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Five Ways To Enjoy Soy


You don't have to be into health food

to get the health benefits of soybeans.

Luckily for the mainstream palates,

soy food comes in several forms,

many of them rich in the potentially disease-

fighting estrogens called *isolflavones*

(though some products,

including soy sauce, containing almost non).

And while not all are exactly low in fat

--some tofu has almost as much as cheese

--reduced-fat versions are often available.

Here are tasty ideas for adding a little soy

to your life.


Fresh soybeans:

Harvested while green and boiled for 15 minute

in salted water, these make a great appetizer or snack;

called *edamame* in Japanese,

they're sold in Asian groceries in the summer months.


Dry soybeans:

These fit easily into any based-bean dish or chili.

the only drawback: they take two

to three hours to cook.


Soy milk:

Pour it on cereal, stir it into hot drinks--in fact,

use it pretty much interchangeably with milk.

Soy milk is available at supermarkets in regular,

low-fat, nonfat, and flavored versions, in unrefrigerated

cartons that should be refrigerated after opening.


Tofu(bean curd):

Soft, medium, firm, and low-fat varieties make this a

versatile addition to pastas, noodle casseroles,

stir-fries, and soups; its' also a good creamy base

for blended sauces and salad dressings.


Soy protein powder:

Quick to dissolve and almost devoid of flavor,

this powder slips unnoticed into recipes or drinks

(but go easy in baking, as it gives breads a denser


It's available in natural-food stores.


--People Magazine





My Special Thought To You:

There's A Blessin' In Pressin'....On The Upward Way!

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