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*Dr. Greger's Newsletter--March 2005 issue*

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January-March 2005 issue of Dr. Michael Greger's " Monthly " Newsletter




CONTENTS (online at http://www.DrGreger.org/newsletters.html)


I. Latest Updates in Human Nutrition

A. Lifestyle Change Slows Breast Cancer Growth Within Days

B. Preventing Prostate Cancer with Guacamole?

C. Preventing Breast Cancer with Lentil Soup?

D. Maternal Seafood Consumption May Damage Child's Heart Function

E. Antioxidant Status of Vegetarians

F. Mothballs May Kill More Than Moths

G. Not all Fruits and Vegetables are Alike

H. Ovarian Cancer and Dairy


II. Bird Flu Update--Outbreak Could Kill 1.5 Billion People


III. My New Book is Out!--Carbophobia: The Scary

Truth Behind America's Low Carb Craze


IV. Personal Update


V. Mailbag-- " I read there was a study that showed

raising kids vegan was dangerous. "








A. Lifestyle Change Slows Breast Cancer Growth Within Days


The eagerly awaited proceedings of the latest

International Research Conference on Food,

Nutrition, and Cancer were finally published in

December. Four hundred scientists from dozens of

countries converged to share the latest on diet

and cancer. UCLA researchers presented some of

the most intriguing findings.


Breast cancer is the most common female cancer in

the United States. Like all cancer, it starts

with one cell, which divides and becomes two

cells, then becomes 4, then 8, etc. Every time

the cells divide the tiny tumor doubles in size.

No thanks to the mathematics of exponential

growth, all the tumor has to do is double about

30 times, and we're up to a billion cells, which

is a tumor just large enough to be picked up by

mammography. All it has to do is double thirty

times--but, it takes between 25 days and a

thousand days for cancer cells to double once. So

that means, from the time that first cell gets

mutated, it takes between 2 years and a hundred

years before it actually shows up as a little

tumor you can see.


The skin cancer we die of at 50, for example, may

have been because of a teenage sunburn. Many

breast cancers start in the teen years as well.

In fact some breast cancer, we think, may

actually start in the womb, before you're even

born, and depend in part on what your mom ate. By

age 40, a third of women have microscopic

cancerous breast tumors.


This is what's called the promotion stage of

cancer. The cancer has been initiated by exposure

to some carcinogen, but if we don't promote it,

if we keep it dormant, if we slow it down, we may

even be able to reverse its growth.


The way we can slow down the growth rates of

cancer cells within us is to lower the levels of

growth hormones in our blood. One way (see my

cancer DVD for other ways) to decrease our levels

of these steroid hormones is to stop eating and

drinking them. In the U.S., corporate

agribusiness continues to implant growth hormones

into livestock, hormones that have been declared

illegal in Europe out of fear that the

consumption of the resulting milk or meat may

promote cancer growth.


Reported at the International Research

Conference, UCLA scientists studied what would

happen if you placed women on a low-fat

plant-based diet (along with daily exercise

classes). Not surprisingly, the levels of all

measured growth hormones in their blood were

dramatically reduced. This kind of research has

been done before, though. What made this one of

the most exciting papers to come out of the

conference is what the researchers did next.


Before and after the dietary change was

initiated, researchers drew blood from the women

and dripped it on live breast cancer cells

growing in a Petri dish. After just two weeks,

the blood serum of women placed on the

plant-based diet actually reduced the cancer

growth rate up to almost 20%.[1] Many of us,

right now, have tumors growing inside of us. So

we can't wait until later to start eating

healthier, we have to start now. Tonight.




B. Preventing Prostate Cancer with Guacamole?


We've know that dietary boron intake likely

strengthens one's bones and protects against

arthritis, but its role in cancer prevention has

remained a mystery. Epidemiological evidence over

the last 4 years has shown that populations with

high dietary intakes of boron did seem to have

reduced prostate cancer risk, though. So to test

the potential anticarcinogenic effect of this

trace mineral, researchers at the University of

California dripped varying concentrations of

boron on human prostate cancer cells and found

indeed that at boron levels achievable through

dietary intake one could significantly retard the

growth of prostate cancer cells.


Where is boron found? The best sources are nuts,

fruits and vegetables. The most concentrated

source of dietary boron on the planet seems to be

flax seeds; the top five (according to USDA tests

of 234 foods) are 1. flax seeds, 2. avocados, 3.

peanuts, 4. prune juice, then 5. pecans. This is

based on boron concentration by weight, though.

Just because peanuts score higher than prune

juice doesn't mean it's just as easy to drink a

cup of peanut butter. Taking serving sizes into

account, the most readily available source of

boron is probably avocados.




C. Preventing Breast Cancer with Lentil Soup?


In the upcoming April 2005 issue of International

Journal of Cancer, Harvard researchers will

publish an article analyzing dietary behaviors in

relation to breast cancer of over 90,000 young

women followed for over a decade. Many of us who

were privileged to have prepublication access

were surprised that they failed to find a

protective benefit from many plant " superfoods "

such as broccoli and blueberries. But this may be

because the overall intake of these foods was so

low. For insight into the limitations of such

studies, I encourage everyone to read Dr. T.

Colin Campbell's landmark new book " The China

Study " (http://www.TheChinaStudy.com/).


There was one plant superfood that was evidently

so powerful at guarding against breast cancer,

though, that one could find a protective effect

eating as few as two measly servings a week:

legumes. Young women eating just 2 to 4 servings

a week of beans or lentils seemed to cut their

risk of developing breast cancer by about a

quarter, compared to those that ate servings less

than once a month.[2]


Noting the recent accumulation of evidence

supporting the amazing health benefits of legumes

(beans, peas and lentils), one researcher

concludes: " they have acquired the status of

staple food for anyone who wants to eat a healthy

diet. " [3]




D. Maternal Seafood Consumption May Damage Child's Heart Function


In the May 2004 issue of " Latest in Human

Nutrition " (archived on my website at

http://www.DrGreger.org/newsletters.html), I

documented why the Environmental Protection

Agency estimates that every year in the U.S.

300,000 children are born at risk for lower

intelligence and learning problems due to mercury

exposure because their mothers ate fish.[4] New

research from Harvard, published in the Journal

of Pediatrics, suggests children born to

fish-eating moms may suffer from irreversible

heart damage as well.[5]


Mercury is considered the most dangerous

environmental poison of all the toxic heavy

metals.[6] Mercury fallout from industrial

smokestacks worldwide (particularly coal-burning

power plants) settles in our waterways and drains

into the ocean where it works its way up the food

chain. Except for one sample of chicken which

exceeded even the levels in fish, FDA analyses

indicate that " fish and shellfish are almost

exclusively the source of mercury in the U.S.

diet. " [7]


People eating fish, particularly the most

contaminated species like tuna, place themselves

not only at risk for the " fish fog " syndrome I

described in the May 2004 issue, but may shorten

their lifespan due to mercury's cardiotoxic

effect. Mercury contamination has been blamed for

why many studies, including Harvard's Physicians'

Health Study, have failed to show overall

decreased cardiac mortality from fish

consumption.[8],[9],[10] Yes, fish have

heart-healthy omega-3's, but at the same time may

be so filled with mercury that they cancel each

other out. In fact, a few studies have shown

increased cardiac mortality among fish-eaters.


A study published in the journal of the American

Heart Association, for example, found that the

half of the population studied that ate the most

fish had over twice the risk of having a heart

attack, and over twice the risk of dying from a

heart attack.[11] " Fish is not merely a source of

n-3 fatty acids, " the investigators warn, " but

also of methyl mercury, " [12] a fact with

potentially " enormous " public health

implications. [13] Methyl-mercury is considered

the most toxic form.


In fact just last month, February 2005,

researchers published a study which followed over

a thousand middle-aged men for over a decade, and

indeed found that those who seemed to eat the

most fish may be shaving years off their lives.

Mercury is thought to damage the heart by not

only acting as a pro-oxidant itself, but

depleting the body of critical antioxidants like

glutathione and selenium.[14] Because our bodies

have no mechanism for getting rid of mercury, it

continues to accumulate in our bodies throughout

our lives.


If mercury is this toxic to the hearts of adults,

what is it doing to the hearts of children

exposed in the wombs of fish-eating mothers? In a

joint collaboration between Harvard and the

University of Copenhagen, researchers measured

the levels of mercury in umbilical cord blood of

over a thousand fish-eating pregnant women to

find out how much mercury their new infants had

been getting. They then followed these children

from birth through adolescence. And much of the

cardiac dysfunction found through age 7 was still

apparent at age 14. The heart rhythm

abnormalities were subtle, but, the researchers

fear, could lead to increase risk of serious

cardiac dysfunction later in life. [15]

Interestingly, the researchers think the

abnormality is probably due not to damage to the

heart muscle itself, but to irreversible damage

to the children's brainstem, the area of the

brain that controls the beating of the heart.[16]


As reported in Environmental Health Perspectives,

this research " suggests that when expectant women

consume fish containing high levels of the

toxicant, their children's future cardiovascular

health may be jeopardized. " [17] The mercury-free

source of omega 3's for our families should be

two tablespoons a day of ground organic flax





E. Antioxidant Status of Vegetarians


While physicists since Einstein have been

struggling to piece together a Grand Unified

Theory to explain the underlying cause of forces

like gravity and electromagnetism, medical

scientists have been trying to piece together the

underlying cause of aging and disease. Perhaps

the leading contender is the Oxidant Stress

Theory, which posits that free radicals cause the

tissue damage that underlies most of our chronic

disease states as well as the age-related

deterioration in our bodies. Basically, the

theory contends, we're rusting. Just like rust is

the oxidation of metal, aging and disease can be

thought of as the oxidation of our bodies.


The Oxidant Stress Theory explains why fruit and

vegetable consumption seems to protect against

almost every disease from Alzheimer's and cancer

to heart disease and stroke. The antioxidants

found in whole plant foods (fruits, vegetables,

beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains) play a role

in squelching the free radicals we produce within

our own bodies and are exposed to within our



It is not surprising then that vegetarians have

both higher levels of antioxidants in their blood

and correspondingly lower rates of chronic

disease. What few scientists have looked into,

though, in terms of completing the chain of

causation, is a demonstration that vegetarians

have lower levels of the intermediate indicators

of oxidized tissue damage. Recently, though,

researchers in the Slovak Republic have closed

the gap.


The researchers approximated the level of tissue

damage by measuring the level of what are called

" peroxidized conjugated dienes, " which are caused

by perhaps the most dreaded free radical, the

highly toxic hydroxyl radical. While over 40% of

those eating meat exceeded safety limits for

these damage indicators, only 8% of those eating

vegetarian for an average of just ten years

strayed into the danger zone. The researchers

suspect that vegetarians would have had even

lower levels of oxidant damage had they not had

elevated levels of homocysteine due to inadequate

vitamin B12 intake. To take full advantage of the

benefits of plant-based nutrition, they

recommended vegetarians ensure a reliable source

of B12 (from fortified foods or supplements).


The results of the study not only " document a

better antioxidant status of vegetarians as a

consequence of higher consumption of protective

food, " but the researchers suspect the results

may also stem from the pro-oxidant damage caused

particularly by the heme (blood-based) iron found

in red meat, chickens, and fish. This may explain

why high tissue levels of iron are associated

with a number of pathologies including some

cancers, inflammation, diabetes, liver and heart

disease.[18] " Our results, " the researchers

conclude, " indicate that vegetarian nutrition

might provide an effective prevention of free

radical diseases. " [19]




F. Mothballs May Kill More Than Moths


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

estimates that over a billion pounds of

pesticides are used every year in the United

States, over 4 pounds for every man, woman, and

child. Most studies to date have looked at the

cancer risk involved with occupational pesticide

exposure, but a new study out of New York

University looked into the risks associated with

household pesticide use.


Those using household pesticide products seemed

to increase their risk of developing a high grade

lymphoma (lymphoid cancer) by over 60%. The worst

offenders seemed to be indoor insecticide foggers

and mothballs. Those with any history of mothball

usage seemed to double their risk of developing



The major chemical constituents of mothballs are

either paradichlorobenzene or naphthalene, the

two most ubiquitously detected hazardous

household chemicals in indoor air.[21] According

to the U.S. Public Health Service, although

people are exposed to these toxic chemicals in

foods derived from animals exposed to

insecticides (such as " meat, chicken, eggs, or

fish, " [22]) the primary exposure is through

smoke, mothballs, toilet deodorizer blocks, and

many indoor air " fresheners. "


Cedar blocks, cedar shavings or cedar oil

represent nontoxic alternatives to mothballs.




G. Not all Fruits and Vegetables are Alike


A major Harvard study of over 100,000 people

recently found that fruit and vegetable

consumption did not seem to dramatically reduce

chronic disease risk, leading to misleading

headlines like " Fruits and Veggies No Help

Against Cancer. " [23] This finding may not be so

surprising to those who've attended my lectures

on cancer prevention, where I point out that

America's favorite vegetables are 1. French fries

and 2. Iceberg lettuce.


When the researchers looked more closely at the

data they indeed found that those who ate the

most of the healthiest produce (green leafy

vegetables) were afforded significant protection

against chronic disease, but even then the

protection seemed modest. Perhaps this is because

their intake was modest as well.


Of the 100,000+ men and women studied, those that

ate the most green leafy vegetables ate only one

and a half servings a day--about 4 outer leaves

worth of romaine lettuce. And so they compared

that group to those that ate the equivalent of

only about half a leaf a day. With a range of

intake that narrow it is no wonder a greater

difference between disease rates was not found.

Again, this is where Dr. Campbell's " The China

Study " comes in so handy.


Evidence from the biggest study on diet cancer in

human history, the EPIC study, which is currently

following half a million people across ten

countries, has found that indeed high fruit and

vegetable consumption is linked to decreased

cancer mortality.[24] The USDA recently upped the

official Federal recommendation for the minimum

daily servings of fruits and vegetables to nine.

Nine a day. Thought you weren't doing so good

before? Well now you may be really behind! Make

sure to take full advantage of this

recommendation by including the nutrient

superstars of the fruit and vegetable kingdom,

dark green leafy vegetables and berries.




H. Ovarian Cancer and Dairy


There have been three " prospective "

(forward-looking) studies of the link between

dairy intake and the risk of developing ovarian

cancer, the silent killer--so-named because by

the time the tumor is found, it is often too

late. Every single study showed the same thing.


In 1999 the Iowa Women's Study, which followed

29,000 women for a decade, found essentially the

same thing that the Harvard Nurse's Study found

five years later.[25] Following 80,000 nurses for

16 years, Harvard researchers last year published

a study indicating that those who consumed the

most dairy (particularly skim and low-fat milk)

doubled their risk of developing the most common

and deadly form of ovarian cancer. Each glass of

milk a day seemed to increase their risk 20%.[26]


The culprit seems to be the milk sugar lactose,

which is broken down into galactose in the body,

a substance found not only to be directly toxic

to a woman's egg cells, but which may speed the

growth of cancers by elevating the levels of

certain growth hormones.


The third major study was recently published in

the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Swedish researchers followed over 60,000 women

for over a decade and found the same thing. The

researchers conclude: " Women who consumed >1

glass of milk a day had double the risk of serous

ovarian cancer compared with women who never or

seldom drank milk. "


In response to this third major prospective trial

again showing increased cancer risk from milk,

the spokeswoman of the American Dairy Council

stuck to the party line that more research was

necessary.[27] As far as I'm concerned, though,

three strikes and you're out.






Three months ago, in December, while the Journal

of the AMA was publishing an editorial entitled

" Emerging Infectious Diseases A Clear and Present

Danger to Humanity, " [28] former U.S. secretary

of heath and human services Tommy G. Thompson

told reporters in his farewell news conference

that bird flu was his greatest fear, eclipsing

bioterrorism. Bird flu, he said, was the " really

huge bomb. " [29]


Two months ago in January, the New England

Journal of Medicine published the first probable

case of fatal human-to-human transmission.[30]

The following week, New Scientist ran an

editorial entitled " Bird Flu Outbreak Could Kill

1.5 Billion People. " [31]


Last month in February, the New England Journal

reported two cases of children who had become

infected with bird flu, but instead of showing

the typical respiratory symptoms, the virus

attacked their brains. A nine year old girl and a

4 year old boy. The girl was fine one day, and

dead 5 days later. Her brother lasted a week. The

bird flu virus attacked their central nervous

systems plunging them into rapidly progressing

fatal comas. The Oxford investigators conclude,

" These reports suggest that avian influenza A

(H5N1) virus is progressively adapting to mammals

and becoming more neurologically virulent. " [32]


In the week following that report, the top UN

animal health official described the current

outbreak of bird flu as " an enormous sword of

Damocles " hanging over the world[33] and the of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control

described it as the number one health threat in

the world, a " very ominous situation. " [34]


This month, March 2005, the head of the World

Health Organization in Asia held a press

conference. He said: " The world is now in the

gravest possible danger of a pandemic. " [35]




III. MY NEW BOOK IS OUT--Carbophobia: The Scary

Truth Behind America's Low Carb Craze


If any of you know anyone on a low carb diet, I've got a gift idea for them :)


I'm so excited to finally have it out. It

features not only my scathing critique of low

carb diets (complete with over a thousand

citations), but the Atkins Corporation's response

(and threatened lawsuit) which I take apart piece

by greasy piece.


The cover is gorgeous, thanks to Dan Piraro of

the indomitable Bizarro cartoon

(http://www.bizarro.com/) and it seems the

content ain't bad either, according to everyone

from Herbivore Magazine

(http://www.herbivoremagazine.com/) to the

Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of

Cardiology, who wrote: " Carbophobia convincingly

demonstrates why high-protein, low-carbohydrate

diets such as the Atkins diet are harmful. Before

eating the next cow, read this book. "


To purchase copies for all your pork-rind-eating

relatives, you should be able to find it at your

local bookstore, or you can order directly from

Lantern Books (http://www.lanternbooks.com/).


As always, all the money I receive from the sale

of the book goes to charity, of course.







Please forgive my tardiness with this latest

issue. As you can see from my speaking schedule

(http://www.DrGreger.org/dates.html), I'm

averaging 47 talks a month! So I apologize if

anyone's emailed me and has not yet received a

timely response--I'm over 500 emails behind, but

working hard to catch up. If it is an urgent

matter, please feel free to call me at (206)



I'm just lucky if I can stumble my way from one

talk to another in time these days so, sadly, the

whole blog idea has gone out the window, but I

did manage to add another page to my website. If

you go to http://www.drgreger.org/handouts.html

you'll find a list of handouts and premade fliers

for many of the current talks on my roster. If I

didn't plan on making it to your hometown in my

2005 swing across the country, email me and I'll

try to prioritize your city for my next tour in






V. MAILBAG: " I read there was a study that showed

raising kids vegan was dangerous. "


It was like a bad Saturday Night Live skit. The

National Cattlemen's Beef Association pays USDA

researchers to feed meat to starving kids in

Africa and, surprise surprise, they perk up (and

no, I'm not making this up). The children adding

meat to their starvation diet developed better

than those children adding, well, nothing. (Don't

let the tobacco companies know, they might try to

asphyxiate some kids and prove that breathing

cigarette smoke is significantly better for you

than, say, suffocation).


Surely those weren't the only two groups, though:

the meat-added group and the nothing-added group?

In fact, there were indeed two other control

groups in which they instead added a vegetarian

food to these malnourished children's diets, but

the children were nonetheless shown conclusively

to grow best on the meat.


This of course raises the obvious question: what

vegetarian foods did they choose to add to their

diets to compare with the meat? Presumably

realizing that almost all (90%) Africans are

lactose intolerant,[36] the meat-industry-funded

USDA researchers compared adding meat to these

children's diets with adding... a glass of



So one group of starving children got meat, one

group got nothing, one got milk, and the fourth

and final group--to prove meat's superiority once

and for all?--got... oil. Yes, just plain

vegetable oil, providing essentially zero

nutrition except empty calories. Sadly, the

children were so malnourished that just adding

those extra calories in the form of an extra

spoonful of oil increased their muscle mass 40%

over those that got nothing.[38]


Lest one thinks the meat industry wasted their

money funding such a ludicrous study, these are

some of the headlines they got:

" Meat is Important for Children's Development. " [39]

" Vegetarian Diet 'Harms Children's Growth.' " [40]

" Vegetarian Diet 'Bad for Children.' " [41]

" Vegetarian Diet is Okay, But Meat is Required. " [42]

" Young 'Harmed' By Meat-Free Diets. " [43]

And my personal favorite:

" Forcing Your Child to Follow a

Vegetarian Diet is Unethical, Top Nutrition

Expert Says. " [44]


Dietitian and author Brenda Davis responded to

the study by citing the fact that the largest

organization of nutrition professionals in the

world (the American Dietetic Association)

officially declared that " Appropriate planned

vegan and lacto-ovo vegetarian diets satisfy the

nutrient needs of infants, children, and

adolescents and promote normal growth, " as well

as providing " health benefits in the prevention

and treatment of certain diseases. " In

recognition of that fact, Dr. Benjamin Spock,

perhaps the most esteemed pediatrician of all

time, in the final edition of his book, " Dr.

Spock's Baby and Child Care " (second only to the

bible the best-selling book in American history)

recommended that children be raised vegan.


In her response, Brenda explains why the

researchers presumably chose not to include a

nutrient-rich plant food as a control group:

" doing so would have demonstrated that it is not

vegan diets that are inadequate, but rather

energy, fat, and protein deficient diets that are

inadequate. That would have defeated the purpose

of the organization which funded the research,

namely the National Cattlemen's Beef Association

(US). "





(Full text of specific articles available by

emailing article-request)


[1] Barnard JR, Liva M, and Ngo TH. " Effect of a

Low-fat, High-fiber Diet and Exercise

Intervention on Breast Cancer Risk Factors and

Tumor Cell Growth. " Journal of Nutrition.


[2] Adebamowo CA, Cho E, Sampson L, et al.

" Dietary flavonols and flavonol-rich foods intake

and the risk of breast cancer. " International

Journal of Cancer. 114(2005):628.

[3] Leterme P. " Recommendations by health

organizations for pulse consumption. " British

Journal of Nutrition 88(2002):S239.

[4] Mahaffey KR, Clickner RP and CC Bodurow.

" Blood Organic Mercury and Dietary Mercury

Intake. " Environmental Health Perspectives


[5] Grandjean P, Murata K, Budtz-Jørgensen E, et

al. " Cardiac Autonomic Activity In Methylmercury

Neurotoxicity: 14-Year Follow-Up Of A Faroese

Birth Cohort " Journal of Pediatrics 144(2004):169.

[6] Harriss RC and Hohenemser C.

Mercury-measuring and managing the risk.

Environment. 20(1987):25.

[7] " Total Diet Study Statistics on Elements. "

Washington, DC: U.S. Food and Drug

Administration. 25 April 2000.

[8] Curb JD, Reed DM. Fish Consumption and

Mortality from Cardiovascular Disease. New

England Journal of Medicine. 313(1985):821.

[9] Vollset SE, Heuch I, Bjelke E. Fish

Consumption and Mortality from Cardiovascular

Disease. New England Journal of Medicine.


[10] Morris MC, Manson JE, Rosner B, Buring JE,

Willett WC, Hennekens CH. A prospective study of

fish consumption on cardiovascular disease.

Circulation 86(1992):I-463..

[11] Salonen JT, Seppänen K, Nyyssönen K, et al.

" Intake of Mercury From Fish, Lipid Peroxidation,

and the Risk of Myocardial Infarction and

Coronary, Cardiovascular, and Any Death in

Eastern Finnish Men. " Circulation 91(1995):645.

[12] Salonen JT, Nyyssonen K, Salonen R, et al.

" Fish Intake and the Risk of Coronary Disease. "

New England Journal of Medicine 333(1995):937.

[13] Salonen JT, Seppänen K, Nyyssönen K, et al.

" Intake of Mercury From Fish, Lipid Peroxidation,

and the Risk of Myocardial Infarction and

Coronary, Cardiovascular, and Any Death in

Eastern Finnish Men. " Circulation 91(1995):645.

[14] Virtanen JK, Voutilainen S, Rissanen TH, et

al. " Mercury, fish oils, and risk of acute

coronary events and cardiovascular disease,

coronary heart disease, and all-cause mortality

in men in eastern Finland. "

Arteriosclerosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular

Biology 25(2005):228.

[15] Grandjean P, Murata K, Budtz-Jørgensen E, et

al. " Cardiac Autonomic Activity In Methylmercury

Neurotoxicity: 14-Year Follow-Up Of A Faroese

Birth Cohort " Journal of Pediatrics 144(2004):169.

[16] Murata K, Weihe L, Budtz-Jørgensen E, et al.

" Delayed Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential

Latencies In 14-Year-Old Children Exposed To

Methylmercury. " Journal of Pediatrics


[17] Tibbets J. " Methylmercury and Children's

Heart Function. " Environmental Health

Perspectives 112(2004):A870.

[18] Fraga CG, Oteiza PI: Iron Toxicity and

Antioxidant Nutrients. Toxicol 2002, 180:23-32.

[19] Krajcovicova_-Kudla_ckova M_, Spustova_ V,

and Paukova V_. " Lipid Peroxidation and

Nutrition. " Physiology Research. 53(2004):


[20] Kato I, Watanabe-Meserve H, Koenig KL, et

al. " Pesticide Product Use and Risk of

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in Women. " Environmental

Health Perspectives 112(2004):1275.

[21] Van Winkel MR and Scheff PA. Volatile

organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic

hydrocarbons and elements in the air of ten urban

homes. Indoor Air 11(2001):49.

[22] Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease

Registry (ATSDR). 2003. Toxicological profile for

naphthalene, 1-methylnaphthalene, and

2-methylnaphthalene. Draft for Public Comment.

Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human

Services, Public Health Service;

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

(ATSDR). 2004. Toxicological profile for

dichlorobenzenes. (Draft for Public Comment).

Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human

Services, Public Health Service.

[23] " Fruits and Veggies No Help Against Cancer " Reuters 2 November 2004.

[24] Khaw K. " Study Progress and Results of the

European Prospective Investigation into Cancer

and Nutrition " Journal of Nutrition. 134(2004):


[25] Kushi LH, Mink PJ, Folsom AR, et al.

" Prospective Study Of Diet and Ovarian Cancer. "

American Journal of Epidemiology 149(1999):21.

[26] Fairfield KM, Hunter DJ, Colditz GA, et al.

" A Prospective Study of Dietary Lactose and

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[27] Boyles, S. " Study Links Milk to Ovarian

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