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Fw: Governor Locke wants to stop whale killing, please support him

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Paul, I don't know if this was exactly what you asked for, but here's an opportunity to make a difference!




- Saturday, November 20, 1999 10:53 AM

Governor Locke wants to stop whale killing, please support him

Fourth Corner Whale Project & Pacific Oasishttp://www.pacoasis.com/Please Help Stop Whale Killing in Washington State-Email the governor today! He wants to protect whales!In the past Governor Gary Locke has stated that he is personally against killing whales in Washington State.There is new information from whale researcher Dr. Jim Darling that notes that the Gray Whales of Washington and British Columbia may be a resident sub-population of 35-200 whales.http://www.pacoasis.com/info.htm#jimdarlingRealizing that Washington State has an obligation to protect this sensitive population, Governor Gary Locke, and other Washington State officials have stated that they may investigate the whaling issue as it relates to the resident gray whales andWashington States obligation to protect them. What YOU can do.Please contact Governor Locke and the following people and encourage them to protect this sensitive population of gray whales. Please contact them today to show them that we want all whales protected in our State. (See the Sample Letter/talking points at the bottom of this page)Email addresses-Governor Gary Locke- governor.lockeSecretary of State Ralph Munro- mailAttorney General Christine O. Gregoire- agoDepartment of Fish and Wildlife- directorComplete Contact InformationGovernor Gary LockeLegislative BuildingPO Box 40002Olympia, WA 98504-0002Internet: www.wa.gov/governor/E-Mail: governor.lockeTel 360/902-4111Fax 360/753-4110Secretary of State Ralph MunroLegislative BuildingPO Box 40220Olympia, WA 98504-0220Internet: www.secstate.wa.govE-Mail: mail Tel 360/902-4151Fax 360/586-5629Attorney General Christine O. Gregoire1121 Washington Street SEPO Box 40100Olympia, WA 98504-0100Internet: www.wa.gov/ago/E-Mail: email agoTel 360/753-6200Fax 360/664-0228http://www.secstate.wa.gov/contacts/electeds.htm#secDepartment of Fish and WildlifeDr. Jeffrey P. KoeningsWDFW Main OfficeNatural Resources Building600 Capitol Way N.Olympia, WA 98501-1091 USAInternet: http://www.wa.gov/wdfw/contact.htmE-Mail: director Tel 360 /902-223 Sample Letter- Talking PointsI feel that killing whales in Washington State is wrong should be stopped for the following reasons. 1) First of all it sends the wrong message to the public as the killing ofwhales is what got the public interested in environmental issues overthirty years ago and now gives a sense that the environment is in such goodshape that we can now kill whales again. Whale researcher Dr. Jim Darlingof Tofino British Columbia has stated that the gray whales of Washingtonand BC may in fact be a resident sub-population of 35-200 whales.( See fulltext http://www.pacoasis.com/info.htm#jimdarling) If this is true thehunting must be stopped for the survival of this population and the whalewatch businesses that rely on them being here.2) What kind of message are we sending people around the world? Come visitWashington, The Whale Killing State! This is very bad PR for Washington.It is very embarrassing!3) State and Federal money is being wasted to support this hunt and this iswrong. Initiative 695 has put our state in a bind and we can not wasteanother penny to support this hunt. The motive for this hunt has alwaysbeen money. If we quit subsidizing this hunt the hunters will stop. Theonly other way they will profit from the hunt will be through the illegalsale of the meat. There is speculation that they want to sell the meat toJapan via the Nu Cha Nulth Nation on Vancouver Island. I think this wouldbe difficult for them to do without detection. So we must stop giving thehunters money.4) The hunt is morally wrong. Whale watch businesses, boaters and kayakers,from Mexico to Alaska have pretty much trained these whales to not fearhumans and if you look at the tape of the first kill you will notice thatthis whale let the hunters approach it much like it would let a harmlesskayaker come near it. This makes me sick to think that I and countlessothers have helped train whales to trust us only to make the slaughter easyfor the hunters.The majority of Washington citizens that want the hunt stopped but feel helpless. Most of us are pro- native. We just happened to also be pro whale as well.Stopping whale hunting in Washington will be good for Washington State,good for the native community and good for whales.You have our support to stop whale killing in Washington. Let us know whatwe can do to help.

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