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(M) GREEN VIBRATIONS - October issue

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Contribute to the GREEN VIBRATIONS interactive online magazine!

Subject matter should be living things. We will be looking for submissions of poetry, stories, articles, artwork, photos, music, letters, comments, etc. All material should be under 50k.

Submissions can be made anytime from October 2nd to October 31st.

Normal contributions can still be made to the group during this time, but if contributing to the 'mag', just put an (M) before the name of your submission - to indicate it's a mag contribution.

The person who makes the best contributions will win a copy of the PEACE & FREEDOM PRESS illustrated poetry paperback anthology, BLUE + GREEN - an anthology of environmental verse.

If the winner lives outside the UK, then the book will be sent by surface mail. We're not made of money!

Please don't send more than one mag contribution on any one day, though you can send several submissions during the month of October.

Remember that you will be the editors of your work. Remember also to put © by your work - to copyright your material.




































































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