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Exclusive: Skinny Bitch Co-Author Rory Freedman Sits Down With Ecorazzi

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A few years back, authors Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin did

something remarkable: the pair released a book on veganism that not

only appealed to a mainstream audience, but became a #1 New York

Times Bestseller.


Now with over four Skinny Bitch books on the market and a series of

fitness DVD's just released, their humble little brand has turned

into a global phenomenon.


Ecorazzi first met Skinny Bitch co-author Rory Freedman at Farm

Sanctuary's Annual Gala last year and recently sat down with the

celebrated author once again to pick her brain. Check out the

interview below.


Ecorazzi: OK, we've spoken with you before about being VEG, but why

don't you remind our readers just how you began this journey.


Rory Freedman: Up until my " awakening, " I called myself an animal

lover but ate meat for every meal. Then, one day in college I got a

PETA magazine in the mail. There was an article on factory farming

and slaughterhouses (with pictures). I will never forgot the horror I

felt in that moment, knowing that every time I sat down to eat meat,

I was directly contributing to the confinement, torture, and

slaughter of innocent animals. I sat at my little table in my college

apartment bawling my eyes out, and vowed to myself that I would never

eat another cow, chicken, or pig ever again. And from there, I

eventually transitioned into veganism.


E: You have this great new inspirational journal out and also a set

of work-out videos. What's next for the Skinny Bitch empire?


RF: Vacation!



E: You must be so psyched that the world has so lovingly embraced

your books. What's been your proudest Skinny Bitch moment so far?


RF: When the book first started gaining momentum and landing on the

NY Times best seller list and things like that, I was beyond excited.

But now, I don't really have an attachment to those feelings. This is

probably gonna sound weird (and maybe lame, too, I don't know) but I

don't really have this big sense of pride surrounding the books. Even

though I wrote every word, I almost feel like the whole thing has

nothing to do with me. Like, the power to veganize people exists in

the Universe, and it just so happens that I thought of one way to

harness it. But when there are still billions of animals suffering

and dying and there are so many people in the animal rights community

who do so much more than I ever will, it's hard to stand around

patting myself on the back. (All that said, I must admit: anytime I

hear from PETA president, Ingrid Newkirk, I get a little heady.)


E: Rumor has it that you had something to do with Ellen and Portia

going VEG? Any truth to that? Oh yeah and can you tell her I think

she's awesome?


RF: I wouldn't dream of outing anyone. But I will say that I think

Ellen and Portia are both awesome, too. They are the real deal–100

percent in it for the animals and totally committed to fighting the

good fight.


E: Since we're maybe a little obsessed with stars up in here, which 3

celebrities would you like to see go vegan?


RF: Whoever would have the biggest impact on the rest of the world

going vegan! I don't know who that would be…maybe Oprah, Brad, and

Angelina? Or would it make more sense to target kids/teens and go

with The Jonas brothers?


E: What would you say to readers out there who are toying with the

idea of vegetarianism? Any words of encouragement? Helpful tips?


RF: DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!


Don't let it overwhelm you or make it bigger than it is. Just pick a

date, get organized (food shopping, etc.) and pledge to do thirty

days meat-free. (Visit GoVeg.com for a free vegetarian starter kit.)

And remember to take it one meal at a time. If you approach it

like, " I can never eat meat again? " of course you'll struggle. But if

you just tell yourself, " Right now, for this meal, I'm going to eat

something else, " you'll make it through with flying colors.


To get fully motivated, watch this quick video.


E: People probably make a lot of assumptions about an author who

writes a book called Skinny Bitch. What's one thing you'd like the

world to know about Rory Freedman that they would never guess?


RF: Hmmm…I guess people who haven't read the book might assume that I

think women should be skinny, or that I'm a bitch, or that I'm hung

up on my own weight. I'd want them to know that I could give two

shits about how much I weigh, that I think full-figured women should

rock their curves with pride, and that I'm generally a nice person.

(When I have PMS, not so much.)


I'd also like the world to know that I have an acute sense of smell.

It's a gift and a curse. I don't know why I'm so proud of it, but I



E: Now, as our readers know, I always close with the same question:

If you had the chance to meet one person who you've found

specifically instrumental in the vegetarian community – dead or

alive, past or present – who would it be and why?


RF: I'm blessed to have so many friends in the movement and to have

already met many of my heroes.


There are so many beautiful people in the animal rights community who

do so much, but every year when the Canadian seal hunt begins, I

think about Rebecca Aldworth at the Humane Society. She goes out on

the ice floes, face to face with hunters who bludgeon baby seals to

death. I have such a tremendous respect for her; I'd like to thank

her for doing what she does and find out how she's able to do it. I'd

also like to pay homage to Gail Eisnitz, author of the must-read book



(And of course, I wouldn't mind meeting all the cute, single guys in

the movement…)


A big thank you to Rory Freedman for taking time out of her busy

schedule to share some thoughts with your adorable Ecorazzi team. If

you haven't read Skinny Bitch yet, make sure you pick up a copy today

and check out the Skinny Bitch website for all the latest news!

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