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the problem with doctors

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i do sometimes feel like im hitting my head against a brick wall with

meat eaters.

at uni i live with a girl whos dad is terminally ill with cancer. thats realy

sad but he is a farmer and possibly has the worst diet you can possibly

imagin therfore so does his daughter. i have read a lot of nutrition books

cos im also on a no yeast diet and im very carefull about what i eat. all

the books i have read say the worst thing that could be in your diet is

meat. fortunately im quitting uni so i wont be living with her next year or

we would have had some pritty heated debates!


the situation is not helped with doctors who i find so closed minded and

seem to never treat the cause but only mask the resulting symptoms

with drugs. they hand them out like sweets. one of my experiences

which has helped me come to this conclusion is when i had a problem

with catahh for a long time and not once did any doc tell me to cut out

dairy...the blatantly obvious cause, but just kept putting me on anti

biotics and i am now immune. same with my insomnia which has now

cleared up a lot since im eating so much better. i was not a healthy

person and the list is very long.


have other people found this? doctors seem to have spent years

studying but what have they been learning? they no nothing about the

basics of diet ect.


and in the news when they say one third of the population will get

cancer, they talk like nobody knows why when it is glaringly

obvious!!!!!!!!!!! they have now come up with another drug to mask the

effects of a capitalist stressfull society- the anti-cancer drug.


i was waiting for a prescription a while ago and the pharmacist was

checking the label on a bottle of prescribed pills of the woman in front

who said surely the tablets are safe for me if the doc prescribed them!

and the pharmacist said youd be surprised. therefore docs also havnt

got a clue about checking the patients suitability. never mind the huge

number of people who die from the corectly prescribe drugs. they are

not safe just cos some highly paid person says they are.


it makes me soo angry that most people think doctors are very wise

people and will be able to cure anything when from what i have seen i

woundnt trust them with anything. you can probaly tell i get scared if i

get ill (major doctorphobia). i tried a homeopath once but the bill was

too high. i got more sense out of her than i ever have from a doctor!


i feel beter now after that rant, apologies for the length.



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You're spot on about (most) doctors. Problem is they don't study

nutrition, they study diagnosis and which drugs to prescribe (and

unfortunately this is more or less controlled by the pharmochemical

industry). Yet what people put in their bodies, i.e. eat, is probably

the single most important thing that determines their health (on top

of any congenital conditions).


All you can do is explain your side of any argument and maybe present

some evidence as backup (there are increasing numbers of studies you

can download from the web, even if the maintream medical journals

won't print controversial - i.e. against the drug companies'

interests! - studies).


Unfortunately most people believe their doctors unquestioningly. A

few years ago I managed to convince my mum to become veggie, and she

actually felt better. But her doctor told her " not to be so silly "

without giving any reasons and she went back to meat. This makes me






vegan-network, " Laura " <laurahesse@h...> wrote:


> have other people found this? doctors seem to have spent years

> studying but what have they been learning? they no nothing about the

> basics of diet ect.



> laura

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I find cannabis helps with many things. When I gave birth they offered me

pethidin (heroin) but wouldn't let me skin up.

Say no to government drugs!

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oh hannah...i can here all those little straight-edge minds curdling....you

weren`t here for the not so great drugs debate where you?






> " Hannah Biddle " <hannah


><vegan-network >

>Re: the problem with doctors

>Wed, 2 May 2001 13:36:54 +0100


>I find cannabis helps with many things. When I gave birth they offered me

>pethidin (heroin) but wouldn't let me skin up.

>Say no to government drugs!




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I just used lots of gas and air (entonox) for both births, but we

kept running out of it.

I have nothing against herbal medicine, in fact I am very pro-herbal

medicine in general, in fact I got a herbal pain relief mixture in

liquid form for one of my labours, from a qualified herbalist, but I

just puked it all up (couldn't keep any food or drink down in labour,

which is quite common and this herbal stuff tasted awful so no way

would it stay down) so unfortunately taking pain relief medicine by

mouth didn't work for me.

I wouldn't think that smoking anything, for any reason, whether it's

tobacco or cannabis, would be healthy for the chest, because it just

leaves rubbish like soot in a chimney in your lungs and that has to

cause problems. I was seriously sickly as a kid because of my mum's

chain-smoking and I can't imagine cannabis smoke is any more good for

kids than it is for them to be exposed to than tobacco smoke. I get

sick around any sort of smoke, even incense sticks. I suppose I have

more of an aversion to smoking generally than anything against

cannabis in particular. I just think smoking is completely revolting

and harmful (and disgusting!).

I would be quite worried about pethidine too as it's an opiate, but I

don't think illicit drugs are actually any healthier than most

pharmaceutical company drugs either, especially things you smoke.

Entonox is very unlikely to harm the baby and it's quickly out of the

mother's system unlike opiates and epidurals.

I think it's fairly safe. It makes some people laugh, it is also

known as laughing gas, and I heard that the Victorians used to use it

as a recreational drug and had laughing gas parties! But I was OK

with it for labour pains, made me a bit giddy, but it certainly made

it bearable. Some people thought it was brave of me not to have

pethidine but I have heard it isn't very effective anyway, as well as

riskier than entonox for the baby's health, and epidurals can go

wrong and cause a complication called a spinal tap, where the needle

actually hits the spine and you get a terrible headache for days

afterwards. That is really unpleasant apparently.

I'm OK breathing in gas for pain, but not smoke.

Did you refuse entonox because it's a governemtn drug, or did you try

it and have a bad reaction to it? I've heard it doesn't suit

everyone, and isn't strong enough for everyone, hence the offers of

stronger drugs as labour progresses.





> I find cannabis helps with many things. When I gave birth they

offered me

> pethidin (heroin) but wouldn't let me skin up.

> Say no to government drugs!

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Long message ahead! Sorry.


I did try entonox - and it made the pain worse because it was something I

wasn't used to - extra on top of what I already had to deal with.. I ate the

cannabis rather than smoking it when in labour - because it relaxed all my

muscles and psychologically it helped me to focus on how much love I had for

my baby and how much that made me want to give birth - & therefore it made

the labour easier, and helped me bond with Jade. Through the pregnancy it

was the only thing that helped with siatica (hip pain) and it gave me the

munchies so I ate more healthy food - even when pregnancy made me feel sick.

I also use it to help me relax & focus & meditate, so it helped me & Dave

deal with a lot of parenting issues we probably wouln't have dealt with

otherwise. It also encourages me to be creative - I did so much tie dye when

pregnant! And Jade is a really happy & healthy baby - as you know from

meeting her. I know its not good for everyone - but a damn sight better for

those who it does work with than chemical drugs, be they pharmaceutical or

'street' drugs.

I never smoke tobacco - so when smoking cannabis (now very rare - hardly

ever come by it these days, & get by fine without it-) it takes much less

smoke to have an effect than it would if rolled up with tobacco.

I know quite a bit now about herbal medicine. Some even say that cannabis is

not harmful when smoked on its own as it relaxes and opens the lungs.

Coltsfoot actually heals lungs if smoked - although better in teas I reckon.

Believe it or not - heroin in small doses actually arrests severe asthma

attacks - and allows proper breathing. But shouldn't be used as a general

thing. Everything is on this planet for a reason - and works if used

responsibly. Valerian is wonderful for teething babies and has been used as

far back as history goes - but the valium they synthesise from is is harmful

& addictive. My problem with conventional medicine is that is is so

overkill - it suppresses symptoms rather than looking at true prevention or


Seek advice about it - but if you have trouble with your lungs, Mullein,

Coltsfoot, Elderflower & Chamomile have really gentle healing properties for

the lungs, - anti-allergic, calming, soothing & dilate the veins in the

lungs. They don't taste too bad in a tea either. Ephedra is also fantastic

for the lungs - especially if you have hay fever or asthma - but it raises

blood pressure, so only suitable when not pregnant & only available through

a practitioner.

I can recommend a wonderful qualified herbalist who I know who is in

Watford. She also has other contacts. I'll call her and ask if I can pass

her number to you if you like.

Let me know.




" Lesley Dove " <100706.3632

<vegan-network >

Friday, May 04, 2001 11:58 AM

Re: the problem with doctors




> I just used lots of gas and air (entonox) for both births, but we

> kept running out of it.

> I have nothing against herbal medicine, in fact I am very pro-herbal

> medicine in general, in fact I got a herbal pain relief mixture in

> liquid form for one of my labours, from a qualified herbalist, but I

> just puked it all up (couldn't keep any food or drink down in labour,

> which is quite common and this herbal stuff tasted awful so no way

> would it stay down) so unfortunately taking pain relief medicine by

> mouth didn't work for me.

> I wouldn't think that smoking anything, for any reason, whether it's

> tobacco or cannabis, would be healthy for the chest, because it just

> leaves rubbish like soot in a chimney in your lungs and that has to

> cause problems. I was seriously sickly as a kid because of my mum's

> chain-smoking and I can't imagine cannabis smoke is any more good for

> kids than it is for them to be exposed to than tobacco smoke. I get

> sick around any sort of smoke, even incense sticks. I suppose I have

> more of an aversion to smoking generally than anything against

> cannabis in particular. I just think smoking is completely revolting

> and harmful (and disgusting!).

> I would be quite worried about pethidine too as it's an opiate, but I

> don't think illicit drugs are actually any healthier than most

> pharmaceutical company drugs either, especially things you smoke.

> Entonox is very unlikely to harm the baby and it's quickly out of the

> mother's system unlike opiates and epidurals.

> I think it's fairly safe. It makes some people laugh, it is also

> known as laughing gas, and I heard that the Victorians used to use it

> as a recreational drug and had laughing gas parties! But I was OK

> with it for labour pains, made me a bit giddy, but it certainly made

> it bearable. Some people thought it was brave of me not to have

> pethidine but I have heard it isn't very effective anyway, as well as

> riskier than entonox for the baby's health, and epidurals can go

> wrong and cause a complication called a spinal tap, where the needle

> actually hits the spine and you get a terrible headache for days

> afterwards. That is really unpleasant apparently.

> I'm OK breathing in gas for pain, but not smoke.

> Did you refuse entonox because it's a governemtn drug, or did you try

> it and have a bad reaction to it? I've heard it doesn't suit

> everyone, and isn't strong enough for everyone, hence the offers of

> stronger drugs as labour progresses.


> Lesley



> > I find cannabis helps with many things. When I gave birth they

> offered me

> > pethidin (heroin) but wouldn't let me skin up.

> > Say no to government drugs!





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Yeah that makes sense to me, entonox being no help to you as it's

something you weren't used to, because with my first labour I was

rambling and saying weird things apparently on it, although it was

helping me with the pain really well.

My husband said I said something like " Is time moving forwards or

backwards " , because I was having yet another examination from the doc

or midwife to see how dilated I was, so I was quite confused. I swear

I don't remember saying these strange things, and I wonder what else

came out of my mouth! I did remember to remind them of important

things like, " no catgut, I'm vegan " , when we got to the hospital,

because I needed the ventouse and an episiotomy and stitches to

deliver the baby both times (two failed attempts at home-birth

because of my pelvis not being the perfect shape so the natural birth

just couldn't happen).

But with my second baby, I was more in control because I was aware of

the risk of becoming confused and better able to fight the side-

effects just using my own mind, I was clearer-headed despite lots of

entonox the second time.


I personally am quite against most recreational drug use (had a big

argument on here about this before), but I'm definitely not at all

opposed to cannabis as a therapeutic drug. I've heard it can help

with painful conditions such as multiple sclerosis, and I don't think

those people should be denied it if it helps them. I even heard Queen

Victoria used it for period pain, so I'd like to see laws that allow

for this, while not allowing it for people to get stoned out of their

minds. Not sure how this would be achieved though. I think it's good

if eating it helped you through labour, although I'll stick with the

entonox myself again with number three, because I think I can control

the confusing effects OK.

I eat too much already, I have gained two stone in the last three

months, because of yo-yoing back to some of my junk food habits once

I became pregnant, after just recently losing three stone in four

months on Weight Watchers. I'm only three months pregnant, so I

shouldn't have really gained weight, but I am now 10 1/2 stone and 5

foot 1/2 an inch tall, so I am too fat and definitely don't need

anything that will give me the munchies!


I used to work in Baldwin's the herbalists in South London for about

three years (late 1989 to January 1993) before I had my kids,

although I don't have any qualifications. I remember those herbs you

mention, we always had to tell anyone pregnant to consult a herbalist

because we were only a shop and couldn't give actual qualified advice

on what was safe, but we sold lots of books and used to look things

up sometimes.

My problem with herbal medicine for labour is not being able to keep

anything on my stomach in labour so even herbal teas would probably

not stay down.

I might get in some red raspberry leaf tea sometime soon for the

pregnancy, I know that's good for the pregnant uterus.


My lungs are OK if I keep well away from smoke of any kind,

especially cigarettes, but as a kid I was not able to do what my body

told me to do in this situation.


I'd be happy if there are some safe herbs in pregnancy which would

help me not to gain too much more weight, even though I have the

excuse of being pregnant it's not good to gain too much, which I tend

to do in pregnancy especially.


Yes, by all means do please put me in touch with that herbalist. You

never know when this might be useful, thanks.





> Long message ahead! Sorry.

> Lesley,

> I did try entonox - and it made the pain worse because it was

something I

> wasn't used to - extra on top of what I already had to deal with..

I ate the

> cannabis rather than smoking it when in labour - because it relaxed

all my

> muscles and psychologically it helped me to focus on how much love

I had for

> my baby and how much that made me want to give birth - & therefore

it made

> the labour easier, and helped me bond with Jade. Through the

pregnancy it

> was the only thing that helped with siatica (hip pain) and it gave

me the

> munchies so I ate more healthy food - even when pregnancy made me

feel sick.

> I also use it to help me relax & focus & meditate, so it helped me

& Dave

> deal with a lot of parenting issues we probably wouln't have dealt


> otherwise. It also encourages me to be creative - I did so much tie

dye when

> pregnant! And Jade is a really happy & healthy baby - as you know


> meeting her. I know its not good for everyone - but a damn sight

better for

> those who it does work with than chemical drugs, be they

pharmaceutical or

> 'street' drugs.

> I never smoke tobacco - so when smoking cannabis (now very rare -


> ever come by it these days, & get by fine without it-) it takes

much less

> smoke to have an effect than it would if rolled up with tobacco.

> I know quite a bit now about herbal medicine. Some even say that

cannabis is

> not harmful when smoked on its own as it relaxes and opens the


> Coltsfoot actually heals lungs if smoked - although better in teas

I reckon.

> Believe it or not - heroin in small doses actually arrests severe


> attacks - and allows proper breathing. But shouldn't be used as a


> thing. Everything is on this planet for a reason - and works if used

> responsibly. Valerian is wonderful for teething babies and has been

used as

> far back as history goes - but the valium they synthesise from is

is harmful

> & addictive. My problem with conventional medicine is that is is so

> overkill - it suppresses symptoms rather than looking at true

prevention or

> cure.

> Seek advice about it - but if you have trouble with your lungs,


> Coltsfoot, Elderflower & Chamomile have really gentle healing

properties for

> the lungs, - anti-allergic, calming, soothing & dilate the veins in


> lungs. They don't taste too bad in a tea either. Ephedra is also


> for the lungs - especially if you have hay fever or asthma - but it


> blood pressure, so only suitable when not pregnant & only available


> a practitioner.

> I can recommend a wonderful qualified herbalist who I know who is in

> Watford. She also has other contacts. I'll call her and ask if I

can pass

> her number to you if you like.

> Let me know.

> Hannah.


> -

> " Lesley Dove " <100706.3632@c...>

> <vegan-network>

> Friday, May 04, 2001 11:58 AM

> Re: the problem with doctors



> >

> > I just used lots of gas and air (entonox) for both births, but we

> > kept running out of it.

> > I have nothing against herbal medicine, in fact I am very pro-


> > medicine in general, in fact I got a herbal pain relief mixture in

> > liquid form for one of my labours, from a qualified herbalist,

but I

> > just puked it all up (couldn't keep any food or drink down in


> > which is quite common and this herbal stuff tasted awful so no way

> > would it stay down) so unfortunately taking pain relief medicine


> > mouth didn't work for me.

> > I wouldn't think that smoking anything, for any reason, whether


> > tobacco or cannabis, would be healthy for the chest, because it


> > leaves rubbish like soot in a chimney in your lungs and that has


> > cause problems. I was seriously sickly as a kid because of my


> > chain-smoking and I can't imagine cannabis smoke is any more good


> > kids than it is for them to be exposed to than tobacco smoke. I


> > sick around any sort of smoke, even incense sticks. I suppose I


> > more of an aversion to smoking generally than anything against

> > cannabis in particular. I just think smoking is completely


> > and harmful (and disgusting!).

> > I would be quite worried about pethidine too as it's an opiate,

but I

> > don't think illicit drugs are actually any healthier than most

> > pharmaceutical company drugs either, especially things you smoke.

> > Entonox is very unlikely to harm the baby and it's quickly out of


> > mother's system unlike opiates and epidurals.

> > I think it's fairly safe. It makes some people laugh, it is also

> > known as laughing gas, and I heard that the Victorians used to

use it

> > as a recreational drug and had laughing gas parties! But I was OK

> > with it for labour pains, made me a bit giddy, but it certainly


> > it bearable. Some people thought it was brave of me not to have

> > pethidine but I have heard it isn't very effective anyway, as

well as

> > riskier than entonox for the baby's health, and epidurals can go

> > wrong and cause a complication called a spinal tap, where the


> > actually hits the spine and you get a terrible headache for days

> > afterwards. That is really unpleasant apparently.

> > I'm OK breathing in gas for pain, but not smoke.

> > Did you refuse entonox because it's a governemtn drug, or did you


> > it and have a bad reaction to it? I've heard it doesn't suit

> > everyone, and isn't strong enough for everyone, hence the offers


> > stronger drugs as labour progresses.

> >

> > Lesley

> >

> >

> > > I find cannabis helps with many things. When I gave birth they

> > offered me

> > > pethidin (heroin) but wouldn't let me skin up.

> > > Say no to government drugs!

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I think it`s ok Lesley for you to eat food if its for health reasons but

just to get " stoned " and " fat " on junk food is not acceptable.







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Ha, ha,

You try being pregnant when the only thing that stops the pregnancy

sickness is eating lots of food!

Then come back to me and tell me how hard it is to not eat!


I hope to get it under control when the sickness stops, which it

usually does for me around 4 months.





> I think it`s ok Lesley for you to eat food if its for health

reasons but

> just to get " stoned " and " fat " on junk food is not acceptable.


> MrBigBellyRecreationalDrugUser







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