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Horse riding

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I've always wanted to do horse riding, but somehow it has only JUST

registered in my head that as a vegan, I should not ride horses... Just

wanted to hear from all of you, what do you think? I love working with

non-humans, but then again, to love them means not to exploit them...and I

guess it would be fair to say that horse riding DOES exploit horses...


Welcoming all opinions, including those that would harshly ask me, " And you

call yourself vegan???!!! "






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> I've always wanted to do horse riding, but somehow it has only JUST

> registered in my head that as a vegan, I should not ride horses... Just

> wanted to hear from all of you, what do you think? I love working with

> non-humans, but then again, to love them means not to exploit them...and I

> guess it would be fair to say that horse riding DOES exploit horses...


I rode horses for about six years, before I was vegan (I was

vegetarian at the time though). I think you'll end up running into

more difficulties than just the theoretical aspects -- meaning, what

are you going to use for tack? Most saddles, bridles, crops, everything,

are made from leather or have leather parts. There may be non-leather

equipment out there, but it'll be hard to come across. Then again, you

may be okay with using other people's saddles/bridles etc. or buying used

ones. It's up to you. :] I own a car made in 1985, bought it used, and

it has a leather interior. While I'd prefer it doesn't, I don't feel

like less of a vegan or anything when I drive to work in the morning.

I'd never buy one new that has leather though. (I also can't afford a

new NEW car, so I doubt I'll ever have to worry about it.. :D)


Horse riding can be dangerous and cruel to the horse, so you'll

need to visit plenty of barns and find one that you feel comfortable

in. There may also be a horse rescue near you that needs people to

exercise the animals. That may not be an option for you until you've

more experience, but it's something to keep in mind.


And now my own rambling opinion. I have very, very strong feelings

about horse *racing*. It's curious how most people look down on

greyhound racing, yet thoroughbred racing is still acceptable. PETA

has an article on that subject here:


Granted, sometimes PETA's facts are accused of being biased, but the

number of horses who break their legs while racing is atrocious. Being

a big horse geek in my younger days, I know just how common it is, and

it's one of those injuries that horses are euthanized for, because

recovery is difficult and expensive, and it completely ends the horse's

racing career (no more money for the owner).


Steeplechasing has many of the same risks, and I guess I don't even

need to go into fox hunting. Fox hunting has improved in many places

where the fox is now no longer killed at the end of the hunt. Still,

that's no reason to go chasing him or her about the woods, the fox

doesn't know s/he'll still be alive if the hounds catch up. Gah.

People. They do this stuff for fun...


I used to ride Saddleseat, which is probably the lowest-impact

competitive riding one can do. Saddlebred horses (which I rode) have

had a history of cruelty. " Soring " , which is now illegal in the US, though

still used, is the practice of putting shoes or chemicals on a horse that

cause each step to be painful, which causes the horse to lift their legs

higher and produce an exaggerated version of the breed's natural movements.

It's a problem with Tennesee Walking horses as well.



I sure can type a lot. Zounds. I've probably scared you or something. :]

That's not my point. I just want you to know what you may encounter. I

loved riding horses, and I know some of the horses loved it just as much.

Riding can be a wonderful experience. I don't know if I could find a

barn now that I'd want to ride at. This may seem really picky, but I

just don't like how most horses are kept in stalls for most of the day.

They're herd animals who need a lot of space to roam, and keeping them

penned up in 10 x 10 stalls or smaller... It just seems mean. Like

keeping a dog in a crate and just taking him or her out to exercise.

(Which is, um, what animal shelters do, but that's for a different reason.)


I guess my advice is to visit lots and lots of stables, talk to the

owners about your concerns and see if you can find a place that you

like. Most stable owners or horse trainers do care very deeply about

their animals, and they should be willing to discuss the aspects of

their care with you.


- Cheryl, who has probably gone on far too long and in a rather

unorganized manner :]





AIM: triceratops bean


" I'm melting! Melting! Oh, what a world! What a

world! Who would have thought a good little girl

like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness. "

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sorry to mention this Honor ...


but weren't you the one asking about how to lose weight just a wee while



i gently suggest, do you think the horse riding could wait until you did?


there is always swimming with dolphins instead.


> it depends on the pressure the horse is under....


if it was William Shatner, i'd say it was quite a lot of pressure. poor

guy really put on the pounds as he got older.


beam me up,


suprised no one mention RIP George Harrison, if he was not 100% vegan he

was real close to it. the cooks for when he was in the studio used to

come around to the wholefood shop i worked in to shop. i get the credit

for a buckwheat terrine on his last album. [ actually, that was a gross

exaggeration to the point of a lie but, hey, it was close to a Beatle as

i ever got ].


I cant think of one person more responsible for bring in our way of life

to the west with the influences he brought from the east. he stuck with

the spiritual/alternative stuff right to the end. makes you wonder how we

would have been living if those 4 guys had not done their thing in the

60s. the music was almost secondary.



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