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RE: [100% veg*n ] sad..

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Dear Sinawe (?)--


What you have witnessed is appalling and disheartening, to be sure. I'm so

sorry that you had to see it and I know that things like that are

depressing. Sometimes it's even difficult to feel connected to a world that

is so full of transgressionary pain such as that you've described.

Sometimes it feels hopeless and, speaking from a personal basis, I feel

guilty to be human because our species is responsible for inflicting so much

abuse. Still, we can't give up. You care. You will do all that you can.

Please, don't feel helpless. There are others like us and as our numbers

grow, so doew our strength. Remember that you are not alone. Keep doing

what you do. Keep caring for the animals. You're a wonderful person and we

need more of you.

Contact ANY agency that you think might help, even if they're outside of

Singapore. Try PETA (in the US), Uncaged (UK), or Animal Aid (UK). Even

Viva! (UK) might help. They're all online. Ask for their advice. If you

need help composing an e-mail, contact me through this list or via my

address and I will help.

Good luck. Take care. Keep positive.





sinawe3 [taijixuan]

25 December 2001 07:43


[100% veg*n ] sad..



i went to a marketplace today, and i saw how the ppl beat a large

fish, and i saw turtles and frogs been caged up with no place to

move. the worst thing is tt i saw a really really gigantic turtle

caged up in a cage so small it can even move an inch. and guess wat.

it was crying.it really was.it's eyes were filled with tears.after

sometime, it completely shut it's eyes-waiting for it's death. my

friend told mi tt when a turtle noes tt it's going to die, it'll noe

and cry.i am reporting this to the spca cuz i think tt in my country,

turtle eating is illegal but i'm not too sure. although i dun have

high hopes cuz to mi spca is onli for those cute and cuddly animals.

i mean i dun think they really care for the welfare for those farm

animals or soever.i dunno but i'll try cuz i guess tt's the onli

animal rights organization in s'pore. i'll probably faint in a pig or

chicken or some other slaughterhouse so i will never even think of

going in my life i guess.i juz cant understand y ppl can torture

animals like tt without feeling gulity.




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I should have clarified: the organisations that I mentioned might not be

able to help directly, but they could probably provide you with the names

and contact details for those places in/near Singapore who should be able to

help. I'll get back to you with appropriate email addresses for PETA,

Animal Aid, and Uncaged.





sinawe3 [taijixuan]

26 December 2001 08:48


Re: [100% veg*n ] sad..



oh u mean they do help aniamls out of their country too?

hm..if u dun mind, can u gve mi some of their email or anything tt

cld help plz? thank u..




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wow ..i didnt even noe there were such organizations in spore..

thanx a lot!!







vegan-network, " k@ " <kittyveg@l...> wrote:

> Okay, I've found a few possibilities for you, as follows:


> (1) PETA India - P.O. Box 28260

> Juhu, Mumbai 400 049

> India

> Tel: +91 022 628 1880

> E-mail: petaindia@p...


> (2) PETA US - ino@p...


> (3) Singapore Vegetarian Society - sgveg@i...


> (4) Animal Welfare in Singapore on Delphi -

> http://forums.delphiforums.com/animal_welfare/messages


> (5) Singapore Cats - peacock@w... (They may be able to tell

you how

> to go about lobbying for

> change in animal rights'/welfare laws).


> (6) Singapore Cat Welfare Society - bigbass@m... (I am under

> the impression that

> this society is also a general animal rights organisation.

If you contact

> them, they should at least be

> able to offer support and advice).


> Good luck. Don't be afraid to just ask people what you can do to

help the

> animals in Singapore. Everything begins with one step.


> Take care--

> xxk@xx




> sinawe3 [taijixuan@h...]

> 26 December 2001 08:48

> vegan-network

> Re: [100% veg*n ] sad..



> oh u mean they do help aniamls out of their country too?

> hm..if u dun mind, can u gve mi some of their email or anything tt

> cld help plz? thank u..




> To to the Digest Mode [ recommended ], send an email to:

> vegan-network-digest



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hm sorry but is it tt i can onli email them through this forum?can i

email them privately?hehe sorry i'm such a pest..


vegan-network, " k@ " <kittyveg@l...> wrote:

> Okay, I've found a few possibilities for you, as follows:


> (1) PETA India - P.O. Box 28260

> Juhu, Mumbai 400 049

> India

> Tel: +91 022 628 1880

> E-mail: petaindia@p...


> (2) PETA US - ino@p...


> (3) Singapore Vegetarian Society - sgveg@i...


> (4) Animal Welfare in Singapore on Delphi -

> http://forums.delphiforums.com/animal_welfare/messages


> (5) Singapore Cats - peacock@w... (They may be able to tell

you how

> to go about lobbying for

> change in animal rights'/welfare laws).


> (6) Singapore Cat Welfare Society - bigbass@m... (I am under

> the impression that

> this society is also a general animal rights organisation.

If you contact

> them, they should at least be

> able to offer support and advice).


> Good luck. Don't be afraid to just ask people what you can do to

help the

> animals in Singapore. Everything begins with one step.


> Take care--

> xxk@xx




> sinawe3 [taijixuan@h...]

> 26 December 2001 08:48

> vegan-network

> Re: [100% veg*n ] sad..



> oh u mean they do help aniamls out of their country too?

> hm..if u dun mind, can u gve mi some of their email or anything tt

> cld help plz? thank u..




> To to the Digest Mode [ recommended ], send an email to:

> vegan-network-digest



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You're not a pest! I'm afraid that those are the only e-mail addresses that

I could unearth for you, but let me know how you get on with them. If I can

put you in touch with some organisations here in the UK, let me know.

Take care -




sinawe3 [taijixuan]

26 December 2001 14:12


Re: [100% veg*n ] sad..



hm sorry but is it tt i can onli email them through this forum?can i

email them privately?hehe sorry i'm such a pest..


vegan-network, " k@ " <kittyveg@l...> wrote:

> Okay, I've found a few possibilities for you, as follows:


> (1) PETA India - P.O. Box 28260

> Juhu, Mumbai 400 049

> India

> Tel: +91 022 628 1880

> E-mail: petaindia@p...


> (2) PETA US - ino@p...


> (3) Singapore Vegetarian Society - sgveg@i...


> (4) Animal Welfare in Singapore on Delphi -

> http://forums.delphiforums.com/animal_welfare/messages


> (5) Singapore Cats - peacock@w... (They may be able to tell

you how

> to go about lobbying for

> change in animal rights'/welfare laws).


> (6) Singapore Cat Welfare Society - bigbass@m... (I am under

> the impression that

> this society is also a general animal rights organisation.

If you contact

> them, they should at least be

> able to offer support and advice).


> Good luck. Don't be afraid to just ask people what you can do to

help the

> animals in Singapore. Everything begins with one step.


> Take care--

> xxk@xx




> sinawe3 [taijixuan@h...]

> 26 December 2001 08:48

> vegan-network

> Re: [100% veg*n ] sad..



> oh u mean they do help aniamls out of their country too?

> hm..if u dun mind, can u gve mi some of their email or anything tt

> cld help plz? thank u..




> To to the Digest Mode [ recommended ], send an email to:

> vegan-network-digest



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" k@ " wrote:


> (5) Singapore Cats - peacock (They may be able to tell you


> to go about lobbying for

> change in animal rights'/welfare laws).


If, that is, they can lobby for change without being sued into

bankruptcy by the Singapore government :(.



Ian McDonald



http://travel.to/startrekcolony - Star Trek: Colony site & .mov

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Well, I didn't say that it was gointa' be a cakewalk, but there are people

in Singapore who are trying to change things. One can but align oneself

with such kindred spirits and hope that sheer force of numbers will out.

Things are developing in Singapore...slowly but surely. Change has occurred

over the last few years.

I shouldn't think that you are trying to dissuade Sinawe from acting, but

your remark is a bit pessimistic, Doc.

You might say *realistic*, but encouragement and support is welcome, too.





Dr Ian McDonald [ian.mcdonald]

26 December 2001 14:26


Re: [100% veg*n ] sad..





" k@ " wrote:


> (5) Singapore Cats - peacock (They may be able to tell

you how

> to go about lobbying for

> change in animal rights'/welfare laws).


If, that is, they can lobby for change without being sued into

bankruptcy by the Singapore government :(.



Ian McDonald



http://travel.to/startrekcolony - Star Trek: Colony site & .mov

http://www.tardis.ed.ac.uk/~type40/who-rpg.html - Dr. Who RPGs



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Agree, Kitty.


I'm a Singaporean myself and although this country consists of a mainly

Chinese population (i.e. one of the groups that just LOVES to eat just about

anything that moves), Sinawe, don't give up! Surely, I must add that the

SPCAs in both Singapore and Hong Kong (where I'm living now) see dogs, cats,

hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits and chinchillas as the " animals " they protect

(as in their slogan, " Respect for life begins with concern for " animals " )

whereas basically every other non-human animal that was not mentioned is

seen as " food. " It will be an uphill struggle...I don't know the policy of

the SPCA in Singapore, but here in HK, you have a chance of becoming a part

of their Board if you have been their member for at least 2 years. Sinawe,

if you are not yet a member of the SPCA, join them, at least there would be

a chance of you influencing their policy of " [selected] animal protection. "


Returning to what you were saying about the turtles (I actually don't think

it's illegal to eat turtles in Singapore, well, at least not the type that

they sell in wet markets...are you talking about those that seem to have a

snout? with a softer shell? I'm horrible with identifying turtles...so

forgive my poor description!), the Chinese (though I am Chinese myself, I

don't buy any of thise crap) believe that turtles nourish the body by

'enriching' the blood, the same goes for other reptiles. So the first thing

to do is to gather medical information that would undermine that ridiculous

theory, and try to (first become an SPCA member, preferrably Life Member)

have the SPCA publish an article or somethin' about the horror of animal

abuse in wet markets. Furthermore, I know the SPCA holds talks in schools

every once in a while, try to squeeze this issue into their talks, too.


Good luck!





> " k@ " <kittyveg


><vegan-network >

>RE: [100% veg*n ] sad..

>Wed, 26 Dec 2001 14:27:35 -0000


>Well, I didn't say that it was gointa' be a cakewalk, but there are people

>in Singapore who are trying to change things. One can but align oneself

>with such kindred spirits and hope that sheer force of numbers will out.

>Things are developing in Singapore...slowly but surely. Change has


>over the last few years.

>I shouldn't think that you are trying to dissuade Sinawe from acting, but

>your remark is a bit pessimistic, Doc.

>You might say *realistic*, but encouragement and support is welcome, too.





>Dr Ian McDonald [ian.mcdonald]

>26 December 2001 14:26


>Re: [100% veg*n ] sad..





> " k@ " wrote:

> >

> > (5) Singapore Cats - peacock (They may be able to


>you how

> > to go about lobbying for

> > change in animal rights'/welfare laws).


>If, that is, they can lobby for change without being sued into

>bankruptcy by the Singapore government :(.



>Ian McDonald



>http://travel.to/startrekcolony - Star Trek: Colony site & .mov

>http://www.tardis.ed.ac.uk/~type40/who-rpg.html - Dr. Who RPGs



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Sinawe, here are a few more (for those that are more dogs/cats oriented,

perhaps they would still be interested in referring you to other

organizations that can help with the turtle issue):


Action for Singapore Dogs - http://www.asdsingapore.com/


Noah's Ark Natural Animal Sanctuary - http://www.noahsarklodge.com/


Humane Ethics for Animal Life (HEAL) - I couldn't find their website, but

here's their e-mail address --> kuma - they are a vegan

organization so they'd definitely be willing to help


S.O.S. Animals - http://www.sosanimals.com


Hope these'd help!




> " sinawe3 " <taijixuan



>Re: [100% veg*n ] sad..

>Wed, 26 Dec 2001 14:11:50 -0000


>hm sorry but is it tt i can onli email them through this forum?can i

>email them privately?hehe sorry i'm such a pest..


>vegan-network, " k@ " <kittyveg@l...> wrote:

> > Okay, I've found a few possibilities for you, as follows:

> >

> > (1) PETA India - P.O. Box 28260

> > Juhu, Mumbai 400 049

> > India

> > Tel: +91 022 628 1880

> > E-mail: petaindia@p...

> >

> > (2) PETA US - ino@p...

> >

> > (3) Singapore Vegetarian Society - sgveg@i...

> >

> > (4) Animal Welfare in Singapore on Delphi -

> > http://forums.delphiforums.com/animal_welfare/messages

> >

> > (5) Singapore Cats - peacock@w... (They may be able to tell

>you how

> > to go about lobbying for

> > change in animal rights'/welfare laws).

> >

> > (6) Singapore Cat Welfare Society - bigbass@m... (I am under

> > the impression that

> > this society is also a general animal rights organisation.

>If you contact

> > them, they should at least be

> > able to offer support and advice).

> >

> > Good luck. Don't be afraid to just ask people what you can do to

>help the

> > animals in Singapore. Everything begins with one step.

> >

> > Take care--

> > xxk@xx

> >

> >

> >

> > sinawe3 [taijixuan@h...]

> > 26 December 2001 08:48

> > vegan-network

> > Re: [100% veg*n ] sad..

> >

> >

> > oh u mean they do help aniamls out of their country too?

> > hm..if u dun mind, can u gve mi some of their email or anything tt

> > cld help plz? thank u..

> >

> >

> >

> > To to the Digest Mode [ recommended ], send an email to:

> > vegan-network-digest

> >

> >

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