Guest guest Posted May 23, 2002 Report Share Posted May 23, 2002 i think i like #7 the best 23 WAYS TO HELP TREES 50 REASONS NOT TO MOW It was an Australian, Richard St Barbe Baker, who convinced Franklin Roosevelt, US president, to plant billions of trees. . 23 ways to help trees 50 reasons not to mow Why is the area of most heat and light, the equator, only 70 degrees in equatorial rainforest and 130 degrees in temperate zone desert? Trees. Trees as nature's weather stabilizers, trees, accounting for a 60 degree difference between rainforest on the equator and temperate zone desert, have been felled at an unprecedented rate. 1. plant trees Work for city, state, country and UN tree planting 2. stop mowing /messages/nomow/244 3. eat tree products.. fruits and nuts.. say yes to orchard growers 4. build with stone stucco brick and block not wood 5. cancel daily newspaper.. as 72% of the young have get your news on the web Daily newspapers account for trillions of trees felled annually 6. print on cotton, recycled or scrap paper in downloading 7. use a water spray instead of toilet paper 8. buy food naturally packaged.. nuts in nut shells bananas in peels.. buy in bulk 9. use canvas bags for shopping.. neither plastic nor paper 10. stop eating meat, since cutting forests for cattle grazing is a major cause of deforestation.. animal flesh yields a maximum of 1000 lbs an acre. Tri level agriculture (fruit trees, vines and fruit bearing plants) yields over 450,000 lbs. per acre.) 11. work for peace.. and an end to the bombing in Afghanistan and elsewhere radically affecting weather patterns ... work for an end to CIA, Army and other weather manipulation 12. Save fruit seeds and scatter them in wild places 13. Buy books published on cotton, rice, or other nontree paper 14. Purchase furniture which is used and refurbish it or buy metal furniture with cotton padding. There are many nontree furniture options. The furniture, lumber, and construction businesses have lobbied for the cutting down of US forests, whereas the UK, some cities in Maryland and California require a permit to cut down old trees.\ 15. Vote out earth abusers.. Vote out the GOP vote in Democrats or Greens depending on the situation 16. Avoid fast food places which deforest for their packaging and create litter which fills dumpsites and requires labor pickup 17. visualize sun and green trees everywhere 18. pray 19. Outlaw junk mail (as telemarketers have been). File a form with the main post office in your area. Return to sender. 20. Recycle cardboard cartons at grocery stores or other places allowing it. 21. Replace the purchase of dead Christmas trees which cause many fires annually.. with artificial trees.. or living ones planted each year in the year 22. Save seeds of trees, vines, bushes, plants and scatter them where mowing does not occur 23. Ban the cutting of trees entirely as Thailand has down. (The United Kingdom has banned the cutting of trees after they reach a certain width.. while Takoma Park Maryland in the US and other cities have required a permit to cut older trees.) Father Mother God make the earth warm where it is cold and cool it down in Indian areas in which it is too hot. Make earth weather gentle and nonviolent now and forever. Cause all to obey Your commands not to kill animals.. not to kill plants. Genesis 1 29 Please download with 100% cotton, rice, recycled, or scrap paper. In 2002, the world has seen floods, famine, fire, mudslides, hurricanes, tornados and other disasters created by the unprecedented destruction of trees around the world. Trees are nature's weather stabilizers. 50 REASONS TO REDUCE OR ELIMINATE MOWING ISAIAH: BREAK NOT THE BRUISED REED THE FIFTH ANGEL OF REVELATION: HARM NO GREEN LIVING BEING ..GROW FREE FOOD .PREVENT MOWER ACCIDENTS .PROTECT SAPLING TREES ..CREATE OXYGEN .SAVE TIME . CONSERVE FUEL .SAVE MONEY .GUARD FREEDOM .INVOKE RAIN .. STABILIZE WEATHER PATTERNS . STOP MUDSLIDES .NOISE BUFFER .. DIVERT FLOODS . FOSTER WILDLIFE HABITAT . FILTER AIR (not in the order of importance) In the last few years the EPA has joined the environmental groups promoting nonmowing. Their site is ... type in 'natural landscaping' in search to bring up many sites. The Green Party and many Libertarians also support nonmowing. I: ENVIRONMENTAL (THE REDUCTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANIPULATION) 1. REFORESTATION When one stops mowing, land becomes meadow and then thicket and then woods. reforesting the world. 2. OXYGEN CREATION This extra greenery creates oxygen. The average tree creates 5 pounds of oxygen daily. 3. AIR PURIFICATION And purifies the air through leaf filtration a. particulate matter fumes c.noxious gases d.other airborn toxins. Removal of carbon dioxide by plants ameliorates pollution. 4. TEMPERATURE STABILIZATION Warms the world's winters and cools the summers. There is a 50 degree difference between 70 degree equatorial rainforest and 120 degree desert. Each blade of grass is a little air conditioner. A world without drought, flood, famine, freezes, and killer heat can be eliminated by literally covering the world with trees. 5. RAIN INVOCATION Greenery calls down rain. Bayard Webster of the NY Times wrote that each mature tree evaporates 40 gallons of moisture daily (much greater amounts for older trees.) All greenery is involved in the raincycle. The drought and consequent starvation in N. Korea was related to the cutting of nearly all trees for fuel. (as is present drought in the NW US). (NPR Sept 98 and other sources) 6. DEW PRESERVATION Preserves dew. Not only do green spires and leaves act as masts around which dew can gather, but the more greenery the longer the dew lasts. 7. NOISE BUFFER Weaves a noise buffer which screens out unpleasant traffic 8. NOISE PREVENTION Ends the peace-fracturing sound of the lawnmower. Some communities have noise ordinances which prevent mowing during normal sleeping hours. 9. VISUAL BEAUTY Multiplies the beauty of diversity 10. FRAGRANCE Multiply the fragrance in the air. 11. HEALING GREEN Nonmowing creates optical healing by creating more greenery. Research has proven that looking on the jade and forest greens reduces heartbeat. 12. LANDFILL ECONOMY Letting lawns grow wild reduces pressure on not adding leaves to overburdened systems (and saves the fuel and wages of collection releasing workers for the labor of their hearts). (NPR Sept 1: methane gases leach from landfill through water into basements) As the world evolves away from treekilling, sawdust piles which are a byproduct of the lumber industry will be removed, making the earth safer for children. 13. FUEL CONSERVATION Conserves fuel a. unused in unused mowers b. As evergreen trees break cold winter winds and shroud dwellings they are natural insulation. 14. HYDROCARBON REDUCTION Prevents hydrocarbon mower emission from polluting the air. Many media outlets such as WEWS, WNIR and others are passing on the EPA recommendation that lawns not be mowed when there is great humidity and heat. 15. CARBON DIOXIDE Greenery which takes in carbon dioxide and breathes out oxygen reduces gases toxic to humans. 15a. METHANE GAS and toxic gases are purified by leaf action. 16. TORNADO PREVENTION Unstable heat is the main factor in tornados. Greenery which reduces the temperature 30 degrees in forest areas prevents tornados. 17. MUDSLIDE PREVENTION: The roots of living plants absorb great amounts of water and prevent mudslides. 18. FLOOD PREVENTION: A. On river banks and everywhere, tree, plant, bush, and vine roots are flood preventers. As David Kidd of Canton, planter of more than a million trees, has stated, the bigger and older the tree the more work it does. (The 900 year old oaks with their huge diameters are a lot more precious to Mother Earth than skinny young trees. B. Ohio Public Radio David C. Barnett Sept 9th: reported on reduction of impervious surface by reducing concrete and adding greenery. (The hard asphalt, concrete, and rooftops create more runoff and flooding.) C. Bricks and stones in roads are better for the environment than are concrete and asphalt. They allow rain through the inter-brick space and have less blistering heat. Angel strips not devil strips (Planting grape trellises over highways re-greens the earth and creates food.) 19. PREVENT DESERTIFICATION Only reforestation can prevent desertification. This is the conclusion of Patrick Velasquez of US Agency For International Development and most other environmentalists. We used to think a pine cone was one seed, but apparently it is hundreds. 20. REDUCE CHEMICAL POLLUTION: Radio network show Public Interest October 7 featuring Rodale author: Chemically treated lawns are grass high on drugs.: Fertilizer has toxic byproducts for the land and water. 21. FASTEST CLEANUP OF TOXIC DUMPS Green island sanctuaries of unmolested plants, insects, and wildlife are a protection against the biotech manipulations of the environment. 22. WATERSHED PROTECTION The more greenery, plants, vines, trees, and bushes.. the more the watershed, reservoirs, and lakes and ponds, brooks and streams are protected. a. Arsenic is a byproduct of the pressed wood industry. Arsenic is poisonous in the waters, and like other industrial pollutants such as mercury, chromium and polychlorinated biphenols is concentrated in the flesh of fishes. 23. BIODIVERSITY Nonmowing or letting God be the landscaper creates biodiversity and its many benefits (and benefirs) rather than monoculture. (Loggers last year caused the death of David Chain, Earth First tree activist. Write efmc@a... or call 707 923 2114 Andy Caffrey) \ 24. FIRE PREVENTION In March of 2001, widescale drought in the NW has been reported. Destruction of greenery is one cause of this. Trees' evaporation is necessary in cloud formation. 25. FLOOD PREVENTION Nonmowing causes natural reforestation. Tree roots on river banks prevent floods. 26. WATER CONSERVATION: Unmowed areas do not need watering ... they are self contained systems. Nor do they need recycling. 27. INSECTICIDE PREVENTION: Carpet lawn enthusiasts pollute the environment with insecticides in some cases. II HUMAN RIGHTS: (Numbers 19 through 31) 1. FEEDING THE HUNGRY: FOOD CREATION Prevents famine by giving a cornucopia of free food to the planet Orchards are 400 times as productive per acre as slaughterhouses..Dr. Faust, former chief of the USDA Fruit Labs, cited centenarian orchards of apple trees dropping two tons each of food. This is 400,000 lbs per acre as compared to 100 to 1000 lbs of food for meat, 10,000 lbs for dairy, 80,000 lbs. for acre. The 400 to l ratio is only the first step. Tri level agriculture.. with bean and other vines around the tree trunks and other foodyielding plants in the interarboreal spaces.. yield even more. This also can be multiplied by those areas which have 2 or 3 growing seasons..e.g. Southern California. 2. PREVENTION OF DEATH AND INJURY Prevents in the U.S. alone, 75,000 accidents and some fatalities annually caused by mowers and harvesters, and around the world millions of accidents eliminated. NPR reported May 17, 2002 that tractor rollovers are the leading cause of death among farmers, and that farming in general is the 2nd most hazardous occupation (after commercial fishing). 2b. Ravines are generally more protected from mowing, as there is wider recognition of the danger of mowing. 2c. When grass is mowed on hillsides, when wet or exceedingly dry it can cause slipping accidents. 3. PREVENTION OF HEART ATTACKS As non shoveling of snow can prevent winter heart attacks nonmowing can sometimes prevent summer heart attacks. 4. FREEDOM Health departments are reducing the forced crewcutting of lawns and the rending of Mother Nature's garments . See below for further info. 5. EMPTY JAILS Saves money otherwise spent on jailing people (see above) 6. PRIVACY Creates a privacy screen. Ways to avoid grass (a transitional plant unless land is constantly mowed) include a. pachysandra b. myrtle and other ground cover c. grape vine trellises d. evergreen trees and shrubs as natural fences e. berry bushes as natural boundaries 7. HERBAL REMEDIES Nonmowing allows healing extracts and seeds to flourish, e.g. milkthistle seeds, which regenerate cirrhosis-afflicted livers. The active ingredient is silymarin. (Herbology student embyrne@s... is a non mower) 8. KEEPS WASPS FRIENDLY prevents wasp stings and hive attacks as their homes are destroyed. 9. ECONOMICS a. saves money otherwise spent on fuel b. Saves money otherwise spent on young trees. c. Fruit trees ave money spent on food. 10. TIME ECONOMY frees human time hours for enjoyable priorities a. no gas procurement time, no mowing time, no raking time. 11. AMERICAN HERITAGE: The Native American culture never spent time mowing Mother Earth. Her green cover is her garment. Lawn mowing is a fairly recent thing. The original lawn mowers were sheep and other animals later slaughtered for their flesh. The Time Life Gardening Yearbook mentions the 'chipped monotypic layer of bluegrass', the crewcut which is called a lawn. Other ecologists speak about the hazards of monoculture. 12. FREE CONCERTS Cicadas and crickets will give free concerts. Fireflies will put on silent fireworks. Buttercups will save chalices of dew for butterflies who in turn will cool the earth with the slight breeze from their fanning wings. 13. WEED KILLER OR HERBICIDE use (Diane Rehm Show Sept 1) causes childhood and other environmental pollutant based cancers. Some leaches into the water system. Some is directly smeared onto skin. 14. INSECTICIDE BASED CANCERS: Insecticides were developed as weapons in WW 2. At the end of the war, chemical companies wanted new markets. These insecticides cause cancer. (NPR Sept 1) 15. HEALING: Studies of recovering gall bladder patients reveal that those looking on a garden heal faster than those not. (BJ 6 6 2000) There are now herbal therapists at Univ of Kansas, Rutgers, Texas A & M, and Virginia Tech. Those who look on living green have reduced blood pressure. The plant yarrow makes children in its proximity less agressive within a few moments. Lavender increases memory and concentration. An ancient vedic parable says that to be healed one should look upon green. Rather than paint the world that color, a sage says 'put on green glasses'. (The best green glasses are living in an environment of green.) COTTON PAPER LASTS FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY YEARS. TREE PAPER LASTS SIXY YEARS. III ANIMAL RIGHTS: 1. WILDLIFE HABITAT Reprovides a home for wildlife, both those not endangered and those which are. Keeps birds from flying away when the power motors are started. 2 ANIMAL RIGHTS Protects insects, redwinged blackbirds and other living creatures nesting in ground cover, and prevents the mastication deaths of millions of small field animals chewed up in harvesters.. (Sometimes the tiny feet of these animals can be seen in cans of food.) In Numbers 22, God causes a donkey to speak about the beatings of her human 'owner'. 3 PRESERVE WILDLIFE FOOD SUPPLY: Not removing acorns leaves food for squirrels and other wildlife during the winter as well as providing new sapling oaks in the spring. Not removing leaves provides more thermal shelter for northern animals. 4. SONGBIRDS ATTRACTED TO WILD AREAS ................ James Marcus: Dandelions: they must be God's favorite flower for He plants them everywhere. IV: PLANT RIGHTS Numbers 33 and 34 1. PLANT RIGHTS Protects the rights of sentient plants whose feelings have been documented by Dr. Chandra Bose, knighted by the Queen of England for his laboratory measurement of plant consciousness. Other scientists who have proven or written of plant consciousness ares are Clive Baxter, Luther Burbank, The Secret Life Of Plants writers,, the owner to whose rights, Isaac Tigrett, sold all the Hard Rock Cafes he founded after becoming a vegetarian. (Dandelions would rather be plucked by 7 year old boys like Jai Len who consider them bubble blowing sticks.. than by a machine.) Pachysandra, myrtle, snow on the mountain, and camomile are some ground covers which do not offend more conservative neighbors. 2: WILDFLOWER SANCTUARY Those like Lady Bird Johnson who have worked to foster protection of wildflowers know the necessity of more wild places. 3: ENDING BOTANICAL RACISM E. Duffy Woodford is the first person who has spoken to us of botanical racism. This phrase means different things to different people. To us it means that weeds have as much right to exist as do plants with cultivated blooms. The spirit-filled volunteers called weeds are usually stronger, more and more prolific than cultivated plants. V: DIVINE RIGHT: 1. Mother Earth blesses those who abandon controlling and manipulating her. 2. God does not like lawnmowers. (Joel 1: The land mourns the destruction of plants.) (Isaiah: Break not the bruised reed.) HOW TO SAVE TREES AND REFOREST THE EARTH 1. eat fruit which supplies demand for those who plant orchards 2. save fruit seeds and scatter them in wild places 3. plant trees 4. Get your news on the web. Metropolitan dailies and news magazines account for trillions of trees annually. 5. Consider a water hose or 100% recycled toilet paper. 6. Build with stone and stucco, brick and block, and other nontree materials. 7. Purchase furniture which is used and refurbish it or buy metal furniture with cotton padding. There are many nontree furniture options. The furniture, lumber, and construction businesses have lobbied for the cutting down of US forests, whereas the UK requires a permit to cut down old trees. 8. Publish newsletters on cotton, rice, recycled, or rag paper. A growing number of recycled firms are collecting rags for paper. 9. stop mowing or reduce mowing. 10. Take a canvas bag to the supermarket. 11. The cattle industry is a major deforester, producing food yielding 100 to 1000 lbs an acre whereas fruit orchards yield 450,000 lbs an acre. The less meat we eat the better for Mother Earth. 12. The unused backs of 8 l/2 x 11 paper, the use of recycled stationery IF YOU WILL JOIN THE EVERGREEN NETWORK PLEASE EMAIL US SO AT freelibrary27 There is no financial, action, or other obligation. In an editorial on March 19, 1977, the Washington Post editorialized: " the tall grass can only benefit the citizens who seek the beauty of Rock Creek Park " . That year the National Park Service instituted a 'meadows' program to let some areas return to nature. The Post mentioned the federal court case victory of an Akron citizen who fought the city's compulsory lawnmowing ordinance. " Nature is ready to cooperate. Some citizen cooperation is next. " In addition the Post's Richard Cohen reported on a lawn mowed by a guinea pig named Bijou. Phil Shenon of the New York Times has covered no-mow activists such as Alice Herrington, then president of Friends of Animals. The BBC, NPR, and Australian Broadcasting are some international networks which have covered the advantages of nonmowing. The Los Angeles Times also editorialized in favor of not mowing. The Atlanta Constitution outlined reasons not to mow in an article by Lewis Regenstein. Omni Magazine, The Christian Science Monitor, Organic Gardening, Anita Manning of USA Today, Vegetarian Times, OMNI magazine, German newspapers, and many other publications have promoted the idea of nonmowing. Patrick Velasquez of the US Agency For International Development studied Senegalese forest. He said the cost of planting other country exotics there was $25 to $50 per tree, with 19% survival rate whereas natural regeneration (which occurs from nonmowing) is free. The USDA in 1998 has signed onto the National Wildlife Federation's Backyard Conservation plan.. which encourages people to let the area behind their homes grow wild for the sake of the environment. One university police station has 'corn on the curb'. The Spanish poet Lorca, assassinated by Franco: " They cut timber and lioness teats as easily as if they were baking bread " . Sterling North: We are but the ephemera of the moment, the brief custodians of redwoods which were ancient when Christ was born. Recently the governor of one of the largest states in the country promised to plant l million trees in his state and said that trees, do indeed, call down rain. (Those areas with the most devastation this winter from icestorms, mudslides, flood and tornado were for the most part places which had cut down tens of thousands of trees in the last 20 years.) .. The Nicaraguan Network Environmental Task Force calls on multinationals to stop devastating Atlantic forests.. linked to Hurricane Mitch 202 544 9355 Soren Ambrose or email Pronatur@n... .. Greenpeace protests cutting of Canadian rainforest trees in Vancouver and elsewhere. lumber sent to Holland.. Dutch judge orders Greenpeace out of site Senator Kay Hutchison of Texas on CNN on July 16 said that perhaps the drought and high temperatures will continue for several years. But each state has the choice to support the planting of millions of fruit trees as natural cooling beings.. or to continue the environmental devastation of the cattle, pork, chicken, and egg industries. Covering Mother Earth with too much concrete can suffocate her.. and give her lung cancer. May all help her to breathe. T Earley: They see a tiny little dandelion and call in chemical trucks to pour gallons of toxic chemicals on her.. which end up in the flood plains and then in our streams and rivers. /messages/nomow/244 tree based diets /messages/nomow /messages/treerights (wild lawns or natural landscapes links) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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