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award for best vegan signature : ronny the restauranteer from Graham's post!


ha ha. not that's my type of veggie chick - Chrissie Hynde - even if she is

probably old enough to be our mother. for the sensitive of nature i will not

fucking repeat her quote here.


award for the best vegan computer operating system : jointly shared by Apple and



[ well, at least Steve Jobs once had a vegan girlfriend ... no reports yet on

Linus Torvalds but we should always support the most ethical underdog ].


at least Linux is not tested on animal like Windows is.


or else you can always use a WIndows box and share the joys of this :


[ the bigest joke is even Microsoft's own servers got infected by this one! ]


> ===================================================

> Actions to take in order to protect against Nimda worm: End Users

> ===================================================


> * Update Internet Explorer by installing any of the following:

> - Internet Explorer 6

> - Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 2

> - Internet Explorer 5.5 Service Pack 2

> - The patch provided in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS01-020.

> - The patch provided in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS01-027.


> * Donít open email attachments. Nimda worm arrives as an attachment

> named readme.exe. Do not run this file.


> * Disable Active Scripting. In order to avoid infection by browsing

> infected web pages Active Scripting can be disabled in Internet

> Explorer.


> * Restrict file sharing privileges. If you have file shares that are not

> needed remove them. Make sure that you have given as few privileges as

> possible.



> For detailed information about Win32.Nimda refer to:

> http://my-etrust.com/products/encyclopedia/virusinfo/encyclopedia






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vegan-network, john allan <jallan@f...> wrote:

>for the sensitive of nature i will not fucking repeat her quote here.




> award for the best vegan computer operating system : jointly shared

by Apple and Linux


The (vegan) problem with Linux is that the Open Source licence

prevents you , as a software writer, from placing restrictions on what

the software can be used for. So if I write some kind of device driver

as Open Source and then someone extends it to be able to control a

nuclear weapon or an automated cow slaughterer, I can't stop them :(


> [ well, at least Steve Jobs once had a vegan girlfriend ... no

reports yet on Linus Torvalds but we should always support the most

ethical underdog ].


Maybe Sas will volunteer (sorry - couldn't resist! He is married


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vegan-network, john allan <jallan@f...> wrote:

> award for best vegan signature : ronny the restauranteer from

Graham's post!


> ha ha. not that's my type of veggie chick - Chrissie Hynde - even

if she is probably old enough to be our mother. for the sensitive of

nature i will not fucking repeat her quote here.


> award for the best vegan computer operating system : jointly shared

by Apple and Linux


> [ well, at least Steve Jobs once had a vegan girlfriend ... no

reports yet on Linus Torvalds but we should always support the most

ethical underdog ].


> at least Linux is not tested on animal like Windows is.


How can computer stuff be tested on animals? I've never heard of this

before. The mind boggles, please explain for the benefit of untechies

like me.



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