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Fw: CHRISTINE JOHNES - Say No to Chlorfenapyr

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- Christine Johnes

Kitty ; Andrew ; Alfred Griffith ; Andrea Emily Baer ; anna calhoun ; cheryl the mighty ; Dian Hardy ; Dr. Jai Maharaj ; International CollegeActionNet ; Kari Johns ; Lisa Wood ; Mike ; Name Unknown ; Name Unknown ; Paul Rance ; Paula Sherrod

Thursday, November 04, 1999 9:04 PM

Say No to Chlorfenapyr




No to Chlorfenapyr


Dear (Recipient's name and title), I urge you to oppose registration of chlorfenapyr for use on cotton or any other use. Because of its persistence in soils, mode of action, acute toxicity to wildlife, and serious reproductive effects for birds, chlorfenapyr poses undue and unnecessary risks to the environment. EPA staff have identified chlorfenapyr as "…one of the most reproductively toxic pesticides to avian species" that they have evaluated. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service also is opposed to the registration of chlorfenapyr on cotton because it poses an unacceptable risk by adversely affecting birds, fish, aquatic invertebrates, and insect pollinators. Farmers need new crop protection tools that are effective and affordable and that do not pose significant risks to wildlife and the environment. Fortunately, rapid innovations in agro-technologies are currently generating new, safer pest management systems. EPA has identified at least two other promising alternatives for use on cotton. Therefore, EPA must not let agro-chemical companies backslide by permitting use of a new generation of acutely toxic, persistent, and reproductively harmful pesticides at home or abroad. It is deeply troubling that nearly 40 years after the publication of Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" EPA would still be considering registering a pesticide whose toxic effects on wildlife have been documented by its own scientists. Please oppose registration of this dangerous chemical. Sincerely, Insert name, address and country


Take Action Now!!! Email this message to Administrator Carol Browner at Browner.Carol

Fax this message to Administrator Carol Browner at (202) 260-0279

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