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URLs to MasterCook info (+ Buster) and to free Meal Master + screenshots

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Karen asked me to tell you folks about the two recipe programs that can be

used on her list: MC and MM (because they import into each other), so here

you go. (And thanks, Christine, I've been trying to get some time to write

some stuff about MC and you took that burden off my shoulders. Nice job,

too.) :)




About Mastercook (for PC's or Mac's): Here's where you can find more info

about MasterCook and about Buster...Pat's website has links to many MC

related things: http://home.earthlink.net/~kitpath/web/mstrcook.htm#mc


There are some awesome reports that folks are finding version both versions

3 and 4 for less than $10 at various discount stores. If it says only

" Deluxe " on the package, it's V.3. It isn't version 4. Both versions

work fine and do much the same things--be sure to get the most recent

patches (updates and bug fixes) from Sierra, if you get it. (Unlike

Christine, I do know folks who like V3, so if that's the version you find,

I'd sure buy it. I used to use it and I think it's fine. Just my humble





About Meal Master -- which is a different program (not as wonderful as MC,

I think...but many folks like it and it's been around for years):


Did you all know that MEAL-MASTER imports into MasterCook and

vise-versa? And, Meal Master is now FREE and can be downloaded online! !

And Meal-Master is allowed on Karen's new list because it can import

directly into MasterCook. :))


Here's really GREAT webpage that will tell you about the FREE Meal-Master

program: http://goinside.com/eatery/mm.html There are screen-shots there

too! :)



Meal Master is a Dos program, and MasterCook is a Windows program.


Both programs have 'users-helping-users' lists and both have recipe lists

in those formats (no plain text allowed). See info about them at the

respective websites.


Both MC and MM have Buster programs for PC users. (See links to Buster at

Pat's webpage -- same place you'll find links to MC things.) Buster is

FREEWARE (Pat H and I helped Glen develop the MC_Buster) that aids in

formatting recipes....and once you get going on either program, I sure

recommend getting Buster. It's such a helpful program. If you are going

to get much into recipe collecting, Buster can do much of the repetitive

and routine clean-ups for you and does so much stuff that I won't go into

it all here. First thing, I'd just learn the program itself and then

later, pick up Buster. (Sorry Mac users, no Buster yet.)


For you new to MasterCook, you don't have to get Buster to get started

with some easy formatting. There is a built in formatting system that is

easy to learn and very basic in what it can do. It's the @@@@@ method

you've seen talked about. (This is way more basic than Buster, but is

great for those who want to get freehand formatting right away and it comes

built into V3 and V4.) See info about @@@@@ at Pat's site.


Hope this gives you some info about the two best recipe software choices

out there, in my humble -- and both are welcomed at Karen's Veg-Recipes. :))


Again, here are the URLS to more info about each program:


MasterCook: <http://home.earthlink.net/~kitpath/web/mstrcook.htm#mc>


Meal Master: <http://goinside.com/eatery/mm.html>


Brenda Adams

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