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Nestle not very giving this season

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Oxfam Trade Campaign

Linda Byway

Wednesday, December 18, 2002 8:33 AM

The $6m Question: Does Nestlé Know it's Christmas?



Dear Campaigner,

Nestlé, the world's largest coffee company, are demanding millions of

dollars from a country where 11 million people are facing famine. Take

action to stop this scandal now!



Ethiopia is currently experiencing a terrible drought. This crisis has been

compounded by the collapse in the global coffee price, which many of you

have been helping us campaign on. The Ethiopian government fears this

drought could cause the worst famine the country has ever faced.


Nestlé has demanded that Ethiopia pay over $6million in compensation for a

company that was nationalised 27 years ago, a company that Nestlé didn't

even own at the time.


The $6m represents 0.01% of Nestlé's turnover last year. But for Ethiopia,

$6m would buy food for over a million people for a whole month.


Take action now:


1.. Click below to send a message to Nestlé, telling them to drop the

claim for $6m from Ethiopia:


2.. forward this email to 15 or more friends, family and colleagues

Make your voice count. Join the Big Noise to make trade fair.


Thank you very much.


Alison Woodhead

Trade Campaign Manager


PS - please forward this on to any of your friends, family and colleagues

who might be interested in helping or might like to join the Big Noise to

Make Trade Fair.

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