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October True food newsletter

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Greenpeace True Food Network Newsletter

October Newsletter


Inside this Edition:

- Update on the Supermarket Campaign Week of Action

- Biotech Industry Spends Millions to Defeat Oregon Initiative

- Northeast Regional Gathering: Nov. 1-3, 2002 at Hampshire

College in Amherst, Mass.

- Greenpeace, Oxfam Team up on New Farming Solutions Web Site



--Update on the Supermarket Campaign Week of Action:

October 26th to November 2nd


The Supermarket Campaign Week of Action is only a few weeks

a way. Already, True Food Network activists from Alaska to

Maine are signing up to host an event in their community.

If you have requested an Action Packet on what you can do

to host an event in your community, you should receive your

packet this week. Starting the week of Oct. 14th we will

begin to post events on the Community Center of the True

Food web site www.truefoodnow.org/communitycenter.

Please check this out for events in your area. So far

over a 100 people have pledged to gather friends and family

to leaflet and petition in front of a local supermarket to

demand an end to GE food in store brand products. You can too!

It's easy. Here's what it takes:


Hosting an event for the Supermarket Campaign Week of Action

entails gathering a few friends and family to leaflet and

petition in front of a local supermarket such as Safeway and

Shaw's. For a listing of markets in your area, check out:



Greenpeace will send you leaflets, petitions and an Action Kit,

which describes tips for hosting an event.

If you would like an Action Packet, please contact us by Oct.

14th. In your email please include the following:


- Your name

- Your address

- The name of the supermarkets in your area

- Let us know if you plan to host an event in your area or

just want to be connected with an existing event if

there is one in your area.

Send your email to: geteam


--Biotech Industry Spends Millions on Disinformation Campaign


The biotech industry recently announced plans to spend $6 million

dollars to defeat the Oregon Labeling Initiative. Oregon is the

first state in the country to put on the ballot a measure that

will require mandatory labeling of GE food. Monsanto and others

argue that labeling will bring increased food costs.

But experience tells us otherwise. Over 30 countries have

passed legislation requiring GE food labeling and have not

experienced increased food costs. Want to find out how you

can support the Oregon initiative? Check out these web sites:





--Northeast Gathering of Genetic Engineering Activists

November 1-3, 2002 at Hampshire College in Amherst, Mass.

" Growing a GE Free Northeast: Education, Strategy and Action

Against Genetic Engineering "


You are invited to the first major regional gathering of GE

activists since the landmark " Biodevastation 2000 " events

in Boston, when 4000 people marched on the annual convention

of the biotech industry. Come and join with people from across

the region to learn and develop strategies to protect our food,

our health and our farms from genetic engineering.

For more information, contact: boston



--Greenpeace and Oxfam Create New Farming Solutions Web Site


The Farming Solutions web site presents real solutions to

hunger and poverty. The site brings examples of successful,

environmentally responsible farming systems to life from all

over the world, illustrating how farmers can protect the

environment while at the same time increasing food supply

where it is most needed.


Check it out: http://www.farmingsolutions.org/

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