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PLEASE FORWARD AND RESPOND [[sdmensa] Warning about animal rights extremists]

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Dear animal lovers, defenders and care-takers,


Below is just one of many subtly derogatory posts from the former president of

San Diego Mensa on our local message board. This post followed one in which he

told me that " need[ed] to get [my] priorities straight " when I posted a

petition, with video attached, campaigning against fur farming in China. His

response to me was that my interest in protecting this number of animals in

China was absurd while 8 people had been killed in Olympics protests.

Of course, a couple of the statements in the message (including the UCSD

memo.) below are infuriating. These include " [...] which could be of importance

to anyone 'working' with animals " and " Your vigilance and cooperation can ensure

the 'safety' of [...] animals. " However, it's clear that the disbursement of

this letter indicates legitimate fear by those involved in the vivisection

industry at UCSD, and thus, that our actions and campaigns (notwithstanding

private attacks) are effective. Therefore, while I'm as infuriated as ever with

the attitude and goading post of this representative of American Mensa, I

couldn't help but be tickled by the post, one which provided me with this

inter-university memo., which I could in turn immediately forward to all of you.

This being said, I would like to ask all of you to help me to take the

following action, an action that will allow me to do what I can do best for all

animal-rights movements (that is, communicating with particular members of

scientific/single-intelligence communities):

1. Please forward this message, including the address of its author and the

address of the to which it was sent to all local and national animal

rights groups with which you have contact. Ask these groups to forward the

message to all of its members, requesting that they take the action below.

2. Compile as much data and *supported*, *independent* documentation

(including, but not limited to, photographs, videos, scientific articles,

government reports and medical denunciation of vivisection) as possible (1)

about vivisection, including documentation describing (and showing, in the case

of visual materials) what is actually happening in UCSD laboratories, (2) about

the ineffectual nature of vivisection's effect on the creation of treatment and

medication for humans, and (3) about the (3a) availability, (3b) effectiveness

and (3c) use by other research authorities of vivisection alternatives, as well

as any responses by UCSD to information about and requests that it use these


3. Send this compiled data to me. I will post this information on the Mensa

message board (members only). IMPORTANT: In order for geniuses to consider any

information placed in front of them, particularly when so many in one group are

biased in favor of the opinions of scientists, they must be presented with

masses of supported, unbiased, research-based evidence. Further, because the

presence of this particular Mensa member and his supporters will make successful

argument exceptionally difficult, the credibility of each bit of documentation

is essential.

4. If your IQ is in the 98th(+) percentile, supported by any of the

documentation required by Mensa

(http://www.us.mensa.org//AM/Template.cfm?Section=Home), send a letter to the

national office indicating that you will not join Mensa while at least one of

its major representatives is campaigning against and attempting to intimidate

animal-rights activists (NB: I will provide you with the previous post to me

regarding fur farming). Include documentation of your membership qualifications

and the information about vivisection, as above, in response to the message

below, as well as the previous post to me, provided on request. I am sending a

similar letter indicating that I will not renew my membership under the current

circumstances; if you will send a letter and would like to coordinate the time

of mailing, please contact me.

5. Finally, compose letters to the UCSD officials noted in the letter below,

copying these letters to your local media, particularly if you live in San

Diego. Include a copy of the memo. below, as well as the documentation

requested in #3, above, in response to the memo. You might also indicate that

you were made aware of the memo. by John Mc Pherson, via his e-mail address

below, which he accesses from his office at UCSD.

Thank you,

Tiffany Moon

Former Mensa Member

(858) 672-0611


IMPORTANT: This was sent to a Mensa-members-only . Do not attempt

to send response messages to this group; instead, sent your *supported*

responses to me for forwarding.

John McP <johnius_1999 wrote:

Hi all,

At UCSD a notice was posted today which could be of importance to

anyone working with animals, particularly in a research setting.

John McP


> " directors office, ucsd "

>April 16, 2008 1:33:08 PM PDT

>World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week April 18- April 27,

> 2008


This notice is to advise you of the upcoming World Laboratory Animal

Liberation Week from April 18-April 27, 2008.

We want to remind you to be especially mindful of security during

these 10 days. Within the past year there have been several instances

of university research laboratories in California broken into by

animal rights extremists. The activists not only destroyed valuable

research data, computers and laboratory equipment, but also stole

information including researchers? home addresses, phone numbers and

names of spouses.

This information was later utilized to send threatening letters,

deface personal residences, and instill fear amongst research staff

and their families.

Late last year UCSD received several bomb threats directed at animal

research labs on campus. This resulted in the evacuation of several

campus buildings and ultimately led to the discovery of a fake bomb

device and subsequent arrest of those responsible. In addition, a

number of attacks at personal residences of some UC faculty and staff

have been investigated.

We ask you to follow correct security procedures and measures at all

times but especially now - please read and follow these tips:

Animal Facility security tips:

* Be sure that you and your staff [carry proper identification].

* Do not allow others to follow you into an animal facility

(i.e., to bypass the security system).

* Report any suspicious behavior or unknown personnel to

campus police immediately.

* In an emergency call 911 (from a UCSD line for fastest


* Do not transport animals outside the facility (if necessary,

please have [the appropriate] staff transport your animals rather

than doing it yourself)

Laboratory security tips:

* Back up research data on media that you store at another


* Lock up chemicals in your laboratory.

* Lock your laboratory during non-business hours.

* Report any suspicious behavior or unknown personnel to

campus police immediately.

Please share this information with your colleagues and staff

members. Your vigilance and cooperation can ensure the safety of both

people and animals.

Marianne Generales, Assistant Vice Chancellor

Interim Director, Animal Welfare Program

Philip J. Richter, D.V.M., Ph.D., Animal Care Program

Orville King, Chief of Police

UCSD Police Department


Tiffany D. Moon

Institute of Arts and Letters



San Diego, CA


Hours of Operation

Instruction: 10:00AM-8:00PM Sunday-Tuesday

Administration: 12:00-8:00PM Wednesday

Special Engagement: By Appointment Only

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