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It's worse than we thought

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Sea level rise: It's worse than we thought

01 July 2009 by Anil Ananthaswamy

Magazine issue 2715. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.

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FOR a few minutes David Holland forgets about his work and screams

like a kid on a roller coaster. The small helicopter he's riding in is

slaloming between towering cliffs of ice - the sheer sides of gigantic

icebergs that had calved off Greenland's Jakobshavn glacier. " It was

like in a James Bond movie, " Holland says afterwards. " It's the most

exciting thing I have ever done. "


Jakobshavn has doubled its speed in the past 15 years, draining

increasing amounts of ice from the Greenland ice sheet into the ocean,

and Holland, an oceanographer at New York University, has been trying

to find out why. Scientists like him are more than a little astonished

at the rate at which our planet's frozen frontiers seem to be

responding to global warming. The crucial question, though, is what

will happen over the next few decades and centuries.


That's because the fate of the planet's ice, from relatively small ice

caps in places like the Canadian Arctic, the Andes and the Himalayas,

to the immense ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica, will largely

determine the speed and extent of sea level rise. At stake are the

lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people, not to

mention millions of square kilometres of cities and coastal land, and

trillions of dollars in economic terms.


In its 2007 report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

(IPCC) forecast a sea level rise of between 19 and 59 centimetres by

2100, but this excluded " future rapid dynamical changes in ice flow " .

Crudely speaking, these estimates assume ice sheets are a bit like

vast ice cubes sitting on a flat surface, which will stay in place as

they slowly melt. But what if some ice sheets are more like ice cubes

sitting on an upside-down bowl, which could suddenly slide off into

the sea as conditions get slippery? " Larger rises cannot be excluded

but understanding of these effects is too limited to assess their

likelihood, " the IPCC report stated.


Even before it was released, the report was outdated. Researchers now

know far more. And while we still don't understand the dynamics of ice

sheets and glaciers well enough to make precise predictions, we are

narrowing down the possibilities. The good news is that some of the

scarier scenarios, such as a sudden collapse of the Greenland ice

sheet, now appear less likely. The bad news is that there is a growing

consensus that the IPCC estimates are wildly optimistic.


The oceans are already rising. Global average sea level rose about 17

centimetres in the 20th century, and the rate of rise is increasing.

The biggest uncertainty for those trying to predict future changes is

how humanity will behave. Will we start to curb our emissions of

greenhouse gases sometime soon, or will we continue to pump ever more

into the atmosphere?


Even if all emissions stopped today, sea level would continue to rise.

" The current rate of rise would continue for centuries if temperatures

are constant, and that would add about 30 centimetres per century to

global sea level, " says Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for

Climate Impact Research in Germany. " If we burn all fossil fuels, we

are likely to end up with many metres of sea level rise in the long

run, very likely more than 10 metres in my view. "


This might sound dramatic, but we know sea level has swung from 120

metres lower than today during ice ages to more than 70 metres higher

during hot periods. There is no doubt at all that if the planet warms,

the sea will rise. The key questions are, by how much and how soon?


To pin down the possibilities, researchers have to look at what will

happen to all the different contributors to sea level under various

emissions scenarios. The single biggest contributor to sea level rise

over the past century has been the melting of glaciers and ice caps

outside of Greenland and Antarctica, from Alaska to the Himalayas.

According to one recent estimate, the continued loss of this ice will

add another 10 to 20 centimetres to sea level by 2100. It cannot get

much worse than this: even if all this ice melted, sea level would

only rise by about 33 centimetres.


Expanding waters

The second biggest contributor has been thermal expansion of the

oceans. Its future contribution is relatively simple to predict, as we

know exactly how much water expands for a given increase in

temperature. A study published earlier this year found that even if

all emissions stopped once carbon dioxide levels hit 450 parts per

million (ppm) - an unrealistically optimistic scenario - thermal

expansion alone would cause sea level to rise by 20 centimetres by

2100, and by another 10 centimetres by 3000. At the other extreme, if

emissions peak at 1200 ppm, thermal expansion alone would lead to a

0.5-metre rise by 2100, and another 1.4 metres by 3000 (see " How high,

how soon? " ).


Then there are the great ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica, which

hold enough water to raise sea level by about 70 metres. Until

recently, their contribution to sea level rise was negligible, and the

IPCC predicted that Greenland would contribute 12 centimetres at most

to sea level rise by 2100, while Antarctica would actually gain ice

overall due to increased snowfall. " A lot of new results have been

published since then to show that this very conservative conclusion

does not hold, " says Eric Rignot of the University of California,



To study the ice sheets, Rignot and colleagues have combined satellite-

based radar surveys, aircraft altimetry and gravity measurements using

NASA's GRACE satellite. They found that ice loss is increasing fast.

Greenland is now losing about 300 gigatonnes of ice per year, enough

to raise sea level by 0.83 millimetres. Antarctica is losing about 200

gigatonnes per year, almost all of it from West Antarctica and the

Antarctic Peninsula, raising levels by 0.55 millimetres. " The mass

loss is increasing faster than in Greenland, " Rignot says. " It'll

overtake Greenland in years to come. "


If this trend continues, Rignot thinks sea level rise will exceed 1

metre by 2100. So understanding why Greenland and Antarctica are

already losing ice faster than predicted is crucial to improving our



The main reason for the increase is the speeding up of glaciers that

drain the ice sheets into the sea. One cause is the knock-on effect of

warmer air melting the surface of the ice: when the surface ice melts,

the water pours down through crevasses and moulins to the base of

glaciers, lubricating their descent into the sea. Fears about the

impact of this phenomenon have receded somewhat, though: Antarctica is

thought to be too cold for it to be a big factor, and even in

Greenland it is only a summertime effect. " It's significant, but I

don't think it's the primary mechanism that would be responsible for

dramatic increases in sea level, " says glaciologist Robert

Bindschadler at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt,



There is another way for surface melt to affect sea level, though.

Meltwater fills any crevasses, widening and deepening the cracks until

they reach all the way down to the base of the ice. This can have a

dramatic effect on floating ice shelves. " Essentially, you are

chopping up an ice shelf into a bunch of tall thin icebergs, like

dominoes standing on their ends, " says Bindschadler. " And they are not

very stable standing that way. " They fall over, and push their

neighbours out to sea.


The most famous break-up in recent times - that of the Larsen B ice

shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula in 2002 - likely happened this way.

While the break-up of floating ice shelves does not raise sea level

directly, the disintegration of Larsen B had consequences that models

at the time failed to predict. With little to resist their advance,

glaciers behind Larsen B immediately began to move up to eight times

faster. Five smaller ice shelves in the rapidly warming Antarctic

Peninsula have also broken up and many others are disintegrating.


What lies beneath

Surface melt poses little threat in West Antarctica, as it is so much

colder. Here the danger comes from below. Take the ice shelf holding

back the massive Pine Island glacier, which is thinning in a strange

pattern. Radar scans have revealed giant " ripples " up to 100 metres

deep on its underside.


Bindschadler thinks that the currents created by winter winds raise

relatively warm water from a few hundred metres down in the Amundsen

Sea off West Antarctica. This melts the underside of the ice shelf and

gets trapped in the space it carves out, thus continuing to melt the

ice from below over a few seasons. As the ice shelf thins, the Pine

Island glacier behind it is speeding up, from 3 kilometres per year

three years ago to over 4 kilometres per year according to the latest

unpublished measurements by Ian Joughin of the University of

Washington in Seattle.


What does this have to do with global warming? Climate change, aided

and abetted by the loss of ozone, has strengthened the winds that

circle Antarctica. This is speeding up the Antarctic circumpolar

current and pushing surface waters away from the coast, causing

deeper, warmer water to well up.


Along with the Thwaites glacier and some smaller ones, Pine Island

glacier drains a third of the West Antarctic ice sheet. This ice sheet

is particularly vulnerable to ocean heat because much of it rests on

the seabed, a kilometre or more below sea level. This submarine ice

will not raise sea level if it melts, but if it goes a lot of higher-

level ice will end up in the ocean. The vulnerable parts contain

enough ice to raise sea level 3.3 metres - less than the 5 metres that

was once estimated but more than enough to have catastrophic effects.


Bindschadler has calculated that a change in ocean currents could

potentially deliver up to 1019 joules of heat per year to the

continental shelf off West Antarctica - and only about 109 joules per

year would be required to melt the ice shelves that hold back the Pine

Island and Thwaites glaciers. " The ocean has an enormous amount of

heat compared to the atmosphere, " he says.


Even in Greenland, where the ice sheet rests on land above sea level,

ocean heat still matters. When not dodging giant icebergs, Holland has

been trying to find out why Greenland's Jakobshavn glacier started

moving faster in 1997, speeding up from around 6 kilometres per year

to more than 9 kilometres per year by 2000 and 13 kilometres per year

by 2003. The glacier continues to drain ice from the Greenland ice

sheet at a higher rate than before.


The increase had been attributed to lubrication by meltwater, but

Holland's team recently stumbled across data from local fishing boats,

which deploy thermometers in bottom-trawling nets. One fact stood out:

the temperature of the subsurface waters around West Greenland jumped

in 1997, prior to the massive calving of Jakobshavn.


As the team reported last year, though, the real trigger lay in what

happened in 1996. That year, the winds across the North Atlantic

weakened, slowing down the warm Gulf Stream. The weakened current

meandered aimlessly and hit west Greenland. " A modest change in wind

gives you a big bang in terms of ice sheet dynamic response, " says



Findings like these suggest that predicting sea level rise is even

trickier than previously thought. If relatively small changes in winds

and currents could have a big impact on ice sheets, we need extremely

good models of regional climate as well as of ice sheets. At the

moment we have neither - and while regional climate models are

improving, ice sheet models are still too crude to make accurate



" They are coarse models that don't include mechanisms that allow

glaciers to speed up, " says Rignot. " And what we are seeing today is

that this is not only a big missing piece, this could be the dominant

piece. We can't really afford to wait 10 to 20 years to have good ice

sheet models to tell people, 'Well, sea level is actually going to

rise 2 metres and not 50 centimetres', because the consequences are

very significant, and things will be pretty much locked in at that

point. "


So climate scientists are looking for other ways to predict sea level

rise. Rahmstorf, for instance, is treating the Earth as one big black

box. His starting point is the simple idea that the rate of sea level

rise is proportional to the increase in temperature: the warmer Earth

gets, the faster ice melts and the oceans expand. This held true for

the last 120 years at least. " There is a very close and statistically

highly significant correlation between the rate of sea level rise and

the temperature increase above the pre-industrial background level, "

says Rahmstorf.


Extrapolating this to the future, based on IPCC emissions scenarios,

suggests sea level will rise by between 0.5 and 1.4 metres - and the

higher estimate is more likely because emissions have been rising

faster than the IPCC's worst-case scenario. Rahmstorf's study got a

mixed reception when it first appeared, but he can feel the winds of

change. " I sense that now a majority of sea level experts would agree

with me that the IPCC projections are much too low, " he says.


Could even Rahmstorf's estimate be too low? It assumes the relation

between temperature and sea level is linear, but some experts, most

prominently James Hansen of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies

in New York, argue that because there are multiple positive feedbacks,

such as the lubrication of glaciers by meltwater, higher temperatures

will lead to accelerating ice loss. " Why do I think a sea level rise

of metres would be a near certainty if greenhouse gas emissions keep

increasing? " Hansen wrote in New Scientist (28 July 2007, p 30).

" Because while the growth of great ice sheets takes millennia, the

disintegration of ice sheets is a wet process that can proceed

rapidly. "


Hansen has made no specific prediction, however. So just how bad could

it get? Tad Pfeffer of the University of Colorado in Boulder decided

to work backwards from some of the worst-case scenarios: 2 metres by

2100 from Greenland, and 1.5 metres from West Antarctica, via the Pine

Island and Thwaites glaciers. Just how fast would the glaciers have to

be moving for the sea level to rise by these amounts? Pfeffer found

that glaciers in Greenland would need to move at 70 kilometres per

year, and Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers at 50 kilometres per year,

from now until 2100. Since most glaciers are moving at just a few

kilometres per year, to Pfeffer and many others, these numbers seem

highly unrealistic.


Worst case

So what is possible? For scenarios based on conservative assumptions,

such as a doubling of glacier speeds, Pfeffer found sea level will

rise by around 80 centimetres by 2100, including thermal expansion.

" For the high end, we took all of the values we could change and we

pushed them forward to the largest numbers we imagined would be

reasonable, " says Pfeffer. The answer: 2 metres.


These estimates fit well with recent studies of comparable periods in

the past, which have found that sea level rise averaged up to 1.6

metres per century at times. There is a huge caveat in Pfeffer's

number crunching, though. " An important assumption we made is that the

rest of West Antarctica stays put. And this is the part of West

Antarctica that is held behind the Ross ice shelf and the Ronne ice

shelf, " says Pfeffer. " Those two ice shelves are very big, and very

thick, and very cold. We don't see a way to get rid of those in the

next century. "


Holland is not so sure. He has been studying computer models of ocean

currents around Antarctica, and he doesn't like what he sees. The

subsurface current of warm water near the frozen continent, known as

the circumpolar deep water, branches near the coast, and one branch

hits Pine Island - which is probably why the ice there is thinning and

speeding up. " Another branch of it comes ever so close to the Ross ice

shelf, " says Holland. " In some computer simulations of the future, the

warm branch actually goes and hits Ross. "


While it is impossible to predict exactly what will cause this, the

lessons from Jakobshavn show that a small change in the wind patterns

over Antarctica might be enough to shift the warm current towards and

eventually underneath the Ross ice shelf. Then even this gigantic mass

of ice - about the size of France - becomes vulnerable, regardless of

how cold the air above it is. Pfeffer agrees that the Ross and Ronne

ice shelves are the wild cards. " If we pull the plug on those two,

then we create a very different world. "


Is there really a danger of a collapse, which would cause a sudden

jump in sea levels? Paul Blanchon's team at the National Autonomous

University of Mexico in Cancun has been studying 121,000-year-old

coral reefs (pictured above) in the Yucatan Peninsula, formed during

the last interglacial period when sea level peaked at around 6 metres

higher than today. His findings suggest that at one point the sea rose

3 metres within 50 to 100 years.


We just don't know if this could happen again in the 21st century.

What is clear, though, is that even the lowest, most conservative

estimates are now higher than the IPCC's highest estimate. " Most of my

community is comfortable expecting at least a metre by the end of this

century, " says Bindschadler.


Most glaciologists who study Greenland and Antarctica are expecting at

least a metre rise by the end of the century

And it will not stop at a metre. " When we talk of sea level rising by

1 or 2 metres by 2100, remember that it is still going to be rising

after 2100, " Rignot warns.


All of which suggests we might want to start preparing. " People who

are trying to downplay the significance say, 'Oh, the Earth has gone

through changes much greater than this, you know, in the geological

past', " says Pfeffer. " That's true, but it's completely irrelevant. We

weren't there then. "


What it all means

If a 1 metre rise in sea level doesn't sound like much, consider this:

about 60 million people live within 1 metre of mean sea level, a

number expected to grow to about 130 million by 2100.


Much of this population lives in the nine major river deltas in south

and southeast Asia. Parts of countries such as Bangladesh, along with

some island nations like the Maldives, will simply be submerged.


According to a 2005 report, a 1-metre rise in sea level will affect 13

million people in five European countries and destroy property worth

$600 billion, with the Netherlands the worst affected. In the UK,

existing defences are insufficient to protect parts of the east and

south coast, including the cities of Hull and Portsmouth.


Besides inundation, higher seas raise the risk of severe storm surges

and dangerous flooding. The entire Atlantic seaboard of North America,

including New York, Boston and Washington DC, and the Gulf coast will

become more vulnerable to hurricanes. Today's 100-year storm floods

might occur as often as every four years - in which case it will make

more sense to abandon devastated regions and towns than to keep

rebuilding them.


Anil Ananthaswamy is a contributing editor for New Scientist


“We now know that a neo-conservative is an arsonist who sets the house on fire

and six years later boasts that no one can put it out.†- Bill Moyers

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