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Veganism Can End The Drought If we can get enough people to become vegans

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Veganism Can End The Drought If we can get enough people to become




A drought for the ages

By Patrick O'Driscoll, USA TODAY

DENVER — Drought, a fixture in much of the West for nearly a decade,

now covers more than one-third of the continental USA. And it's

spreading.half the nation is either abnormally dry or in outright

drought from prolonged lack of rain that could lead to water

shortages, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly index of

conditions. Welcome rainfall last weekend from Tropical Storm Barry

brought short-term relief to parts of the fire-scorched Southeast.

But up to 50 inches of rain is needed to end the drought there, and

this is the driest spring in the Southeast since record-keeping

began in 1895, according to the National Climatic Data Center.

Coast to coast, the drought's effects are as varied as the


•In central California, ranchers are selling cattle or trucking them

out of state as grazing grass dries up. In Southern California's

Antelope Valley, rainfall at just 15% of normal erased the spring

bloom of California poppies.

•In South Florida, Lake Okeechobee, America's second-largest body of

fresh water, fell last week to a record low — an average 8.89feet

above sea level. So much lake bed is dry that 12,000 acres of it

caught fire last month. Saltwater intrusion threatens to contaminate

municipal wells for Atlantic coastal towns as fresh groundwater

levels drop.

•In Alabama, shallow ponds on commercial catfish farms are

dwindling, and more than half the corn and wheat crops are in poor


Dry episodes have become so persistent in the West that some

scientists and water managers say drought is the " new normal " there.

Reinforcing that notion are global-warming projections warning of

more and deeper dry spells in the Southwest, although a report in

last week's Science magazine challenges the climate models and

suggests there will be more rainfall worldwide later this century.

" It seems extremely likely that drought will become more the norm "

for the West, says Kathy Jacobs of the Arizona Water Institute, a

research partnership of the state's three universities. " Droughts

will continue to come and go, but … higher temperatures are going to

produce more water stress. " That's because warmer temperatures in

the Southwest boosts demands for water and cause more to evaporate

from lakes and reservoirs.

" The only good news about drought is it forces us to pay attention

to water management, " says Peter Gleick of the Pacific Institute, a

think tank in Oakland that stresses efficient water use.

This drought has been particularly harsh in three regions: the

Southwest, the Southeast and northern Minnesota.

Severe dryness across California and Arizona has spread into 11

other Western states. On the Colorado River, the water supply for 30

million people in seven states and Mexico, the Lake Powell and Lake

Mead reservoirs are only half full and unlikely to recover for

years. In Los Angeles County, on track for a record dry year with

21% of normal rain downtown since last summer, fire officials are

threatening to cancel Fourth of July fireworks if conditions worsen.

On Wednesday, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa urged residents

to voluntarily cut water use 10%, the city's first such call since

the 1990s.

In Minnesota, which is in its worst drought since 1976, the

situation is improving slowly, although a wildfire last month burned

dozens of houses and 115 square miles in the northeastern part of

the state.

The Southeast, unaccustomed to prolonged dry spells, may be

suffering the most. In eight states from Mississippi to the

Carolinas and down through Florida, lakes are shrinking, crops are

withering, well levels are falling and there are new limits on water

use. " We need 40-50 inches of rainfall to get out of the drought, "

says Carol Ann Wehle of the South Florida Water Management District.

Despite a recent storm, water hasn't flowed in Florida's Kissimmee

River, which feeds Lake Okeechobee, in 212 days. The district has

imposed its strictest water-use limits ever in 13 counties, cutting

home watering to once a week and commercial use by 45%.



in California, winter snowpack in the Sierra Nevada range was only

27% of normal this year, another dry winter would tax supplies.

Gleick says water managers are not reacting forcefully enough to the

drought: " The time to tell people that we're in the middle of a

drought and to institute strong conservation programs is today, not

a year from now. " The Metropolitan Water District of Southern

California is doing that. Last month, it began a " Let's Save " radio


After nearly a decade of drought in parts of the West, the nation's

fastest-growing region wrestles with rising water demands and

declining supply.

Donald Wilhite of the National Drought Mitigation Center says the

Southwest and Southeast are " becoming gradually more vulnerable to

drought " because the rising population will need more water. " We

think of water as an unlimited resource, " he says. " But what happens

when you turn on the tap and it's not there? "

Contributing: Doyle Rice


How Much Water to

Make One Pound of Beef?

March 1, 2001 -- To date, probably the most reliable and widely-

accepted water estimate to produce a pound of beef is the figure of

2,500 gallons/pound. Newsweek once put it another way: " the water

that goes into a 1,000 pound steer would float a destroyer. "

Not surprisingly, the beef industry promotes a study that

determined, using highly suspect calculations, that only 441 gallons

of water are required to produce a pound of beef.

(The cattlemen's study applied liberal deductions from water

actually used, reasoning that water was evaporated at points during

the process, or was " returned " to the water table after being used

to grow plant feed, or was returned to the water table via urea and

excrement from cows. Thus, study authors reasoned these waters were

not " lost " but " recycled " and therefore could be subtracted from

gross amount of water actually used in beef production. Of course,

evaporation and cow dung don't go very far in replenishing water

pumped from acquifers which took thousands of years to fill. It's

interesting to consider that if the same fuzzy math were applied to

calculating how much water it takes to grow vegetables, potatoes

would probably only require about 2 gallons of water per pound.)

Bestselling author and vegetarian trailblazer John Robbins has

examined in detail a variety of estimates and who worked on them,

and some of his observations are in his new book Food Revolution

(see here).

So what's the beef with beef, when it comes to water?

Simply put: it's wasteful and irresponsible to squander our precious

resources on a luxury item like meat.

The only question we're left with is: just how wasteful and

irresponsible is it?

Once again, our intrepid investigator, John Robbins, recently

uncovered some startling new evidence. That evidence comes in the

form of a scholarly new book which sheds new light on the subject.

Edited by David Pimentel and others and published in January, the

book is titled Ecological Integrity: Integrating Environment,

Conservation and Health (Island Press, Washington DC, 2001).

Pimentel is a celebrated professor of ecology and agricultural

science at Cornell University, who has published over 500 scientific

articles, 20 books and overseen scores of important studies.

The other editors of the book are Laura Westra, professor of

environmental studies at Sarah Lawrence College, and Reed Noss,

president and chief scientist for Conservation Science, Inc., and

president of the Society for Conservation Biology.

Drought, warmth bring record low water levels in Lake Superior

By John Flesher, AP Environmental Writer

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. — Drought and mild temperatures have pushed

Lake Superior's water level to its lowest point on record for this

time of year, continuing a downward spiral across the Great Lakes.

Preliminary data show Superior's average water level in September

dipped 1.6 inches beneath the previous low for that month reached in

1926, Cynthia Sellinger, deputy director of NOAA's Great Lakes

Environmental Research Laboratory, said Sunday.

PHOTO GALLERY: Lake Superior drops to record low levels

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which uses a different measuring

technique, calculated the September level at four inches below the

record, said Scott Thieme, chief of hydraulics and hydrology for the

Detroit district office.

It's the first time in 81 years that the biggest and deepest of the

lakes, with a surface area matching South Carolina's, has reached a

new monthly low, Sellinger said. The Army Corps recorded Superior as

also setting a record by a half-inch in August. But the NOAA lab had

the lake at slightly above its record level then.

FIND MORE STORIES IN: Detroit | Mich | Great Lakes | NOAA | Drought

| Lake Superior | Cynthia Sellinger

Either way, the lake has plummeted over the past year and has lagged

beneath its long-term average level for a decade — the longest such

period in its known history.

" I've been here since 1959 and this is the lowest I've seen it, "

said Joel Johnson, owner of Lakehead Boat Basin in Duluth, Minn.

Some areas had so little water last spring and summer that

recreational boats couldn't reach docking slips, although other

marina operators managed operate normally.

Commercial shippers, who haul iron ore and coal across the lakes to

manufacturing centers such as Detroit, have been unable to fill

cargo holds to capacity for fear of scraping bottom in shallow


The biggest vessels, which hold 67,600 tons, have left 6,000 to

8,000 tons behind on many trips, said Glen Nekvasil, spokesman for

the Lake Carriers Association.

" Light loading has been just creaming the industry this year, " he


All the Great Lakes, which together make up about 20% of the world's

fresh surface water, have been in decline since the late 1990s.

Lakes Huron and Michigan are about two feet below their long-term

average levels, while Lake Superior is about 20 inches off. Lake

Ontario is about seven inches below its long-term average and Lake

Erie a couple of inches down.

The NOAA lab bases its statistics on measurements taken by a gauge

near Marquette. The Army Corps averages the numbers from several

gauges around the lake.

Levels typically fluctuate through the year. Superior, a feeder for

the other lakes, rises in spring and summer as melted snow flows

into its headwaters, then recedes in fall and winter.

But precipitation is well below normal in the Lake Superior

watershed, and unusually mild winters have reduced the winter ice

cap, boosting evaporation.

with Superior at its all-time low point for the beginning of fall —

when the lake usually begins its annual drop-off — prospects for

quick improvement wouldn't seem good.

Scientists point to a number of possible causes for the low water,

including historical cycles, weather patterns and global warming.

" Is this going to continue? That's the big question and we don't

know, " Sellinger said.


How Our Food Choices Can Help Save the Environment

From a speech delivered to EarthSave Baltimore

by Professor Steve Boyan

The Union of Concerned Scientists says that the two things that

people can do which will most help the environment are (1) to drive

a fuel efficient automobile (that means, not a SUV or a truck),

along with a decision to live near to where you work. That

recommendation is indeed important. Anything you can do either in

what you drive or where you live is important. The 2nd thing the

Union of Concerned Scientists proposed that people could do which

also would have dramatically good consequences for the environment:

to not eat beef.

I'm going to go one step farther than UCS: I suggest that you refuse

to eat any animal or animal product produced on a factory farm. And

I'm going to tell you why.

In 1990, when I first read, that 10 people could be fed with the

grain that you would feed a cow that would be turned into food for

one person, I was impressed. But I was not moved. The reason was: if

10 people would be fed because I gave up meat, I'd give it up. But,

I thought, if I give up meat, it won't have that impact: it probably

won't have any impact on anything at all, except me.

I was wrong. If I had known that for every pound of beef I did not

eat, I would save anywhere from 2500 to 5000 gallons of water - you

heard it, for every pound of beef, 2500 to 5000 gallons of water, I

would have been moved. It's a good idea to save water; we are

depleting our underground aquifers faster than we are replenishing

them. The largest one, the Ogallala, which covers a vast part of the

country from the mid-west to the mountain states, is being depleted

by 13 trillion gallons a year. It is going to run out. Northwest

Texas is already dry. They can't get any water from their wells.

John Robbins points out that in the 1980's and 1990's, to conserve

water, most of us went to low flow showerheads. If we take a daily 7

minute shower, he says, and we have a 2 gallon per minute low flow

showerhead, you use about 100 gallons of water per week, or 5200

gallons of water per year. If you had used the old fashioned 3

gallon per minute showerhead, I calculate you would have used 7644

gallons of water per year. So by going low flow, you saved almost

2500 gallons of water per year. Wonderful. But by giving up one

pound of beef that year, you'd save maybe double that. By giving up

one pound of beef, you'd save more water than you would than by not

showering at all for six months! And that's just one of the

environmental impacts you'd have.

The modern factory farming system is a prolific consumer of fossil

fuel and a prolific producer of poisonous wastes. Up to 100,000

animals are herded together on huge feedlots. These animals do not

graze on grass, as picture books tell us; they can't graze at all.

They are crowded, filthy, and stinking places with open sewers,

unpaved roads, and choking air. The animals would not survive at all

but for the fact that they are fed huge amounts of antibiotics.

It is now conceded that the antibiotics fed to cattle are the main

cause of antibiotic resistance in people, as the bacteria constantly

in these environments evolve to survive them. The cattle are fed

prodigious quantities of corn. At a feedlot of a mere 37,000 cows,

25 tons of corn is dumped every hour. It takes 1.2 gallons of oil to

make the fertilizer used for each bushel of that corn. Before a cow

is slaughtered, she will eat 25 pounds of corn a day; by the time

she is slaughtered she will be over 1200 lbs. In her lifetime she

will have consumed 284 gallons of oil. Today's factory raised cow is

not a solar powered ruminant but another fossil fuel machine.

And she will produce waste. Livestock now produces 130 times the

amount of waste that people do. This waste is untreated and

unsanitary. It bubbles with chemicals and disease-bearing organisms.

It overpowers nature's ability to clean it up. It's poisoning

rivers, killing fish, and getting into human drinking water. 65% of

California's population is threatened by pollution in drinking water

just from dairy cow manure. It isn't just cows that produce this

waste. Factory raised hogs produce 4 times the waste in North

Carolina as the 6.5 million people of that state do. Cases of

pfiesteria have broken out in that state and even here in Maryland -

from water polluted from pig farms and chicken farms. Even the

oceans are polluted: 7000 sq. miles of the Gulf of Mexico are a

complete dead zone.

There are more environmental impacts. Cattle don't spend their

entire lives in feedlots. When they are young, they graze. Where do

they graze? Well, more than 2/3rds of the land area of the mountain

states are used for grazing. 70% of the lands in western national

forests are grazed; 90% of Bureau of Land Management land is grazed.

These are public lands, lands that President Clinton didn't even try

to save. These lands are trampled by the cattle, compacting the

soil. When it rains, the land doesn't absorb the water. Instead, it

runs off, taking away topsoil, forming deep gullies, and damaging

streambeds. Your tax dollar subsidizes this activity. The government

protects the cattle by killing off any creature which might threaten

the livestock. They poison, trap, snare, den, shoot, or gun down the

wildlife. Denning, by the way, is the practice by federal agents of

pouring kerosene into the dens of animals and setting them on fire,

burning the young animals alive in their nests.

ccording to Robbins, agents kill badgers, black bear, bobcats,

coyotes, gray fox, red fox, mountain lions, opossums, raccoons,

skunks, beavers, porcupines, prairie dogs, black birds, cattle

egrets, and starlings using these methods. These activities are on

public lands, which were created in large part to protect the


I'm not done yet. We in the United States do not get all of our beef

from the west. We import more than 200 million pounds of beef from

Central America alone. Every second of every day, 1 football field

of tropical rainforest is destroyed in order to produce 257

hamburgers. A ¼ lb hamburger destroys 67 square feet of rainforest.

Every time you destroy rainforest land, you destroy rich plant and

animal life, varieties of life we don't even understand, and forms

of which may provide the medicines we need to cure disease.

Rainforests supply us with oxygen. They moderate our climates. When

rainforests are destroyed, it's only a matter of time before the

land becomes desertified. They absorb some of the carbon dioxide we

are spewing into the atmosphere.

We humans have increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the

atmosphere by 25%, compared to any other period when humans were on

this planet. Most of that gain has taken place in the last 50 years.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, consisting of some of

the best scientists in the world, says global warming is a fact. If

uncontrolled, we will have ecosystem collapses, crop failures,

weather disasters, coastal flooding, the spreading of previously

controlled diseases, the death of coral reefs, and new insect pests.

Some of these things are starting to happen already. Coral reefs are

dying. Insect pests are spreading out of their range and killing off

new kinds of trees. Weather patterns are changing. Some places have

had extreme weather events, with billions of dollars of losses. Some

island people have had to abandon their islands because rising seas

have salinated their underground aquifers.

Carbon dioxide is largely produced by the burning of fossil fuels,

especially coal, and especially our use of inefficient vehicles for

transportation. But not often mentioned is the fossil fuel used to

raise farm animals. As I said earlier, a factory cow is a fossil

fuel machine, not a solar powered ruminant whose wastes fertilize

the fields to produce more grass for the cow to eat. When you eat

beans, for example, you use 1/27th the amount of fossil fuel to

produce a calorie of energy as you do when you eat beef. You get the

same food energy producing only 4% of the carbon dioxide that a

person eating beef does.

Another fact we don't talk about: cattle produce almost 1/5th of

global methane emissions. Cattle fart. Big time. Their gas is

methane. Methane is actually 24 times as potent as carbon dioxide in

causing climate chaos.

There's another major environmental consequence of our factory

system of animal raising: that's the matter of species extinctions.

Now it is true that species die off all the time. Normally, the

earth has lost 10 to 25 species per year. But in the billions of

years of life on this earth, we have had 5 periods of major

extinctions; the last one was 67 million years ago, when, possibly

because of a meteor colliding with the earth, we lost the dinosaurs.

But now there's a sixth extinction, and it is not caused by a

meteor, but by human beings.

And this is a big one; we are losing several thousand species per

year, and maybe tens of thousands. We think of mammals that are

endangered, and 25% of mammalian species are endangered. But what's

much more endangered, or wiped out already, are the plants,

including varieties of plankton, fungi, bacteria, and insects, that

are fundamental to all so-called higher forms of life. All life will

unravel if these creatures are wiped out.

The driving force behind all these extinctions is the destruction of

wildlife habitat, especially the rainforests of the world. The

driving force behind the destruction of the rainforests is livestock

grazing. The leading cause of species in the United States being

threatened or eliminated is livestock grazing. A 1997 study of

endangered species in the southwestern United States by the Fish and

Wildlife Service found that half the species studied were threatened

by cattle ranching.

You know, you and I cannot change all this. We are not going to be

able to get a bill through Congress outlawing factory farming. Yet

Earthsave as an organization believes we can still have a dramatic

effect: we believe that you can protect your health and protect the

environment one bite at a time. Let's review what I've said here: by

not eating beef - and other farm animals as well - you :

Save massive amounts of water - 3000 to 5000 gallons of water for

every pound of beef you avoid

Avoid polluting our streams and rivers better than any other single

recycling effort you do

Avoid the destruction of topsoil

Avoid the destruction of tropical forest: remember passing up ¼ lb

of hamburger averts the destruction of 67 sq ft of rainforest

Avoid the production of carbon dioxide. Your average car produces 3

kg/day of CO2. To clear rainforest to produce beef for one hamburger

produces 75 kilograms of CO2. Eating one lb of hamburger does the

same damage as driving your car for over 3 weeks.

Reduces the amount of methane gas produced. I imagine the next

bumper sticker: stop farts, don't eat beef.

Reduces the destruction of wildlife habitat

Help to save endangered species.

That's a pretty good day's work, for just what you don't put in your






This is a transcript of the Earth Day talk that was given for the

Baltimore chapter of EarthSave International by Steve Boyan Ph.D., a

recently retired political science professor at University of

Maryland, Baltimore County. He has published two books on

environmental issues, and may be available to speak for other

groups. His email address is boyan.

Drought in West and Southeast spreads to Mid-Atlantic


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Confirming what many farmers, boaters and others

already knew, the government reported Tuesday that the drought

parching much of the West and Southeast spread into the Mid-Atlantic

area in September.

Water levels at Lake Carter, about 90 miles north of Atlanta,

Georgia, are at record lows.

At the end of September about 43 percent of the contiguous United

States was in moderate to extreme drought, the National Climate Data

Center said Tuesday.

Worldwide, meanwhile, the agency said the year to date has been the

warmest on record for land. It has been the seventh warmest year so

far over the oceans, working out to the fourth warmest overall


But drought is probably the greatest concern in many parts of the

country and the year to date has been the driest on record for

Tennessee and North Carolina.

The eastern seaboard from Maine to the Carolinas and across parts of

Florida was unusually dry in September, NCDC said.

And the September dryness extended across the Ohio Valley and into

the southern Great Lakes.

The agency, a division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration, said drier-than-normal weather was also experienced

in September across parts of the Pacific Northwest and northern


Drought-related conditions included:

--As of September 25, Pasadena, California, experienced its driest

year since records began in 1878. Many California communities

imposed water use restrictions.

--The Great Lakes, which together make up about 20 percent of the

world's fresh surface water, have been in decline since the late

1990s. Lakes Huron and Michigan were about two feet below their long-

term average levels, while Lake Superior was about 20 inches off,

Lake Ontario 7 inches below and Lake Erie a few inches down.

--Maryland and Pennsylvania had about half of their counties under a

drought watch. Many areas in upstate New York reported record low

reservoir levels and dried-up wells and farm ponds.

--Alabama Power, the state's largest utility, has been operating

some of its coal plants at significantly reduced levels to avoid

raising water temperatures in the Coosa, Black Warrior and Mobile


--The Tennessee Valley Authority shut down Browns Ferry Unit II

nuclear power plant due to inadequate stream flow.

--At the end of September, the Georgia Environmental Protection

Division declared a level four drought response across the northern

third of the state, which prohibits most types of outdoor

residential water use. Watch drought conditions in Georgia »

The report said that while September was only the eighth warmest

month on record for the United States, it was still hot enough to

break 1,000 daily high records across the country.

With the worldwide warming, the extent of Arctic Sea ice reached its

lowest amount in September since satellite measurements began in

1979, shattering the previous record low set in 2005

News Flash: Long Term Drought Drying Up Large Parts of USA - Atlanta

has 3 Months of Water Left



September 12, 2007 — The June-August 2007 summer season ended with a

long-lasting heatwave that set more than 2,000 new daily high

temperature records across the southern and central U.S., according

to scientists at NOAA's National Climatic Data Center in Asheville,

N.C. The record heat helped make this the second warmest August and

the sixth warmest summer on record for the contiguous U.S., based on

preliminary data. At the end of August, drought affected almost half

of the continental U.S. The global surface temperature was seventh

warmest on record for the June-August period. (Click NOAA image for

larger view of the August 2007 statewide temperature rankings.

Please credit " NOAA. " )

U.S. Temperature Highlights for Summer

For summer 2007 (June-August), the average temperature for the

continental U.S., based on preliminary data, was 73.8 degrees F

(23.2 degrees C), which was 1.7 degrees F (1.0 degrees C) above the

20th century mean and the sixth warmest summer since national

records began in 1895.

This was the warmest summer for Utah and Nevada and it ranked in the

top 10 warmest summers on record for 11 other states. Alaska had its

fourth warmest summer on record. Only Texas and Oklahoma were cooler

than average.

The much warmer-than-average conditions in the Southeast and

throughout the West contributed to above average residential energy

demand for the nation. Using the Residential Energy Demand

Temperature Index (REDTI - an index developed at NOAA to relate

energy usage to climate), the nation's residential energy demand was

approximately 8 percent higher than what would have occurred under

average climate conditions for the season.

U.S. Temperature Highlights for August

For the contiguous U.S., the average temperature for August was 75.4

degrees F (24.1 degrees C), which was 2.7 degrees F (1.5 degrees C)

above the 20th century mean and the second warmest August on record,

based on preliminary data.

A severe heatwave persisted throughout much of the month across

southern and central parts of the nation. More than 30 all-time high

temperature records were tied or broken and more than 2,000 new

daily high temperature records were established.

Raleigh-Durham, N.C., equaled its all-time high of 105 degrees F

Aug. 21. Columbia, S.C., had 14 days in August with temperatures

over 100 degrees F, which broke the record of 12 set in 1900.

Cincinnati, Ohio, reached 100 degrees F five days during August, a

new record for the city.

This was the warmest August in the 113-year record for West

Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama,

Florida and Utah. For the Southeast, the length, severity and area

of the heat wave led to comparisons with events in 1983 and 1954.

U.S. Precipitation Highlights for Summer

Overall, the summer was drier than average for the nation. Rainfall

was below average in the Southeast, mid-Atlantic, Ohio Valley, the

northern Plains and Northern Rockies. (Click NOAA image for larger

view of the June-August 2007 statewide precipitation rankings.

Please credit " NOAA. " )

Texas had its wettest summer on record and Oklahoma its fourth

wettest. The unusually wet period was punctuated by heavy and

persistent rains in June and July that produced devastating flooding

in the region. In the Southeast, this was the driest summer since

records began in 1895 for North Carolina and the second driest for


A hot and dry July in the Northern Rockies contributed to a fast

start to the wildfire season, and August remained very active as

warmer and drier-than-average conditions persisted in many areas. By

early September, more than 7 million acres had burned across the

nation, most of it in the western U.S.

U.S. Precipitation Highlights for AugustNews Flash: Long Term

Drought Drying Up Large Parts of USA - Atlanta has 3 Months of Water












The record warmth and below-average rainfall in August led to an

expansion of drought in the Southeast and parts of the mid-Atlantic

and Ohio Valley. At the end of August, drought affected

approximately 83 percent of the Southeast and 46 percent of the

contiguous U.S., according to the federal U.S. Drought Monitor.

(Click NOAA image for larger view of the U.S. Drought Monitor.

Please credit " NOAA. " )

Severe drought persisted throughout much of the West and an area

that stretched from northern Minnesota to the Upper Peninsula of


Part of the Midwest received record precipitation in August, as a

persistent frontal system provided a focus for heavy rain and

thunderstorms. Precipitation was two to three times normal for the

month in a wide band across the central Midwest, and major flooding

occurred in parts of a region that stretched from southeastern

Minnesota to central Ohio. Iowa had its wettest August on record.

Tropical Storm Erin made landfall near Lamar, Texas, Aug. 16,

bringing heavy rains to areas already much wetter than normal for

the year. Widespread flooding ensued in southern Texas and Oklahoma.

Global Highlights

The combined global land and ocean surface temperature for August

was the eighth warmest on record, 0.85 degrees F/0.47 degrees C

above the 20th century mean. The global surface temperature for June-

August (Northern Hemisphere summer) was the seventh warmest since

records began in 1880.

Separately, the global land-surface temperature was the third

warmest for August and the fifth warmest for boreal summer. The

August ocean-surface temperature was the ninth warmest in the 128-

year period of record as cooler-than-average conditions in the

central and eastern equatorial Pacific indicated the ongoing

development of a La Niña episode.

NOAA, an agency of the U.S. Commerce Department, is celebrating 200

years of science and service to the nation. From the establishment

of the Survey of the Coast in 1807 by Thomas Jefferson to the

formation of the Weather Bureau and the Commission of Fish and

Fisheries in the 1870s, much of America's scientific heritage is

rooted in NOAA.


NOAA is dedicated to enhancing economic security and national safety

through the prediction and research of weather and climate-related

events and information service delivery for transportation, and by

providing environmental stewardship of our nation's coastal and

marine resources. Through the emerging Global Earth Observation

System of Systems (GEOSS), NOAA is working with its federal

partners, more than 60 countries and the European Commission to

develop a global monitoring network that is as integrated as the

planet it observes, predicts and protects.

Note to Editors: August and June-August 2007 data, graphics and

analysis, are online at:


Relevant Web Sites


August 2007 Data, Graphics and Analysis

U.S. National Overview - August 2007

Media Contact:

John Leslie, NOAA Satellite and Information Service, (301) 713-1265


What is water? H two O hydrogen and oxygen.

Guess what the vast numbers of animals that would not exist without

the demand for animal based foods consume? You guessed right if you


oxygen. (among other things). Guess what they produce? You guessed

right if you said carbon dioxide. (among other things). Yes, just

like people animals

consume oxygen and produce carbon dioxide.


We need that oxygen to breathe and we also need that oxygen to make


Less oxygen means less water. The more animals humans raise to

satisfy the demand for an animal based diet the less oxygen there is

to breathe and the less oxygen there is to create water. Water is

hydrogen and oxygen.


The United Nations FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization's study on

this subject makes the message clear.

" Meat Contributes to Climate Change, UN Study Confirms

by Megan Tady

Dec. 7, 2006 – The typical American diet adds significantly to

pollution, water scarcity, land degradation and climate change,

according to a United Nations report released last week.

Written by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO),the

report is the latest research linking meat-eating with environmental

destruction. According to the FAO, the arm of the UN that works on

worldwide hunger-defeating initiatives, animal farming presents

a " major threat to the environment " with such " deep and wide-

ranging " impacts that it should rank as a leading focus for

environmental policy.

The report calls the livestock sector a " major player " in affecting

climate change through greenhouse-gas production. The FAO found that

the ranching and slaughter of cows and other animals generates an

estimated 18 percent of total human-induced greenhouse-gas emissions


Greenhouse gases – such as methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous

oxide – are linked to global warming.

Livestock emit methane and other greenhouse gasses through excrement

and belching. The FAO estimates that cow manure and flatulence

generate 30 to 40 percent of total methane emissions from human-

influenced activities.

As demand for meat grows, the report explains, so does the need for

pasture and cropland, making deforestation an additional concern;

currently, according to the report, the livestock sector occupies 30

percent of ice-free land on the planet. Extensive grazing also takes

a toll on arable land.

The livestock sector also contributes to water depletion; currently,

the livestock sector accounts for 8 percent of human water use

globally. Animal wastes, antibiotics and hormones, as well as

chemicals from tanneries and pesticides from feed crops, also

contaminate water supplies.

Henning Steinfeld, an author of the report, said in a press

statement that " urgent action is required to remedy the situation. "

While the report gives a global picture of meat production,

sustainable-food advocates say the US is leading the world in

harmful meat-eating habits and industry practices.

From 2000 to 2002, consumers in the United States ate on average

approximately 38.5 million tons of meat per year, second only to

China, according to the FAO analysis. In those same years, the

United Kingdom consumed nearly 5 million tons of meat each year,

Brazil nearly 15.5 million tons and Uganda 308,647 tons.

North America had one of the highest methane emissions from

livestock manure management in the world in 2004, according to the

report. Methane is more readily produced when manure is managed in a

liquid form, such as in holding tanks or lagoons commonly used in

North America.

Additionally, the US is a leader in CO2 emissions from the burning

of fossil fuels in the manufacture of nitrogen fertilizer used to

grow food for livestock....


Dawn Moncrief, director of ... a national food-education

organization, said that not only are US consumers harming the

environment through their appetite for meat, but American food

choices are being exported to other countries.

" [The US sets] the example, which a lot of the world is trying to

follow, " Moncrief told TNS. " [Meat consumption is] partly being

exported by our corporate interests who are pushing it as a

lifestyle because they're making money in it. "


Often serving as a status symbol, meat is becoming a staple in diets

of countries that, prior to industrialization and Western cultural

influence, ate far fewer animal products.

According to FAO, world meat production is expected to double by


In March 2006, the Department of Geophysical Sciences at the

University of Chicago released a study that compared the differences

in greenhouse-gas emissions caused by various plant- and meat-based



Researchers found that the difference between a red-meat diet and a

vegan diet – in terms of greenhouse-gas emissions – equaled the

difference between driving a sedan and driving a sport-utility



" These results clearly demonstrate the primary effect of one's

dietary choices on one's planetary footprint, an effect comparable

in magnitude to the car one chooses to drive, " the report concluded.



Despite such alarming findings, the FAO report stopped short of

suggesting more people adopt plant-based diets; instead it advocated

for technological solutions and changes in farming policies.

" It's not like [the UN is] going to advocate a vegan diet, but they

could say, 'A plant-based diet would get you [closer to

sustainability], " Moncreif said.

Among the remedies, the UN suggested investing technology that

already exists, including soil-conservation methods, feeding methods

that reduce livestock's gas emissions, and improved irrigation and

manure management systems.


Adopting these changes " with a sense of urgency, " wrote the FAO,

can " make a very significant contribution to reducing and reversing

environmental damage. "

The report also noted the economic importance of the livestock

sector to global populations; work with livestock contributes 40

percent of global agriculture Gross Domestic Product and employs 1.3

billion people worldwide.


But Moncrief said simply altering agriculture practices without

changing consumers' food consciousness and habits will not lead to

true sustainability, in terms of either environmental health or

feeding the growing population.


" They talk about the problems, but then they refuse to advocate a

reduction of meat as part of the solution, " Moncrief said. " We just

think we're going to be able to outsmart our way out of this. "

Moncrief said educating consumers about their food choices is



" We need to get organizations who are working on food-policy issues,

like the UN and the USDA, to at least come out and say, 'Here are

the health benefits, here are the environmental benefits' " to

reducing meat consumption, Moncrief said. " If we could get these

governmental and quasi-governmental agencies to come out and say it,

that would be a good first step. "


Gidon Eshel, assistant professor of physical oceanography and

climate and co-author of the University of Chicago report, echoed

Moncrief's concern.

Eshel told TNS: " It is probably not a bad idea to suggest

unambiguously that if more people used less animal products in their

diet than they do today, we [would] be able to sustain a larger

number of people on earth for an indefinite period of time, or

afford those who are here a better lifestyle. "


Vegan Animal Rights Environmental Feminist World Hunger Activism



is really very simple. Get the average person to stop eating animals

and animal products and you can produce a world in which vast

numbers of animals are no longer created to satsify the demand for

animal centered diets. You can help to save the environment, help


to expand their consciousness about oppression as they end their


of animals for food they may end their oppressions of one another

and help to create

a world in which men and women are equals and food is grown for


not for so called-food animals.


You can even cut the funding to petroleum exporting state sponsors of

terror by eliminating high energy requiring animal centered diets.


By doing so you can stop those who seek to reverse the progress earth

has made in attaining women's rights as it is those same petroleum


state sponsors of terror who seek to see women confined to their

homes as they were under the Taliban, with so-called " morality

police "

in the streets whipping any unescorted women they found outside

their homes.


You can emulate PETA's alleged takeover of an old anti-vivisection


by joining environmental and other groups and turning them into

vegan advocacy




is the url for

Cool Cities Across America

All over America, communities are taking action to help solve global

warming. From hybrid vehicle fleets in Charlotte, to green buildings

in Austin, and homes powered with renewable energy in Seattle, local

governments are moving forward with innovative energy solutions that

curb global warming, save taxpayer dollars, and create healthier

cities. At a time when the federal government is failing to act,

these local leaders are moving America toward a safer and more

secure future.

So what is a Cool City? These are cities that have made a commitment

to stopping global warming by signing the U.S. Mayor's Climate

Protection Agreement. The Cool Cities campaign helps cities turn

their commitments into action by pushing for smart energy solutions.

To find out whether you live in a Cool City, click on your state or

search by your city. To get involved with a Cool Cities campaign in

your city, network with citizens taking action nationwide, and gain

access to campaign resources you can click on the following url:



I hope that everyone who can will get involved with that campaign.

Imagine a world in which Cool Cities pledged not to buy animal


with their city budgets. Imagine a world in which Cool Cities

taught their citizens, including their school children how to become


and why they should become vegans and stopped feeding animal products

to their citizens including their school children.


You can help to make that happen if you get involved and talk to and

write and call your local city and town and village officials.



Imagine the impact vegans and animal rights people

could have if they packed every one of the upcoming live

earth parties and turned them into discussion groups

on how veganism can help to stop global warming and more.




Did you know that to get the amount of energy your body will receive


a can of corn requires about 77 calories of energy input. To get the


amount of energy for your body from steak would require about 21,000


of energy input.


Every penny you put into the hands of certain petroleum exporting


whose names are known to everyone puts more arms, including weapons

of mass destruction they seek to build, buy, or steal, in the hands


those nations and the terrorist gangs they support whose members

seek to destroy America, Israel, and the rest of the civilized world.


You can fight back against terrorism and the state sponsors of


that gain their revenues from exporting petroleum by eating directly

rather than through animals.


Frances Moore Lappe's classic 1970s era book: DIET FOR A SMALL PLANET

told us all that it takes on average about 8 to 10 pounds of protein

input fed to animals to get one pound of animal protein on the plate.

If you are talking about steak it takes 21 pounds of protein fed to

animals to get 1 pound of steak protein on the plate.


86% of corn, oats and barley, 90% of non-exported soybeans

grown in America have for decades been fed to animals rather

than grown for and fed to human beings.


Whether you support the struggle against world hunger or the

struggle against

petroleum exporting state sponsors of terrorism eating low on the


chain helps to make it possible to feed human beings directly and

helps take money out of the hands of petroleum exporting state

sponsors of terror.


Vast numbers of so called " food animals " are raised to satsify demand

for animals as food. All of those so-called " food animals " compete


humans for land, food, water and oxygen.


The very air we breathe is at stake, as is our planet and all of the

life on it.

So called " food animals " all produce carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide,

methane, and other

deadly greenhouse gases, contributing to global warming and the

Greenhouse Effect.


Florida Resists Georgia Drought Proposal

Plan To Slow Water Flow From GA Reservoirs Could Imperil Panhandle

Fishing Industry

TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Oct. 25, 2007(AP) Allowing Georgia to fight

drought by slowing water flow into Florida would imperil commercial

fishing along the Florida Panhandle, Gov. Charlie Crist argued in a

letter to President Bush.


Crist urged Bush not to let Georgia move forward with a water-saving

plan to slow the flow from reservoirs into rivers that eventually

reach Florida.


Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue has sued to try to force the U.S. Army

Corps of Engineers to curb the release of water from North Georgia

lakes into rivers that make their way to the Gulf of Mexico through

the Chattahoochee and Apalachicola River basin. The corps controls

water releases in the basin.


Georgia officials want to reduce the depletion of reservoir levels

into early next year, so that no more water flows out than is coming



But doing so would hurt the Apalachicola River and Apalachicola

Bay " resulting in a profound disruption of the socio-economic

foundation in Florida's Panhandle region, " Crist wrote in the letter

dated Wednesday.


Florida, Alabama and Georgia have been in a dispute for years over

how to manage the supply of water that flows down from North Georgia

into the other two states on its way to the gulf. As metro Atlanta

has grown the problem has grown too - with one of the major lakes in

that area, Lake Lanier, serving as the main source of drinking water

for the city.


Now, the problem is exacerbated by a drought that is gripping much

of the Southeast, and is so bad in Georgia that officials ordered

state agencies and public utilities to reduce usage, and have banned

outdoor watering in most of the state.


Crist said Florida, Alabama and Georgia need to work together on

more research into alternative water sources, noting that Florida

has been studying desalinization and additional conservation



Officials from the Corps of Engineers didn't respond to a request

for comment.


Forecasters have predicted a dry winter, bad news because it could

take months of above-average rainfall to replenish the Apalachicola-

Chattahoochee-Flint river basin.




And North Carolina Gov. Mike Easley testified before a congressional

committee on how the drought has hurt the state's crops and

livestock. He appealed to lawmakers to send money to drought-ravaged

farms in his state.


Massive California Fires Consistent With Climate Change, Experts Say

The catastrophic fires that are sweeping Southern California are

consistent with what climate change models have been predicting for

years, experts say, and they may be just a prelude to many more such

events in the future

" This is exactly what we've been projecting to happen, both in short-

term fire forecasts for this year and the longer term patterns that

can be linked to global climate change, " said Ronald Neilson, a

professor at Oregon State University and bioclimatologist with the

USDA Forest Service.

" You can't look at one event such as this and say with certainty

that it was caused by a changing climate, " said Neilson, who was

also a contributor to publications of the Intergovernmental Panel on

Climate Change, a co-recipient earlier this month of the 2007 Nobel

Peace Prize.

" But things just like this are consistent with what the latest

modeling shows, " Neilson said, " and may be another piece of evidence

that climate change is a reality, one with serious effects. "

" In the future, catastrophic fires such as those going on now in

California may simply be a normal part of the landscape, " said


Fire forecast models developed by Neilson's research group at OSU

and the Forest Service rely on several global climate models. When

combined, they accurately predicted both the Southern California

fires that are happening and the drought that has recently hit parts

of the Southeast, including Georgia and Florida, causing crippling

water shortages.


Research Indicates No Relief For Drought, Fire Concerns


CORVALLIS – It does not appear there will be any major relief this

spring or summer from the unusually dry weather that has recently

hit the Pacific Northwest, according to new projections of drought

severity and fire risk that are based on " general circulation "

models that forecast global climate.

The analysis, which was developed by researchers at the U.S.D.A.

Forest Service and Oregon State University, also shows that the

northwestern part of the country will face forest and rangeland

fires this year that could be unusually severe and generally the

worst of any area in the nation.drought severity and associated fire

risks in southern Florida, Maine and southeastern Arizona. And there

is a major problem of historic proportions developing in a six-state

region that includes Oregon, Washington, northern California, Idaho,

Montana and Wyoming.

" We project that the drought severity the northwestern states are

now experiencing will only get worse in coming months, and reach

levels that were generally seen during the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, "

said Ronald Neilson, a bioclimatologist with the U.S. Forest Service

and professor of botany at OSU.

The latest consensus forecast for fire risk this spring and summer

indicate huge forest and rangeland fire outbreaks in northeastern

Oregon and southeastern Washington, and more isolated but severe

fire potential in forests near Eugene, Roseburg, Bend and the

Portland area in Oregon.

Other severe fires are forecast for parts of southwestern Idaho and

parts of Montana.

Unlike short-term weather forecasts, these projections are

ultimately based on long-term, global climate models and a " general

vegetation model " created by researchers from the Forest Service and

OSU, including the work of associate professor of geosciences Chris

Daly and the OSU Spatial Climate Analysis Service.

These systems have simulated drought and fire in the American West,

for instance, fairly accurately backwards in time to 1895, and can

also be used to make both near-term and longer projections into the

future. They are constantly updated, and now include the latest

actual weather information through the end of last January.

In terms of the current projections for a tier of states in the

northwestern U.S., it appears the situation is going to go from bad

to worse. It bears some similarity to conditions last seen in 2001.

" We use five different global climate models as the underlying basis

for our projections, and they are all showing the same thing, "

Neilson said. " It is going to become extremely dry in many parts of

the Pacific Northwest and northern Rocky Mountain states, and the

fire risk is going to be significantly higher than normal. There is

nothing to indicate a wet spring. "

Fire is one obvious implication, the researchers said, but stream

flows, fisheries, agriculture, recreation and industry may all be



To get a pound of steak protein on your plate 21 pounds of feed

grain protein: corn, oats, barley, soy, wheat, etc. etc. etc. are

used to fatten that castrated bull called a steer that you eat.


On average it takes about 8 to 10 pounds of feed protein fed to so

called food animals to get 1 pound of animal protein on your plate.


Lots of that is very high energy intensive production using lots of

petroleum based fertilizers, pesticides,herbicides, etc. Not to

mention vast quantities of water used by the animals and used to

irrigate the crops fed to animals. The USA feeds almost all of the

the soybeans corn oats and barley it grows to animals rather than to

hungry people.


Food animals are competitors with humans for oxygen, water, land,

energy, and life itself.


40% of the world's oxygen is produced by the tiny plant plankton

called phytoplantkon in the oceans.

These phytoplantkton live with krill, a fish plankton,in a very

fragile ecosystem. These days krill are being used as animal feed

and pet food.

As the krill vanish so will the phytoplankton that produce 40% of

earth's oxygen.


The phytoplankton are also jeapordized by increased solar

ultraviolet radiation breaking through the holes in the ozone layer

above the poles.


It is estimated that there will be no more fish in the seas by the

middle of this century c.e.


Those who want to save energy should consider this, it takes about

77 calories of energy input to get the food energy a CAN of corn

will give you. That same amount of food energy from steak would

require 21,000 calories of energy input.


If anyone knows how to reach Al Gore, or any other enviornmentally

concerned people, be they Presidential candidates, or not, please

reach out to them about how important it is to stop eating animals

and animal products if they really want to to consistent about being

advocates for our environment and the survival of life on our

fragile small planet.


In fact Frances Moore Lappe's 1970s book, DIET FOR A SMALL PLANET,

ought to be required reading for every environmentalist and

Presidential candidate. If you can get hold of it, or other pro-

vegetarian material send it to every enviornmentalist and

Presidential candidate you can think of, from Al Gore on down or up

as the case may be. Please help to bring these truths

to Al Gore and others who have so far refused to come to terms

with them by taking action and becoming vegans.



we are trying to create a veggie world.

That means of course getting more people to become aware of the need

to go veggie.

And what about the veggies who are out there already?


Well I want to tell you a personal story about that. My late father

was a veggie when he was younger, but he married a carnivore. As a

result I was raised as a carnivore, though I can recall my late

father eating vegetable plates at diners we would go to so he could

get them and eating vegetarian Chinese food at Chinese restuarants

we would go to so he could get that food. At long last he finally

gave up and ended his vegetarianism.


Though he lived to what some consider to be " a ripe old age " I am

convinced that had he remained a veggie he would still be alive. He

has been dead for some years now.


What all of that means of course is that we need to make sure that

veggies marry veggies and that they raise their children as veggies.


So the need for single veggie organizations is enormous.



Subscribe: NJSingleVegetarians-


It was certainly good fortune that I became a veggie myself quite

awhile ago but many children of these so-called " veg/carnivore "

or " mixed-marriages " are not quite so lucky and end up as non-



I am also of course promoting the veggie way of life to others who

are not yet veggies.


One key group to promote the veggie way of life to is science

fiction fans. Why science fiction fans? Well because some science

fiction fans actually become science fiction writers.


Why science fiction writers then? Well because the way of life that

we take for granted here in the so-called " first world " , of

industrialized nations is a way of life that not so long ago

was considered to be science fiction. It was a science fiction

writer: Arthur C. Clarke, who

came up with the idea of communications satellites as a science

fiction idea.


Well they are fiction no more. Nor are communications devices that

do not require wires.

Remember the " communicators " on StarTrek? Chances are you have a

cell phone in your pocket or in your car, or if you don't you know

more than one person who does.


Once again, fiction no more. Fact.


The science fiction fan of today is the science fiction writer of



The science fiction story or idea of today is the fact of tomorrow,

just as yesterday's science fiction stories and ideas are the facts

of today.


Another place I am helping to promote the veggie way of life is in

the Jewish community.

I happen to be Jewish and would want nothing but the best way of

life there is for my fellow Jews. Eating animals is not only not

good for the animals who are murdered for food, it is not good for

the humans who eat them.


Being veggie is also very much in the interests of the Jewish

community around the world.

Producing a pound of steak " protein " on the plate requires up to 21

pounds of so-called

" feed " protein from things like the 42% of American wheat

production, the 86% of American corn, oats and barley production,

the 90% of non-exported soybean production, that goes into the

creation of that pound of steak " protein " on the plate of the

American animal eater.


Producing all of that so-called " feed " requires a lot of energy.

More energy is used

as petro-chemical based fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, etc.

as well as in the transportation of that so-called " feed " , and of

the animals themselves, in the disposal of their wastes, in the

movement of water to irrigate those crops and to " water " those



Many of the energy sources involved are nations around the world

that supply arms to terrorists who slaughter Jews in Israel and

around the world, as well as other innocents, such as those who were

slaughtered on September 11th. 2001.


So I am promoting Jewish singles events at veggie establishments to

bring the fact of being able to have a veggie meal as a reality to

my fellow Jews.


I do so periodically at Veggie Heaven, a Kosher Vegan Chinese

Restaurant with several locations here in New Jersey. I hope that

similar restaurants exist elsewhere that may serve as event

locations. Failing that I hope that vegan house parties can be

arranged everywhere.


If you are Jewish yourself I hope that you will do the same wherever

you may be.

If you are able to come to some of these events I hope that you will

do so.


If you live to far away to get to them by all means create them.

Create them for your fellow Jews if you are Jewish.


Create them for your fellow veggies if you are veggie.


Create them for science fiction fans if you want to see science

fiction fans become veggie and science fiction ideas created by

veggie science fiction writers, all of whom start off as science

fiction fans creating the new facts of life on earth as ones which

will make it possible for a veggie world to in fact come into being.


Will you help in these effforts?


Jewish Singles And Other Events


There is never any charge for any of our events. When we go to

a restaurant you pay the restaurant directly for your meal plus tax

and tip.You never pay us.


You are invited to this event in this special series of Jewish

Singles lunches and dinners in New Jersey We would like to invite

you to this event

in this series of upcoming Jewish Singles lunches and dinners in New


for Jewish Single Men born between April 12th, 1945 and January 20th,

1953 and Jewish Single Women born between January 20th, 1953 and


20th, 1961


At Jerusalem Restaurant (this is a cafeteria) in Livingston, New

Jersey on Tuesday Evening October 30th, 2007 c.e. at 6:30 p.m. You

do not need a reservation to attend. Just show up.


Are you A Jewish Single Man born between April 12th, 1945 and January

20th, 1953?


If so you were born during the Presidential Administration of Harry

S.Truman. You are a Jewish Single Truman Man



Are you A Jewish Single Woman born between January 20th, 1953 and

January 20th, 1961? If so you were born during the Presidential

Administration of Dwight

David Eisenhower. You are a Jewish Single Eisenhower Woman.


If you are a Jewish Single Truman Man or a Jewish Single Eisenhower

Woman we would like to invite you to a series of upcoming Jewish

Singles lunches and dinners in New Jersey for Jewish Single Men born


April 12th, 1945 and January 20th, 1953 and Jewish Single Women born

between January 20th, 1953 and January 20th, 1961.


When we go to restaurants you pay only for what you order

plus tax and tip. You never pay us anything. You pay the restaurant

directly. You do not have to be a member

of any of our to attend any of our events. If you do

join our there is no charge to join them and no charge

to belong to them.


At Jerusalem Restaurant (this is a cafeteria) in Livingston, New

Jersey on Tuesday Evening October 30th, 2007 c.e. at 6:30 p.m. You

do not need a reservation to attend. Just show up.


You are invited to this event in this series of upcoming Jewish

Singles lunches and dinners in New Jersey for Jewish Single Men born


April 12th, 1945 and January 20th, 1953 and Jewish Single Women born

between January 20th, 1953 and January 20th, 1961


At Jerusalem Restaurant (this is a cafeteria) in Livingston, New

Jersey on Tuesday Evening October 30th, 2007 c.e. at 6:30 p.m. You

do not need a reservation to attend. Just show up.


Reservations are not needed for this event.

Please just try to show up on time for it. As Woody Allen

is quoted as saying: " Half of success in life is just

showing up on time. " , or words to that effect.


We do not charge anything for any of our events. You pay only

for what you order when we go to a restaurant. You pay

the restaurant directly. You do not pay us anything ever.


The restaurant describes itself as serving " Contemporary Vegetarian

Cuisine " ,

The restaurant is Shomer Shabbos and the original was

established in 1974. It is under the supervision of Orthodox

Rabbis of Metro West. We provide the information as garnered from the

restaurants we go to, concerning the Kashrut, or lack of same, at

each restaurant. We are not affiliated with any of the restaurants.


Please join us at Jerusalem Restaurant (this is a cafeteria) in

Livingston, New Jersey on Tuesday Evening October 30th, 2007 c.e. at

6:30 p.m. You do not need a reservation to

attend. Just show up.


Jerusalem Restaurant is located at 99 West Mount Pleasant

Avenue (also known as Route 10) in Livingston NJ, 07039



The telephone number of the restaurant, in case you get lost is 973



Please join us at Jerusalem Restaurant (this is a cafeteria) in

Livingston, New Jersey on Tuesday Evening October 30th, 2007 c.e. at

6:30 p.m.


The menu includes Vegetarian Falafel, Chumus,

salads,pasta,vegetarian (soy)stuffed pepper, stuffed cabbage,

vegetarian meatballs,vegetarian

chili,vegetarian cholent, soups, sandwiches, on pitas, Again, this

is a cafeteria, pay only for what you order plus tax.


Please join us at Jerusalem Restaurant (this is a cafeteria) in

Livingston, New Jersey on Tuesday Evening October 30th, 2007 c.e. at

6:30 p.m. You do not need a reservation to

attend. Just show up.



Directions to Jerusalem Restaurant (cafeteria) are as follows:


From the Garden State Parkway North or South, take Exit 145


to Route 280 WEST


to Exit 5A Livingston South,


go a little over a mile to the 2nd light.


Make a right at the 2nd light onto Mount Pleasant Avenue (also known

as Route



go almost 3 tenths of a mile,


the restaurant is located just past the VFW,


make a left into the Jerusalem Restaurant parking lot.


Go into the cafeteria, get your food, and find us at one or more of

the tables in the cafeteria Note: if you are coming from the WEST

take Route 280 EAST to Exit 5A Livingston South


and follow the directions above. If you are taking Route 287 North

or South take Route 287 to Route 80 East


then take Route 280 Eastbound to Exit 5A Livingston South and follow

the directions above.


at Jerusalem Restaurant (cafeteria) 99 West Mount Pleasant

Avenue (also known as Route 10) in Livingston NJ, 07039


If anyone is interested after the event above we have the option

of going on to see a movie. We hope to find a movie from the movie

section of the newspaper.


If we can find one at a nearby theater we expect that anyone who

wishes to go to it will do so.


There are 2 nearby theaters:


The first is: Loew's East Hanover 12

145 State Route 10

East Hanover NJ, 07936

973-515-1200 973 515-1160


When you leave the restaurant make a LEFT TURN onto Route 10 West

go a few miles, you will see a Burger King on your left then

a Ford Dealer then a Warnock Car Dealership all on your left,

the movies are also on your left, however to get to them you will

need to make a

jughandle type turn, as the movies are on Route 10 Eastbound and you

will be

going on Route 10 Westbound from the restaurant. If you get to

Novartis you have

gone too far and need to turn around and take Route 10 eastbound to

the movies.


The next is: Essex Green Cinema

495 Prospect Ave

West Orange, NJ 07052-4100

(973) 669-1977


mode=geo & id=6616610 & map_lat=407895 & map_lon=-74\

2555 & fid=1 &



If we decide to go to a movie at the Essex Green Cinema

we will make a RIGHT TURN when we leave the restaurant and proceed

on Route 10 East we will be going well past the Livingston NJ Post

Office and

well past the Exxon gas station on the RIGHT. Continuing

on Route 10 Eastbound we will eventually pass an Exxon gas station

on the LEFT. We will continue to proceed on Route 10 East to the

next traffic

light, where we will make a LEFT turn onto

Prospect Avenue in West Orange, New Jersey.


We will then make a LEFT turn just past the Exxon and Sunoco gas

stations (the gas stations will be on our RIGHT) but we will be

making a LEFT turn into the Essex Green shopping center

where we will find the movies quite easily.


A free fantastic Jewish singles resource

can be found at the url below




You may post your own introductions there, with our without photos

of yourself and may also search for other Jewish singles there

by state, gender, age range, etc.


Everything there is free.


We have no connections whatsover to the site

but if you do post your photo there you may wish to

include the url where your photo may be found at that

site in your introductions and responses to other introductions

that you post at our Jewish singles groups.


Our Jewish singles groups are listed below:


Time to Post Your Introduction


Please post your introduction to the appropriate Jewish Singles Group

(s) below.


Please state that you are Jewish in your introduction and when you

reply to an introduction and in your membership applications.




JewishSinglesOfNJ seeks to bring Jewish Singles in New Jersey

together via the

net and in real life.

We hope that members will share information about themselves

and about events that are coming up. If anyone wishes to

have a house party, a movies and dinner group, or other

activity let us share that information too. If you are

single, Jewish, in New Jersey over 21

you have come to the right place to meet other single

Jews. Welcome! Please state that you are Jewish, if you are Jewish,

when you

apply to join this group and when you post your introductions and

when you reply

to other posts. This is a Jewish Singles Group.



Jewish Singles From Everywhere

for Jewish Singles 21 and over from everywhere



If You Are Single, Jewish, over 21, you have come to the Right

Place. Please

state that you are Jewish, if you are Jewish, when you apply to join

this group

and when you post your introductions and when you reply to other

posts. This is

a Jewish Singles Group.







If you are Pro-Israel, Jewish,single,21 or over,

in or near New Jersey, join us.

Participate in our events.



In 1948 c.e. the modern State of Israel was established.


Jerusalem was reunited in the early days of June 1967 c.e. in what

was known as The Six Day War, launched by Israel as a pre-emptive

war of self-defense to prevent an imminent arab attack on the

modern State of Israel.


We can think of no better place in New Jersey to celebrate the fact

that the Jewish people ARE in a united Jerusalem, in the modern

State of

Israel, than a restaurant (cafeteria in this instance), called

Jerusalem Restaurant.


Please join us at Jerusalem Restaurant (this is a cafeteria) in

Livingston, New Jersey on Tuesday Evening October 30th, 2007 c.e. at

6:30 p.m.You do not need a reservation to

attend. Just show up.


Although you do not have to be a member of our Jewish Singles

Groups to attend

our events we do hope that you will join them. You may post your

introductions to them whenever you wish. When you post your

introductions and when you respond to other introductions please

state that

you are Jewish, single and over 21. Feel free also to give your


age if you wish in your posts and your responses to other posts.



Please state that you are Jewish, Single, 21 or over, when you apply

to join the Jewish Singles at the websites the urls

below will take you to

























Do you have a Jewish single friend that you have not yet met in

person and may have been in touch with via email or telephone or

otherwise Why not invite that Jewish single friend to meet you at

one of the many Jewish singles events listed in our posts


Be sure to send your photo to your Jewish single friend, and to ask

your Jewish single friend to send a photo to you.


That way you can recognize one another when you meet at a Jewish

singles event.


Please state that you are Jewish, Single, 21 or over, when you apply

to join the Jewish Singles at the websites the urls

below will take you to











A free fantastic Jewish singles resource

can be found at the url below





You may post your own introductions there, with our without photos

of yourself and may also search for other Jewish singles there

by state, gender, age range, etc.


Everything there is free.


We have no connections whatsoever to the site,

but if you do post your photo there you may wish to

include the url where your photo may be found at that

site, in your introductions, and responses to other introductions,

that you post at our Jewish singles groups.


Time to Post Your Introductions Meet In A Public Place

Please remember to state if you are a smoker or a non-smoker.

Please let people know if you have cats or are allergic to cats.

If a photo of you is available you might offer to email one.

Please regularly post your introduction as new members keep on

joining. Please state that you are Jewish, Single, 21 or over.


To post your introduction, or any other post, or idea, or

suggestion,or event information,etc. to:



click on JewishSinglesinNJforIsrael/


and then click on Post or if you are already a member of



email JewishSinglesinNJforIsrael


JewishSinglesinNJforIsrael AT


Please let people know your approximate or exact age, what town and

county you live in,

your gender,what sort of person you are interested in meeting. You

may if you wish include a link to your photo.Attachements are

stripped out of posts to the group.Please also state that you are

Jewish, single and over 21 in your post.


To post your introduction, or any other post, or idea, or

suggestion,or event information,etc. to:



click on JewishSinglesOfNJ/


and then click on Post or if you are already a member of



email JewishSinglesOfNJ


JewishSinglesOfNJ AT


Please let people know your approximate or exact age, what town and

county you live in,

your gender,what sort of person you are interested in meeting. You

may if you wish include a link to your photo.Attachements are

stripped out of posts to the group.Please also state that you are

Jewish, single and over 21 in your post.



To post your introduction, or any other post, or idea, or

suggestion,or event information,etc. to:



click on JewishSinglesFromEverywhere/


and then click on Post or if you are already a member of



email JewishSinglesFromEverywhere


JewishSinglesFromEverywhere AT


Please let people know your approximate or exact age, what town and

county you live in,

your gender,what sort of person you are interested in meeting. You

may if you wish include a link to your photo.Attachements are

stripped out of posts to the group.Please also state that you are

Jewish, single and over 21 in your post.



The Jewish Singles Events immediately below are from the website of


Jewish Standard



thursday [nov. 8]

Hot topics The JCC in Manhattan hosts a discussion group, " 39+ Hot

Topics " for singles, 39+, 7 p.m. Free. Also Dec. 13. (646) 505-5708

or visit www.jccmanhattan.org


sunday [nov. 11]

Scavenger hunt in museum Jewish singles, 20s-30s, meet for a

scavenger hunt with young professionals at Manhattan's Jewish

Museum, 1 p.m. $30, includes refreshments. www.92Y.org or (212) 415-




items directly above are from url directly above


Directions to the JCC

(Jewish Community Center) on the Palisades

411 East Clinton Avenue Tenafly, NJ 07670 201 569 7900

these directions were found at:





Exit 161 to Route 4 East. Continue directions from Route 4.



Exit 163 to Route 17 South to Route 4 East.


Exit 18 to Route 46 East to Grand Avenue. Proceed North past Route 4

and continue as described below (from Route 4).




To Garden State Parkway North to Exit 161 and then to Route 4 East.


Exit at Grand Avenue/Englewood. Follow Grand Avenue North about 1

mile, where it

becomes Engle Street. Continue on Engle Street past Englewood

Hospital. 2nd

Traffic light past hospital make right onto E. Clinton Avenue. JCC is

approximately 1 mile on left.




Go over George Washington Bridge to Palisades Parkway North. Get off

at Exit 1,

Englewood Cliffs & Palisades Avenue. Make right and go to 1st light.

At light

make a right onto Route 9W No. At 4th light make a left onto E.

Clinton Avenue.

JCC is mile on right.





Take New Jersey Turnpike (95) No. or Route 80 East to Broad Ave.

Exit. Bear

right onto Broad Ave. toward Englewood. Broad Ave. will become Dana

Place. Take

Dana Place to end. Make right onto E. Palisades Ave. At 3rd block

(on left) make

left onto No. Woodland Street to end. Make right onto E. Clinton


JCC immediately on left.



Take Palisades Parkway South and get off at Exit 2. Make left off

ramp onto

Route 9W South. At 3rd light make right onto E. Clinton Avenue. JCC

is mile on right.





To Exit 13 So. (Palisades Parkway So.) to Exit 2. Proceed as above

from North.




Route I 95 So. to 287 West to Tappan Zee Bridge. Proceed as above.



items directly below from url directly above

Singles 40-59

Singles Schmooze

Sundays, November 18 & December 16 • 6 pm

Led by Jeff and Elaine

Spend a casual evening getting to know other singles through

discussions on various topics determined by the participants.

$4 JCC members, $6 Nonmembers



Saturday, November 17, 8 pm

Celebrate Israel at 60 with a sampling of upscale Israeli wines.

Wine experts from Queen Anne Wine and Spirit Emporium will guide you

through a selection of quality wines and discuss Israel's excellent

vineyards. Enjoy cheese and crackers while listening to the soft

sounds of Rafi Malkiel and his band, an outstanding Israeli Jazz

group. Dessert reception to follow.

$23 JCC members, $26 general admission before 11/12

$30 after

Co-sponsored with Israeli Connection Department and the Bergen

County YJCC.


For more information contact:

Esther Mazor, Singles Director x460




items directly above from url directly above



item directly below from url directly below



Singles 50+

Walk with Liz at Bear Mountain in Harriman State Park

Sunday, November 11, 9:30am

Meet at the JCC by 9:30 am for carpooling ($5 carpool fee) Or meet

at the Carousal at 10:15am at the large parking lot near the Bear

Mountain Inn. Enjoy a casual walk around Hession Lake and then cross

over to the Zoo and Fort Clinton. Lunch after in Nyack (optional) at

your expense. Cancelled in case of rain

Parking may be $6 per car

$1 per person entrance to Zoo

Directions: Palisades Parkway to Exit 19. Follow signs to Trailside




For more information contact:

Esther Mazor, Singles Director x460



item directly above from url directly below




items directly below from url directly below




Friday, November 16, 8 pm, Free

Takes Place at Congregation Gesher Shalom (1449 Anderson Ave, Fort

Lee). Join other singles for " Shabbat Yachad " a musical

Shabbategalitarian service. This will be followed by an Oneg


For further information call 201.947.1735 ext. 12.




Monday, December 10, 7:30 pm

Enjoy latkes and lighting candles and then enjoy this serio-comic

play about Jewish Intermarriage written by Theodore D. Kemper.

Cosponsored with the Department of Performing Arts

$10/$12 by 12/7, $15 after



Tuesday, December 25, 12 pm

Enjoy a delicious lunch following a fascinating presentation.

Reservations required.

$18 by 12/24, $23 after




Anthony Gray

Tuesdays, November 13 & 20, 1-2:30 pm

The course offers a thorough and impartial discussion of all the

most popular investments - stocks, bonds, mutual funds, limited

partnerships, hedge funds, etc. We will discuss the pros and cons of

each type of investment, with no sales pitches. The goal is analysis

and understanding, not advocacy, aiming to help you become a well

informed investor. $20 JCC members & seniors, $30 general admission



For more information contact:

Esther Mazor, Singles Director x460



items directly above from url directly below




for details on the events listed immediately below

please click on http://www.kehillaton.com/


Today (Sat, 27 Oct)

7:30 PM Event - Sporting/Games Event: New Jersey Devils [Teaneck,


9:00 PM Event - Concert: Carlebach Yahrzeit Concert - Great Line-up

[New York - Manhattan, NY]

Tomorrow (Sun, 28 Oct)

10:00 AM Event - Sale/Garage or Yard Sale: garage sale [Teaneck, NJ]

1:00 PM Lecture - Jewish History: Jewish Resistance Reconsidered

[New York - Manhattan, NY]

2:00 PM Event - Concert: Pinkalicious: The Musical [Englewood, NJ]

4:00 PM Event - Classes/Seminar/Workshop: Rabbi Joseph Telushkin

[New York - The Bronx, NY]

7:00 PM Event - Concert: Neshama Carlebach pays tribute to her

Father [New York - Manhattan, NY]

Mon, 29 Oct

7:30 PM Event - Young Adults Event: Scotch and Food Pairing with

John Glaser from Comp [New York - Manhattan, NY]

Tue, 30 Oct

8:15 AM Lecture - Chassidut: Rabbi Chaim Kramer, of Breslov visits

NYC ! [New York - Manhattan, NY]

7:00 PM Lecture - Jewish History: The Dreyfus Affair: A Democratic

Legacy [New York - Manhattan, NY]




Find more: [events] and [lectures]


for details on the events listed immediately above

please click on http://www.kehillaton.com/


Livnot Winter 30somethings trip

December 24th 2007-Jan 2nd 2008

For participants aged 27 early 40s


If you're thinking past Succot towards the winter....Livnot Winter

30somethings trip

December 24th 2007-Jan 2nd 2008 is an opportunity to NOT BE MISSED.

--Explore your community, your spirituality, your Jewish identity

all while exploring Israel and its people..

--Meet new friends, volunteer, hike, tour, and learn together

Whether it's your first time in Israel , or you are a return

visitor, you'll enjoy experiencing famous sites and off the beaten

track destinations with the Livnot 30somethings trip..

Space is limited. For information or applications:

http://www.livnot. com/pages/ 30Somethings/



please click on



for information on the Solidarity Rally for Captured Israeli

Soldiers which will be this Tuesday October 30th, 2007 at noon 2nd

Avenue and 47th Street Manhattan, New York City, New York, rain or



Subways 4, 5, 6, or 7 to Grand Central sponsored by the

Jewish Community Relations Council

70 West 36th Street, Suite 700

New York, New York 10018




Click to view this email in a browser




For More Information Contact: USD


USD AT hagshama.org.il




the Solidarity Rally for Captured Israeli Soldiers which will be

this Tuesday October 30th, 2007 at noon 2nd Avenue and 47th Street

Manhattan, New York City, New York, rain or shine is sponsored by


Jewish Community Relations Council

70 West 36th Street, Suite 700

New York, New York 10018





Wants you! Our Science Fiction group is for everyone 21 or older

regardless of background or marital status. Younger fans should find

another group.

Please introduce yourself when you join and

periodically as new members keep joining. We plan to get together at

restaurants and to go to movies. We will see them in movie theaters,

and, if people are kind enough, on people's home VCRs, or DVD

players, for the technologically advanced among us. Buy your own

movie tickets. Buy your own meals at Restaurants. Hopefully a

typical event would involve going to a Science Fiction Movie and

then to a Restaurant to discuss the movie we just saw.


Please also join the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County,

New Jersey http://www.sfabc. org and attend their many wonderful



Are you a single Science Fiction fan looking for a soulmate? Perhaps

you will find that person here. This club is not a New Jersey

singles group per se, and is open to anyone over 21, regardless of

background or marital status, nonetheless, love is a good thing.


Many science fiction fans in New Jersey also happen to be Jewish.

Most science fiction fans are male. For the single Jewish woman in

New Jersey joining a science fiction group may be the ideal way to

find her ideal man. Unlike most singles events, which tend to be

attended by more women than men, most science fiction events are

attended by more men than women.


If you happen to be Jewish, Single and over 21

Please state that you are Jewish, Single, 21 or over, when you apply

to join the Jewish Singles at the websites the urls

below will take you to












We also hope that you will join



Please forward this sign up information to everyone who should get











There is no charge to join NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_ FICTION_FANS


Please forward this sign up information to everyone who should get




or to belong to


Please forward this sign up information to everyone who should get








or to attend any of its events. If you go to a restaurant you pay

only for the

food that you order plus tax and tip.


You never pay



Please forward this sign up information to everyone who should get







anything for any of its events.




Please forward this sign up information to everyone who should get





Wants you! Our Science Fiction group is for everyone 21 or older

regardless of background or marital status. Younger fans should find

another group. Please introduce yourself when you join and

periodically as

new members keep joining. We plan to get together at restaurants and

to go

to movies. We will see them in movie theaters,and, if people are kind

enough, on people's home VCRs, or DVD

players, for the technologically advanced among us. Buy your own


tickets. Buy your own meals at

Restaurants. Hopefully a typical event would involve going to a


Fiction Movie and then to a Restaurant to discuss the movie we just


Are you a single Science Fiction fan looking for a soulmate? Perhaps


will find that person here. This club is not a New Jersey singles

group per se,

and is open to anyone over 21, regardless of background or marital


nonetheless, love is a

good thing. In the parts of New Jersey where the

science fiction clubs we know of operate there is also a

very high percentage of Jewish residents. Many science fiction fans


science fiction writers and even science fiction stars, like Leonard


(Mr. Spock), of Star Trek, and William Shatner (Captain Kirk), of


Trek, also happen to be Jewish. Most science fiction fans I know are


men, and many of them, at least in places like New Jersey, are



Many science fiction fans in New Jersey also happen to be Jewish.


science fiction fans are male. For the single Jewish woman in New


joining a science fiction group may be the ideal way to find her

ideal man.

Unlike most singles events, which tend to be attended by more women


men,most science fiction events are attended by more men than women.


If you happen to be Jewish, Single and over 21

Please state that you are Jewish, Single, 21 or over, when you apply

to join the Jewish Singles at the websites the urls

below will take you to













One of the biggest complaints heard from many

women who attend some singles events

is that there are far more women than men

in attendance.


One of the biggest complaints heard from

many men who attend most science fiction

events is that there are far more men in

attendance than women.


Most science fiction fans are male.

Many science fiction fans in places like

New Jersey are also Jewish.


There are science fiction clubs in many

places. In New Jersey many science fiction

club attendees are single Jewish men.



COUNTY, NEW JERSEY http://www.sfabc.org


is open to everyone regardless of marital status or background

and is absolutely NOT a singles group

nonetheless many single Jewish men attend its many functions.

It has existed since 1984 c.e. and was founded by its

director, Phil. The club holds a monthly meeting

on the Second Saturday night of each month.


Phil, is the founder and director of http://www.sfabc.org

201 447-3652 The Science Fiction Association of Bergen County, New

Jersey please contact Phil regarding UPCOMING SCIENCE FICTION








was founded in 1984 by Phil who still is the Director.


They have been having monthly meetings on the second Saturday of each

month ,usually in the evening, since about 1984.




not affiliated with NEW_JERSEY_SCIENCE_ FICTION_FANS but highly





http://www.sfabc. org

contact Phil at SFABCPhil (AT) gmail (DOT) com


SFABCPhil (AT) gmail (DOT) com

SFABCPhil AT gmail.com

please contact Phil, who is the founder and director of

the SFABC, the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County, New


at 201 447-3652 regarding the monthly SFABC meetings and the

other SFABC events.


the item immediately below is from:



ZOA Opposes U.S. Proposal To Give $400 Million In Aid To Abbas' PA

October 26, 2007


Contact: Morton A. Klein, 212-481-1500

JPost: AIPAC, Peace Now, Israel Policy Forum,

Arab-American Institute support U.S. aid to PA


New York — A major increase to a total of approximately $400 million

in American funding for the Palestinian Authority (PA) and its

president, Mahmoud Abbas, has been proposed by the Bush

Administration. The Jerusalem Post has reported that this proposal

has received support from the American-Israel Public Affairs

Committee (AIPAC), as well as Americans for Peace Now, the Israel

Policy Forum and the Arab-American Institute. When questioned about

the new aid request, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice replied

that the Bush Administration was " seeking funds to support the

government of Salaam Fayyad and Mahmoud Abbas because we believe

that this [represents] the best chance for moderate Palestinian

government " ( Jerusalem Post, October 25, 2007).


The ZOA strongly opposes this aid to the PA and is on Capitol Hill

making this clear to lawmakers. The ZOA firmly believes that trying

to induce moderation from the PA by rewarding it, instead of

demanding the implementation of agreements and reforms before

offering any rewards and concessions, will only reinforce the PA's

resistance to moderation and peace-making. Why would Abbas and Fatah

fulfill any agreements or make any genuine moves towards peace if

they have had it proved to them, time and again over 14 years, that

they will receive praise, support and funds from America without

fulfilling a single one of their obligations under signed

agreements ?


The ZOA will be urging the Bush Administration to make this funding

contingent on Abbas and the PA fulfilling all of their commitments

that they made with the Oslo I, Oslo II, Hebron, Wye and Roadmap

agreements. The PA should not receive an additional penny until this

is done, otherwise, a clear message is sent that we in the U.S. are

not truly serious about the PA fulfilling signed commitments to

fight terror and end incitement. "


The PA remains a terror-supporting entity that has not fulfilled its

14 year old obligations to jail terrorists and confiscate illegal

weaponry and end the incitement to hatred and murder in the PA-

controlled media, mosques, schools and youth camps that feeds

terrorism and fosters a culture of suicide terrorism

and `martyrdom.' Abbas himself has failed to condemn terrorism

against Israel but has on the contrary praised terrorists; and the

Fatah Constitution to this day calls for the " demolition " of Israel

(Article 12); the use of terrorism as an indispensable part in the

strategy to obtain that goal (Article 19); condemns Zionism as

racist (Article 7); calls on countries to prevent Jews from moving

to Israel (Article 25); and opposes any political solution

whatsoever (Article 22). Since September 2000, Fatah has been

responsible for as many murders of Israelis as Hamas: the terror

groups having murdered nearly 500 Israelis each since that date in

scores of suicide bombings, hundreds of roadside bombs, and

thousands of shootings.


Mahmoud Abbas in his own words:




On recognizing Israel: " It is not required of Hamas, or of Fatah, or

of the Popular Front to recognize Israel " (Al-Arabiya [Dubai] and PA

TV, October 3, 2006).


Fighting Israel: " We have a legitimate right to direct our guns

against Israeli occupation ... Our rifles, all our rifles are aimed

at The Occupation " ( Jerusalem Post, January 11, 2007; Independent

Media & Review Analysis, January 12, 2007).


On Jews: " The sons of Israel are corrupting humanity on earth "

(World Net Daily, January 11, 2007).


On Israel: " the Zionist enemy " (Associated Press, January 4, 2005;

CNN.com, January 7, 2005).


On suicide bombers: " Allah loves the martyr " (Wall Street Journal,

January 5, 2005).


On wanted Palestinian terrorists: " heroes fighting for freedom " (Age

[Melbourne], January 3, 2005); " Israel calls them murderers, we call

them strugglers " ( Jerusalem Post, December 25, 2004).


On Palestinian terrorist leaders Yasser Arafat, Hamas' Ahmad Yasin

and Abdel Aziz Rantisi and Palestinian Islamic Jihad's Fathi

Shikaki: " martyrs " (Palestinian Media Center , September 9, 2005)


On Hamas: " We must unite the Hamas and Fatah blood in the struggle

against Israel as we did at the beginning of the intifada. We want a

political partnership with Hamas " ( Jerusalem Post, February 5,



On Yasser Arafat: " It is our duty to implement the principles of

Yasser Arafat " ( Haaretz, January 3, 2005); " We will continue in the

path of the late president until we fulfill all his dreams " (Agence

France-Presse, November 11, 2005); " The Palestinian leadership won't

stray from Arafat's path " (Yediot Ahronot, November 11, 2006)


On disarming Palestinian terrorists: a " red line " that must not be

crossed (Washington Times, January 3, 2005)


On jailed Palestinian terrorists: " our heroes. " (Israel National

News, May 26, 2006).


On the so-called `right of return' of Palestinian refugees and their

millions of descendants which, if implemented would end Israel as a

Jewish state: " The issue of the refugees is non-negotiable " (

Jerusalem Post, January 11, 2007).


On the Lebanese terrorist group Hizballah: A source of pride and

sets an example for the " Arab resistance " (Jerusalem Post, August 6,



Saddam Hussein: " Saddam Hussein has entered history as a symbol of

Pan-Arab nationalism " (Independent Media Review and Analysis ,

December 31, 2006).




Mahmoud Abbas' acts:




Holocaust denial: He wrote a PhD thesis and published a book denying

the Holocaust.


Terrorist group Fatah: He co-founded with arch-terrorist Yasser

Arafat the terrorist group Fatah, whose Constitution to this day

calls for the destruction of Israel (Article 12) and the use of

terrorism against Israelis as an indispensable part of the struggle

to achieve that goal (Article 19).


Funding terrorism: as senior PLO official, he funded the Munich

massacre of Israeli Olympic athletes in 1972.


Terror & incitement to violence: He has refused to implement the

signed Oslo agreements and the 2003 Roadmap peace plan which

requires him to fight, arrest, extradite and jail terrorists and

confiscate their weaponry and end the incitement to hatred and

murder in the PA-controlled media, mosques, schools and youth camps

that feeds it.


Terrorists' plan for more violence: In May 2006, he endorsed the so-

called `Prisoners' Plan', a document produced by jailed Palestinian

terrorists, that endorses continued terrorism against Israel,

legitimizes the murder of Jews, does not accept Israel's existence

as a Jewish state, abrogates Palestinian obligations under the

signed Oslo agreements and the 2003 Roadmap peace plan, and insists

on the `right of return.'


Money for suicide bombers' families: In December 2005, he approved

legislation mandating financial benefits to be paid to families of

killed Palestinian terrorists.


* * *

The Zionist Organization of America, founded in 1897, is the oldest

pro-Israel organization in the United States. The ZOA works to

strengthen U.S.-Israel relations, educates the American public and

Congress about the dangers that Israel faces, and combats anti-

Israel bias in the media and on college campuses. Its past

presidents have included Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis and

Rabbi Dr. Abba Hillel Silver.


the item immediately above was from:



Zionist Organization

of America

4 East 34th St.

New York, NY 10016


ZOA Chapters

Atlanta, GA

Baltimore, MD

Bethesda, MD Mitchell Finkel, Vice President


Boca Raton, FL

Boston, MA Henry Silverman, President

70 Park Street, Suite 25

Brookline, MA 02446

Brooklyn, NY Rubin Margules, President

Phone: 718-339-8379

Fax: 718-339-8610



Cherry Hill, NJ

Chicago, IL

Cleveland, OH Cleveland ZOA

3246 DeSota Ave

Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118

Phone: 216-320-0726

Fax: 216-320-0793


Dallas, TX

Dayton, OH

Detroit, MI Dr. Jerome S. Kaufman

ZOA National Secretary


Current Newsletter

Hartford, CT

Long Island, NY Dr. Alan Mazurek, President

Los Angeles / Western Region Ed Ames, President

18455 Burbank Blvd., Suite 300

Tarzana, CA 91356

Phone: 818.342.3363

Fax: 818.342.3115


Manhattan, NY Mr. Marvin Belsky


Milwaukee, WI

New Haven, CT Ron Scherban

New Jersey (Northern)

Palm Beach, FL

Philadelphia, PA Lori Lowenthal Marcus,


Steve Feldman, Executive

7923 Bustleton Ave.

Philadelphia, PA 19152

Phone: 215-338-9188

Fax: 215-338-9189



Phoenix, AZ

Pittsburgh, PA Deborah Fidel, Esq., President

6334 Forbes Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Phone: 412-421-6660

Fax: 412-421-6669


Rochester, NY Dr. Leon Szmedra, President rochesterny

San Diego, CA Howard L. Dyckman, President sandiego

San Francisco, CA

Silver Spring, MD Mitchell Finkel, Vice President


Youngstown, OH

Washington, DC

Westchester, NY




We urge everyone who can to join an existing ZOA chapter and if one

is not located nearby to contact the ZOA about starting a new ZOA



The Zionist Organization

of America

4 East 34th Street

New York, NY 10016 Telephone:




General Information

info Membership



info AT zoa.org membership AT zoa.org



Item immediately below is from


Posted on 25-10-2007


Filed Under (Ruth Matar's letters from Jerusalem) by admin

Letter from Ruth Matar (Women in Green) Jerusalem

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dear Friends,

On Tuesday, October 23rd, two days ago, Women in Green held a

demonstration at Paris Square in Jerusalem, very close to Ehud

Olmert's residence. We held posters and handed out bumper stickers

saying: " Olmert is Dangerous for the Jews " , " the Land of Israel

Belongs to the People of Israel " , " Jerusalem is not for Sale " , " No

to a Palestinian State " , etc.

An elderly gentleman came up to me and said: " I admire you for

holding this demo, but I can tell you that, unfortunately, it is not

of any use ­ what the World is planning in Annapolis is nothing short

of gang rape of Israel. It is already much too late. "



I agree with this elderly gentleman that the present situation is

most dangerous for Israel. Our Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, is

indeed a threat to the very survival of the Jewish State.

Every day we read about Olmert's latest concessions to Abbas with

regard to Jerusalem, albeit unconfirmed:

1. Dividing Jerusalem into two parts, Jewish and Arab.

2. Handing over complete control over the Temple Mount to the


These rumors may be " unconfirmed " , yet many Members of Knesset seem

to take them very seriously. More than half of the Knesset members,

from both the Opposition and Coalition factions, have already signed

a petition against plans to hand over parts of Jerusalem to the

Palestinian Authority, including giving the Muslims complete control

over the Temple Mount.



The Knesset Members are justified in their fear. The Prime Minister

asserted earlier this month that he DOES NOT NEED KNESSET APPROVAL



Olmert's insistence that there is a natural division between Arab

and Jewish Jerusalem is complete fiction.



For many years, Arabs immigrating into Palestine tried to violently

drive the Jews out of their homes in the holy city of Jerusalem.

The first large Arab riots took place in Jerusalem in the

intermediary days of Passover, April 1920. Six Jews were killed and

some 200 injured in the course of these riots. Such unrest and

violence continued in Jerusalem for years, resulting in Arabs taking

possession of many Jewish homes.



When you next come to Jerusalem, I suggest that you take a guided

tour with the " Ateret Cohanim " organization. You will see proof of

original Jewish ownership on the doorposts of what are now Arab

occupied homes in the so-called " Muslim Quarter " . You can clearly

observe a hollow niche where a Jewish Mezuzah was once placed!



Why did Prime Minister Ehud Olmert recently allow Arab bulldozers

and other heavy equipment to be used to dig a massive trench on the

Temple Mount? The Islamic Waqf custodians claimed the work was

necessary to replace electrical cables. Is Prime Minister Olmert

really gullible enough to believe this?



In an article by Aaron Klein of WorldNetDaily, posted October 22,

2007 he says that prominent Temple Mount archeologists accused

Olmert of attempting to cover up the alleged failure to properly

supervise a dig in which Islamic authorities were accused of

deliberately destroying Temple Mount antiquities.



Palestinian and Muslim leaders have always routinely denied well-

documented Jewish ties to the Temple Mount. Using heavy equipment in

order to supposedly replace electrical cables was clearly an attempt

to destroy the evidence of the two Jewish Temples!

Why did Olmert not allow the Israeli Antiquities Authority to

supervise this dig? Did he not realize that the Arabs were

deliberately destroying the evidence that ties the Jews to the

Temple Mount?



The Temple Mount is the holiest site in Judaism! We must understand

the significance of the Temple Mount to the Jews, and thus the

dangers of handing over complete control over it to the Arabs.



The following is a short historical background on the Temple Mount:

Jewish tradition, from its very beginnings, has seen the Temple

Mount in Jerusalem as the very center of the universe, the focal

point of G-d's connection to the Jewish people and all of mankind.

The Torah relates in Genesis that the near-sacrifice of Isaac took

place atop Mount Moriah, which was identified with the Mountain of G-

d, the Mountain of pilgrimage that is the Temple Mount.



After King David founded Jerusalem as the capital of the kingdom of

Israel, he purchased land with a granary from a Jebusite named

Aravna; David's son Solomon built a magnificent Temple there that

stood for 400 years. Solomon's Temple was designed and built as a

permanent shrine on a grand scale, which would replace the

Tabernacle that had served the Israelites in the desert, and in

various temporary locations within the Promised Land.

Although destroyed by the Babylonians in their conquest of Judea,

the Temple was rebuilt by the returning exiles, and served as the

center of Jewish spiritual and material life for the next 600 years.

In the reign of Herod the Great, near the beginning of the Common

Era, the Temple was completely refurbished, while the Temple Mount

almost doubled in size ­ all in order to accommodate millions of

pilgrims, Jews and non-Jews from all over the known world.



Almost 2000 years have passed since the Romans destroyed the Second

Temple; yet committed Jews throughout the centuries, in all the

lands of their exile, have prayed in the direction of their ruined

Temple. To this day, Jews focus their hopes, dreams and prayers on

the speedy rebuilding of the Temple, as the central condition for

national and cosmic redemption.

According to the Hebrew poet Uri Zvi Greenberg (1896-1981), " whoever

controls the Temple Mount controls the entire land of Israel! "



This is as true today as when Uri Zvi Greenberg originally wrote

these lines.

It is imperative that we stop Ehud Olmert from treating our beloved

Jerusalem and the rest of the Holy Land as his private real estate!



It is imperative that we make Olmert understand that he cannot

barter away Jerusalem and the rest of our Homeland to Chairman

Mahmoud Abbas without even Knesset approval!

Going back to the elderly gentleman at the demo two days ago, I

agree with him that the Annapolis Conference might well turn into a

gang rape of Israel.

However, it is not too late!



We must all work together to prevent a great tragedy!

IN ISRAEL, we must, at all costs, work on removing Olmert from the

seat of power, so that he cannot treat Israel as his private real




IN THE UNITED STATES, you, dear friends, must convince President

Bush that no part of Israel is for sale!


With Blessings and Love for Israel,

Ruth Matar


Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)

POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel

Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380


wfit2 at womeningreen.org



To to the Women in Green list,

please send a blank email message to:



list4- AT womeningreen.org




Item immediately below is from CAMERA

Please forward this announcement to people who are committed to fair

and factual reporting about Israel and the Middle East.


Shalom CAMERA E-Mail Team:



CAMERA is pleased to announce the official launch of " Eyes on

Israel, " our new curriculum for middle school and high school

students on the media's coverage of the Middle East. This follows

the well-received piloting of the material last spring in middle

schools and high schools across the country.




Cover of " Eyes on Israel " Curriculum



" Eyes on Israel " is a multi-part, modular curriculum that seeks to

help students practice analytical thinking and develop a critical

eye regarding what they read, see and hear about Israel in the

media. Over the years, educators and other community leaders have

contacted CAMERA with requests for curricular materials to help deal

with media portrayals of Israel and the Middle East; " Eyes on

Israel " is CAMERA's response to that need.


Praise from the schools that recently tested it was uniformly

positive. One teacher, who used it in 9th and 10th grade classes in

a Michigan day school wrote, " I thoroughly enjoyed using the

curriculum. The information was clearly presented and readily

understood… My principal dropped in for a surprise visit on the day

that I did the unit on the Security Fence… She was delighted to see

the students exercising critical thinking skills and evaluating the

various sources that were quoted. " The principal of a congregational

middle school in suburban Chicago wrote: " [We] were extremely

pleased with the material. The students received so much from the

program! " Still another congregational 7th-8th grade teacher from

Tucson, AZ remarked, " Curriculum is excellent. Content very thorough

and applicable. Very user friendly. "


In August, CAMERA promoted " Eyes on Israel " at the 2007 CAJE

(Conference on Alternatives in Jewish Education) conference in St.

Louis. Once again, the response was enthusiastic. Educators from all

across the country, as well as from Canada, Argentina and Turkey,

requested copies. While middle and high school teachers were most

represented, youth group personnel and college instructors were also

interested in receiving the curriculum.


" Eyes on Israel " consists of four modules, suitable for use in a day-

school, community high school or congregational school setting,

regardless of denomination. The four sections are:


1) Journalism and its Responsibilities : An introduction to the core

issue of this curriculum, this module touches on the obligations of

journalists in covering complex issues like the Middle East

conflict. Students explore journalistic standards and ethics and

their relationship to reporting on Israel.


2) U.N. Resolution 242: A Case-Study in Media Coverage: Students

examine the key diplomatic component of Arab-Israeli negotiations

and how it is rendered in the media



3) What You Can Do: Mindful of journalists' responsibility to follow

their professional standards, this module teaches students how to

advocate for balanced and accurate coverage of the Middle East.


4) A Brief History of Modern Israel: A concise overview of the

history of Israel from the late 19th century to the current day

providing basic facts and events concerning the Arab-Israeli

conflict. Full of richly illustrated materials, the module also has

an extensive appendix of recommended books and videos.


CAMERA is distributing the curriculum free of charge . Schools will

receive a CD compete with lesson plans, student handouts and

teacher's aids in PDF format as well as the multimedia material -

radio and television broadcasts, PowerPoint slide shows - referenced

in the four modules. Individual schools would then be responsible

for printing out the materials they plan on using.




If you're involved with a school that you think might be interested

in using " Eyes on Israel, " or know of someone in such a school,

please contact CAMERA's curriculum coordinator, Hillel Zaremba, at


hillelz AT camera.org


or by phone at 610-667-4026. He'll be delighted to answer any



Thank you!



Example of map developed for Module Four:

A Brief History of Modern Israel

To to CAMERA's E-Mail Team alerts, send a note with your

name, address, email, telephone number and how you heard about the

alerts to leegreen leegreen AT camera.org

learn more about CAMERA by clicking on http://www.camera.org/


You do not have to be single to join :


Post message: OperationCSPAN

Subscribe: OperationCSPAN-

Help to counter anti-Israel, anti-Semitic callers to

CSPAN programs such as Washington Journal, by making your own pro-

Israel, pro-Jewish, pro-Zionist, calls to those same CSPAN programs.


Please also do your part to help Israel by joining pro-Israel groups

both on line and in real life. You can read more about topics and

people in the

news such as Jimmy Carter and James Baker and Coca Cola etc. by

doing searches

in the message archives of including those listed below.

Some pro-Israel on line groups are listed below:


Post message: IsraelAndAmericaTogetherForVictory

Subscribe: IsraelAndAmericaTogetherForVictory-





Post message: IsraelMustLive

Subscribe: IsraelMustLive-



IsraelNowAndForever /

Post message: IsraelNowAndForever

Subscribe: IsraelNowAndForever-




Post message: IsraelTheBestFriendAmericaHas

Subscribe: IsraelTheBestFriendAmericaHas-




Post message: OperationCSPAN

Subscribe: OperationCSPAN-

c-span, also known as C-SPAN provides much valuable information.

However, we are

distressed that programs like

Washington Journal on c-span seem to provide a forum for

anti-Semites and enemies of Israel and the Jewish people in

general who seem to not only call into that t.v. show, but get

through, and get

on the air, where they are seldom interupted or cut off by the show's

moderators. We feel that a 2 minute delay could enable the show's

moderators to

screen out the anti-Semites and enemies of Israel and the Jewish

people, however

no such 2 minute delay seems to be in place. Moreover the moderators

of that

show and others do not seem to be of a mind to cut off the anti-

Semites and

other enemies of Israel and the Jewish people in general who

regularly call into

that show and others

on c-span. We have therefore created this in the hopes

that members

of the group will become regular viewers of c-span and will call in

regularly to

Washington Journal and other c-span call in t.v. shows, to support

Israel and

the Jewish people and to counter the anti-Semites and other enemies

of Israel

and the Jewish people whose calls are regularly aired on c-span. We

also hope

that members of our will contact their U.S.

Senators and members of Congress and President Bush at

http://www.whitehouse.gov to see what can be done about

the situation at c-span.


Post message: PeopleForIsrael

Subscribe: PeopleForIsrael-



Post message: PeopleWhoSupportIsrael

Subscribe: PeopleWhoSupportIsrael-




Post message: WeAreForIsrael

Subscribe: WeAreForIsrael-



Post message: WeStandUpForIsrael

Subscribe: WeStandUpForIsrael-



Post message: AmericansForIsrael

Subscribe: AmericansForIsrael-


If you know of other pro-Israel on line groups and/or pro-Israel

groups that meet in real life please post the information about them.

There are many avenues for Jewish activism. Support of Israel,

Support of the Jewish people, Opposition to anti-Semitism, to name a


We believe that it is vital for Jewish survival that single Jews

meet other single Jews, marry one another, and raise their children

as Jews. Because there is a hole in our calendar from Friday night

to Saturday night during which many single Jews go to non-Jewish

singles events, meet non-Jews, marry non-Jews, and have children

from those marriages who are not raised as Jews, the Jewish people

faces a very severe problem. We urge everyone who reads this to

contact his or her Rabbi and demand that his or her Rabbi hold

regular Jewish singles Onegs on Friday nights.

We feel that it is vitally important that single Jews go to Jewish

singles events and meet other Jewish singles at those events.

If you know anyone who happens to be Jewish who is hosting a

singles event please ask him or her to consider hosting events just

for Jewish singles.

We also offer the opportunity at our on line Jewish singles groups

to post your Jewish singles introductions and to respond to other

Jewish singles introductions.

Please do so regularly. Please state that you are Jewish, single and

over 21

in your introductions at our on line Jewish singles groups.

Please state that you are Jewish, Single, 21 or over, when you apply

to join the Jewish Singles at the websites the urls

below will take you to







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