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Five Major Eating Mistakes

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Five Major Eating Mistakes from Prevention.com


1. We Can't Tell Good Fats From Bad Ones


" Most people still don't get that some fats

are actually good for you, " says Alice Lichtenstein,

DSc, an American Heart Association spokesperson.

" You want to avoid saturated and trans fats, but

you need more monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Good sources are fish, nuts, avocados, and

soybean and canola oils. "


SMARTER: Fit in good fats. " If you keep track of total

calories, you don't have to worry about how much fat

you eat, just what kind, " explains Dr. Lichtenstein.

Grandpa Po's Slightly Spicy Nutra Nuts use

only canola oil (160 cal, 10 g fat, 1 g sat. fat,

2 g fiber, 60 mg sodium); at healthy food supermarkets.


2. We Supersize To Save Money


" People think that supersizing a restaurant meal is a

money saver, but it's not a health bargain if it has way

too many calories, " says Karen Weber Cullen, DPH, RD,

research nutritionist at Baylor College of Medicine in



SMARTER: Judge with your palm, not your purse. A serving

size is about what fits into the palm of your hand (larger

for men than women, smaller for children). For most meals,

pick one protein, one starch, one veggie, and one fruit

based on the serving that will fit into your palm.


3. We Think Anything Liquid Has No Calories


" What freaks me out is the amount of sugared soda

and juice we drink, " says Judith Stern, ScD, RD,

Professor of Nutrition and Internal Medicine

at the University of California, Davis. " I'd

like to see all the sugared drinks sent out

into space, where they could orbit the Earth

forever. "

Sugared drinks balloon your calorie intake

and squeeze out more nutritious foods.


SMARTER: Try a premium tea. For big flavor, try

Revolution tea, made from whole tea leaves and

available at coffee shops or online.


4. We Don't Know How " Hungry " Feels

" If you don't know when you're hungry, you don't know

when you're full, so you won't know when to stop eating, "

says Elisabetta Politi, RD, nutrition manager of the Duke

University Diet & Fitness Center in Durham, NC.


SMARTER: Tune in with mindful eating. Here's how.

=> Before you eat, relax, and rate your hunger from 1

(hungriest) to 7 (fullest).

=> Eat slowly, pausing often to rate how your hunger


=> When finished, rate yourself one more time. Try to

stay between 2 1/2 and 5 1/2: not too ravenous when you

start and not completely full when you stop.


5. We Have A Microwave Addiction


Many women come home from work and pop a frozen entrée

into the microwave. " Eating too many heavily processed

foods can leave you short on fiber and antioxidants

such as vitamin C, " explains Jo Ann Hattner, RD,

clinical dietitian at Stanford University Medical Center.


SMARTER: Complement frozen entrée with a green salad, a

100% whole wheat roll, and fruit for dessert.

Stock up on the freshest fruit for maximum flavor.






My Special Thought To You:

There's A Blessin' In Pressin'....On The Upward Way!

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