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Fw: Product warning

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- Christine Johnes

Kitty ; Alfred Griffith ; Andrea Emily Baer ; anna calhoun ; cheryl the mighty ; Dian Hardy ; Dr. Jai Maharaj ; International CollegeActionNet ; Kari Johns ; Lisa Wood ; Mike ; Name Unknown ; Name Unknown ; Paul Rance ; Paula Sherrod

Thursday, November 04, 1999 3:10 PM

Product warning


For your information...



Patt and Michael Griffin <grtdane Hi, A woman on one of my mailing lists used a product called Allercare toclean her carpets. It is supposed to be for people who have allergies to dust mites etc.It made her and her dog very ill. The product is made by Johnson and Johnson. She called them and theyseemed aware that there was a problem. They put her up in a motel andare replacing her carpet and the furniture that has picked up the odors. They have also sent her to a doctor. I believe the EPA is also gettinginvolved. Until this is picked up by the media alot of people and animals could be hurt from the fumes. Please do not use this product and tell others. I am reallyworried about the potential risks of this, Thanks for reading thisPatt

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