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BAVRT, july 27th

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Guest guest

unfortunatly, i will be hosting a big party this day, and will not attend

like i've gone to any BAVRT events anyways..

but, here's some info fer you folks anywho





July 27, 2002 (Last Saturday of every month)

Time: 6:00 p.m.


Host: Ron & Michelle


Site: Sparks

16278 Main Street

Guerneville, CA

(707) 869-8206


Our hosts tell us that the distance to Guerneville and

Santa Cruz is about the same from East Bay (of course,

one is North and other South!) YMMV


Type: All vegan restaurant

Cost: Order veg dishes from the menu


RSVP to [ *82 (925) 944-4743 ] by Tuesday, Jul 23.

BAVRT is NOT a drop-in dinner event.


As always, you come under your own liability for all events. Pass

the word to your friends. This is not an exclusive net-folks only

event. This is not an activist group or singles event. Note that

if you plan to attend this dinner, you can order only vegetarian

dishes, even if the restaurant serves other stuff.


If you have suggestions for future sites, please e-mail them to

. If you want to volunteer host a BAVRT dinner,

please let me know!!




#1) Special Admin Note

#2) Changes

#3) This month's trek

#4) Last month's trek

#5) News Section

#6) NON-BAVRT related stuff (feel free to skip)



#1) Special Admin Note


In yet another server change, veginfo.com was down close to a week.

So if you had sent emails to me, tried to /

it may have bounced. Please resend your message, if it bounced...


If for some reason, you still cannot reach me by email (some new

anti-spam features have been implemented), feel free to give me

a call or use a free email service. All emails without proper

DNS will now be bounced (should not affect most of you).


Are you are quite familiar with dynamic DNS and surrounding issues?

If so, feel free to drop me an email, if you have the time and

inclination, for tech chat about self hosting issues and

surrounding concerns. Sometimes communicating with others tend

to put things into perspective, even technical things. See the

non-BAVRT related note (at the very end of this document),

for mind-numbing tech talk.


If you are wondering what DNS is [ like most normal people ;-) ],

don't worry. This has nothing to do with vegan*ism! Onwards now...



#2) Changes


Last month, I mentioned about potential changes to veginfo.com.

It is possible that this may have confused some of you. BAVRT

itself is not changing currently - it is still the same format

as it was all these years. It is for singles, couples, families

with kids and all that good stuff.


If you wish to submit any suggestions for improvements or change,

please use this URL http://www.veginfo.com/contact/suggestion


Organizationally speaking, BAVRT is a service of veginfo.com.

Veginfo.com may provide other services (independent of BAVRT)

that were hinted at last month. Does this clear things up?



#3) This month's trek


Michelle and Ron, a popular BAVRT couple known to quite a few of

you, have graciously agreed to host this month's event. They have

chosen Sparks in Guerneville. If you are wondering where

Guerneville is, it is about 10 or 15 minutes from Sebastapol

(where we had a BAVRT event). Take 101 North and 116 West. It is

next to Russian river - so if you want to make this a whole day

event going hiking or sight seeing there and then joining us

for dinner, that is a possibility.


To put things in context, our hosts tell us that Guerneville

is about the same distance as Santa Cruz is from East Bay.

Please look it up on a map, if you want more details.


The restaurant itself is a gourmet all vegan restaurant!

It has a touch of French influence, as they use edible

flowers for garnishing. The price is extremely modest

for a gourmet restaurant - it is supposed to be around $25

for appetizer, entree and dinner. Of course, what you order

from the menu may cost less or more - the above figure is

just a general ball park figure.


Size of restaurant may force us to limit the number of RSVPs.

Make sure to RSVP early. Since this is the 97th restaurant BAVRT

is visiting, this is the 8th anniversary dinner (observed) :-)



#4) Last month's trek



Ron hosted last month's BAVRT dinner at Axum restaurant in

San Francisco. We had 17 people who showed up, 4 cancellations,

one no-show and one person who arrived very late (as the BAVRT

crowd was leaving the restaurant).


The restaurant was nice, big and clean. Most people gave very

high marks for their food and the service was very fast. They

allowed folks who wanted to share food to share (family style),

while those who wanted individual dishes could get it.


Heard a comment from some folks that family style for five was

not really big enough for five adults. Have noticed similar things

about family style dinners in other restaurants also. The potion

sizes generally are meant for a couple of adults and a couple of

kids. That may be one reason why family style plates are priced

at a slight discount to single order plates.


After dinner, around 10 people or so went for vegan snacks

at Whole foods.



#5) News Section

( If you come across news items, veg or otherwise, in the

mainstream media that may be of potential interest to

BAVRT members, please forward me the URL. )


a) Earth 'will expire by 2050'


" In a damning condemnation of Western society's high consumption

levels, it adds that the extra planets (the equivalent size of

Earth) will be required by the year 2050 as existing resources

are exhausted.


The report, based on scientific data from across the world,

reveals that more than a third of the natural world has been

destroyed by humans over the past three decades. "


[ Looks like humans will become either multi-planet species

or become extinct soon, if this report is right. There is

no sign that they are reducing their consumption... ]


b) European Parliament Takes Hard Line on Biotech Foods

http://story.news./news?tmpl=story & cid=655 & ncid=655 & e=7 &


" The European Parliament has backed strict new European Union

rules on tracking and labeling genetically modified crops and

food and feed products made from them. "


c) Firms Fail to Disclose Alaska Cleanup Costs-GAO

http://story.news./news?tmpl=story & cid=585 & ncid=753 & e=9 &


" Oil firms have not earmarked enough money to foot a future

cleanup bill of as much as $6 billion for oil drilling

operations on Alaska's North Slope once the now-prolific

reservoir runs dry, according to a congressional report

released on Tuesday.




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