriched soya, eat


> more greens, breath lot`s of fresh air.....use olive oil instead of veggie

> oil...er....gotta get back to work now...


> anyway...I agree with your point`s as I`ve already mailed...


> well done


> >

> >I just thought I'd make a brief point.Sorry if I'm ranting but I felt the

> >need to comment.

> >I've only been vegan for about three months. These past three months I've

> >been really ill and have had the shits and been nearly passing

> >out lots and laid awake with stomach ache most nights. The only physical

> >change that there has been in my life is that I've become

> >vegan. I cycle everywhere, I eat really healthily - lots of fresh stuff -

> >but my body is finding it really hard to adjust to the change in diet and

> >its making me sick.

> >

> >I wouldn't want to make the change back to being veggie - which was a


> >for me towards veganism - but I know a lot of people simply

> >couldn't hack what my body is going through at the moment, adjusting to


> >ethics. For those who are veggie - at least it is causing less

> >harm than meat eating. At least they are making an effort - which is more

> >than most, and if you put people down, it puts them off, and

> >further entrenches people in the cruelty they are used to consuming. A

> >positive approach is inspiring: attacking people just gets their

> >backs up & makes them dismiss your arguments because they assume


> >you say is going to be unreasonable.

> >

> >I know the human population is overcrowded - that's why I'm only having


> >child, even though I wish I could have a second child as we

> >are really isolated here & Jade could do with a brother or sister- but

> >ethically I don't think its fair to create more humans. But for the

> >people who are alive today - why persecute them just for being human? Its

> >something we all have to live with and make the best of

> >until we change this system for the better and start making humanity

> >something that is positive rather than destructive. This system we

> >live in is bad for both humans and animals - so why let them make us hate

> >each other instead of standing together for the beliefs we do

> >have in common?

> >

> >Hannah.

> >

> >

> > >

> > > I'd just like to reiterate a point that often needs to be made when

> >people question veganism's health.

> > >

> > > It is about the animals - all the other benefits associated with human

> >health - more food for other humans (not that I am awfully bothered

> >about this, we have enough of us)- and environmental extras are just


> >benefits on top.

> > >

> > > The reason people should go vegan is not a selfish step (I want lower

> >blood pressure etc) - it is an ethical one.

> > >

> > > In the 'normal' exchange with meat eaters it goes,

> > >

> > > " Ohyou are a vegan!

> > > " Yes "

> > > " What'sthat? "

> > > " no animal foods, etc) "

> > > " Ohwell! I couldn't do that...(often shake of head) "

> > > -----REMEMBER THE RESPONSE------

> > > " Itis not about you or me though is it - Are you really that selfish

> >that the first (and probably) only thing you think about is

yourself???!!! "

> > >

> > > Ok, so I have become argumentative quickly here, but the conversation

> >must include these words.

> > >

> > > I speak having been vegan for almost 21 years.

> > >

> > > Any person who understands the concept of 'rights' will be vegan - If

> >they go veggie, they are either selfish or too stupid to understand.

> >The idea of vegetarianism is a hypocritical notion, and records show that

> >meat eaters argued this in Greek times.

> > >

> > > OK we don't want to drive people away from the notion of giving up the

> >beloved dead-animal-on-a-plate-three-times-a-day, but when you

> >meet someone who is against what you believe remember to tell them what I

> >think of them.

> > >

> > > Thanks for reading this.

> > >

> > > Please discuss.

> > >

> > > Andrew Barnes

> > > 07970 075905

> > >

> > > --------------------

> > > talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at

> >http://www.talk21.com

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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It must depend on the Veggie and whether they have cut down on animal food

or simply replacedmeat for eggs/milk.In my opinion Milk and battery eggs are

alot creller than rearing cows/sheep for meat.I never could understand

either how women could be so cruel to other females to allow their young to

be taken away from them. Angie


" Emily Howarth " <dropscone

<vegan-network >

Wednesday, April 18, 2001 6:53 PM

Re: Hypocrites, the selfish and vegetariens




> >

> >If a friend told me they were going veggie, or stopping buying Nestle, or

> >walking to the shop instead of driving, I would applaud them, . I


> >dive straight in with " you hypocrite...you must be vegan " ...

> >




> Otherwise I wouldn't be able to hold a decent conversation with anybody I

> know.

> _______________________

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We must compile a list of fat vegans to disprove the popular myth that

veganism is connected with anorexia Another fat vegan[who loves ice cream

and yoghourt--and is making up for the years when they didn't



" spacevegan " <rob

<vegan-network >

Wednesday, April 18, 2001 7:12 PM

Re: Hypocrites, the selfish and vegetariens



> Well that's breakfast sorted, but what about the rest of the day!?!


> Rob (a fat vegan).

> vegan-network, " Emily Howarth " <dropscone@h...> wrote:

> > Or you could be eating too healthily - try a few meals of chips and

> beans, a

> > nice fry up with tomato, fried bread, sausages and mushrooms, big

> vegan

> > choccie cake - that'll sort you out :)

> >






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I totally agree with you Angie. A good message!


~~ Jane C ~~




" Angie Wright " <angiewright

<vegan-network >

Wednesday, April 18, 2001 7:40 PM

Re: Hypocrites, the selfish and vegetariens



> It must depend on the Veggie and whether they have cut down on animal


> or simply replacedmeat for eggs/milk.In my opinion Milk and battery eggs


> alot creller than rearing cows/sheep for meat.I never could understand

> either how women could be so cruel to other females to allow their young


> be taken away from them. Angie

> -

> " Emily Howarth " <dropscone

> <vegan-network >

> Wednesday, April 18, 2001 6:53 PM

> Re: Hypocrites, the selfish and vegetariens



> >

> > >

> > >If a friend told me they were going veggie, or stopping buying Nestle,


> > >walking to the shop instead of driving, I would applaud them, . I

> wouldn`t

> > >dive straight in with " you hypocrite...you must be vegan " ...

> > >

> >


> >

> > Otherwise I wouldn't be able to hold a decent conversation with anybody


> > know.

> >


> > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at


> >

> >

> >

> >

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Well said Matt!!



> " Matt " <matt


><vegan-network >

>RE: Hypocrites, the selfish and vegetariens

>Thu, 19 Apr 2001 11:00:12 +0100


>I am a hypocrite...


>Until the day I sit smugly in my Earth sheltered dwelling,

>with it's compost toilet, passive solar heating and vegan-organic

>permaculture garden, when all of my day-to-day goods

>through a LET scheme, and I work in a co-operative designing

>cool ecosoftware. (and loads of other stuff)


>We are all on a path (veggies included), and there is always someone

>ahead of us on that path - in whose eyes we are hypocrites.


>Let's be nice to those 'behind' us, give them help and encouragement,

>and hope from the same from the people up in front of us.








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I am a hypocrite...


Until the day I sit smugly in my Earth sheltered dwelling,

with it's compost toilet, passive solar heating and vegan-organic

permaculture garden, when all of my day-to-day goods

through a LET scheme, and I work in a co-operative designing

cool ecosoftware. (and loads of other stuff)


We are all on a path (veggies included), and there is always someone

ahead of us on that path - in whose eyes we are hypocrites.


Let's be nice to those 'behind' us, give them help and encouragement,

and hope from the same from the people up in front of us.




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Angie -

My daughter will be a life vegan.

She found the change difficult too, but at seventeen months old she is

really adaptable and it took only a few weeks for her stomach to adjust. She

poos twice a day now and people keep stopping me wherever we go together and

ask what I feed her on because she is so healthy, intelligent, happy &

alive! Just before we went vegan she had had nappy rash for about two

months, which was bleeding and sore. Within a week of replacing dairy with

home-made soy milk, & lavender oil instead of shop-bought-nappy-cream, it

had cleared up & never returned. It is definitely healthier.

As for me, my partner has been feeding me echinacea and slippery elm the

last few days. I'd really recommend it for anyone who gets belly ache for

whatever reason. You can cope with the taste if you mix it with some stock

or bouillion as a drink. I'm just about better now so I can look forward to

feeling good this summer - both ethically and physically. Although, until I

stop using plastic & fossil fuels, & money altogether - I don't think I'll

ever really feel ethical either...

I haven't had a fry up in ages. Good idea. Do you have a recipie for vegan

chocolate cake you could post on the net? I've made lots of

oat & apple & banana & walnut creations of late which are great - but I do fancy a

good bog standard bad-for-you chocolate cake.



Mr Big -

thankyou too for your kind comments.

You would be welcome if you stopped by in Cambridge - but if you do please

let me cook for you ! I do eat well, my body's just been angry at me with

all the changes & stress over the past year (homelessness & squatting, death

threats to my baby over mistakes made by a nutter, doing karmically really

bad jobs to get rid of suffocating debt - Dave dislocating his knee - you

know, the usual shit one goes through when living in Babylon,) and I think a

change in diet (when we moved onto Eva, our new boat & moved to a nicer city

& an 'ethical' job working for the homeless,) was just too much for it -

even though all the change was for the better.

I stocked up on wholemeal flour & herbs & Tofu today while skiiving on my

way into work, & am on holiday on our boat in the fens next week, so we will

be living on home-made wholemeal bread and fresh & dried fruit & nuts & veg

for a week with loads of fresh air & open space by the river. I am really

strong as it goes, but change can be hard for everyone sometimes.

I can't usually afford organic food - especially since I'm not being paid at

the moment! ~I think the only real solution would be to grow our own. Might

give it a go.


Hannah x




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Point taken.

Sorry if I jumped at you a bit.

I guess veganism is just part of a step in the right direction too - but as

you say, if you don't challenge people then change won't happen and it might

all become too late. I just think being confrontational puts you at a

disadvantage - and its better to be strong in yourself & positive as a

strategy for challenging people!

H x




<vegan-network >

Thursday, April 19, 2001 2:11 PM

Re: RE: Hypocrites, the selfish and vegetariens



> I did try to say that my 'comments' were aggravated.


> I by no means suggest they are the only words that 'we' should say to



> However - it is not difficult to go vegan today but it is difficult to

bring changes in society.

> Going Vegan is personal, it does not require anyone else to do anything.

> To have an ecobased system requres changing the will of others.


> What gets me is that 'people' are under some sort of impression that going

vegan is to be the hardest thing ever.


> It takes no account of the boycotting companies saga one will be dragged

towards following.


> GOING VEGAN IS NOT A BIG THING (for those who aren't)

> ---GET ON WITH IT---

> It is the easiest thing to do to NOt HELP the destruction of the planet

and it's inhabitants.




> >I am a hypocrite...

> >

> >Untilthe day I sit smugly in my Earth sheltered dwelling,

> >withit's compost toilet, passive solar heating and vegan-organic

> >permaculturegarden, when all of my day-to-day goods

> >througha LET scheme, and I work in a co-operative designing

> >coolecosoftware. (and loads of other stuff)

> >

> >Weare all on a path (veggies included), and there is always someone

> >aheadof us on that path - in whose eyes we are hypocrites.

> >

> >Let'sbe nice to those 'behind' us, give them help and encouragement,

> >andhope from the same from the people up in front of us.

> >

> >Cheers

> >Matt

> >

> >

> >

> >------------------------

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I did try to say that my 'comments' were aggravated.


I by no means suggest they are the only words that 'we' should say to 'them'.


However - it is not difficult to go vegan today but it is difficult to bring

changes in society.

Going Vegan is personal, it does not require anyone else to do anything.

To have an ecobased system requres changing the will of others.


What gets me is that 'people' are under some sort of impression that going vegan

is to be the hardest thing ever.


It takes no account of the boycotting companies saga one will be dragged towards



GOING VEGAN IS NOT A BIG THING (for those who aren't)


It is the easiest thing to do to NOt HELP the destruction of the planet and it's





>I am a hypocrite...


>Untilthe day I sit smugly in my Earth sheltered dwelling,

>withit's compost toilet, passive solar heating and vegan-organic

>permaculturegarden, when all of my day-to-day goods

>througha LET scheme, and I work in a co-operative designing

>coolecosoftware. (and loads of other stuff)


>Weare all on a path (veggies included), and there is always someone

>aheadof us on that path - in whose eyes we are hypocrites.


>Let'sbe nice to those 'behind' us, give them help and encouragement,

>andhope from the same from the people up in front of us.








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As I said before....could someone...preferably an (aggitated at non vegans

lack of veganism) person, please explain to me how they came to being vegan.


Did all this knowledge of animal abuse, land rape etc, occur in an

instance???....did you one day read that mankind was very bad and that

eating animals was wrong and suddenly decide to become a vegan???


I haven't met anyone like that ever...well, apart from fashion victims of



I'm not arguing for or against any approach to promoting veganism, but it

would really be interesting to know how people who I assume have went

through a process expect to find everyone else at the other end when they

get there.


Anyone: was there one moment that made you become vegan??...or even veggie??




If so, then bottle it and give it away!!!








>Re: RE: Hypocrites, the selfish and vegetariens

>Thu, 19 Apr 2001 13:11:32 GMT+01:00


>I did try to say that my 'comments' were aggravated.


>I by no means suggest they are the only words that 'we' should say to



>However - it is not difficult to go vegan today but it is difficult to

>bring changes in society.

>Going Vegan is personal, it does not require anyone else to do anything.

>To have an ecobased system requres changing the will of others.


>What gets me is that 'people' are under some sort of impression that going

>vegan is to be the hardest thing ever.


>It takes no account of the boycotting companies saga one will be dragged

>towards following.


>GOING VEGAN IS NOT A BIG THING (for those who aren't)


>It is the easiest thing to do to NOt HELP the destruction of the planet and

>it's inhabitants.




> >I am a hypocrite...

> >

> >Untilthe day I sit smugly in my Earth sheltered dwelling,

> >withit's compost toilet, passive solar heating and vegan-organic

> >permaculturegarden, when all of my day-to-day goods

> >througha LET scheme, and I work in a co-operative designing

> >coolecosoftware. (and loads of other stuff)

> >

> >Weare all on a path (veggies included), and there is always someone

> >aheadof us on that path - in whose eyes we are hypocrites.

> >

> >Let'sbe nice to those 'behind' us, give them help and encouragement,

> >andhope from the same from the people up in front of us.

> >

> >Cheers

> >Matt

> >

> >

> >

> >------------------------

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There was both one moment that made me veggie and one that made me vegan.

-Veggie, land rape, meat stats, Heath etc. Read a Hindu type book given to

me at a veggie Chinese restaurant.


-Total Veg diet, linked all other animal products to above stats.

A tinsy bit later became aware of Veganism. Still eat honey cause my G.F's

mother collects it as a hobby, so no nasty F.F'ed honey. I'll also eat food

with honey listed on the ingredients, as long as it's not a main ingredient.

Normally it's added in such minute quantities that it's just so they can

list it.



mr big [pervyempire]

19 April 2001 15:23


Re: RE: Hypocrites, the selfish and vegetariens



As I said before....could someone...preferably an (aggitated at non vegans

lack of veganism) person, please explain to me how they came to being vegan.


Did all this knowledge of animal abuse, land rape etc, occur in an

instance???....did you one day read that mankind was very bad and that

eating animals was wrong and suddenly decide to become a vegan???


I haven't met anyone like that ever...well, apart from fashion victims of



I'm not arguing for or against any approach to promoting veganism, but it

would really be interesting to know how people who I assume have went

through a process expect to find everyone else at the other end when they

get there.


Anyone: was there one moment that made you become vegan??...or even veggie??




If so, then bottle it and give it away!!!








>Re: RE: Hypocrites, the selfish and vegetariens

>Thu, 19 Apr 2001 13:11:32 GMT+01:00


>I did try to say that my 'comments' were aggravated.


>I by no means suggest they are the only words that 'we' should say to



>However - it is not difficult to go vegan today but it is difficult to

>bring changes in society.

>Going Vegan is personal, it does not require anyone else to do anything.

>To have an ecobased system requres changing the will of others.


>What gets me is that 'people' are under some sort of impression that going

>vegan is to be the hardest thing ever.


>It takes no account of the boycotting companies saga one will be dragged

>towards following.


>GOING VEGAN IS NOT A BIG THING (for those who aren't)


>It is the easiest thing to do to NOt HELP the destruction of the planet and


>it's inhabitants.




> >I am a hypocrite...

> >

> >Untilthe day I sit smugly in my Earth sheltered dwelling,

> >withit's compost toilet, passive solar heating and vegan-organic

> >permaculturegarden, when all of my day-to-day goods

> >througha LET scheme, and I work in a co-operative designing

> >coolecosoftware. (and loads of other stuff)

> >

> >Weare all on a path (veggies included), and there is always someone

> >aheadof us on that path - in whose eyes we are hypocrites.

> >

> >Let'sbe nice to those 'behind' us, give them help and encouragement,

> >andhope from the same from the people up in front of us.

> >

> >Cheers

> >Matt

> >

> >

> >

> >------------------------

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>There was both one moment that made me veggie and one that made me vegan.

>-Veggie, land rape, meat stats, Heath etc. Read a Hindu type book given to

>me at a veggie Chinese restaurant.



Is a book read in a moment??....wasn`t there any awareness of what meat is

about before you read this book??...Hadn`t you already reached a point where

you where ready to face the music.... and therefor read a book that most

people would still cast aside?




>-Total Veg diet, linked all other animal products to above stats.




Did this link happen instantly, or after a period of reflection and









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>There was both one moment that made me veggie and one that made me vegan.

>-Veggie, land rape, meat stats, Heath etc. Read a Hindu type book given to

>me at a veggie Chinese restaurant.



Is a book read in a moment??....wasn`t there any awareness of what meat is

about before you read this book??...Hadn`t you already reached a point where


you where ready to face the music.... and therefor read a book that most

people would still cast aside?


I knew where meat came from! Just not much about what meat " is " . It's like

suppression, no I hadn't reached this point, the day before I was waving a

pork chop under my G/F nose (whom was veggie, childish I know!), the next

day I was sitting in a veggie Chinese restaurant enjoying the food I thought

would be bland. Read a book (thin) on the way back in the train and I was




>-Total Veg diet, linked all other animal products to above stats.


Did this link happen instantly, or after a period of reflection and



2 years of being veggie. The learning curve was much steeper than going







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