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Fw: Some good news for the animals

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- Christine Johnes

Alfred Griffith ; Andrea Emily Baer ; anna calhoun ; cheryl the mighty ; Dian Hardy ; Dr. Jai Maharaj ; International CollegeActionNet ; Kari Johns ; Lisa Wood ; Mike ; Name Unknown ; Name Unknown ; Paul Rance ; Paula Sherrod

Thursday, November 04, 1999 3:10 PM

Some good new for the animals



> Vets in stand on animals


> The Sunday Telegraph

> By Kathy McCabe

> October 31, 1999


> A veterinary student's successful battle to continue

> his course without

> having to kill animals is spurring others around the

> country to become

> conscientious objectors to traditional teaching

> methods.


> Perth university student Andrew Knight won a

> two-year battle not to

> participate in lethal experiments and prompted a

> review which last month

> recommended Murdoch University phase out the

> practice by 2005.


> Now, Sydney University third-year vet student Lucy

> Fish is continuing her

> degree without conducting operations on greyhounds

> which result in them

> being put down.


> The 20-year-old student will study computer models,

> videos and observe and

> assist in necessary operations at animal shelters.


> Ms Fish said her ethical objections to standard

> procedures of harming live

> animals surfaced as she prepared to enter the

> surgery stage of her course a

> few months ago.


> Up to 20 students have signed a petition protesting

> at the procedure and

> subsequently boycotted classes.


> She stressed that Sydney University was supportive

> of their objections and

> her only opposition had been from "other students

> who didn't understand".


> "In fourth year, you are required to anaesthetise

> them and prepare them like

> you would for normal surgery, perform the procedures

> and then euthanase them

> before they wake up," she said.


> Since the NSW Government enacted legislation

> outlawing the use of pound

> animals for experimentation, the university is

> moving toward phasing out

> teaching with live animals because of cost and

> availability of suitable

> stock.

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