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White flour like sugar

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Diana Mirkin


As far as your body is concerned, eating white flour is almost the

same as eating sugar. Food has three main sources of energy:

carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Carbohydrates contain single sugars

or combinations of sugars. Glucose is an example of a single sugar.

Sucrose or common table sugar is a double sugar. Starch contains

thousands of sugar molecules bound together, while fiber contains

millions of sugars bound together so tightly that your body cannot

break them down.


Only single sugars can pass from your intestines into your

bloodstream. Double, triple, other combinations of sugars and

starches must first be split into single sugars before they can be

absorbed. These reactions occur so rapidly in your intestines that

most starches cause rises in blood sugar that are not much lower than

those of single sugars. On the other hand, the sugars in fiber are so

tightly bound together that they cannot be separated from their

parent molecule and therefore cannot be absorbed in the small

intestine. They bind to and delay absorption of sugars that are in

the intestines at the same time, which helps to prevent the steep

rises in blood sugar levels that cause aging and nerve damage.


Diabetics do not want blood sugar levels to rise too high because it

causes sugar to attach to the outer surface membranes of cells.

Sugar, by itself, is harmless, but after being attached to membranes,

sugar is converted to sorbitol which damages cells to shorten life.

That's why diabetics who carry high blood sugar levels suffer

extensive nerve damage which causes blindness, loss of hearing and

feeling, burning feet, a feeling that bugs are crawling over you,

amputations and even kidney damage.


Nowhere in nature do you find sugar without fiber. Humans take whole

grains, remove the outer husk and grind the inner endosperm to make

white flour -- just as they take sugar beets, sugar cane, maple

trees, apples and grapes and extract the sugars, leaving the fiber,

vitamins and phytochemicals behind. Do your body a favor and eat

mostly foods that have not been refined to remove the fiber and

valuable nutrients.


Health Reports from The Dr. Gabe Mirkin Show and DrMirkin.com


Transcripts of segments of The Dr. Gabe Mirkin Show are provided as a

service to listeners at no charge. Dr. Mirkin's opinions and the

references cited are for information only, and are not intended to

diagnose or prescribe. For your specific diagnosis and treatment,

consult your doctor or health care provider

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