Guest guest Posted November 13, 1999 Report Share Posted November 13, 1999 ICE-AGE By Andy Savage Previous chapters online at uniquethings/ Chapter 18 Dave held his head in his hands and stared at Linda in disbelief. He could not find any words. He felt like he did not know her any more. The woman did not appear to be in the least bit upset or show any signs of regret for what she had just done. If anything, she seemed quite satisfied, like her thirst for a kill had been indulged. His skin was licked sickeningly by the tongue of revulsion. The nightmare was getting worse and worse, and he did not know what he was going to do, " How could you do it? " he gasped. " He deserved it! " said Linda pitilessly, shifting up to sit on the warm spot where Device had been perched. Her eyes were shining victoriously from behind her dark glasses, " It was me or him, Dave. It was going to happen sooner or later. " Dave started to laugh. He did not mean or want to, but he was so astounded by what he had just witnessed, he simply could not help himself. He never could have imagined that Linda would have been capable of cold blooded murder. Even Device, he thought, would not have done what Linda had done. He felt betrayed. Tears welled in his eyes. He wondered what must have happened to her over the years to make her so merciless. Flashing across his mind he could see Device’s traumatised face spiralling into oblivion, while the dancing, yellow flames of the fire grew larger and redder, " Tell me this isn’t happening! " he cried. Linda tenderly took his hand, " I know you felt grateful to him, " she said softly, " But you’ve got to admit he wasn’t at all very friendly to me! " " Yes, I know, but..... " " And look at the way he was going to hand me over on a plate to those awful cannibals, as if it was nothing at all. That’s the most dreadful thing anyone’s ever done to me! It was quite plain he wanted me dead right from the start! It was me or him. I had no choice. " " I know, you had every right to be angry, but... " " Angry? You bet I was angry! Wouldn’t you be? " " But you shouldn’t have killed him! It’s just not right, you just can’t do things like that, whatever the reason! " " I would certainly have preferred not to have had to kill him! I would have much preferred to have been his friend, but the man hated me from the first moment we met! " " Maybe that’s because you tried to shoot him with an arrow! " " That was all a big misunderstanding for which I have apologised many times! " " But now he’s dead, Linda, and we needed him. What are we going to do now? " " Don’t worry, you’ve got me to take care of you now. We can be together again, and nobody can spoil it for us this time. " " Oh Device, " said Dave, ill with guilt, " I’m so sorry! " Linda scratched her head through her balaklava and peered down over the brim of the pipe, " I can’t see the bugger. I can’t even tell where he landed. Can you? " Dave could not even bear to look, " He was trying so hard to help me get Simon back, " he said, " And now look at his reward! " " I’ll help you get Simon back, " said Linda, slipping her arms around her man, " You know I will. I’ve always said I will. You’re better off without Device, believe me. " " But Device knew who’d taken him, and he knew where they’d taken him to. " " He said he knew, but he was totally full of bullshit, wasn’t he? " said Linda, slowly easing her hands around Dave’s neck, and smoothly massaging him, " And it wouldn’t surprise me one tiny bit if we someday learn that he had something to do with it all anyway. " " What do you mean? " " Maybe, if he really does know where Simon is, it’s because he was the one who set up the kidnapping in the first place? " " That doesn’t make any sense! Why would he then help me to find him? " " You don’t know that he really was. Maybe he had some other plans for you? " Dave pushed Linda’s hands away, " But he saved my life! " he protested with a lump in his throat, before hesitating for a few seconds while he remembered Device making him agree to some kind of vague deal, " Those bastards who took Simon didn’t care about me. I’d be dead now if it wasn’t for Device! " " Yes, and he’s been busy brainwashing you ever since! He wanted you to be his personal little slave! That’s why he wanted me out of the way, I’m sure. I was competition for your attention! Look, I’m telling you, he would have used you for whatever he wanted and then he would have dumped you right back where he found you! " Dave feared that Linda might not be too far from the truth. He had always sensed that Device had not been telling him the whole story, but he did not want to accept her dark theory, " He wouldn’t do that! " he said angrily. " How do you know? You hardly knew him. Like, as if that brutal creep was helping you out of the kindness of his heart! I don’t think so! " " And what about you? " Linda took a deep breath, " I love you, Dave. I’d do anything for you, you know that, " she whispered, and she leant forward and kissed Dave’s cheek. Dave was not sure of the truth any more. Linda had changed. She was frightening, but he did not want to be alone, and he was irresistibly drawn to her rapturous lips, " I know, I know, " he replied, returning the kiss, " I love you too. " Linda looked delighted, " Listen, when we find Simon, we’ll get a nice place somewhere for us all, and make a new start, " she promised. " Like a family? " " Yes, a family, that’s what we’d be. Me, you and Simon. " That was all Dave ever really wanted. He closed his dreamy eyes, but his heart was full of sorrow. " Very romantic! " echoed a ghostly voice from below them, " But there’s two small snags. One, you haven’t got Simon, and two, you’re stuck up there! " Dave’s mouth dropped open in astonishment, but Linda’s became frozen with thunderstruck horror. " It’s Device! " whooped Dave, " It’s Device! " He gaped over the edge, but he could not see anything, " Are you all right? " he called. There were wet, sloppy sounds coming from a soppy pile of snow on the ground near the wall, a few metres from the fire, and emerging from the middle of a sodden crater, flicking lumps of slimy, grey slush from the top of his rucksack, was Device, " I’ve never felt better! " he replied with a grin. " Oh shit! " muttered Linda. " Thank God! " said Dave. " Thank Linda! " answered Device, " She must’ve guessed the snow down here was melting and safe to land on! She might have told me first, but what the hell! I’ve always liked the direct approach! " Dave was so relieved, not only because Device was alive, but also because it meant Linda was not a murderer. " Jump down! " shouted Device, " You’ll be fine. It’s a soft landing! " Linda looked terrified and seized Dave’s arm, " There’s no way am I jumping! " she said. " Jump! " urged Device, " How else will you get down? Are you going to fly? " " Dave, he’ll kill me! " exclaimed Linda, " I’m not jumping! " " I won’t let him hurt you! " said Dave, grabbing hold of Linda’s sleeve, " One, two, three..... " " No! " screamed Linda, but Dave hauled her forwards and the pair spilled over the rim, clasping on to each other. All went white and whirling. Dave could not tell which way up he was, everything looked the same. It was like the most hair-raising fairground ride of all time, except there was no guarantee of a safe landing. The pair hung in the air like clay pigeons waiting to be shot. The fierce flames were nearer and hotter. Dave felt so dizzy that he let Linda go, and then, with a sudden, jolting splash, he found himself enveloped in a pulpy sea of ice. The breath emptied out of him, and a stampede of black dots danced before his eyes. The back of his neck went cold, and his nose and ears were full of wet, sticky stuff. But he knew he was unscathed. Shovelling with his hands like a giant mole, he excavated himself out, and Device was there to drag him upright, " Am I glad to see you! " huffed Dave, struggling knee deep in three feet of mushy soup, " I thought you were a goner! " " I don’t go that easy! " smiled Device. Dave looked around. The fire was burning noisily about fifteen metres in front of them, " Where’s Linda? " he said. Device pointed a few yards away to a heap of heaving slush, " There, " he said. Dave trudged over and helped scoop her out. She arose shaking and coughing. Dave hugged her, " It’s Ok, " he said, " Everything’s going to be Ok! " Linda nervously glanced over at Device. He glared back bleakly, and said, " I reckon we’re even now. " Linda brushed the slush from her balaklava, and was about to say something, but she did not get the chance. A thunderous sound suddenly bounded towards them from the far end of the arena. The three of them stood and stared in silence. Something nasty was on its way. It was hard to spot at first, but judging from the showers of snow spraying into the air, it was obvious that whatever it was, it was huge. A chill coursed through Dave’s veins from the middle of his heart. He did not dare say what he thought this thing was, but when it all at once came to a ground shaking halt about twenty metres before the glowing fire, and stood on its mighty hind legs like a volcano about to erupt, unleashing a deafening, bloodcurdling roar, Dave had no doubts as to the monster’s identity, " You must be joking! " he said with dismay, " A polar bear! " Chapter 19 Dave, Linda and Device hurriedly jumped through the smoky slush to get as close behind the burning blaze of the fire as they could. It offered some protection, but Dave wondered for how long. They watched anxiously as the massive animal slammed down onto all fours like a tank, with white breath steaming out of its shining, black nose like gun smoke, " You’ve still got your shooter, Device, haven’t you? " asked Linda expectantly. Device plucked his rucksack off his back and fumbled in frustration through the pockets, " No, " he replied, looking annoyed, " I must’ve dropped it somewhere. Maybe when I fell. I Can’t remember. " " Oh, brilliant! " said Dave, almost spitting the words out. " At least we’re safe here, aren’t we? " said Linda in a shivery voice, " They don’t like fire. If we don’t move it won’t do anything. " " And will it then get bored and go away? " remarked Device sarcastically. Dave tapped Device on the shoulder, " How long do you think the fire has left to burn? " he asked. " A few hours, I’d say. But that bear looks like it’s intending to wait for us, " answered Device. " We must stay put, " Linda insisted, " I’m certain someone will eventually come and rescue us. " " Like who? " asked Device. " I don’t know, do I? " Linda responded, " But they’ll come soon I hope, obviously. But does it even matter if we have to stay here all day? Someone is bound to come in the end. " " Superman, maybe? " said Device. " Don’t be so stupid! Whoever it was who made this fire, they will surely return at some point! " retorted Linda. " What if they’re not too friendly? " posed Device. " Well that great big bear over there doesn’t look too friendly, does it! " said Linda, " What else can we do? " Dave was carefully observing the animal through the shield of flames. He noted that it had not come any closer and even looked like it had calmed down, " How about we just walk around it? " he suggested. Linda and Device both laughed, " Oh yeah! " said Device, " You just move and see what happens! " So Dave cautiously took one small step out into the open. Instantly the weighty polar bear’s eyes ignited. It’s bulky body rippled with rip-roaring strength and a ferocious growl charged through its combat ready arsenal of lethal teeth. " Told you so! " said Device. Dave hastily leapt back behind the fire again, " Well we’ve come this far, I’m not giving up now! " he panted defiantly, " Have you got anything at all we can use in that rucksack of yours? " " I’ve got a knife, " replied Device. " A knife’s no good against that great thing! " blurted Linda. " I wouldn’t disagree with that, " said Device, " But a knife’s all I’ve got. " Dave stared at the bear. When it was not snarling and showing off its sharp fangs, it did not look all that scary. It seemed more like a big, cuddly, docile dog, " How fast can they run? " he asked. " Faster than you! " answered Device, " I’ve seen one before, in Africa. They’re real vicious! " Linda emitted a long tut which was soaking with loathing, " There are no polar bears in Africa! " she hissed, " You really do talk out of your pathetic arse! " " You thick whore! " retorted Device, " The whole world is polar bear country now! " " Get stuffed! You don’t know what you’re on about! " responded Linda. " I know a damn sight more than a dumb bitch like you! " " Give me the bloody knife! " ordered Dave, getting tired of the renewed duelling and impatient about not going anywhere fast. Device looked stunned, " Get real! It’ll rip you apart! " he said. " Don’t even think about it, Dave! " insisted Linda. Dave held out his right hand, " The knife! " he demanded. Device opened the deepest pocket on the side of his rucksack and slowly drew out a beautifully carved, wooden handle sitting on top of twelve inches of sharp, shining, stainless steel, " Here, " he said, placing it into Dave’s palm. As he grasped it, the sense of destiny that had been gradually germinating inside Dave’s soul suddenly burst into dramatic growth. Although he was afraid of what lay in wait, at the same time he somehow felt certain that he had been here and done this before, and that he had survived. " Please don’t go anywhere near it, Dave, it’ll kill you! " Linda pleaded, lurching sideways and grabbing his arm. The bear immediately bared its fangs and roared, and Linda lost her grip and froze to the spot. " I’m sure I’ll be Ok, " said Dave, " Don’t worry about me. We must get past this bear one way or another. " " I don’t fancy your chances, mate, " warned Device, " But if you think you can do it... " Linda scowled at Device, " Don’t encourage him! " she howled. " It’s all right, Linda, " said Dave, " It won’t harm me. " " It’ll bloody well eat you! " Linda yelled. Device put his hand on Dave’s shoulder, " Listen, your only chance is to take it by surprise. I can distract it for you. You wait until I give the word, then you’ll have to sneak round the back, get right up to it, and cut its throat! " he said. Dave gulped, things suddenly did not seem quite so prophetic, " Right, " he said. " It’s an utterly impossible plan, Dave! Don’t be an idiot! " implored Linda, with tears trickling down her face, " You have absolutely no chance whatsoever! You cannot possibly fight a polar bear! Look at the bloody thing! It’s huge! Come on, get serious! " " Take it slowly, Dave, " advised Device, " No sudden movements. You must get behind it. I’ll do what I can to help. " Linda made an angry fist and threatened to punch Device, " You should be trying to stop him, you idiot! You know he’ll die! " Dave held the knife firmly in his right hand, with the blade pointing upwards, " I won’t die, Linda, " he said, " I promise! " He looked at Device and took a deep breath, " I’m ready, " he declared. Device winked, " Good luck! " he said, and then he slowly started to walk away to the other end of the fire, waving his arms and shouting loudly. The bear obligingly fixed its chilling stare on him. Dave watched and waited while Device secured the bear’s complete attention. Finally, Device nodded. Dave lingered for a moment, he was having second thoughts, but then, stealthily, he set off towards his Waterloo. He crept out sideward at first, intending to close in from a wide angle and get round the back of the beast. His feet and hands soon became numb and his advance through the snow was slow and tense. The knife was shaking loose between his fingers, " Come on, you can do this! " he mumbled to himself, " You must do this! " The great mammal did not seem to notice him as he silently prowled closer and closer, so close that he could smell the pungent scent of its hefty, furry rump. Indeed, the monster looked quite tranquil, as though amused by Device’s attention grabbing antics. Dave started to feel guilty about what he was planning to do, but he kept in mind that this big obstacle blocking the way to his son had to be removed. So closer he lurked. The bear’s behind was now within spitting distance, except Dave had no spit. The titanic fiend before him looked unsinkable. Feelings of panic and weakness were now overcoming him. He began to doubt his own ability, and a voice inside him was telling him to run. So he tried to think of Simon, but could not even remember what he looked like. Nothing would stay inside his head for more than a few fleeting seconds. All Dave could see was a giant, wobbly, white rump. He was one step away from being able to reach out and touch it, when the animal became startled and let out an aggressive snarl, which drowned out all sound, and almost like something filmed in slow motion, the beast swung its gigantic head around. Dave froze. He could not even blink. He all but stopped breathing and his head became light and started to spin. The bear’s dark eyes challenged his. Dave realised that he was only moments away from certain death. His right arm rose up instinctively, and he saw the knife hanging from his hand, but there were no feelings in his fingers. The bear’s mighty, carnivorous jaws opened like an earthquake. Its electrified fur stood on end. Droves of curved claws sprang from its paws, and with a soul shattering roar, the ogre arose like a god onto its powerful hind legs. " Run! Run Dave! " hollered Device. Dave just looked up and up and up and then sank to his knees in awe. He pointed the knife defiantly at the Goliath, but it simply swung its solid paw at it, knocking it clean out of Dave’s trembling clasp like a toy, way into the air and out of sight. The animal growled again, almost like a mocking laugh, and dollops of acidic saliva dropped from its sopping gums into Dave’s petrified face. " Come on then! " cried Dave with contempt, " What are you waiting for? Get it over and done with! " Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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