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Ecover & Refills, toilets and health! (was Vegan household products )

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vegan-network, Mavreela <nec.lists@m...> wrote:



> I noticed they only have the non-vegan Ecover washing-up liquid


This may be a regional thing. I tend to see more of the vegan one,

but I have to admit I don't buy their washing up liquid anyway, so I

don't look out for it. I find that others keep my hands soft enough!


I do know of a few Ecover refill stations though. I don't know of

anyone else who does this (the body shop used to, but seem to have

given up). I've got some of their clothes washing bottles that are

years old and I just get them refilled. Its not something the UK

market is used to though, with people being really finiky about this

kind of thing, and frankly not organised enough (why should we be,

everythings set-up for our fast lives!). We don't even re-use plastic

bags much (Fresh'n'Wild give you a discount of...wait for it...5p if

you do! Wow-wee!).


> Maybe it's just me but I am more distrustful of supposedly ethical

> companies who in reality aren't entirely ethical than I am of any



I can understand your distrust of companies that put up a " green "

front. I heard someone saying that Lush was not all it seemed. I

don't know the details though.


> products they had no organic rice. Some very interested tinned



What sort of interesting tinned stuff did you see?


I'm always disappointed in the household section in supermarkets. And

it shows when you visit someone's house and see the sort of things

they have in their kitchen & bathroom. Most of these things should be

banned. Some toilet cleaners use chemicals that can *never* be

removed from the water supply (and you know we all use water that has

gone through several cities right, unless you live in parts of

Scotland or Northern England). Is it so important to have a toilet so

clean? Its not as if you're gonna drink from it (are we!?). And

anyway, there are biodegradable alternatives. The same with air

fresheners - they just seem to mask smells with chemicals, which

can't be good for you. They call them things like Alpine Fresh -

Alpine Killer would be closer to the truth (kills the environment and



My mum suffers a lot from this I think. She insists on using loads of

these sort of things. Whenever I stay there I feel sick, and she is

permanently ill (usually nothing major, just general fatigue,

headaches etc, but she never gets better). I think the link between

environmental poisoning from household chemicals and health should be

highlighted more.


Anyway enough ranting. Hope you like the cake! We should start a fat

vegan club - unless you're one of the lucky ones!



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> I heard someone saying that Lush was not all it seemed. I

> don't know the details though.


I really hope this isn't true! Anyone know exactly what their policy

is on animal testing etc?



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