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[100% veg*n ] [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?

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i dont get colds/cough for 2yrs now since i shift to vegan





now a VEGAN since Dec. 12, 2007





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Anouk <zurumatovegan-network Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 7:41:38 AM[100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?




gosh.. aint nobody gonna answer me. actually, I was just trying to start a conversation going.

I hope that ya'll are not responding cause you're too busy having an awesome weekend! :)






Anouk <zurumato >vegan-networkFriday, September 18, 2009 12:57:00 PMRe: [100% veg*n ] Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?



Has anyone's cold/flu symtoms gotten better now that you are vegan?


I heard that we vegans produce less mucus and some people have such great immune system from all the fruits and veggies that they didn't even know that they had a cold/flu because they recover in one or two days.


I'm curious what is your experience? Do you think that you handle getting sick better now than your pre-vegan days? Or is it the same?




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Hey Anouk


I will answer you, my weekend was pleasant and sane, not much going on at this end of the world.


I checked my meager little garden and managed to harvest a handful of tobasco peppers and a few tomato stragglers..


Other then that it has been really really calm around here.



'Do what thou wilt, but harm none'. Each individual is responsible for discovering his or her own true nature and developing it fully, in harmony with the outer world.


Goddess Bless.





Anouk <zurumatovegan-network Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2009 6:41:38 PM[100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?




gosh.. aint nobody gonna answer me. actually, I was just trying to start a conversation going.

I hope that ya'll are not responding cause you're too busy having an awesome weekend! :)






Anouk <zurumato >vegan-networkFriday, September 18, 2009 12:57:00 PMRe: [100% veg*n ] Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?



Has anyone's cold/flu symtoms gotten better now that you are vegan?


I heard that we vegans produce less mucus and some people have such great immune system from all the fruits and veggies that they didn't even know that they had a cold/flu because they recover in one or two days.


I'm curious what is your experience? Do you think that you handle getting sick better now than your pre-vegan days? Or is it the same?




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Okay, I'll answer! I did not get sick as often once I became vegan. I do, however, have some environmental allergies that have not been affected by my diet.


As for vitamin D, cow's milk does not have it naturally. It is ADDED by the milk producers. Vitamin D actually is available by sunlight. So give the milk back to the baby cows and go outside for some nice sunshine!









Sunday, September 20, 2009 7:41 PM

[100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?




gosh.. aint nobody gonna answer me. actually, I was just trying to start a conversation going.

I hope that ya'll are not responding cause you're too busy having an awesome weekend! :)






Anouk <zurumato >vegan-network Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 12:57:00 PMRe: [100% veg*n ] Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?



Has anyone's cold/flu symtoms gotten better now that you are vegan?


I heard that we vegans produce less mucus and some people have such great immune system from all the fruits and veggies that they didn't even know that they had a cold/flu because they recover in one or two days.


I'm curious what is your experience? Do you think that you handle getting sick better now than your pre-vegan days? Or is it the same?




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sorry anouk..my life is a tad crazy lately

i haven't really seen any difference in myself between pre vegan and post.














Sunday, September 20, 2009 7:41 PM

[100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?




gosh.. aint nobody gonna answer me. actually, I was just trying to start a conversation going.

I hope that ya'll are not responding cause you're too busy having an awesome weekend! :)






Anouk <zurumato >vegan-network Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 12:57:00 PMRe: [100% veg*n ] Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?



Has anyone's cold/flu symtoms gotten better now that you are vegan?


I heard that we vegans produce less mucus and some people have such great immune system from all the fruits and veggies that they didn't even know that they had a cold/flu because they recover in one or two days.


I'm curious what is your experience? Do you think that you handle getting sick better now than your pre-vegan days? Or is it the same?











"Hobbes: Do you think there's a God? Calvin: Well, SOMEBODY'S out to get me."

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i've had fewer illnesses overall, but my sinus drainage hasn't changed.




" If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. " --Henry David Thoreau

Visit my blog at http://chauceriangirl.wordpress.com/

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Likewise what Frag said. I basically don't get sick one way or another. Blake On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 6:21 PM, fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:








sorry anouk..my life is a tad crazy lately

i haven't really seen any difference in myself between pre vegan and post.















Sunday, September 20, 2009 7:41 PM

[100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?





gosh.. aint nobody gonna answer me. actually, I was just trying to start a conversation going.

I hope that ya'll are not responding cause you're too busy having an awesome weekend!  :)






Anouk <zurumatovegan-network

Friday, September 18, 2009 12:57:00 PMRe: [100% veg*n ] Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?




Has anyone's cold/flu symtoms gotten better now that you are vegan?


I heard that we vegans produce less mucus and some people have such great immune system from all the fruits and veggies that they didn't even know that they had a cold/flu because they recover in one or two days.


I'm curious what is your experience?  Do you think that you handle getting sick better now than your pre-vegan days? Or is it the same?







" Hobbes: Do you think there's a God? Calvin: Well, SOMEBODY'S out to get me. "

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I havent seen any difference in my waist line, I think it needs the removal of the bread for any of it to really shrink. But I dont have to reach for the tums as much as I used to with the former meat eating days.



'Do what thou wilt, but harm none'. Each individual is responsible for discovering his or her own true nature and developing it fully, in harmony with the outer world.


Goddess Bless.





fraggle <EBbrewpunxvegan-network Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 7:21:57 PMRe: [100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?


sorry anouk..my life is a tad crazy lately

i haven't really seen any difference in myself between pre vegan and post.













Sunday, September 20, 2009 7:41 PM

[100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?




gosh.. aint nobody gonna answer me. actually, I was just trying to start a conversation going.

I hope that ya'll are not responding cause you're too busy having an awesome weekend! :)






Anouk <zurumato >vegan-networkFriday, September 18, 2009 12:57:00 PMRe: [100% veg*n ] Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?



Has anyone's cold/flu symtoms gotten better now that you are vegan?


I heard that we vegans produce less mucus and some people have such great immune system from all the fruits and veggies that they didn't even know that they had a cold/flu because they recover in one or two days.


I'm curious what is your experience? Do you think that you handle getting sick better now than your pre-vegan days? Or is it the same?







"Hobbes: Do you think there's a God? Calvin: Well, SOMEBODY'S out to get me."

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Hey Anouk,

Sorry I aint replied but, well, just sorry.

I dont think I have been any worse or better to be honest its a long time and my memory aint what it used to be.


Peter vv





fraggle <EBbrewpunxvegan-network Sent: Tuesday, 22 September, 2009 1:21:57 AMRe: [100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?


sorry anouk..my life is a tad crazy lately

i haven't really seen any difference in myself between pre vegan and post.













Sunday, September 20, 2009 7:41 PM

[100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?




gosh.. aint nobody gonna answer me. actually, I was just trying to start a conversation going.

I hope that ya'll are not responding cause you're too busy having an awesome weekend! :)






Anouk <zurumato >vegan-networkFriday, September 18, 2009 12:57:00 PMRe: [100% veg*n ] Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?



Has anyone's cold/flu symtoms gotten better now that you are vegan?


I heard that we vegans produce less mucus and some people have such great immune system from all the fruits and veggies that they didn't even know that they had a cold/flu because they recover in one or two days.


I'm curious what is your experience? Do you think that you handle getting sick better now than your pre-vegan days? Or is it the same?







"Hobbes: Do you think there's a God? Calvin: Well, SOMEBODY'S out to get me."

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Ah you're not that old.. 40's is the new 20's it's true. hee hee.

Me.. I noticed that my little boy who is vegan recovered very quickly and the rest of his schoolmates where out for longer. Also, last year I got sick during the winter but found that it only lasted two days.


People can be junk food vegans I guess.. after all coke and potato chips are vegan..

but I have made a real effort these last few years to eat healthier including eating vegetables I never even heard of..


It's exciting to be vegan because one side effect is that I have discovered recipes and foods that are wildly creative and unique and delicious.






Peter VV <swpgh01.t21vegan-network Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 3:00:15 PMRe: [100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?




Hey Anouk,

Sorry I aint replied but, well, just sorry.

I dont think I have been any worse or better to be honest its a long time and my memory aint what it used to be.


Peter vv





fraggle <EBbrewpunxvegan-network Sent: Tuesday, 22 September, 2009 1:21:57 AMRe: [100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?


sorry anouk..my life is a tad crazy lately

i haven't really seen any difference in myself between pre vegan and post.













Sunday, September 20, 2009 7:41 PM

[100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?




gosh.. aint nobody gonna answer me. actually, I was just trying to start a conversation going.

I hope that ya'll are not responding cause you're too busy having an awesome weekend! :)






Anouk <zurumato >vegan-networkFriday, September 18, 2009 12:57:00 PMRe: [100% veg*n ] Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?



Has anyone's cold/flu symtoms gotten better now that you are vegan?


I heard that we vegans produce less mucus and some people have such great immune system from all the fruits and veggies that they didn't even know that they had a cold/flu because they recover in one or two days.


I'm curious what is your experience? Do you think that you handle getting sick better now than your pre-vegan days? Or is it the same?






"Hobbes: Do you think there's a God? Calvin: Well, SOMEBODY'S out to get me."

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Hi Anouk,

Thanks for the kind words, but the big 50 is looming.

Just taken on an allotment now so hopefully in a year or so will be growing a lot of my own veg, and maybe some soft fruit.

Even if I dont grow much the exercise will do me good! Its gonna be a big learning curve.


Peter vv





Anouk <zurumatovegan-network Sent: Tuesday, 22 September, 2009 9:36:23 PMRe: [100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?




Ah you're not that old.. 40's is the new 20's it's true. hee hee.

Me.. I noticed that my little boy who is vegan recovered very quickly and the rest of his schoolmates where out for longer. Also, last year I got sick during the winter but found that it only lasted two days.


People can be junk food vegans I guess.. after all coke and potato chips are vegan..

but I have made a real effort these last few years to eat healthier including eating vegetables I never even heard of..


It's exciting to be vegan because one side effect is that I have discovered recipes and foods that are wildly creative and unique and delicious.






Peter VV <swpgh01.t21@ btinternet. com>vegan-networkTuesday, September 22, 2009 3:00:15 PMRe: [100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?



Hey Anouk,

Sorry I aint replied but, well, just sorry.

I dont think I have been any worse or better to be honest its a long time and my memory aint what it used to be.


Peter vv





fraggle <EBbrewpunx@earthlin k.net>vegan-networkTuesday, 22 September, 2009 1:21:57 AMRe: [100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?


sorry anouk..my life is a tad crazy lately

i haven't really seen any difference in myself between pre vegan and post.













Sunday, September 20, 2009 7:41 PM

[100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?




gosh.. aint nobody gonna answer me. actually, I was just trying to start a conversation going.

I hope that ya'll are not responding cause you're too busy having an awesome weekend! :)






Anouk <zurumato >vegan-networkFriday, September 18, 2009 12:57:00 PMRe: [100% veg*n ] Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?



Has anyone's cold/flu symtoms gotten better now that you are vegan?


I heard that we vegans produce less mucus and some people have such great immune system from all the fruits and veggies that they didn't even know that they had a cold/flu because they recover in one or two days.


I'm curious what is your experience? Do you think that you handle getting sick better now than your pre-vegan days? Or is it the same?






"Hobbes: Do you think there's a God? Calvin: Well, SOMEBODY'S out to get me."

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a lot of ppl say they feel much better and healthier after going vegan


meh..for me...6 of one, half dozen of the other

after 20 yrs veggie, 16 of which have been vegan, everything tends to blur

arthritis sux

allergies suck

can't say i've been sick all that often, but i think the allergies make up for it

the joys of getting older

stoopid body warranty ran out years ago



Anouk Sep 22, 2009 4:36 PM vegan-network Re: [100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?







Ah you're not that old.. 40's is the new 20's it's true. hee hee.

Me.. I noticed that my little boy who is vegan recovered very quickly and the rest of his schoolmates where out for longer. Also, last year I got sick during the winter but found that it only lasted two days.


People can be junk food vegans I guess.. after all coke and potato chips are vegan..

but I have made a real effort these last few years to eat healthier including eating vegetables I never even heard of..


It's exciting to be vegan because one side effect is that I have discovered recipes and foods that are wildly creative and unique and delicious.






Peter VV <swpgh01.t21 (AT) btinternet (DOT) com>vegan-network Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 3:00:15 PMRe: [100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?



Hey Anouk,

Sorry I aint replied but, well, just sorry.

I dont think I have been any worse or better to be honest its a long time and my memory aint what it used to be.


Peter vv





fraggle <EBbrewpunx (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>vegan-network Sent: Tuesday, 22 September, 2009 1:21:57 AMRe: [100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?


sorry anouk..my life is a tad crazy lately

i haven't really seen any difference in myself between pre vegan and post.













Sunday, September 20, 2009 7:41 PM

[100% veg*n ] Re: [Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?




gosh.. aint nobody gonna answer me. actually, I was just trying to start a conversation going.

I hope that ya'll are not responding cause you're too busy having an awesome weekend! :)






Anouk <zurumato >vegan-networkFriday, September 18, 2009 12:57:00 PMRe: [100% veg*n ] Vegan 101: Can you get enough vitamin D without milk?



Has anyone's cold/flu symtoms gotten better now that you are vegan?


I heard that we vegans produce less mucus and some people have such great immune system from all the fruits and veggies that they didn't even know that they had a cold/flu because they recover in one or two days.


I'm curious what is your experience? Do you think that you handle getting sick better now than your pre-vegan days? Or is it the same?






"Hobbes: Do you think there's a God? Calvin: Well, SOMEBODY'S out to get me."








"Hobbes: Do you think there's a God? Calvin: Well, SOMEBODY'S out to get me."

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