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FW: an urgent message for a wide distribution

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The Cat Welfare Society Of

Israel [golddana]


February 22, 2004 2:25 PM


an urgent message for a

wide distribution


For English version please scroll down






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ìäñøú ùîê îøùéîú

äúôåöä ä÷ì÷ ëàï To remove your name from our list please click here








The Cat Welfare Society Of Israel



we cats





































f o r w i d e d i s t r i b u t i o n


























Dear Cat Lovers












No doubt you have heard about the mass

slaughtering of feral cats which is being effected



all over Israel at present as a result

of an outbreak of rabies in the Sharon area.



In most cases, the rabies has come as a

result of negligence on the part of the authorities



over the past years, and especially as a

result of the lack of implementation of suitable preventatives,



(for example - oral vaccination of wild

animals, a stipulation that all house pets must be vaccinated



against rabies, and charging a reasonable

and realistic price for such a vaccine).



This brutal slaughtering of cats is

ineffective in the battle to prevent the rabies spreading.



It can be seen as a scapegoat to cover

up the Veterinary Services' great failure to totally contain rabies.



On the Veterinary Services' webpage, in

this updated sheet, it can be clearly seen that cats are in fact



not the transmitters of rabies.



To view statistics proving that the cat

is not a rabies vector in Israel please follow links below.



Link to map of confirmed rabies cases in

Israel by species for 2004:



(please note: links to maps for previous

years are at the bottom of the page)






Link to article entitled



An Epidemiological retrospective study

of rabies diagnosis and control in Israel 1948-1997






For Hebrew readers additional statistics

are available at:






Again and again, we see that the

Veterinary Service show hatred of street cats



and use all means to find excuses for

their extermination.






Sadly, these days cats are dying in pain

and suffering from the poison spread



by the Veterinary Services in the

" Neve Itamar " neighborhood



(visit our webpage for an update: http://www.cats.org.il/index.php).



Also, in Kfar-Saba, cats are being

captured and exterminated which is occurring



despite an agreement reached with the

local Veterinary Services that street cats



would be captured and taken to a shelter

for humane quarantine.






Tough sights and updates reach us

endlessly from our operatives in the field.



It is so difficult to deal with the

harsh images of dying cats, but we must remember



that this issue – the poisoning of

innocent street cats – is a window of opportunity for us



to prove to the public in Israel that we will not

abandon these creatures, and that we will



revolt in our endeavours to rescue them

from their current fate..






A two-minute movie is attached. This was

filmed by a private investigator hired by the Society,



and documents the cruel death of a sweet

and nurtured cat during a horrific poisoning



which took place about three weeks ago

in " Givat Ada " .






click to view the movie http://www.cats.org.il/images/engsmall.mpeg


Please take two minutes of your time to

view this movie. It is not pleasant,

but nothing compared to the suffering of

that poor sweetie, and an example of what other cats

who are being poisoned these days go

through.. Remember that the fight against the well-oiled

killing machine of the Veterinary

Services will be hard and might take months! We beg of you

not to break, but to endure along with

us, and we will not surrender! Let us recall this sweet gray cat

and persist in our protest. Let us

organize donations to the Society to enable us to protest

and persist in your name.

The Cat Welfare Society will stand in

the front line, but only with the support of all you cat-lovers

can we win these endeavours.


What must we do?



The creation of a media echo and the

ongoing public struggle

will cost a lot of money which we do not

have at present.

Please arrange a monthly donation for

the funding of the process

as well as the continuation of the

society's various activities.

For donations, dial 058-392922.

You can also donate through our website http://www.cats.org.il/indexa.php?id=3.

or at http://www.israelcatrescue.com


Sign the Petition Supporting the Struggle:

Please distribute this link to as many

people can you can and encourage them to sign.

We need as many signatures as we can

get. http://www.cats.org.il/index.php?id=141


Write Protest Letter and Apply Constant

Pressure on the Authorities:


We must apply pressure on the Veterinary

Services. A united community has the power to do so.


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The Cat Welfare Society Of Israel [golddana]

Sunday, February 22, 2004 2:25 PM


an urgent message for a wide distribution




For English version please scroll down












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ìäñøú ùîê îøùéîú äúôåöä ä÷ì÷ ëàï To remove your name from our list

please click here <cats_il














The Cat Welfare Society Of Israel






























f o r w i d e d i s t r i b u t i o n


















Dear Cat Lovers








No doubt you have heard about the mass slaughtering of feral cats which

is being effected


all over Israel at present as a result of an outbreak of rabies in the

Sharon area.


In most cases, the rabies has come as a result of negligence on the part

of the authorities


over the past years, and especially as a result of the lack of

implementation of suitable preventatives,


(for example - oral vaccination of wild animals, a stipulation that all

house pets must be vaccinated


against rabies, and charging a reasonable and realistic price for such a



This brutal slaughtering of cats is ineffective in the battle to prevent

the rabies spreading.


It can be seen as a scapegoat to cover up the Veterinary Services' great

failure to totally contain rabies.


On the Veterinary Services' webpage, in this updated sheet, it can be

clearly seen that cats are in fact


not the transmitters of rabies.


To view statistics proving that the cat is not a rabies vector in Israel

please follow links below.


Link to map of confirmed rabies cases in Israel by species for 2004:


(please note: links to maps for previous years are at the bottom of the





Link to article entitled


An Epidemiological retrospective study of rabies diagnosis and control

in Israel 1948-1997




For Hebrew readers additional statistics are available at:




Again and again, we see that the Veterinary Service show hatred of

street cats


and use all means to find excuses for their extermination.




Sadly, these days cats are dying in pain and suffering from the poison



by the Veterinary Services in the " Neve Itamar " neighborhood


(visit our webpage for an update: http://www.cats.org.il/index.php).


Also, in Kfar-Saba, cats are being captured and exterminated which is



despite an agreement reached with the local Veterinary Services that

street cats


would be captured and taken to a shelter for humane quarantine.




Tough sights and updates reach us endlessly from our operatives in the



It is so difficult to deal with the harsh images of dying cats, but we

must remember


that this issue – the poisoning of innocent street cats – is a window of

opportunity for us


to prove to the public in Israel that we will not abandon these

creatures, and that we will


revolt in our endeavours to rescue them from their current fate..




A two-minute movie is attached. This was filmed by a private

investigator hired by the Society,


and documents the cruel death of a sweet and nurtured cat during a

horrific poisoning


which took place about three weeks ago in " Givat Ada " .






click to view the movie <http://www.cats.org.il/images/engsmall.mpeg>






Please take two minutes of your time to view this movie. It is not



but nothing compared to the suffering of that poor sweetie, and an

example of what other cats


who are being poisoned these days go through.. Remember that the fight

against the well-oiled


killing machine of the Veterinary Services will be hard and might take

months! We beg of you


not to break, but to endure along with us, and we will not surrender!

Let us recall this sweet gray cat


and persist in our protest. Let us organize donations to the Society to

enable us to protest


and persist in your name.


The Cat Welfare Society will stand in the front line, but only with the

support of all you cat-lovers


can we win these endeavours.




What must we do?






The creation of a media echo and the ongoing public struggle


will cost a lot of money which we do not have at present.


Please arrange a monthly donation for the funding of the process


as well as the continuation of the society's various activities.


For donations, dial 058-392922.


You can also donate through our website





or at http://www.israelcatrescue.com




Sign the Petition Supporting the Struggle:


Please distribute this link to as many people can you can and encourage

them to sign.


We need as many signatures as we can get.





Write Protest Letter and Apply Constant Pressure on the Authorities:




We must apply pressure on the Veterinary Services. A united community

has the power to do so.







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