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Review: The Future of Food,

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Review: The Future of Food, a must-see documentary that exposes the


threat to life on our planet

Thursday, May 03, 2007 by: Mike Adams



There is a cabal of power-hungry corporations that are systematically

destroying humanity's future. These companies have taken over the food

supply, injected pesticides, viruses and invading genes into staple


engineered " terminator " genes that make crop seeds unviable, destroyed


livelihood of farmers and used every tactic they could think of --


threats, intimidation, bribery, monopolistic market practices and many


-- to gain monopolistic control over the global food supply.


One documentary brings you this astonishing story. Through the

testimony of

family farmers, ecological scientists, agricultural experts and


public documents, The Future of Food tells a horrifying, heart-


story of how Big Agriculture has sold out the future of human


for the almighty dollar.


The Future of Food is a compelling, eye-opening documentary that I


a " must-see documentary " by anyone who eats food (which probably


you). Even if you think you know everything worth knowing about your


there's still a dark secret the biotech companies believe U.S.


should not be allowed to know: That many foods are genetically


with dangerous pesticides and foreign DNA, and there is currently no


law requiring their labeling as such.


Do whatever it takes to see this documentary. Buy it, rent it, or view


online by clicking here to watch it on Google Video. Just make sure


watch this film.


It starts off looking a bit boring. But stick with it. The film picks


steam after the first ten minutes, and then it takes you on an


ride that will have you gripping the edge of your seat, shaking your


in disbelief. Watch this entire film from start to finish, and then,


you're done watching it, send the link to your friends. This is an

extremely important documentary for our time. Don't make another trip


the grocery store without seeing this film!


The future of humanity is determined by the future of food

What's at stake here is not merely control over today's food profits.


actions taken by Big Agriculture are systematically destroying the


agricultural biodiversity that will one day be desperately needed to


us from a global food crash. And at the same time these multinational

agricultural giants are destroying our food biodiversity, they're also

patenting seeds, then using imperialistic intellectual property law to

extort profits from farmers, universities and research institutions


over the world.


The whole problem of genetically engineered crops became a tidal wave


trouble following the U.S. Supreme Court's ill-fated decision in 1980


allow corporations to patent life. The patenting of the first


engineered microbe opened the floodgates to corporate greed, and it


long before Big Ag firms began patenting every seed they could get


hands on (a process called " biopiracy " ), stealing the inventions of


and declaring them to be their own.


Today, an astonishing 20 percent of the human genome is now owned by

corporations. The simple act of reproducing by having children is now


violation of U.S. patent law. Technically, the corporations that " own "

these human genes could sue the parents of all newborns, demanding


payments for the use of their intellectual property.


Want to know more shocking facts about intellectual property and the


of food, agriculture and human civilization? See The Future of Food


yourself. And while you're at it, be sure to visit the Center for Food

safety (www.centerforfoodsafety.org), a non-profit organization that's


doing the oversight job our own government should have been doing. But

since the people who run the USDA, EPA and FDA are the very same

people who

occupy top positions in the most powerful agricultural organizations

in the

world, the U.S. government has no intention whatsoever to protect the

public from financial exploitation by influential corporations


of the cost to the future of life on planet Earth). It's the same


with Big Pharma, as you no doubt already realize.


The coming food bubble

Curious how modern civilization might ultimately end? In previous


I've discussed the coming food bubble -- a global collapse of the food

abundance we naively enjoy today. Depending on who you talk to, this

collapse of the global food supply could be caused by the end of peak


a collapse of bioversity followed by widespread crop blight, the


of freshwater tables, radical weather patterns caused by global

warming, or

the widespread disruption of global ecosystems through the continued

use of

synthetic chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, etc.)


Each of these explanations sounds like bad news to me. Any one of them

could conceivably pose a major threat to the future of our global food

supply. And yet the real news is even worse: We're facing all of these

threats at once!


Biotechnology companies claim they're coming to the rescue with a new


of genetically engineered crops that can produce more food, with


farming efficiency, than ever before. What they don't tell you is that

these GM foods contain pesticides and their use encourages the massive

dumping of herbicides on croplands by farmers. Those synthetic


wash right off the farms and into the aquatic ecosystems (rivers,


oceans) where they are creating " dead zones " that can't even support

aquatic life.


It's all being done for the sake of the almighty dollar. Corporations


the governments they control) are sacrificing the very future of human

civilization in order to boost next quarter's profits. The food supply


now toxic, the environment is being systematically destroyed, and

government departments that should be protecting the public are now

operating as marketing branches of the very companies they should be

prosecuting for endangering the public.


How goes the food, so goes the nation

Modern agriculture has literally and figuratively lost its roots.


that were created by nature are now patented and owned by


genetically engineered crops that never passed any sort of rigorous


testing have long since been approved as G.R.A.S. by the FDA (meaning


for use in foods); governments continue to use taxpayer dollars to

subsidize the growing of genetically engineered corn (coated with


herbicides, by the way); and the FDA continues to insist that the U.S.

public has no right to know which foods are genetically engineered


it might " confuse them. "


That's how the U.S. government views the average American these days

-- as

a stupid, misinformed " feeder and breeder " who has no capacity to read

labels or make informed decisions about what's in their food. Just pay


taxes, buy your junk food, put your babies on Prozac and shut the heck




And the situation looks like it's only going to get worse. In America,


least. Europeans, Canadians and practically everyone else in the world


way ahead of the game on this. In Europe, genetically engineered foods


be clearly labeled, and many countries have actually banned GM exports


the United States (about which the U.S. screams like a carjacking


citing international trade sanctions and promising economic


towards any country that doesn't swallow genetically engineered U.S.



American consumers have remained in the dark on this issue for so long


it's frankly a little embarrassing to me, as an American, to admit.


this documentary, The Future of Food can help educate consumers around


world and rally them to support an outright ban on genetically


crops in the food supply. After all, who wants viruses in their corn?


wants the entire food supply owned and controlled by evil corporations


have clearly demonstrated they have no concern whatsoever for public


or sustainable farming?



" NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency may

have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this

without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor

protection save to call for the impeachment of the current President. "

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