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author Will Tuttle being honored at The Peace Abbey Sherborn MA July 15th

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Sharing information of this program being held at the Peace

Abbey in

Sherborn MA - from their monthly newsletter. If anyone from our


would be interested in attending the program please let me know.

I will

be going - would offer to cover travel expenses for a carpool

from the

valley - otherwise I will be traveling by bus. Blessings of

peace, Em



The World Peace Diet and Will Tuttle Sunday, July 15th 1pm


The Peace Abbey will be honoring Dr. Will Tuttle, with The

Courage of Conscience Award on July 15!


The Peace Abbey community has been extremely moved by

Dr. Tuttle's book " The World Peace Diet, " and his life dedicated


to making a more compassionate world. " It is out of a desire to

promote the causes of peace and justice, nonviolence and love

that The Peace Abbey Courage of Conscience Award is humbly

given " .


Dr. Tuttle will join Mother Theresa, Thich Nhat Hanh, Benjamin

Spock, and others as recipients of this award.


Evelyn Kimber writes the following..

Boston Vegetarian Society's annual event at the PEACE ABBEY in

Sherborn is a highlight event of our year. Soak in the beauty


" good vibes " of this unique place, meet the animals in the small


sanctuary for rescued farm animals, stroll the grounds and view

the Pacifist Memorial and Gandhi statue, the magnificent Emily

the Sacred Cow Animal Rights Memorial, and explore the Abbey

Museum and its artifacts from around the world. we encourage

you to bring your friends and family, especially


We would love them to hear Dr. Tuttle's presentation. We'll have


plenty of room! "


1 P.M. VEGAN POTLUCK " Share delicious vegan cuisine. Bring

a favorite dish to share that is free of meat, poultry, fish,


eggs, and honey. Dishes should be ready to serve, and please

include serving implements (labeled with your name). A card with


ingredients listed helps those with food allergies.


3 P.M. SPEAKER PRESENTATION - We'll use the Unitarian church

next to the Peace Abbey for the speaker program. Our special


speaker is Will Tuttle, PhD, pianist, composer, educator, and

author of

the highly acclaimed new book, The World Peace Diet: Eating for

Spiritual Health and Social Harmony.


He will present the main ideas in his provocative book,

which is the first bookto make explicit the invisible


between our meals and our broad range of problems -


social, and spiritual, as well as health and environmental. Dr.


offers powerful ways we can experience healing and peace and

contribute to a positive transformation of human consciousness.


Will Tuttle holds a doctorate in education from U. Cal. Berkeley


and has taught college courses in creativity, humanities,


and philosophy. He has a broad background in both Eastern and

Western meditation traditions, and is a Dharma Master in the Zen


tradition. He has performed and lectured widely throughout the


and Europe and is a frequent presenter at national conferences.


has been writing a regular column for VegNews Magazine since its


inception. He has been a vegan and an animal and peace advocate


25 years. Dr. Tuttle is devoted to cultural healing and

awakening and

to creating uplifting, healing music. He has created 7

much-loved CD

albums of original piano music. "


Acclaim for The World Peace Diet: " I find this book to be the

clearest and most complete case for ethical vegetarianism that I


have ever seen. I admire him for the courage and the skill to


his case in a very clear and compelling way. A landmark

publication. "

- Rev. Robert J. Brumet


" A profoundly insightful and important book, it is sure to be a

catalyst and powerful tool in the evolution of human

consciousness. "

- Satya Magazine


" One of the most provocative books I've ever read. This is a

deep book, aglow with insights that penetrate and expose the

complacency of a culture that has strayed painfully far from

compassion. " - John Robbins


" The World Peace Diet presents what is probably the most

comprehensive case yet for eating a diet, and creating a


free from cruelty and violence. Its central focus is the idea


cruelty to animals (particularly farmed animals) sets a tone in


society that plays out in interpersonal violence, war, and

environmental destruction. It is a provocative thesis, one that

merits the attention of all who claim to value life. "

- Pathways Magazine





Let the beauty we love be what we do. Rumi

Let everything you do be done in love.

1 Corinthians 16:14

'Love is the measure.' Dorothy Day

'Gather yourselves...All that we do now must

be done in a sacred manner.' Hopi Elders 2001





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