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[100% veg*n ] Gift-receiving hazards...

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Honor Chan wrote:


> Christmas is SOOOOOOOO wonderful...until you open that beautifully wrapped

> box and discover something that is not vegan. What's worse is, in order to

> be a polite recipient, it is inappropriate (well, at least, I think it

> isn't) to say, " Do you know what Chanel No. 5 contains? Musk! Here, you

> can have that back, I don't even want to touch it. "


I'd forgive them for not knowing that Chanel No. 5 contains an animal



> And then another box,

> " Oh my, is this wool? I've announced it pretty clearly that I'm vegan,

> haven't I? Here, you can take that back, too. "


I'd probably say, fairly clearly, with a false hint of embarassement,

but hiding my annoyance as much as I could " Um ... this isn't vegan. "

And return it in private.


My advice is to give them a shopping list of Christmas presents in

November. I do get annoyed when people waste their money on generic gift

items I don't really need, and the only solution is to let them know.

(Although my family seem allergic to buying those books about animal

experimentation I put on my Amazon wishlist. Even my veggie GF needed

nudging to get Singer's Animal Lib.)


> All these gifts from

> friends and relatives are piled up in my room, I want to get rid of them,

> but some of these gifts came from the people in my household - how can I

> throw 'em out when they're always around??? arrrrgggghhhhhh!!!


I'd suggest giving them to a charity shop. Preferably, for the sake of

poetic justice, an animal welfare one.


> Sorry, just had to release that tension to someone who'd understand

> (soooooooo grateful that all of you are here! :) )! Well, I'll find a way

> to get rid of these items, but suggestions are always welcome! :)


Heh. My problem was when the rest of my family was having a tipple and I

was going through the drinks with vegan shopper trying to find them. (In

checking-vegansociety.com hindsight, I should have just taken a spirit,

but I wasn't sure.) Or my mother didn't understand why I cleaned her

butter croissant off the bread knife before cutting my bread ... and

then stuck her buttered knife in my toast to get it out of the toaster!

Or the restaurant they took me to where there was one rather insipid

vegan curry, and I couldn't have the butter-drenched veg. Urgh.


At least they know to get me non-vegan stuff now.


> Honor




Ian McDonald



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give em to charity..

and explain in very simple terms and polite terms to the gift givers, why you

could not use such items......


and, yer right, soft shelled turtles are delicacies in many asian cultures

and, songbirds are releished by the french..its a strange world





" Honor Chan " <honor_chan wrote:


>Christmas is SOOOOOOOO wonderful...until you open that beautifully wrapped

>box and discover something that is not vegan. What's worse is, in order to

>be a polite recipient, it is inappropriate (well, at least, I think it

>isn't) to say, " Do you know what Chanel No. 5 contains? Musk! Here, you

>can have that back, I don't even want to touch it. " And then another box,

> " Oh my, is this wool? I've announced it pretty clearly that I'm vegan,

>haven't I? Here, you can take that back, too. " All these gifts from

>friends and relatives are piled up in my room, I want to get rid of them,

>but some of these gifts came from the people in my household - how can I

>throw 'em out when they're always around??? arrrrgggghhhhhh!!!


>Sorry, just had to release that tension to someone who'd understand

>(soooooooo grateful that all of you are here! :) )! Well, I'll find a way

>to get rid of these items, but suggestions are always welcome! :)





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> Well, I'll find a way

> to get rid of these items, but suggestions are always welcome! :)


i know you'd decided to give them to charity, but i thought i'd chime in anyway.

do you have spare cash to spend on postage? if you do, check out


there may be something on there you'd be happy to exchange your gifts for



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