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soory..was feeling lazy and didn't do my usual pick and choose




00: Quote(s) of Note

01: New Pix from Howard's Digital Camera

02: The Vegan Mind-Bender Contest Winner/Challenge!

03: Veg Approved, Organic Wins, Versatile Barley, Sea Veggies

04: Ancient Gingko, Space Soy, Biopharming, Sheep Burps

05: Humor: Come & Get It!, World Carrot Museum, Mr. Rogers

06: Hostility/Heart Disease, The Blues/Fatty Foods & Cancer

07: Meowlingual, Antibiotic Phase-Out, & Irradiated Truth

08: Links: Quick Bytes

09: AR2003 West Coast Conference

10: Howard's Schedule

11: Donations to the Mad Cowboy Documentary

12: Closing Thought(s)




*00: Quote(s) of Note


" In 1990, I was well over 300 pounds. My blood pressure was sky high. My

cholesterol was over 300. I'd sit down and have lunch and my nose would

bleed. I'm not a Rhodes scholar but I knew I was in trouble. I knew I had

to change my diet but I'd rather be caught riding a stolen horse than

admitting to someone that I was a vegetarian.


In 1990 I became the world's worst vegetarian. No meat. My diet was

lettuce and dairy products. For a year that was my diet. I lost some

weight. My blood pressure came down slightly. My cholesterol came down

slightly. I thought, " damn if I could do that being the world's worst

vegetarian just think what I could do if I became vegan. " And since

becoming vegan I've lost 130 pounds. My blood pressure is normal. My

cholesterol has dropped from 300 to 135. I saved my life by changing my



<snip> " ...I was convinced that the fork was the most dangerous weapon in

mankind's arsenal. "


(An Interview with Howard Lyman:





Instead of cow's milk, explore a whole new world of nutritious, low-fat

milks that contain not a trace of bovine growth hormone: rice milk, almond

milk, oat milk, and soy milk. They come in all kinds of varieties with all

kinds of flavorings, and they are delicious. Be adventurous. Let your

taste buds adapt to new tastes and textures. "


- Howard Lyman ( " Mad Cowboy, " pg. 171, with Glen Merzer)




*01: New Pix from Howard's Digital Camera


[Howard's travels in California during June 2003:





*02: The Vegan Mind-Bender Contest Winner/Challenge!


THE QUESTION WAS: " We eat enough X in a year to make more than 10 billion

sandwiches, spending almost $800 million US a year on [this product]. What

is " X? " HINT: it's not bread, and it's one of Howard's favorite food



Russell Nix from Atlanta, Georgia, correctly answered " peanut butter. " He

won the random pick from the four correct entries. Congratulations!


[For statistics:







" They constitute between 90 and 95% of all animal life on earth (either in

biomass or quantity).


What are they? " HINT for those 30 to 40ish: " Poor Mr. Loopner's birth

defect. "


[E-MAIL YOUR ANSWERS (one guess per person, please!) by 07/27/03 to:

webmaster and please use the word " Contest " in your Subject



[Joe Connelly, Editor, VegNews, has offered a FREE one-year subscription to

a winner chosen at random those submitting the correct answer to each MC

Newsletter's Contest. Our thanks to Joe, and you can learn more about

VegNews at:


http://www.vegnews.com or e-mail: editor or call 1.415.665.6397]




*03: Veg Approved, Organic Wins, Versatile Barley, Sea Veggies



vegetarian diets are risky or just a passing phase? Not so! According to

the American Dietetic Association (ADA) and Dietitians of Canada (DC), a

well-planned vegetarian diet can be a healthy alternative to standard

meat-based eating styles for all age groups.


" Vegetarians have been reported to have healthier body weight than

non-vegetarians, as well as lower rates of death from heart disease, lower

blood cholesterol levels and lower rates of high blood pressure, type 2

diabetes and prostate and colon cancer, " says Cynthia Sass, a registered

dietitian and ADA spokesperson .


" Planning a healthy vegetarian diet doesn't need to be complicated, but

steps should be taken to ensure the diet is nutrient-dense, " Sass says.

" Just as with a meat-based diet, the key to ensuring the body meets all its

nutritional needs is to choose a wide variety of foods. "


[Edited from:





producers have scored an important agreement on the vital German market.

Ten Danish-based organic food producers have reached an agreement with

German wholesaler Grell.


Speciality shops account for 38 percent of all organic produce sales in

Germany, and the German market represents one-fourth of the overall organic

market in Europe. For that reason, the agreement is a significant

development for Danish companies working together under the name Bio aus

Dänemark. In Germany, over 100 local organic brands have been supplied

with a trademark which complies with EU requirements, and which the Danish

organic brands have easily met. The greatest barrier for Danish exports on

the German market is that organic food sales are traditionally concentrated

in small health food shops, rather than the major supermarket chains.


[Edited from:




BARLEY LAYS CLAIM TO HEALTH GAINS: 05.03: " Barley is a very versatile

grain. It can be used in soups, stews, cereal, or baked goods. It can be

used as a side dish or in a salad. It's also very healthful, because it's

low in fat and cholesterol free. So why aren't Americans eating more barley?


ARS chemist Kay Behall contends that some Americans, especially those who

are diabetic and overweight, would be better off doing just that.

Significant reductions in blood pressure have previously been reported in

other high-fiber grain diet studies. Diets rich in soluble fiber also show

potential benefits in reducing elevated glucose or insulin in people with

impaired glucose tolerance or insulin resistance. It is known that the

soluble fiber found in oats can reduce cholesterol.


" Oats are widely recognized as promoting beneficial reductions in the rise

of glucose and insulin levels after a meal, " Behall says. " Barley also has

high amounts of soluble fiber, so one should expect similar advantages.

Soluble fiber in barley could also help reduce cardiovascular and diabetes

risk factors. Most barley is used in animal feed or for the production of

barley malt for making beer. However, it could add a real boost to the

diets of the millions of overweight people in the United States. "


[Edited from Agricultural Research Magazine:




SEA VEGETABLES: DON'T CALL 'EM WEEDS: 06.30.03: (Amy Topel): " Plants are

considered weeds when they are growing in an area where they are not

desirable. There is a group of plants that we commonly call seaweeds but

this term doesn't make sense and it denies the value of these plants in our

diets. Like land vegetables, sea vegetables are nutritious additions to our

diet. They provide many minerals (most notably iron), a good supply of

protein and fiber as well as Vitamins A, B6 and C.


Sea vegetables are most often associated with Japanese cuisine, but are

also common ingredients in both Korean and Chinese cookery. Sea vegetables

are not confined to these cuisines however. They are harvested off the

coasts of almost every continent, and are traditional foods in Wales,

Scotland and Ireland, Western Europe, Iceland, Alaska and Chile among

others. "


[Full unedited article with descriptions, nutrition information, cooking

tips, and recipes:

http://www.thegreenguide.com/doc.mhtml?i=97 & s=seaweed




*04: Ancient Gingko, Space Soy, Biopharming, Sheep Burps


GINKGO IS LIVING FOSSIL: 06.19.03: (Christopher Surridge): " Herbal

medicine's favorite tree, the Gingko, is a living fossil. Newly found

specimens that grew more than a hundred million years ago are remarkably

similar to present-day plants. Extracts of the Gingko or maidenhair tree,

a distant relative of the conifer, are believed to improve concentration

and stave off dementia. Some specimens in Chinese monastery gardens are

over three thousand years old. Others, such as those in Utrecht and Kew

Gardens, are approaching three hundred. Wild specimens are extinct.


There is now little doubt that today's Gingko is a direct descendent of

forebears that provided food for the dinosaurs.


[Edited from:





Schwendener, Reuters): " Soybeans grown in space are similar to those

produced on Earth, offering the possibility that space-age vegetation could

support a long-term human presence in space, scientists said this week.


" When we started, we were unsure if the seeds would even remain planted in

space without any gravity, let alone grow, " said DuPont Co. researcher Tom

Corbin. " As it turned out, the project was the first ever to complete a

major crop growth cycle in space, from planting seeds to growing new seeds.

It was also the first major crop grown on the International Space Station. "


However, the space-grown seeds were higher in sugar content, but lower in

oil and amino acid content, presumably because of the higher level of

carbon dioxide on the International Space Center, Corbin said. "


[Edited from:




IS BIOPHARMING WORTH THE RISK?: 06.01.03: (Danila Oder): " The latest trend

in genetic engineering is to grow modified crops that are not intended for

food. 'Pharma' crops are GE plants that produce proteins or chemicals for

pharmaceutical and industrial uses. Since 1991, more than 300 open-air

field trials of pharma crops have been conducted in the US, although few

details have ever been released to the public. Today, detailed public

information is available on only 10% of the 400 products currently being

developed by about 20 companies and universities. These products include

vaccines, anti-HIV drugs, anti-clotting agents and industrial enzymes. Even

the American government is involved - the US National Institutes of Health

are now safety testing a corn-grown oral treatment for traveler's diarrhea.


Many critics wonder why food crops are used for biopharming at all, rather

than using non-food crops like hemp, tobacco or a prolific weed like ivy.

....US government policies keep the prices of bulk crops low, so many

American farmers are desperate for any crop, like pharma plants, that

offers a higher profit margin.


Plants are living beings, and their DNA can impact on the surrounding

environment in unpredictable ways. Canola, or rape seed, is another

open-pollinated GE plant, widely grown in Canada. Recently, the Certified

Organic Associations of British Columbia stated that the canola gene pool

is now so contaminated that growing organic canola has become almost

impossible. On December 29, 2002 the British lndependent newspaper reported

that a new British government study had found that GE rape seed was

interbreeding on a large scale with conventional crops, as well as breeding

and transferring its herbicide-resistant traits to wild turnip, a related



People outside the US often wonder why American activists aren't ripping up

these fields and why the US public appears relatively complacent about GE

experiments and production. One reason is that, unlike in Britain, the

European Union and Australia, which publish the precise locations of field

trials, US trial locations are virtually treated as state secrets. Without

open public information, farmers can't determine if GE crops are being

grown next door. "


[Very edited from the comprehensive article at:





National Geographic): " New Zealand scientists trying to curb their

country's influence on global warming may have found an answer to belch

about: Livestock that eat plants high in condensed tannins produce up to 16

percent less methane, a potent greenhouse gas.


New Zealand's 45 million sheep outnumber the country's human population by

more than 11 to one. Methane is one of the three most potent gases that

some scientists say are causing the Earth to warm up at an accelerated and

unnatural rate. Carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels is the most

common greenhouse gas in the world.


" New Zealand is unique in that over 50 percent of its greenhouse gas

emissions arise from methane released by enteric fermentation, " said

Katharine Hayhoe, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Illinois,

Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. Enteric fermentation is methane produced as

part of the normal digestive process of animals, such as cows and sheep. It

is primarily released in the form of burps.


For comparison, livestock are responsible for about 2 percent of the United

States' greenhouse gas emissions, according to the U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency.


[Very edited from:





*05: Humor: Come & Get It!, World Carrot Museum, Mr. Rogers


[Regarding Corporate " self-regulation: "



[The World Carrot Museum:



[Quotes from the Official Will Rogers Website:





*06: Hostility/Heart Disease, The Blues/Fatty Foods & Cancer



Reuters Health): " Children and adolescents who approach the ups and downs

of life with a hostile attitude might be at a heightened risk of developing

health complications that can progress to adult heart disease, according to

U.S. and Finnish researchers.


" There is a need for interventions designed to reduce hostility in young

people to prevent the precursors to cardiovascular disease, like obesity or

type II diabetes, which has become a huge health problem in children in the

U.S., " the study's lead author, Dr. Karen A. Matthews of the University of

Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, said in a statement. Parents, Matthews told

Reuters Health, should try to address any conflicts their children might be

having in order to ease hostile feelings.


Among the children and teens her team studied, the researchers found that

anger, cynicism and aggression were associated with several cardiovascular

risk factors, including obesity, high blood pressure and a condition called

insulin resistance that can be a precursor to type 2 diabetes.


[Edited from:



[Original study abstract: Health Psychology 2003;22:279- 286.





Persaud): " Research aired at the recent annual meeting of the American

Psychiatric Association in San Francisco adds intriguing new data to the

controversy over whether stress in itself can cause cancer.


Psychiatrists led by Dr Arnstein Mykletun from the University of Bergen in

Norway followed up 62,591 participants in Norway's largest medical survey

of a general population, and found a statistically significant relationship

between high scores on an anxiety scale completed in 1995 and the later

development of premalignant states of disease. Another recent large study

published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute from the National

Institute of Ageing in the US has found that chronic depression can cause

cancer. In particular, the researchers found that being despondent for a

long time (in their study the low mood had been present for at least six

years) almost doubled your risk of getting cancer.'


[Very edited from:





Brown, MD, Reuters Health): " Younger women who regularly eat foods

containing certain types of fat may be increasing their chances of

developing breast cancer, new research suggests. This is the first study

to link fatty foods with breast cancer in women who have not yet reached

menopause, lead author Dr. Eunyoung Cho, from Harvard Medical School in

Boston, told Reuters Health. Previous studies, which have focused mainly on

postmenopausal women, have not tied fatty foods to cancer.


The current findings are based on a study of more than 90,000 premenopausal

women who were followed for 8 years. The total amount of fat consumed was

not linked to breast cancer, but eating certain types of fat was, Cho said.

Eating animal fat, which is usually found in red meat and high-fat dairy

foods, increased the risk of cancer, while eating vegetable fats did not.

Women who ate high amounts of animal fat were up to 54% more likely to

develop breast cancer than women who ate the lowest amounts, the findings



[Edited from:

http://asia.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=healthNews & storyID=3095278


[study abstract: Journal of the National Cancer Institute July 2003






*07: Meowlingual, Antibiotic Phase-Out, Irradiated Truth


WHAT YOUR CAT IS TRYING TO TELL YOU: 07.16.03: " Tokyo (Reuters): Takara

Co, a major Japanese toy maker, said on Wednesday it would launch a device

called the " Meowlingual " that can interpret a cat's meow, hoping to repeat

its success with the " Bowlingual, " a dog translation device. Takara said

the Meowlingual, a palm-sized electronic console that displays the

interpreted phrase on a screen, will be priced at 8,800 yen ($74.62) and it

would aim to sell 300,000 units by the end of March 2004.


Takara has sold about 300,000 dog translation devices in Japan since last

year and plans to launch an English-language product in the U.S. market in

August for about $120.



http://story.news./news?tmpl=story & cid=573 & ncid=757 & e=3 &





MCDONALD'S PHASES OUT ANIMAL ANTIBIOTICS: 06.27.03: " Last week, the fast

food chain issued a Global Policy on Antibiotics Use in Food Animals ,

which includes a set of " Guiding Principles for Sustainable Use. " Besides

eliminating human medicine antibiotics as growth promoters in food animals,

the policy also sets standards for sustainable antibiotic use by direct

suppliers. Enforcement mechanisms include supplier certification,

assurance, and auditing. Compliance with the standards cannot be applied to

indirect suppliers, but it will factor into purchase decisions.


The policy, which resulted from deliberations between McDonald's and a

multi-stakeholder Antibiotics Coalition, will affect some 2.5 billion

pounds of chicken, beef and pork purchased annually by the fast food giant. "


[Edited from:



[McDonald's Global Policy on Antibiotic Use in Food Animals:






THE TRUTH ABOUT IRRADIATED MEAT: Consumer Reports, Aug. 2003:

" Irradiation " eliminates any bacteria that might exist in food, " according

to a Food Emporium supermarket flyer. " You can't taste the difference, "

claims a pamphlet from SureBeam, a leading food irradiator. " Enjoy with

confidence! " says a poster advertising irradiated double cheeseburgers at a

Minneapolis Dairy Queen. Full-page newspaper ads from Wegmans supermarkets

tell customers that they can cook a juicy irradiated burger " the way they

like it " and " without worrying about safety. "


Consumer Reports put claims like those to the test. Our research, taste

tests, and microbial analysis of irradiated and nonirradiated chicken and

ground beef--the largest analysis of its kind on meat sold at

retail--counter many of the assertions:


* Bacteria levels in the irradiated, uncooked ground beef and skinless

chicken tenders were generally much lower than levels in the nonirradiated

meat. But the irradiated meat still contained some bacteria.


* Our trained taste testers noted a slight but distinct off-taste and smell

in most of the irradiated beef and chicken we cooked and sampled, likening

it to singed hair.


* Irradiated food is safe to eat, according to federal and world health

officials. It certainly does not become radioactive. But a recent study on

the chemical byproducts that irradiation creates in meat has led some

researchers and the European Parliament to call for further studies. "


[Very edited from the impressive and comprehensive article at:

http://www.consumerreports.org/main/detailv2.jsp?CONTENT%3C%3Ecnt_id=322725 &


ER%3C%3Efolder_id=162689 & bmUID=1057841976954


[For the Consumer's Union perspective:





*08: Links: Quick Bytes























[Howard and the owner of the vegan " Sticky Fingers " bakery in WashDC:







[Howard and the Founder of the Kinship Circle:




[KINSHIP CIRCLE (Send a Letter; Save An Animal):



[Howard approves of the vegan beef/chicken salad/BBQ:







[Howard checking out the herbed olive oil on whole grain bread:











*09: AR2003 West Coast Conference


AR 2003 WEST: the Program Schedule for the Animal Rights 2003 West

conference has just been posted at: http://www.animalrights2003.org. The

first west coast animal rights conference since 1985 will take place on

August 1-6 at the Westin - LAX Hotel in Los Angeles. Approximately 500

participants are expected, including 100 speakers representing more than 50

animal organizations.


Key speakers scheduled thus far include Carol Adams, Alan Berger, Steve

Best, Linda Blair, Theo Capaldo, Lawrence Carter-Long, Robert Cohen, Joe

Connelly, Rod Coronado, Karen Davis, Karen Dawn, Joyce D'Silva, Michael

Greger, Alex Hershaft, Steve Hindi, Kevin Jonas, Elliot Katz, Howard Lyman,

Bill Maher, Jim Mason, Jack Norris, Sherry Schlueter, Paul Shapiro, Lauren

Ornelas Sullivan, Peter Singer, Joyce Tischler, and Paul Watson.


Presidential Candidate Rep. Dennis Kucinich will be speaking on Monday at



The program will include plenary sessions, workshops, 'rap' sessions,

campaign reports, videos, and exhibits, as well as Newcomer Orientation,

planning meetings, group workouts, Employment Clearinghouse, networking

receptions, and Awards Banquet. Several post-conference activities are

scheduled for August 6.


Be there for the animals, and bring your friends! Alex Hershaft, Director,





*10: Howard's Schedule


Aug 01 - Aug 05: Los Angeles, CA <AR2003

Aug 06 - Aug 11: Johnstown, PA <NAVS Summerfest 2003


Sep 22 - Sep 30: " We the People " Fall 2003 Tour (Spitfire)


Oct 01: Winnepeg, Canada

Oct 02: Moosejaw, Canada

Oct 03: Calgary, Canada

Oct 04: Red Deer, Canada

Oct 05: Edmonton, Canada

Oct 06: Kelowna, Canada

Oct 07: Abbottsford, Canada

Oct 08: Victoria, Canada

Oct 09: Vancover, Canada

Oct 11: Chicago EarthSave

Oct 17 - 19: San Rafael CA <Bioneers Conference


Nov 09: Orange Co., NY

Nov 22 - Dec 23: USA <Vegetarian Vision


Feb 15 - 21: CHIP Cruise


Apr 07 - 14: Maui, Hawaii


[More details and contact info at:





*11: Donations to the Mad Cowboy Documentary


Both Mooshoes and VeganCats will donate 5% of sales accessed through the

MadCowboy Home Page to the filming of the Mad Cowboy Feature Documentary.

Check 'em out! Mooshoes sells much more than shoes, and VeganCats sells

cruelty-free products for cats AND dogs!




*12: Closing Thought(s)


" THOSE WHO EAT FLESH are but eating grains and vegetables second hand, for

the animal receives from these things the nutrition that produces growth.

The life that was in the grains and vegetables passes into the eater. We

receive it by eating the flesh of the animal. How much better to get it

direct, by eating the food that God provided for our use. "


- Ellen G. White ( " Counsels on Diet and Foods, " 313)



" ARE WE LIVING UP TO OUR RESPONSIBILITY? Are we getting involved? Are we

paying attention to who produces our food, what they are using on it, what

it's doing to us, the animals, and the environment? I think too many of us

have given up the responsibility, and we have passed it over to some

government agency with the idea that they are looking after us, and they

will do what is right.


Let's go back to the manual. Let's look at what the Lord says. Let's look

at the fact that we have responsibility for the future. It is up to us to

do those things that are right. And we need to do it very soon before it

is too late. "


- Howard Lyman (from 3ABN " Earth Talk " Segment, " Meat and the USDA " )




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