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>> shoot straight though. i suppose if you were really anal you could get in

>> there with a fork to perform an autopsy.


>Autopsies are performed on corpses. This would be, generically, an



well they sure looked, to say smelt, dead to me.


actually, as a Scot you have to appreciate we make endless sport of this

kind of stuff, i always remember with a smile that Anthony Hopkins

portrayal or Dr Kellog saying that healthy DOBs smelt just like " freshly

baked biscuits " .


i'd concur that when you eat really well it is only friends and not foul

enemies that you see off to the sea. the nice thing about being vegan is

that your system is generally so clear that you can pick up the sublte

differences in your bodily fluids after you eat with all the accuracy and

panache of a fine wine taster. i think there was a thread about this

sometime back that even went as far as discussing the flavour of Provomel

vanilla soy dessert enhance sperm. or may be that was off list.


>> for seeds in general, try dry roasting them in a hot skillet without any

>> oil over a fst flame just before serving and scoot in a bit of shoyu,

>> proper soya sauce. pumkin, sunflower etc takes great this was


>Fast flame?


yup, just fast enough not to burn the seeds, hold the pan about the flame

so that you have some control over it. you will likely burn a few of the

first batches until you get it right.




squirt? a couple of shakes with the old wrist action.


>This is useful to know - I've been merrily eating sunflower seeds.


>> if you are going for a " muesli de luxe " , i'd give it a miss unless you

>> cook it. the mix of carbs [ cereals ] and proteins [ waxy tropical nuts ]

>> is a hard mix to digest and the mix of fruits and cereal is prone to

>> cause fermentation. in addition the oats etc will absorb up to 5 times

>> their amount of water so if you dont add that, where is you body going to

>> take it from? i'd say it would lead to a sense of congestedness. although


>Now this is interesting. Ferment as in " Ferment to cider inside her " ?


yup, same process. we generally make a point of how health we are because

the vegetable food we eat ferments inside of us rather than putrifies for

9 days, or whatever, like meat does *but* too much or too fast

fermentation is not good for you. apparently it is the natural yeast in

the fruit that set it all off as they would in wine making. leading to

bloatedness and gas. try getting religious of keep the two parties apart

and check your barometer for pressure drops. it should not be so windy.


the macrobiotics are a useful source of information about this. some good

clear analysis on it that it


it is interesting, we like something sweet to finish a meal culturally

but also because it help kick the liver into action but often it leads to

a sense of drowsiness. i wonder if we are becoming drunk on our own inner

brew. this needs researching before coming to a final deduction.


i dont drink or smoke and so i guess i am pretty sensitive to all this.


i guess something folks ought to is read up on how, where and when the

body works on the food we poke down into it. for example, how the amalyse

in the mouth gets to work on carbs quickly hence the benefits of chewing

your rice 50 times but them how it take a journey past the bile duct for

oily proteins like nuts to be attacked. to remember that the mouth of the

stomach is tiny little and toothless in comparison the the one at the top

when we stuff large unchewed or sharp things down or that much is taken

out slowly from the large intestine if it is in good shape.


the details are all long forgotten for me but I remember seeing pictures

of the little finger like villi on the insides of our gut that absorb the

food we eat and how modern diets of processed acid food burn them out or

wear them away until the insides become smooth and inable to absorb.

hence folks are actually suffering malnutrition despite packing tonnes of

food down their gobs.


you can diagnose quite a lot about the aptness of your diet and the

condition of your gut from the tone your plop plops. most people have

lost it delivery heavy compacted submarines instead of healthy little

floaters as would indicate a system working optimally. most folks have

intenstines that are " flabby " and inefficient. this is one of the bad

things about gas because it causes swelling.


now if you really want me to put you off your breakfast, i'll get into a

discussion about diverticulitis.


nurse! rubber glove and pass me the garden hose ...'


really, we should have internal inspections as regularly as we have

dental check ups. if you are into that kind of thing.


dr john

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