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Recipes for the Soul----Fresh Tomato Sauce

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Fresh Tomato SauceIf you have an abundance of fresh tomatoes, you can make a large batchof this sauce and freeze it.10 medium Tomatoes2 ounces Olive oil1 medium Onion, diced1 teaspoon Garlic, minced2 teaspoons Basil1 teaspoon OreganoSalt and pepper to tasteRemove the core from the tomatoes. Plunge the tomatoes in boilingwater for 5-10 seconds. Allow to cool. Peel each tomato. Place acolander over a bowl. Cut the tomatoes in half and remove the seedsover the colander. Reserve the liquid and the tomato pulp and setaside. Discard the seeds. Heat the oil in a heavy saucepan over lowheat. Add the onion and garlic and cook until just soft. Dice thetomato pulp and add to the pan. Add the reserved liquid, basil, andoregano. Simmer for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, stirring frequently. Checkseasonings. Refrigerate or freeze. Makes about 1 quart***********My Special Thought To You:

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