Guest guest Posted August 4, 2001 Report Share Posted August 4, 2001 Dear WildAlert r, The House voted late Aug. 1 to pass a giant energy package which includes opening the Arctic Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to oil drilling. The bill also contains billions in subsidies for the nuclear, oil and gas, and coal industries. Now the issue moves to the Senate, which could take up the issue as early as September. THANK *YOU* But first, *many, many thanks* to all of you who sent faxes and letters and made phone calls to your Representative. The arctic vote was very close, 223-206, and came only after a massive pro-drilling campaign funded by Big Oil companies and the Teamsters union, a House leadership determined to open the Arctic to drilling despite strong public opinion against such a move, and pressure from the White House. Both the White House and the House Republican leadership were handing out assistance on pet projects to round up votes. Considering what environmentalists were up against, the close vote was remarkable. Please thank your Representative if they voted against Arctic Refuge drilling. See " How They Voted " below or see the tally at & rollnumber=317 HOUSE ACTION WRAP-UP Reps. Ed Markey (D-7/MA), Nancy Johnson (R-6/CT), Sherwood Boehlert (R-23/NY), Barbara Lee (D-9/CA), and others led the effort to strip the Arctic Refuge drilling provision from the bill. That move failed on a vote of 223-206, mostly along party lines. " This bill has nothing to do with providing Americans with a more secure energy future, " said Rep. Nick J. Rahall II (D-3/WV), the senior Democrat on the Resources Committee. " Instead, it is a multibillion-dollar giveaway of America's resources and American taxpayer dollars to big oil, already awash in record profits. " Another green vote, an amendment by Rep. Boehlert to increase SUV fuel efficiency to 27.5 mpg by 2007, also failed, 256-160. Boehlert had argued that Congress should not allow drilling in the Arctic Refuge, pristine wilderness and wildlife haven, and do little about gas guzzling SUVs. In the end, H.R. 4 passed on a mostly partisan vote of 240-189. Sixteen Republicans voted against the bill. One independent and 36 Democrats voted for it. According to the New York Times, the final bill includes $27 billion in subsidies for " traditional energy producers, both to drill for more oil and gas, develop nuclear energy and produce cleaner coal. " HOW THEY VOTED See below, or visit & rollnumber=317 Then send your Representative a message from or write to: Rep. ____, US House of Representatives, Wash, DC 20515 **MEMBERS VOTING TO PROTECT THE ARCTIC REFUGE (206) ** (Please thank your Representative if they appear on this list.) REPUBLICANS (34) Bartlett (MD-06) Bass (NH-02) Boehlert (NY-23) Castle (DE-AL) Davis, T. (VA-11) Dunn (WA-08) Ehlers (MI-03) Ferguson (NJ-07) Foley (FL-16) Frelinghuysen (NJ-11) Gilchrest (MD-01) Gilman (NY-20) Greenwood (PA-08) Horn (CA-38) Houghton (NY-31) Johnson, N. (CT-06) Johnson, Timothy (IL-15) Kelly (NY-19) Kennedy, M. (MN-02) Kirk (IL-10) LaHood (IL-18) Leach (IA-01) LoBiondo (NJ-02) Morella (MD-08) Petri (WI-06) Ramstad (MN-03) Roukema (NJ-05) Saxton (NJ-03) Sensenbrenner (WI-09) Shays (CT-04) Simmons (CT-02) Smith, C. (NJ-04) Sweeney (NY-22) Walsh (NY-25) DEMOCRATS (171) Abercrombie (HI-01) Ackerman (NY-05) Allen, T. (ME-01) Andrews (NJ-01) Baird (WA-03) Baldacci (ME-02) Baldwin (WI-02) Barcia (MI-05) Barrett (WI-05) Becerra (CA-30) Bentsen (TX-25) Berkley (NV-01) Berman (CA-26) Blagojevich (IL-05) Blumenauer (OR-03) Bonior (MI-10) Borski (PA-03) Boswell (IA-03) Boucher (VA-09) Brown, C. (FL-03) Brown, S. (OH-13) Capps (CA-22) Capuano (MA-08) Cardin (MD-03) Carson, J. (IN-10) Clay (MO-01) Clayton (NC-01) Clement (TN-05) Condit (CA-18) Conyers (MI-14) Costello (IL-12) Coyne (PA-14) Crowley (NY-07) Cummings (MD-07) Davis, D. (IL-07) Davis, Jim (FL-11) Davis, S. (CA-49) DeFazio (OR-04) DeGette (CO-01) Delahunt (MA-10) DeLauro (CT-03) Deutsch (FL-20) Dicks (WA-06) Dingell (MI-16) Doggett (TX-10) Doyle (PA-18) Engel (NY-17) Eshoo (CA-14) Etheridge (NC-02) Evans (IL-17) Farr (CA-17) Fattah (PA-02) Filner (CA-50) Ford (TN-09) Frank, Barney (MA-04) Frost (TX-24) Gephardt (MO-03) Gonzalez (TX-20) Gordon, B. (TN-06) Gutierrez (IL-04) Hall, T. (OH-03) Harman (CA-36) Hastings, A. (FL-23) Hill (IN-09) Hinchey (NY-26) Hinojosa (TX-15) Hoeffel (PA-13) Holden (PA-06) Holt (NJ-12) Honda (CA-15) Hooley (OR-05) Hoyer (MD-05) Inslee (WA-01) Israel (NY-02) Jackson, J. (IL-02) Jackson-Lee, S. (TX-18) Johnson, E.B. (TX-30) Jones, S. (OH-11) Kaptur (OH-09) Kennedy, P. (RI-01) Kildee (MI-09) Kilpatrick (MI-15) Kind, R. (WI-03) Kleczka (WI-04) Kucinich (OH-10) LaFalce (NY-29) Lampson (TX-09) Langevin (RI-02) Lantos (CA-12) Larsen, R. (WA-02) Larson, J. (CT-01) Lee (CA-09) Levin, S. (MI-12) Lewis, John (GA-05) Lofgren (CA-16) Lowey (NY-18) Luther (MN-06) Maloney, C. (NY-14) Maloney, J. (CT-05) Markey (MA-07) Matheson (UT-02) Matsui (CA-05) McCarthy, C. (NY-04) McCarthy, K. (MO-05) McCollum (MN-04) McDermott (WA-07) McGovern (MA-03) McIntyre (NC-07) McKinney (GA-04) McNulty (NY-21) Meehan (MA-05) Meek, C. (FL-17) Meeks, G. (NY-06) Menendez (NJ-13) Millender-McDonald (CA-37) Miller, George (CA-07) Mink (HI-02) Moore (KS-03) Moran, James (VA-08) Nadler (NY-08) Napolitano (CA-34) Neal (MA-02) Obey (WI-07) Olver (MA-01) Owens (NY-11) Pallone (NJ-06) Pascrell (NJ-08) Pastor (AZ-02) Payne (NJ-10) Pelosi (CA-08) Pomeroy (ND-AL) Price, D. (NC-04) Rahall (WV-03) Rangel (NY-15) Rivers (MI-13) Rodriguez (TX-28) Roemer (IN-03) Rothman (NJ-09) Roybal-Allard (CA-33) Rush (IL-01) Sabo (MN-05) Sanchez (CA-46) Sawyer (OH-14) Schakowsky (IL-09) Schiff (CA-27) Scott (VA-03) Serrano (NY-16) Sherman (CA-24) Slaughter (NY-28) Smith, A. (WA-09) Snyder (AR-02) Solis (CA-31) Strickland (OH-06) Stupak (MI-01) Tauscher (CA-10) Thompson, M. (CA-01) Thurman, K. (FL-05) Tierney (MA-06) Udall, M. (CO-02) Udall, T. (NM-03) Velazquez (NY-12) Visclosky (IN-01) Waters (CA-35) Watson (CA-32) Watt, M. (NC-12) Waxman (CA-29) Weiner (NY-09) Wexler (FL-19) Woolsey (CA-06) Wu (OR-01) Wynn (MD-04) INDEPENDENTS (1) Sanders (VT-AL) **MEMBERS VOTING TO ALLOW OIL DRILLING THE ARCTIC REFUGE (223) ** (Alternatively, feel free to let your Rep. know how displeased you are with their vote if they appear on the list below.) REPUBLICANS (186) Aderholt (AL-04) Akin (MO-02) Armey (TX-26) Bachus, S. (AL-06) Baker (LA-06) Ballenger (NC-10) Barr (GA-07) Barton (TX-06) Bereuter (NE-01) Biggert (IL-13) Bilirakis (FL-09) Blunt (MO-07) Boehner (OH-08) Bonilla (TX-23) Bono (CA-44) Brady, K. (TX-08) Brown, H. (SC-01) Bryant (TN-07) Burr (NC-05) Burton (IN-06) Buyer (IN-05) Callahan (AL-01) Calvert (CA-43) Camp (MI-04) Cannon (UT-03) Cantor (VA-07) Capito (WV-02) Chabot (OH-01) Chambliss (GA-08) Coble (NC-06) Collins, M. (GA-03) Combest (TX-19) Cooksey (LA-05) Cox (CA-47) Crane (IL-08) Crenshaw (FL-04) Cubin (WY-AL) Culberson (TX-07) Cunningham (CA-51) Davis, Jo Ann (VA-01) Deal (GA-09) DeLay (TX-22) DeMint (SC-04) Diaz-Balart (FL-21) Doolittle (CA-04) Dreier (CA-28) Duncan (TN-02) Ehrlich (MD-02) Emerson (MO-08) English (PA-21) Everett (AL-02) Flake (AZ-01) Fletcher (KY-06) Forbes (VA-04) Fossella (NY-13) Gallegly (CA-23) Ganske (IA-04) Gekas (PA-17) Gibbons (NV-02) Gillmor (OH-05) Goodlatte (VA-06) Goss (FL-14) Graham, L. (SC-03) Granger (TX-12) Graves (MO-06) Green, M. (WI-08) Grucci (NY-01) Gutknecht (MN-01) Hansen (UT-01) Hart (PA-04) Hastert (IL-14) Hastings, D. (WA-04) Hayes (NC-08) Hayworth (AZ-06) Hefley (CO-05) Herger (CA-02) Hilleary (TN-04) Hobson (OH-07) Hoekstra (MI-02) Hostettler (IN-08) Hulshof (MO-09) Hunter (CA-52) Hyde (IL-06) Isakson (GA-06) Issa (CA-48) Istook (OK-05) Jenkins (TN-01) Johnson, Sam (TX-03) Jones, W. (NC-03) Keller (FL-08) Kerns (IN-07) King, P. (NY-03) Kingston (GA-01) Knollenberg (MI-11) Kolbe (AZ-05) Largent (OK-01) Latham (IA-05) LaTourette (OH-19) Lewis, Jerry (CA-40) Lewis, R. (KY-02) Linder (GA-11) Lucas, F. (OK-06) Manzullo (IL-16) McCrery (LA-04) McHugh (NY-24) McInnis (CO-03) McKeon (CA-25) Mica (FL-07) Miller, D. (FL-13) Miller, Gary (CA-41) Moran, Jerry (KS-01) Myrick (NC-09) Nethercutt (WA-05) Ney (OH-18) Northup (KY-03) Norwood (GA-10) Nussle (IA-02) Osborne (NE-03) Ose (CA-03) Otter (ID-01) Oxley (OH-04) Paul (TX-14) Pence (IN-02) Peterson, J. (PA-05) Pickering (MS-03) Pitts (PA-16) Platts (PA-19) Pombo (CA-11) Portman (OH-02) Pryce, D. (OH-15) Putnam (FL-12) Quinn (NY-30) Radanovich (CA-19) Regula (OH-16) Rehberg (MT-AL) Reynolds (NY-27) Riley (AL-03) Rogers, H. (KY-05) Rogers, M. (MI-08) Rohrabacher (CA-45) Ros-Lehtinen (FL-18) Royce (CA-39) Ryan, P. (WI-01) Ryun, J. (KS-02) Scarborough (FL-01) Schaffer (CO-04) Schrock (VA-02) Sessions, P. (TX-05) Shadegg (AZ-04) Shaw (FL-22) Sherwood (PA-10) Shimkus (IL-20) Shuster, Bill (PA-09) Simpson (ID-02) Skeen (NM-02) Smith, L. (TX-21) Smith, N. (MI-07) Souder (IN-04) Stearns (FL-06) Stump (AZ-03) Sununu (NH-01) Tancredo (CO-06) Tauzin (LA-03) Taylor, C. (NC-11) Terry (NE-02) Thomas, B. (CA-21) Thornberry (TX-13) Thune (SD-AL) Tiahrt (KS-04) Tiberi (OH-12) Toomey (PA-15) Upton (MI-06) Vitter (LA-01) Walden (OR-02) Wamp (TN-03) Watkins (OK-03) Watts, J.C. (OK-04) Weldon, C. (PA-07) Weldon, D. (FL-15) Weller (IL-11) Whitfield (KY-01) Wicker (MS-01) Wilson (NM-01) Wolf (VA-10) Young, C.W. (FL-10) Young, D. (AK-AL) DEMOCRATS (36) Baca (CA-42) Berry (AR-01) Bishop (GA-02) Boyd (FL-02) Brady, R. (PA-01) Carson, B. (OK-02) Clyburn (SC-06) Cramer (AL-05) Dooley (CA-20) Edwards, C. (TX-11) Green, G. (TX-29) Hall, R. (TX-04) Hilliard (AL-07) Jefferson (LA-02) John (LA-07) Kanjorski (PA-11) Lucas, K. (KY-04) Mascara (PA-20) Mollohan (WV-01) Murtha (PA-12) Oberstar (MN-08) Ortiz (TX-27) Peterson, C. (MN-07) Phelps (IL-19) Reyes (TX-16) Ross (AR-04) Sandlin (TX-01) Shows (MS-04) Skelton (MO-04) Stenholm (TX-17) Tanner (TN-08) Taylor, G. (MS-05) Thompson, B. (MS-02) Towns (NY-10) Traficant (OH-17) Turner (TX-02) INDEPENDENTS Goode (VA-05) **Not voting (5)** REPUBLICANS (2) Hutchinson, A. (AR-03) Spence (SC-02) DEMOCRATS (3) Lipinski (IL-03) Spratt (SC-05) Stark (CA-13) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 4, 2001 Report Share Posted August 4, 2001 Fraggle Oh dear .... Jo - EBbrewpunx 0veganpunx ; pist_ ; bevanmetro ; dominatrixsleeps ; ESI-List ; froggywogg ; ; vegan-network Saturday, August 04, 2001 5:50 PM arctic drilling fiasco Dear WildAlert r, The House voted late Aug. 1 to pass a giant energy package which includes opening the Arctic Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to oil drilling. The bill also contains billions in subsidies for the nuclear, oil and gas, and coal industries. Now the issue moves to the Senate, which could take up the issue as early as September. THANK *YOU* But first, *many, many thanks* to all of you who sent faxes and letters and made phone calls to your Representative. The arctic vote was very close, 223-206, and came only after a massive pro-drilling campaign funded by Big Oil companies and the Teamsters union, a House leadership determined to open the Arctic to drilling despite strong public opinion against such a move, and pressure from the White House. Both the White House and the House Republican leadership were handing out assistance on pet projects to round up votes. Considering what environmentalists were up against, the close vote was remarkable. Please thank your Representative if they voted against Arctic Refuge drilling. See "How They Voted" below or see the tally at & rollnumber=317 HOUSE ACTION WRAP-UP Reps. Ed Markey (D-7/MA), Nancy Johnson (R-6/CT), Sherwood Boehlert (R-23/NY), Barbara Lee (D-9/CA), and others led the effort to strip the Arctic Refuge drilling provision from the bill. That move failed on a vote of 223-206, mostly along party lines. "This bill has nothing to do with providing Americans with a more secure energy future," said Rep. Nick J. Rahall II (D-3/WV), the senior Democrat on the Resources Committee. "Instead, it is a multibillion-dollar giveaway of America's resources and American taxpayer dollars to big oil, already awash in record profits." Another green vote, an amendment by Rep. Boehlert to increase SUV fuel efficiency to 27.5 mpg by 2007, also failed, 256-160. Boehlert had argued that Congress should not allow drilling in the Arctic Refuge, pristine wilderness and wildlife haven, and do little about gas guzzling SUVs. In the end, H.R. 4 passed on a mostly partisan vote of 240-189. Sixteen Republicans voted against the bill. One independent and 36 Democrats voted for it. According to the New York Times, the final bill includes $27 billion in subsidies for "traditional energy producers, both to drill for more oil and gas, develop nuclear energy and produce cleaner coal." HOW THEY VOTED See below, or visit & rollnumber=317 Then send your Representative a message from or write to: Rep. ____, US House of Representatives, Wash, DC 20515 **MEMBERS VOTING TO PROTECT THE ARCTIC REFUGE (206) ** (Please thank your Representative if they appear on this list.) REPUBLICANS (34) Bartlett (MD-06) Bass (NH-02) Boehlert (NY-23) Castle (DE-AL) Davis, T. (VA-11) Dunn (WA-08) Ehlers (MI-03) Ferguson (NJ-07) Foley (FL-16) Frelinghuysen (NJ-11) Gilchrest (MD-01) Gilman (NY-20) Greenwood (PA-08) Horn (CA-38) Houghton (NY-31) Johnson, N. (CT-06) Johnson, Timothy (IL-15) Kelly (NY-19) Kennedy, M. (MN-02) Kirk (IL-10) LaHood (IL-18) Leach (IA-01) LoBiondo (NJ-02) Morella (MD-08) Petri (WI-06) Ramstad (MN-03) Roukema (NJ-05) Saxton (NJ-03) Sensenbrenner (WI-09) Shays (CT-04) Simmons (CT-02) Smith, C. (NJ-04) Sweeney (NY-22) Walsh (NY-25) DEMOCRATS (171) Abercrombie (HI-01) Ackerman (NY-05) Allen, T. (ME-01) Andrews (NJ-01) Baird (WA-03) Baldacci (ME-02) Baldwin (WI-02) Barcia (MI-05) Barrett (WI-05) Becerra (CA-30) Bentsen (TX-25) Berkley (NV-01) Berman (CA-26) Blagojevich (IL-05) Blumenauer (OR-03) Bonior (MI-10) Borski (PA-03) Boswell (IA-03) Boucher (VA-09) Brown, C. (FL-03) Brown, S. (OH-13) Capps (CA-22) Capuano (MA-08) Cardin (MD-03) Carson, J. (IN-10) Clay (MO-01) Clayton (NC-01) Clement (TN-05) Condit (CA-18) Conyers (MI-14) Costello (IL-12) Coyne (PA-14) Crowley (NY-07) Cummings (MD-07) Davis, D. (IL-07) Davis, Jim (FL-11) Davis, S. (CA-49) DeFazio (OR-04) DeGette (CO-01) Delahunt (MA-10) DeLauro (CT-03) Deutsch (FL-20) Dicks (WA-06) Dingell (MI-16) Doggett (TX-10) Doyle (PA-18) Engel (NY-17) Eshoo (CA-14) Etheridge (NC-02) Evans (IL-17) Farr (CA-17) Fattah (PA-02) Filner (CA-50) Ford (TN-09) Frank, Barney (MA-04) Frost (TX-24) Gephardt (MO-03) Gonzalez (TX-20) Gordon, B. (TN-06) Gutierrez (IL-04) Hall, T. (OH-03) Harman (CA-36) Hastings, A. (FL-23) Hill (IN-09) Hinchey (NY-26) Hinojosa (TX-15) Hoeffel (PA-13) Holden (PA-06) Holt (NJ-12) Honda (CA-15) Hooley (OR-05) Hoyer (MD-05) Inslee (WA-01) Israel (NY-02) Jackson, J. (IL-02) Jackson-Lee, S. (TX-18) Johnson, E.B. (TX-30) Jones, S. (OH-11) Kaptur (OH-09) Kennedy, P. (RI-01) Kildee (MI-09) Kilpatrick (MI-15) Kind, R. (WI-03) Kleczka (WI-04) Kucinich (OH-10) LaFalce (NY-29) Lampson (TX-09) Langevin (RI-02) Lantos (CA-12) Larsen, R. (WA-02) Larson, J. (CT-01) Lee (CA-09) Levin, S. (MI-12) Lewis, John (GA-05) Lofgren (CA-16) Lowey (NY-18) Luther (MN-06) Maloney, C. (NY-14) Maloney, J. (CT-05) Markey (MA-07) Matheson (UT-02) Matsui (CA-05) McCarthy, C. (NY-04) McCarthy, K. (MO-05) McCollum (MN-04) McDermott (WA-07) McGovern (MA-03) McIntyre (NC-07) McKinney (GA-04) McNulty (NY-21) Meehan (MA-05) Meek, C. (FL-17) Meeks, G. (NY-06) Menendez (NJ-13) Millender-McDonald (CA-37) Miller, George (CA-07) Mink (HI-02) Moore (KS-03) Moran, James (VA-08) Nadler (NY-08) Napolitano (CA-34) Neal (MA-02) Obey (WI-07) Olver (MA-01) Owens (NY-11) Pallone (NJ-06) Pascrell (NJ-08) Pastor (AZ-02) Payne (NJ-10) Pelosi (CA-08) Pomeroy (ND-AL) Price, D. (NC-04) Rahall (WV-03) Rangel (NY-15) Rivers (MI-13) Rodriguez (TX-28) Roemer (IN-03) Rothman (NJ-09) Roybal-Allard (CA-33) Rush (IL-01) Sabo (MN-05) Sanchez (CA-46) Sawyer (OH-14) Schakowsky (IL-09) Schiff (CA-27) Scott (VA-03) Serrano (NY-16) Sherman (CA-24) Slaughter (NY-28) Smith, A. (WA-09) Snyder (AR-02) Solis (CA-31) Strickland (OH-06) Stupak (MI-01) Tauscher (CA-10) Thompson, M. (CA-01) Thurman, K. (FL-05) Tierney (MA-06) Udall, M. (CO-02) Udall, T. (NM-03) Velazquez (NY-12) Visclosky (IN-01) Waters (CA-35) Watson (CA-32) Watt, M. (NC-12) Waxman (CA-29) Weiner (NY-09) Wexler (FL-19) Woolsey (CA-06) Wu (OR-01) Wynn (MD-04) INDEPENDENTS (1) Sanders (VT-AL) **MEMBERS VOTING TO ALLOW OIL DRILLING THE ARCTIC REFUGE (223) ** (Alternatively, feel free to let your Rep. know how displeased you are with their vote if they appear on the list below.) REPUBLICANS (186) Aderholt (AL-04) Akin (MO-02) Armey (TX-26) Bachus, S. (AL-06) Baker (LA-06) Ballenger (NC-10) Barr (GA-07) Barton (TX-06) Bereuter (NE-01) Biggert (IL-13) Bilirakis (FL-09) Blunt (MO-07) Boehner (OH-08) Bonilla (TX-23) Bono (CA-44) Brady, K. (TX-08) Brown, H. (SC-01) Bryant (TN-07) Burr (NC-05) Burton (IN-06) Buyer (IN-05) Callahan (AL-01) Calvert (CA-43) Camp (MI-04) Cannon (UT-03) Cantor (VA-07) Capito (WV-02) Chabot (OH-01) Chambliss (GA-08) Coble (NC-06) Collins, M. (GA-03) Combest (TX-19) Cooksey (LA-05) Cox (CA-47) Crane (IL-08) Crenshaw (FL-04) Cubin (WY-AL) Culberson (TX-07) Cunningham (CA-51) Davis, Jo Ann (VA-01) Deal (GA-09) DeLay (TX-22) DeMint (SC-04) Diaz-Balart (FL-21) Doolittle (CA-04) Dreier (CA-28) Duncan (TN-02) Ehrlich (MD-02) Emerson (MO-08) English (PA-21) Everett (AL-02) Flake (AZ-01) Fletcher (KY-06) Forbes (VA-04) Fossella (NY-13) Gallegly (CA-23) Ganske (IA-04) Gekas (PA-17) Gibbons (NV-02) Gillmor (OH-05) Goodlatte (VA-06) Goss (FL-14) Graham, L. (SC-03) Granger (TX-12) Graves (MO-06) Green, M. (WI-08) Grucci (NY-01) Gutknecht (MN-01) Hansen (UT-01) Hart (PA-04) Hastert (IL-14) Hastings, D. (WA-04) Hayes (NC-08) Hayworth (AZ-06) Hefley (CO-05) Herger (CA-02) Hilleary (TN-04) Hobson (OH-07) Hoekstra (MI-02) Hostettler (IN-08) Hulshof (MO-09) Hunter (CA-52) Hyde (IL-06) Isakson (GA-06) Issa (CA-48) Istook (OK-05) Jenkins (TN-01) Johnson, Sam (TX-03) Jones, W. (NC-03) Keller (FL-08) Kerns (IN-07) King, P. (NY-03) Kingston (GA-01) Knollenberg (MI-11) Kolbe (AZ-05) Largent (OK-01) Latham (IA-05) LaTourette (OH-19) Lewis, Jerry (CA-40) Lewis, R. (KY-02) Linder (GA-11) Lucas, F. (OK-06) Manzullo (IL-16) McCrery (LA-04) McHugh (NY-24) McInnis (CO-03) McKeon (CA-25) Mica (FL-07) Miller, D. (FL-13) Miller, Gary (CA-41) Moran, Jerry (KS-01) Myrick (NC-09) Nethercutt (WA-05) Ney (OH-18) Northup (KY-03) Norwood (GA-10) Nussle (IA-02) Osborne (NE-03) Ose (CA-03) Otter (ID-01) Oxley (OH-04) Paul (TX-14) Pence (IN-02) Peterson, J. (PA-05) Pickering (MS-03) Pitts (PA-16) Platts (PA-19) Pombo (CA-11) Portman (OH-02) Pryce, D. (OH-15) Putnam (FL-12) Quinn (NY-30) Radanovich (CA-19) Regula (OH-16) Rehberg (MT-AL) Reynolds (NY-27) Riley (AL-03) Rogers, H. (KY-05) Rogers, M. (MI-08) Rohrabacher (CA-45) Ros-Lehtinen (FL-18) Royce (CA-39) Ryan, P. (WI-01) Ryun, J. (KS-02) Scarborough (FL-01) Schaffer (CO-04) Schrock (VA-02) Sessions, P. (TX-05) Shadegg (AZ-04) Shaw (FL-22) Sherwood (PA-10) Shimkus (IL-20) Shuster, Bill (PA-09) Simpson (ID-02) Skeen (NM-02) Smith, L. (TX-21) Smith, N. (MI-07) Souder (IN-04) Stearns (FL-06) Stump (AZ-03) Sununu (NH-01) Tancredo (CO-06) Tauzin (LA-03) Taylor, C. (NC-11) Terry (NE-02) Thomas, B. (CA-21) Thornberry (TX-13) Thune (SD-AL) Tiahrt (KS-04) Tiberi (OH-12) Toomey (PA-15) Upton (MI-06) Vitter (LA-01) Walden (OR-02) Wamp (TN-03) Watkins (OK-03) Watts, J.C. (OK-04) Weldon, C. (PA-07) Weldon, D. (FL-15) Weller (IL-11) Whitfield (KY-01) Wicker (MS-01) Wilson (NM-01) Wolf (VA-10) Young, C.W. (FL-10) Young, D. (AK-AL) DEMOCRATS (36) Baca (CA-42) Berry (AR-01) Bishop (GA-02) Boyd (FL-02) Brady, R. (PA-01) Carson, B. (OK-02) Clyburn (SC-06) Cramer (AL-05) Dooley (CA-20) Edwards, C. (TX-11) Green, G. (TX-29) Hall, R. (TX-04) Hilliard (AL-07) Jefferson (LA-02) John (LA-07) Kanjorski (PA-11) Lucas, K. (KY-04) Mascara (PA-20) Mollohan (WV-01) Murtha (PA-12) Oberstar (MN-08) Ortiz (TX-27) Peterson, C. (MN-07) Phelps (IL-19) Reyes (TX-16) Ross (AR-04) Sandlin (TX-01) Shows (MS-04) Skelton (MO-04) Stenholm (TX-17) Tanner (TN-08) Taylor, G. (MS-05) Thompson, B. (MS-02) Towns (NY-10) Traficant (OH-17) Turner (TX-02) INDEPENDENTS Goode (VA-05) **Not voting (5)** REPUBLICANS (2) Hutchinson, A. (AR-03) Spence (SC-02) DEMOCRATS (3) Lipinski (IL-03) Spratt (SC-05) Stark (CA-13) To send an email to - Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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