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Hais (dates, pistacchios and almonds traditional cabobs or kebbabs)

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Hais (dates, pistacchios and almonds traditional "cabobs" or "kebbabs")


source: al-Baghdadi p. 214/14


The original ancient cookbook states: "Take fine dry bread, or biscuit, and grind up well. Take a ratl of this, and three quarters of a ratl of fresh or preserved dates with the stones removed, together with three uqiya of ground almonds and pistachios. Knead all together very well with the hands. Refine two uqiya of sesame-oil, and pour over, working with the hand until it is mixed in. Make into cabobs, and dust with fine-ground sugar. If desired, instead of sesame-oil use butter. This is excellent for travellers."


2 2/3 c bread crumbs

2 c (about one lb) pitted dates

1/3 c ground almonds

1/3 c ground pistachios

7 T melted butter or sesame oil

enough sucanat (the ancient recipe calls for sugar)


Mix dates, bread crumbs, and nuts in a food processor or blender. For "cabobs," roll into one inch balls. Good as caravan food (or for taking to wars).




"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Matthew 7: 7-8 KJV

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